blob: b68f843b4a259e862e012099500555b08fa310f7 [file] [log] [blame]
layout: device
title: "HTC One M9"
codename: hima
downloadfolder: hima
supportstatus: Current
maintainer: CaptainThrowback
oem: HTC
ddof: "/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/recovery"
devicetree: ""
xdathread: ""
{% include disclaimer.html %}
NOTE: Installing TWRP can break your ability to receive updates from HTC.
DISCLAIMER: Please make sure you read about the [Device-Specific Issues]( in the XDA thread for this device PRIOR to downloading or flashing ANYTHING from this page!!
{% include supportstatus.html %}
{% include download.html %}
{% include twrpinstall.html %}
{% include fastbootinstall.html %}
{% include ddinstall.html %}