| downloadfolder: tenderloin
| oldurl: http://teamw.in/project/twrp2/75
| supportstatus: No longer updated
| devicetree: https://github.com/TeamWin/device_hp_tenderloin
| xdathread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1400649
| {% include disclaimer.html %}
| {% include supportstatus.html %}
| {% include appinstall.html %}
| {% include download.html %}
| <div class='page-heading'>Manual Install:</div>
| <p class="text">You must already have Android installed on your TouchPad. Download the above file. Rename it to uImage.TWRP Boot to recovery and use the menu options to mount boot. Plug the TouchPad into your computer and run the following command:</p>
| <p class="text">adb push uImage.TWRP /boot</p>
| <p class="text">Reboot and select TWRP from the boot menu.</p>