| --- |
| layout: device |
| title: "HTC EVO 4G LTE" |
| codename: jewel |
| downloadfolder: jewel |
| oldurl: http://teamw.in/project/twrp2/98 |
| supportstatus: Current |
| maintainer: Dees_Troy, CaptainThrowback |
| oem: HTC |
| devicetree: https://github.com/TeamWin/android_device_htc_jewel/tree/android-5.0 |
| xdathread: "http://forum.xda-developers.com/evo-4g-lte-sprint/orig-development/recovery-twrp-touch-recovery-t3068193" |
| ddof: "/dev/block/mmcblk0p22" |
| --- |
| |
| {% include disclaimer.html %} |
| NOTE: As of TWRP, both partition layouts for Jewel are supported by the official TWRP! |
| |
| {% include supportstatus.html %} |
| |
| {% include appinstall.html %} |
| |
| {% include download.html %} |
| |
| {% include twrpinstall.html %} |
| |
| {% include fastbootinstall.html %} |
| |
| {% include ddinstall.html %} |