| title: "Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet"
| oldurl: http://teamw.in/project/twrp2/183
| devicetree: https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_bn_acclaim
| xdathread: "http://forum.xda-developers.com/nook-tablet/development/recovery-twrp-2-8-5-1-touch-recovery-t3034670"
| ddof: "/dev/block/mmcblk0p3"
| {% include disclaimer.html %}
| {% include supportstatus.html %}
| {% include appinstall.html %}
| {% include download.html %}
| {% include twrpinstall.html %}
| {% include ddinstall.html %}
| <div class='page-heading'>Bootable SD Card (No Root Required):</div>
| <p class="text">If you prefer not to modify any of the stock software, you can create a proper bootable sdcard for your device and copy the acclaim-sdcard file to the root of the sdcard and rename it to recovery.img and/or altboot.img and boot TWRP using the cyanoboot menu from your sdcard.</p>