--- | |
layout: device | |
title: "Samsung Galaxy Core Plus" | |
codename: cs02 | |
downloadfolder: cs02 | |
supportstatus: Current | |
maintainer: TimSchumi | |
oem: Samsung | |
devicetree: https://www.github.com/TeamWin/android_device_samsung_cs02 | |
ddof: "/dev/block/platform/sdhci.1/by-name/RECOVERY" | |
--- | |
{% include disclaimer.html %} | |
<b>WARNING:</b> This version of TWRP is only for the SM-G350, not for any other variants of this Phone. | |
{% include supportstatus.html %} | |
{% include appinstall.html %} | |
{% include download.html %} | |
{% include twrpinstall.html %} | |
{% include odininstall.html %} | |
{% include ddinstall.html %} |