| devicetree: https://github.com/TeamWin/android_device_amlogic_u212 |
| {% include disclaimer.html %} |
| {% include supportstatus.html %} |
| NOTE-1: Decryption works only on ROMs with FBE Support |
| {% include download.html %} |
| <div class='page-heading'>Installation:</div> |
| NOTE: Your bootloader MUST be UNLOCKED before installing TWRP |
| Download the latest TWRP image. Copy it to your device. You will need to have the latest fastboot binaries and the correct drivers installed. Power off your device completely. Hold volume down and turn on the device. Your device should now be in the bootloader menu. Connect the device to your PC. Open a command window and run the following command from the proper location: |
| fastboot flash path/to/twrp.img |
| This will temporarily boot TWRP on your device. Use ADB or MTP to push the zip onto your device: |
| adb push path/to/twrp.img /sdcard |
| Also recommended to use Official TWRP App, to flash latest builds. |
| You can download it here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.twrp.twrpapp |