blob: e0a21728217484a0fa45d8ee34f1c8bc57a4e3ee [file] [log] [blame]
layout: device
title: "Tecno Spark 8C KG5j"
codename: kelly
downloadfolder: kelly
supportstatus: Current
maintainer: kelexine
oem: Tecno
ddof: "/dev/block/platform/bootdevice/by-name/boot"
fastbootunlock: true
mtkchipset: mt6761
devicetree: ""
xdathread: ""
{% include disclaimer.html %}
{% include supportstatus.html %}
{% include appinstall.html %}
{% include download.html %}
<div class='page-heading' id='twrp-install'>TWRP Install (Requires TWRP 2.8.4 or higher already installed):</div>
<a id='twrp' ></a>
<hr />
<p class="text">Download the latest TWRP image file (.img) from the download link and boot TWRP. Go to install and find and select the Images... button. Browse to the image that you downloaded and select it. Choose recovery ramdisk and swipe to flash.</p>
{% include fastbootxiaomiabmtk.html %}
{% include ddinstall.html %}