| title: "TWRP 3.3.1-0 Released" |
| date: 2019-05-22 09:39:42 |
| TWRP {{ page.version }} is out now for most currently supported devices. |
| What's new in {{ page.version }}: |
| * Fix selinux issues during formatting - dianlujitao |
| * Various fixes for toybox and toolbox builds - CaptainThrowback and bigbiff |
| * Flash both A and B partitions when installing a recovery ramdisk - Dees_Troy |
| * Add option to uninstall TWRP app from /system - Dees_Troy |
| * Create digest for subpartitions - bigbiff |
| Want to get notifications when we release new versions of TWRP? [Install the TWRP app and select your device!](https://twrp.me/app) |
| We need your help! The bulk of TWRP work is done by a handful of people on a volunteer basis. We have pushed most of our device files to [our github](http://github.com/TeamWin/) and we have [a gerrit instance](http://gerrit.twrp.me). If you have the ability, please help us maintain our official devices and/or add your device to our official device list. Thanks in advance! |
| Head over to the [devices page](http://twrp.me/Devices) to find install instructions and download links. |