blob: 208ebbf5c442ff91f76854b59711628c55015b88 [file] [log] [blame]
layout: device
title: "ASUS ZenFone 5z 2018"
codename: Z01RD
oem: Asus
downloadfolder: Z01RD
supportstatus: Current
maintainer: Jackeagle
xdathread: ""
{% include disclaimer.html %}
{% include supportstatus.html %}
{% include dmverity.html %}
{% include appinstall.html %}
{% include download.html %}
<div class="page-heading">Installation</div>
Please unlock your bootloader by downloading and running the Unlock Device App <a href="">here</a>
Check the current active slot, change the slot to the other slot (if current active slot is = a then use b. If b, then use a)
Switch slot by using
fastboot set_active *Insert a or b Here*
Use fastboot reboot bootloader to check if right slot is selected
Next download TWRP image of your choice and do
fastboot flash boot *TWRP Image Name Here*.img
This will allow you to install the permanent version. Download the TWRP Z01RD installer zip of your choice and install it normally through the Install button in TWRP.