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| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@install_zip_hdr=Install Zip} > {@options_hdr=Options}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
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| <icon selected="checkbox_true" unselected="checkbox_false"/> |
| <listitem name="{@zip_sig_chk=Zip signature verification}"> |
| <data variable="tw_signed_zip_verify"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@skip_digest_zip_chk=Skip Digest check before installing zip}"> |
| <data variable="tw_skip_digest_check_zip"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@auto_reflashtwrp_chk=Automatically Reflash TWRP after flashing a ROM}"> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_has_boot_slots" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_has_repack_tools" var2="1"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <data variable="tw_auto_reflashtwrp"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@install_reboot_chk=Reboot after installation is complete}"> |
| <data variable="tw_install_reboot"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@inject_twrp_chk=Inject TWRP after install}"> |
| <condition var1="tw_has_injecttwrp" var2="1"/> |
| <data variable="tw_inject_after_zip"/> |
| </listitem> |
| </listbox> |
| |
| <button> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <highlight color="%highlight_color%"/> |
| <image resource="q_btn_arrow_left"/> |
| <action function="page">flash_queue</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button> |
| <placement x="%btn4_col4_x%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <highlight color="%highlight_color%"/> |
| <image resource="q_btn_accept_transp"/> |
| <action function="page">flash_confirm</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <action function="page">flash_queue</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="flash_confirm"> |
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| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@install_zip_hdr=Install Zip} > {@confirm_flash_hdr=Confirm Flash}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@file=File:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row2_y%"/> |
| <text>%tw_file%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button> |
| <fill color="%transparent%"/> |
| <placement x="0" y="%row2_header_y%" w="%screen_width%" h="48"/> |
| <action function="page">flash_queue</action> |
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| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row4_y%"/> |
| <text>{@zip_queue=Queue:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row5_y%"/> |
| <text>{@zip_queue_count_s=File %tw_zip_queue_count% of 10:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button> |
| <fill color="%transparent%"/> |
| <placement x="0" y="%row3a_y%" w="%screen_width%" h="48"/> |
| <action function="page">flash_queue</action> |
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| |
| <listbox style="listbox_options"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row8_y%" w="%content_width%" h="80"/> |
| <listitem name="{@zip_sig_chk=Zip signature verification}"> |
| <data variable="tw_signed_zip_verify"/> |
| </listitem> |
| </listbox> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row7_y%"/> |
| <text>{@options=Options:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <condition var1="tw_has_injecttwrp" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_inject_after_zip" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row9_y%"/> |
| <text>{@inject_twrp_chk=Inject TWRP after install}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button> |
| <fill color="%transparent%"/> |
| <placement x="0" y="%row6a_y%" w="%screen_width%" h="64"/> |
| <action function="page">flash_options</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <slider> |
| <text>{@swipe_confirm= Confirm}</text> |
| <action function="flash">flash_zip</action> |
| </slider> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="cancelzip"/> |
| <action function="page">install</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="flash_zip"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@installing_zip_xml=Installing Zip: %tw_file%}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <template name="console"/> |
| |
| <template name="progress_bar"/> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_state" var2="1"/> |
| <action function="page">flash_done</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="flash_done"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_status" op="!=" var2="0"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@install_failed=Installation Failed}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_status" var2="0"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@install_successful=Installation Successful}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <template name="console"/> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <condition var1="tw_ab_device" var2="0"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row13_y%"/> |
| <text>{@wipe_cache_dalvik_btn=Wipe cache/dalvik}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=flash_done</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=wipe</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=/cache</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=1</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action2=wipe</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action2_param=dalvik</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@wipe_cache_dalvik_confirm=Wipe Cache & Dalvik?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@wiping_cache_dalvik=Wiping Cache & Dalvik...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@wipe_cache_dalvik_complete=Cache & Dalvik Wipe Complete}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_slider_text={@swipe_wipe=Swipe to Wipe}</action> |
| <action function="page">confirm_action</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <condition var1="tw_ab_device" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row21a_y%"/> |
| <text>{@wipe_dalvik_btn=Wipe Dalvik}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=flash_done</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=wipe</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=dalvik</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@wipe_dalvik_confirm=Wipe Dalvik?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@wiping_cache_dalvik=Wiping Dalvik...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@wipe_dalvik_complete=Dalvik Wipe Complete}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_slider_text={@swipe_wipe=Swipe to Wipe}</action> |
| <action function="page">confirm_action</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <condition var1="tw_ab_device" var2="0"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row13_y%"/> |
| <text>{@reboot_system_btn=Reboot System}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=main2</action> |
| <action function="page">reboot_system_routine</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <condition var1="tw_ab_device" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row13_y%"/> |
| <text>{@reboot_btn=Reboot}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=main2</action> |
| <action function="page">reboot</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_clear_destination=install_type</action> |
| <action function="page">clear_vars</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_clear_destination=main2</action> |
| <action function="page">clear_vars</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_install_reboot" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_status" var2="0"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_reboot_system" var2="1"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_sleep=%tw_sleep_total%</action> |
| <action function="page">flash_sleep_and_reboot</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="flash_sleep_and_reboot"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@install_reboot=Rebooting in %tw_sleep% second(s)}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <template name="console"/> |
| |
| <template name="progress_bar"/> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <condition var1="tw_sleep" op=">" var2="0"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row13_y%"/> |
| <text>{@cancel_btn=Cancel}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_install_reboot=0</action> |
| <action function="page">flash_done</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <action> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_sleep" var2="tw_sleep_total"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_install_reboot" var2="1"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <action function="sleepcounter">%tw_sleep_total%</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_sleep" var2="0"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_install_reboot" var2="1"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="sleep">50000</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=main2</action> |
| <action function="page">reboot_system_routine</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="flashimage_type"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@install_image_hdr=Install Image} > {@install_sel_target=Select Target Partition}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <partitionlist style="partitionlist_headerless_rb"> |
| <data name="tw_flash_partition"/> |
| <listtype name="flashimg"/> |
| </partitionlist> |
| |
| <button style="checkbox"> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_is_slot_part" op="=" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_flash_both_slots" op="=" var2="0"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_has_boot_slots" var2="1"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <placement x="%col2_x_left%" y="%row11_y%" textplacement="6"/> |
| <text>{@flash_ab_both_slots=Flash to both slots}</text> |
| <image resource="checkbox_false"/> |
| <action function="set">tw_flash_both_slots=1</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="checkbox"> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_is_slot_part" op="=" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_flash_both_slots" op="=" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_has_boot_slots" var2="1"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <placement x="%col2_x_left%" y="%row11_y%" textplacement="6"/> |
| <text>{@flash_ab_both_slots=Flash to both slots}</text> |
| <image resource="checkbox_true"/> |
| <action function="set">tw_flash_both_slots=0</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <highlight color="%highlight_color%"/> |
| <image resource="q_btn_arrow_left"/> |
| <action function="page">install</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button> |
| <placement x="%btn4_col4_x%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <highlight color="%highlight_color%"/> |
| <image resource="q_btn_accept_transp"/> |
| <action function="page">flashimage_confirm</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <action function="page">install</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="flashimage_confirm"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@install_image_hdr=Install Image} > {@confirm_flash_hdr=Confirm Flash}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@file=File:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row2_y%"/> |
| <text>%tw_file%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button> |
| <fill color="%transparent%"/> |
| <placement x="0" y="%row2_header_y%" w="%screen_width%" h="48"/> |
| <action function="page">install</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row4_y%"/> |
| <text>{@target_partition=Target Partition:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row5_y%"/> |
| <text>%tw_flash_partition%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button> |
| <fill color="%transparent%"/> |
| <placement x="0" y="%row3a_y%" w="%screen_width%" h="48"/> |
| <action function="page">flashimage_type</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <slider> |
| <text>{@swipe_confirm= Confirm}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=flashimage_confirm</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=flashimage</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@flashing_image=Flashing Image...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text2=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@image_flashed=Image Flashed}</action> |
| <action function="page">action_page</action> |
| </actions> |
| <action function="flashimage"/> |
| </slider> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_clear_destination=install</action> |
| <action function="page">clear_vars</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_clear_destination=main2</action> |
| <action function="page">clear_vars</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="clear_vars"> |
| <action> |
| <action function="set">tw_operation_state=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text3=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text4=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text2=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action2=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action2_param=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_cancel=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_cancel_action=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_cancel_param=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_show_exclamation=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_show_reboot=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_crypto_user_id=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_multiuser_warning_accepted=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_multiuser_warning_destination=</action> |
| <action function="page">%tw_clear_destination%</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="reboot_system_routine"> |
| <action> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=main2</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=reboot</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=system</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@no_os1=No OS Installed! Are you}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2={@no_osrb=sure you wish to reboot?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text3=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text4=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@rebooting=Rebooting...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text2=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@rebooting=Rebooting...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_slider_text={@swipe_reboot_s= Reboot}</action> |
| <action function="page">rebootcheck</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="confirm_action"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@confirm_action=Confirm Action}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row2_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>%tw_text1%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row3_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>%tw_text2%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <condition var1="tw_action" op="!=" var2="changefilesystem"/> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row5_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>%tw_text3%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <condition var1="tw_action" op="!=" var2="changefilesystem"/> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row6_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>%tw_text4%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <condition var1="tw_action" var2="changefilesystem"/> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row5_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>%tw_text3%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <condition var1="tw_action" var2="changefilesystem"/> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row6_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>%tw_text4%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row8_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@back_cancel=Press back button to cancel.}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <slider> |
| <text>%tw_slider_text%</text> |
| <action function="page">action_page</action> |
| </slider> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_clear_destination=%tw_back%</action> |
| <action function="page">clear_vars</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </action> |
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| |
| <page name="action_page"> |
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| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
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| <text>%tw_action_text1% %tw_action_text2%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <template name="console"/> |
| |
| <template name="progress_bar"/> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <condition var1="tw_has_cancel" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row13_y%"/> |
| <text>{@cancel_btn=Cancel}</text> |
| <action function="%tw_cancel_action%">%tw_cancel_param%</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_state" var2="1"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="page">action_complete</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_has_action2" var2="0"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="%tw_action%">%tw_action_param%</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_has_action2" var2="1"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="%tw_action%">%tw_action_param%</action> |
| <action function="%tw_action2%">%tw_action2_param%</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
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| <page name="singleaction_page"> |
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| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
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| </text> |
| |
| <template name="console"/> |
| |
| <template name="progress_bar"/> |
| |
| <action> |
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| <action function="%tw_action%">%tw_action_param%</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_has_action2" var2="1"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="%tw_action%">%tw_action_param%</action> |
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| <text>%tw_complete_text1% {@failed=Failed}</text> |
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| <action function="page">reboot_system_routine</action> |
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| <action> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_state" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_status" var2="1"/> |
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| <page name="rebootcheck"> |
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| <condition var1="tw_backup_system_size" op=">=" var2="%tw_min_system%"/> |
| <action function="reboot">%tw_reboot_param%</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_backup_system_size" op="<" var2="%tw_min_system%"/> |
| <action function="page">confirm_action</action> |
| </action> |
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| |
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| |
| <button style="main_button_full_width"> |
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| |
| <button style="main_button_full_width"> |
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| <text>{@advanced_wipe_btn=Advanced Wipe}</text> |
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| <action function="set">partitionlisterror=0</action> |
| <action function="page">advancedwipe</action> |
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| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@wipe_hdr=Wipe} > {@select_type_hdr=Select Type}</text> |
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| |
| <button style="main_button_full_width"> |
| <condition var1="tw_has_data_media" var2="1"/> |
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| <action function="page">formatdata</action> |
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| |
| <button style="main_button_full_width"> |
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| </conditions> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@wipe_enc_btn=Wipe Encryption}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=wipe</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=wipe</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=DATAMEDIA</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@wipe_enc_confirm=Wipe Encryption from Data?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@formatting_data=Formatting Data...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@format_data_complete=Data Format Complete}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_slider_text={@swipe_format_data_s= Format Data}</action> |
| <action function="page">confirm_action</action> |
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| |
| <button style="main_button_full_width"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row6_y%"/> |
| <text>{@file_sys_opt=File System Options}</text><actions> |
| <action function="set">partitionlisterror=0</action> |
| <action function="page">partitionoptions_select</action> |
| </actions> |
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| <text style="text_m"> |
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| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row1_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@factory_reset1=Wipes Data, Cache, and Dalvik}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row2_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@factory_reset5=(not including users/lockscreen)}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <condition var1="tw_has_data_media" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row3_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@factory_reset2=(not including internal storage)}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_has_android_secure" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="fileexists" var2="/and-sec"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row3_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@android_secure=Android Secure}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <condition var1="tw_has_sdext_partition" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row4_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@sdext=SD-EXT}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row6_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@factory_reset3=Most of the time this is}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row7_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@factory_reset4=the only wipe that you need.}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row9_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@back_cancel=Press back button to cancel.}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <slider> |
| <text>{@swipe_wipe_s= Wipe}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=wipe</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=wipe</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=data</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@factory_resetting=Factory Reset...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@factory_reset_complete=Factory Reset Complete}</action> |
| <action function="page">action_page</action> |
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| |
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| |
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| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="advancedwipe"> |
| <action> |
| <action function="set">tw_wipe_list=</action> |
| </action> |
| |
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| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@wipe_hdr=Wipe} > {@advanced_wipe_hdr=Advanced Wipe} > {@sel_part_hdr=Select Partitions}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
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| <slider> |
| <text>{@swipe_wipe_s= Wipe}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=advancedwipe</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=wipe</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=LIST</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@wipe_sel_confirm=Wipe Selected Partition(s)?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@wiping_part=Wiping Partition(s)...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@wipe_complete=Wipe Complete}</action> |
| <action function="page">action_page</action> |
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| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
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| |
| <action> |
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| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="formatdata"> |
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| |
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| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@wipe_hdr=Wipe} > {@format_data_hdr=Format Data}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row1_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@format_data_wtc1=Format Data will wipe all of your apps,}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row2_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@format_data_wtc2=backups and media. This cannot be undone.}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
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| <text>{@yes_continue=Type yes to continue. Press back to cancel.}</text> |
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| |
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| </page> |
| |
| <page name="formatdata_confirm"> |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_confirm_formatdata" op="=" var2="yes"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=formatdata</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=wipe</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=DATAMEDIA</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@formatting_data=Formatting Data...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@format_data_complete=Data Format Complete}</action> |
| <action function="page">action_page</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_confirm_formatdata" op="!=" var2="yes"/> |
| <action function="page">formatdata</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="checkpartitionlist"> |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_check_partition_list" op="=" var2="1"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">partitionlisterror=0</action> |
| <action function="getpartitiondetails">tw_wipe_list</action> |
| <action function="page">partitionoptions</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_check_partition_list" op="!=" var2="1"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">partitionlisterror=1</action> |
| <action function="page">partitionoptions_select</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="partitionoptions_select"> |
| <action> |
| <action function="set">tw_wipe_list=</action> |
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| |
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| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@wipe_hdr=Wipe} > {@file_sys_opt=File System Options} > {@sel_part_hdr=Select Partitions}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <partitionlist style="partitionlist_headerless_cb"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2_header_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%partitionlist_wipe_height%"/> |
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| <condition var1="partitionlisterror" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row12_y%"/> |
| <text>{@invalid_part_sel=Invalid partition selection}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button> |
| <placement x="%btn4_col4_x%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
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| <action function="page">checkpartitionlist</action> |
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| |
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| |
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| |
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| |
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| |
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| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@wipe_hdr=Wipe} > {@file_sys_opt=File System Options} > {@sel_act_hdr=Select Action}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@partition=Partition: %tw_partition_name%}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@part_curr_fs=File system: %tw_partition_file_system%}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <condition var1="tw_partition_is_present" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2a_y%"/> |
| <text>{@part_present_yes=Present: Yes}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <condition var1="tw_partition_is_present" var2="0"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2a_y%"/> |
| <text>{@part_present_no=Present: No}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <condition var1="tw_partition_removable" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row2a_y%"/> |
| <text>{@part_removable_yes=Removable: Yes}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <condition var1="tw_partition_removable" var2="0"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row2a_y%"/> |
| <text>{@part_removable_no=Removable: No}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row3a_y%"/> |
| <text>{@part_size=Size: %tw_partition_size%MB}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row3a_y%"/> |
| <text>{@part_used=Used: %tw_partition_used%MB}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row4a_y%"/> |
| <text>{@part_free=Free: %tw_partition_free%MB}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row4a_y%"/> |
| <text>{@part_backup_size=Backup Size: %tw_partition_backup_size%MB}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
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| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row6_y%"/> |
| <text>{@resize_btn_s=Resize}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=partitionoptions</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=resize</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=%tw_partition_mount_point%</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=1</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action2=getpartitiondetails</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action2_param=tw_wipe_list</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@resize_confirm=Resize %tw_partition_name%?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@resizing=Resizing...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@resize_complete=Resize Complete}</action> |
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| <action function="page">confirm_action</action> |
| </actions> |
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| |
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| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row6_y%"/> |
| <text>{@repair_btn_s=Repair}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=partitionoptions</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=repair</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=%tw_partition_mount_point%</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@repair_confirm=Repair %tw_partition_name%?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@repairing=Repairing...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@repair_complete=Repair Complete}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_slider_text={@swipe_repair_s= Repair}</action> |
| <action function="page">confirm_action</action> |
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| <action function="page">partitionoptions_select</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="refreshfilesystem"> |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_check_partition_list" op="=" var2="1"/> |
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| <action function="set">partitionlisterror=0</action> |
| <action function="getpartitiondetails">tw_wipe_list</action> |
| <action function="page">selectfilesystem</action> |
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| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_check_partition_list" op="!=" var2="1"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">partitionlisterror=1</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_wipe_list=</action> |
| <action function="page">advancedwipe</action> |
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| </action> |
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| |
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| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <condition var1="tw_partition_ext" op="=" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>EXT2</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=refreshfilesystem</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=changefilesystem</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=%tw_partition_mount_point%</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_new_file_system=ext2</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@change_fs_confirm=Change %tw_partition_name%?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2=EXT2</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text3={@change_fs_warn1=Some ROMs or kernels may not support some}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text4={@change_fs_warn2=file systems. Proceed with caution!}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@formatting=Formatting...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@format_complete=Format Complete}</action> |
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| <action function="page">confirm_action</action> |
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| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <condition var1="tw_partition_ext" op="=" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row6_y%"/> |
| <text>EXT3</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=refreshfilesystem</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=changefilesystem</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=%tw_partition_mount_point%</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_new_file_system=ext3</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@change_fs_confirm=Change %tw_partition_name%?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2=EXT3</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text3={@change_fs_warn1=Some ROMs or kernels may not support some}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text4={@change_fs_warn2=file systems. Proceed with caution!}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@formatting=Formatting...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@format_complete=Format Complete}</action> |
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| <button style="main_button"> |
| <condition var1="tw_partition_ext" op="=" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <text>EXT4</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=refreshfilesystem</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=changefilesystem</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=%tw_partition_mount_point%</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_new_file_system=ext4</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@change_fs_confirm=Change %tw_partition_name%?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2=EXT4</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text3={@change_fs_warn1=Some ROMs or kernels may not support some}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text4={@change_fs_warn2=file systems. Proceed with caution!}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@formatting=Formatting...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@format_complete=Format Complete}</action> |
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| <action function="page">confirm_action</action> |
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| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <condition var1="tw_partition_vfat" op="=" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>FAT</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=refreshfilesystem</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=changefilesystem</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=%tw_partition_mount_point%</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_new_file_system=vfat</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@change_fs_confirm=Change %tw_partition_name%?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2=FAT</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text3={@change_fs_warn1=Some ROMs or kernels may not support some}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text4={@change_fs_warn2=file systems. Proceed with caution!}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@formatting=Formatting...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@format_complete=Format Complete}</action> |
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| <action function="page">confirm_action</action> |
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| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <condition var1="tw_partition_exfat" op="=" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row6_y%"/> |
| <text>exFAT</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=refreshfilesystem</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=changefilesystem</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=%tw_partition_mount_point%</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_new_file_system=exfat</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@change_fs_confirm=Change %tw_partition_name%?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2=exFAT</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text3={@change_fs_warn1=Some ROMs or kernels may not support some}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text4={@change_fs_warn2=file systems. Proceed with caution!}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@formatting=Formatting...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@format_complete=Format Complete}</action> |
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| <action function="page">confirm_action</action> |
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| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <condition var1="tw_partition_f2fs" op="=" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <text>F2FS</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=refreshfilesystem</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=changefilesystem</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=%tw_partition_mount_point%</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_new_file_system=f2fs</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@change_fs_confirm=Change %tw_partition_name%?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2=F2FS</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text3={@change_fs_warn1=Some ROMs or kernels may not support some}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text4={@change_fs_warn2=file systems. Proceed with caution!}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@formatting=Formatting...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@format_complete=Format Complete}</action> |
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| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <action function="page">partitionoptions</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="backup"> |
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| |
| <action> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_is_fbe" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_all_users_decrypted" var2="0"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_multiuser_warning_accepted" op="!=" var2="1"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_multiuser_warning_destination=backup</action> |
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| <text style="text_m"> |
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| <text>{@backup_hdr=Backup} > {@select_storage_hdr=Select Storage}</text> |
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| |
| <partitionlist style="partitionlist_headerless_rb"> |
| <data name="tw_storage_path"/> |
| <listtype name="storage"/> |
| </partitionlist> |
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| <action> |
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| |
| <action> |
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| <action function="screenshot"/> |
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| <action function="screenshot"/> |
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| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row6_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@multiuser_warning1=Not all users decrypted!}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row7_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@multiuser_warning2=Backup/restore operations may fail!}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_full_width"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row6_y%"/> |
| <text>{@decrypt_users=Decrypt Users}</text> |
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| </button> |
| |
| <slider> |
| <text>{@multiuser_warning_accept=Continue Anyway}</text> |
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| <data variable="tw_use_compression"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@skip_digest_backup_chk=Skip Digest generation during backup}"> |
| <data variable="tw_skip_digest_generate"/> |
| </listitem> |
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| <action function="set">tw_password_not_match=0</action> |
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| <action function="page">backupencryption</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_include_encrypted_backup" var2="1"/> |
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| <action function="screenshot"/> |
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| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@name=Name:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2_y%"/> |
| <text>%tw_backup_name%</text> |
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| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
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| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
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| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@skip_digest_backup_chk=Skip Digest generation during backup}"> |
| <data variable="tw_skip_digest_generate"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@disable_backup_space_chk=Disable free space check before backup}"> |
| <data variable="tw_disable_free_space"/> |
| </listitem> |
| </listbox> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row6_y%"/> |
| <text>{@options=Options:}</text> |
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| |
| <button> |
| <fill color="%transparent%"/> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row6_y%" w="%screen_half_width%" h="64"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=backup_confirm</action> |
| <action function="page">backup_options</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <slider> |
| <text>{@swipe_confirm= Confirm}</text> |
| <action function="page">backup_run</action> |
| </slider> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <action function="page">backup</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="backup_name1"> |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_backup_name" op="=" var2="{@auto_generate=(Auto Generate)}"/> |
| <action function="generatebackupname"/> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <action function="page">backup_name2</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="backup_name2"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@backup_hdr=Backup} > {@backup_name_hdr=Set Backup Name}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@name=Name:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <input> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%input_height%"/> |
| <text>%tw_backup_name%</text> |
| <data name="tw_backup_name"/> |
| <restrict minlen="1" maxlen="64" allow=" abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890-_.{}[]"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_filecheck=%tw_backups_folder%/%tw_backup_name%</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_existpage=backup_name2</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_notexistpage=backup_confirm</action> |
| <action function="page">filecheck</action> |
| </actions> |
| </input> |
| |
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| |
| <fill color="%text_fail_color%"> |
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| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row3_input_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%input_line_width%" placement="1"/> |
| </fill> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <condition var1="tw_fileexists" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row3_input_y%"/> |
| <text>{@backup_name_exists=A backup with that name already exists!}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row4_y%"/> |
| <text>{@cancel_btn=Cancel}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_backup_name={@auto_generate=(Auto Generate)}</action> |
| <action function="page">backup_confirm</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row4_y%"/> |
| <text>{@append_date_btn=Append Date}</text> |
| <action function="appenddatetobackupname"/> |
| </button> |
| |
| <template name="keyboardtemplate"/> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_backup_name={@auto_generate=(Auto Generate)}</action> |
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| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_backup_name={@auto_generate=(Auto Generate)}</action> |
| <action function="page">backup_confirm</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="backupencryption"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@backup_hdr=Backup} > {@encrypt_backup=Encrypt your Backup?}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@enter_pass=Enter Password:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <input> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%input_height%"/> |
| <text>%tw_backup_encrypt_display%</text> |
| <data name="tw_backup_password" mask="*" maskvariable="tw_backup_encrypt_display"/> |
| <restrict minlen="1" maxlen="32" allow="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890_"/> |
| <action function="page">backupencryption2</action> |
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| <fill color="%accent_color%"> |
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| |
| <fill color="%text_fail_color%"> |
| <condition var1="tw_password_not_match" var2="1"/> |
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| </fill> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <condition var1="tw_password_not_match" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row3_input_y%"/> |
| <text>{@pass_not_match=Passwords do not match!}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row4_y%"/> |
| <text>{@cancel_btn=Cancel}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_encrypt_backup=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_backup_password=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_backup_password2=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_backup_encrypt_display=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_backup_encrypt_display2=</action> |
| <action function="page">%tw_back%</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
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| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
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| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <action function="page">%tw_back%</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="backupencryption2"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@backup_hdr=Backup} > {@encrypt_backup=Encrypt your Backup?}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@enter_pass2=Enter Password again:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <input> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%input_height%"/> |
| <text>%tw_backup_encrypt_display2%</text> |
| <data name="tw_backup_password2" mask="*" maskvariable="tw_backup_encrypt_display2"/> |
| <restrict minlen="1" maxlen="32" allow="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890_"/> |
| <action function="page">checkbackuppassword</action> |
| </input> |
| |
| <fill color="%accent_color%"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row3_input_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%input_line_width%" placement="1"/> |
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| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row4_y%"/> |
| <text>{@cancel_btn=Cancel}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_encrypt_backup=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_backup_password=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_backup_password2=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_backup_encrypt_display=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_backup_encrypt_display2=</action> |
| <action function="page">%tw_back%</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <template name="keyboardtemplate"/> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <action function="page">%tw_back%</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="checkbackuppassword"> |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_backup_password2" var2="tw_backup_password"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_encrypt_backup=1</action> |
| <action function="page">%tw_back%</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_backup_password2" op="!=" var2="tw_backup_password"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_encrypt_backup=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_password_not_match=1</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_backup_password=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_backup_password2=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_backup_encrypt_display=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_backup_encrypt_display2=</action> |
| <action function="page">backupencryption</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="backup_run"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>%tw_operation% %tw_partition%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <template name="console"/> |
| |
| <template name="progress_bar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row13a_y%"/> |
| <text>%tw_file_progress%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row14a_y%"/> |
| <text>%tw_size_progress%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row13_y%"/> |
| <text>{@cancel_btn=Cancel}</text> |
| <action function="cancelbackup"/> |
| </button> |
| |
| <action> |
| <action function="nandroid">backup</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_state" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_cancel_backup" var2="0"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=backup_selectpartitions</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@backup_complete=Backup Complete}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_show_reboot=1</action> |
| <action function="page">action_complete</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_state" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_cancel_backup" var2="1"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=backup_selectpartitions</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@backup_cancel=Backup Cancelled}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_show_reboot=1</action> |
| <action function="page">action_complete</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="restore"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <action> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_is_fbe" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_all_users_decrypted" var2="0"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_multiuser_warning_accepted" op="!=" var2="1"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_multiuser_warning_destination=restore</action> |
| <action function="page">multiuser_warning</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@restore_hdr=Restore} > {@sel_backup_hdr=Select Backup}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <fileselector> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row2_header_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%fileselector_install_height%"/> |
| <text>%tw_storage_display_name%</text> |
| <filter folders="1" files="1" nav="0" extn=".ab"/> |
| <path name="tw_backups_folder"/> |
| <data name="tw_restore" default=""/> |
| <selection name="tw_restore_name"/> |
| </fileselector> |
| |
| <button> |
| <placement x="%btn4_col4_x%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <highlight color="%highlight_color%"/> |
| <image resource="q_btn_storage"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_storagetext={@restore_btn=Restore} > {@select_storage_btn=Select Storage}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=restore</action> |
| <action function="page">select_storage</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_restore" op="modified"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="readBackup"/> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=restore</action> |
| <action function="page">restore_read</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="restore_read"> |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_restore_encrypted" var2="1"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_password_fail=0</action> |
| <action function="page">restore_decrypt</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_restore_encrypted" var2="0"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="page">restore_select</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="restore_decrypt"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@restore_hdr=Restore} > {@restore_enc_backup_hdr=Encrypted Backup}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@enter_pass=Enter Password:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <input> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%input_height%"/> |
| <text>%tw_restore_display%</text> |
| <data name="tw_restore_password" mask="*" maskvariable="tw_restore_display"/> |
| <restrict minlen="1" maxlen="32" allow="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890_"/> |
| <action function="page">try_restore_decrypt</action> |
| </input> |
| |
| <fill color="%accent_color%"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row3_input_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%input_line_width%" placement="1"/> |
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| |
| <fill color="%text_fail_color%"> |
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| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="row3_input_y" w="%content_width%" h="input_line_width" placement="1"/> |
| </fill> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <condition var1="tw_password_fail" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row3_input_y%"/> |
| <text>{@restore_dec_fail=Password failed, please try again!}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row4_y%"/> |
| <text>{@cancel_btn=Cancel}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_page_done=1</action> |
| <action function="page">restore</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row4_y%"/> |
| <text>{@del_backup_btn=Delete Backup}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=restore</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=cmd</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=cd %tw_backups_folder% && rm -rf "%tw_restore_name%"</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@del_backup_confirm=Delete Backup?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2=%tw_restore_name%</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text4={@del_backup_confirm2=This cannot be undone!}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@deleting_backup=Deleting Backup...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@backup_deleted=Backup Delete Complete}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_slider_text={@swipe_delete_s= Delete}</action> |
| <action function="page">confirm_action</action> |
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| |
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| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
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| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <action function="page">restore</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="try_restore_decrypt"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@restore_hdr=Restore} > {@restore_try_decrypt_s=Trying Decryption}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <template name="console"/> |
| |
| <template name="progress_bar"/> |
| |
| <action> |
| <action function="decrypt_backup"/> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_state" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_status" op="!=" var2="0"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_password_fail=1</action> |
| <action function="page">restore_decrypt</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_state" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_status" op="=" var2="0"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_page_done=1</action> |
| <action function="page">restore_select</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="restore_select"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@restore_hdr=Restore} > {@sel_part_hdr=Select Partitions}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <partitionlist style="partitionlist_headerless_cb"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2_header_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%partitionlist_wipe_height%"/> |
| <data name="tw_restore_list" selectedlist="tw_restore_selected"/> |
| <listtype name="restore"/> |
| </partitionlist> |
| |
| <fill color="%accent_color%"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="row10a_y" w="%content_width%" h="input_line_width"/> |
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| <button> |
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| <action function="page">restore</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button> |
| <placement x="%btn4_col2_x%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <highlight color="%highlight_color%"/> |
| <image resource="q_btn_delete"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=restore</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=cmd</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=cd %tw_backups_folder% && rm -rf "%tw_restore_name%"</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@del_backup_confirm=Delete Backup?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2=%tw_restore_name%</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text4={@del_backup_confirm2=This cannot be undone!}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@deleting_backup=Deleting Backup...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@backup_deleted=Backup Delete Complete}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_slider_text={@swipe_delete_s= Delete}</action> |
| <action function="page">confirm_action</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button> |
| <placement x="%btn4_col3_x%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <highlight color="%highlight_color%"/> |
| <image resource="q_btn_accept"/> |
| <action function="page">restore_confirm</action> |
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| |
| <button> |
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| <highlight color="%highlight_color%"/> |
| <image resource="q_btn_arrow_right"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=restore_select</action> |
| <action function="page">restore_options</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <action function="page">%tw_back%</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="restore_options"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@restore_hdr=Restore} > {@options_hdr=Options}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <listbox style="scrolllist"> |
| <condition var1="tw_enable_adb_backup" op="=" var2="0"/> |
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| <action function="set">tw_back=restore</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=cmd</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=cd %tw_backups_folder% && mv "%tw_restore_name%" "%tw_backup_rename%"</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@rename_backup_confirm=Rename Backup?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2={@rename_backup_confirm2=This cannot be undone!}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@renaming_backup=Renaming Backup...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@rename_backup_complete=Backup Rename Complete}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_slider_text={@swipe_rename= Rename}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_filecheck=%tw_backups_folder%/%tw_backup_rename%</action> |
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| <action function="set">tw_notexistpage=confirm_action</action> |
| <action function="page">filecheck</action> |
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| <text>{@backup_name_exists=A backup with that name already exists!}</text> |
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| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_state" var2="1"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=restore</action> |
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| <action function="page">action_complete</action> |
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| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row11_y%" textplacement="6"/> |
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| |
| <button style="checkbox"> |
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| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row11_y%" textplacement="6"/> |
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| <action function="set">tw_crypto_password=</action> |
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| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row3_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@usb_stor_mnt2=Be sure to safely remove your device}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row4_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@usb_stor_mnt3=from your computer before unmounting!}</text> |
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| <action> |
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| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=reboot</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=reboot</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=poweroff</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_reboot_param=poweroff</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@no_os1=No OS Installed! Are you}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2={@no_ospo=sure you wish to power off?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@turning_off=Turning Off...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@turning_off=Turning Off...}</action> |
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| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=reboot</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=reboot</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=recovery</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_reboot_param=recovery</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@no_os1=No OS Installed! Are you}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2={@no_osrb=sure you wish to reboot?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@rebooting=Rebooting...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@rebooting=Rebooting...}</action> |
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| <action function="set">tw_action=reboot</action> |
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| <action function="set">tw_reboot_param=bootloader</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@no_os1=No OS Installed! Are you}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2={@no_osrb=sure you wish to reboot?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@rebooting=Rebooting...}</action> |
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| <action function="set">tw_reboot_param=download</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@no_os1=No OS Installed! Are you}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2={@no_osrb=sure you wish to reboot?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@rebooting=Rebooting...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@rebooting=Rebooting...}</action> |
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| <action function="set">tw_back=reboot</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=reboot</action> |
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| <action function="set">tw_reboot_param=edl</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@no_os1=No OS Installed! Are you}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2={@no_osrb=sure you wish to reboot?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@rebooting=Rebooting...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@rebooting=Rebooting...}</action> |
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| <page name="installapp"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>%tw_appinstall_title% > {@reboot_install_app_hdr=Install TWRP App}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row1_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@reboot_install_app1=Would you like to install the Official TWRP App?}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row2_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@reboot_install_app2=The app can check for new TWRP versions.}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <checkbox> |
| <condition var1="tw_mount_system_ro" var2="0"/> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row5_y%"/> |
| <text>{@reboot_install_app_system=Install as a System App}</text> |
| <data variable="tw_app_install_system"/> |
| </checkbox> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row7_y%"/> |
| <text>{@install_cancel=Do not Install}</text> |
| <action function="page">%tw_back%</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <slider> |
| <text>{@swipe_confirm= Confirm}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=installapp</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@reboot_installing_app=Installing App...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text2=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@successful=Successful}</action> |
| <action function="page">action_page</action> |
| </actions> |
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| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_app_install_status=0</action> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_app_install_status=0</action> |
| <action function="page">%tw_back%</action> |
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| </action> |
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| <page name="system_readonly"> |
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| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@sys_ro_hdr=Unmodified System Partition}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row1_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@sys_ro_keep=Keep System Read only?}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row2_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@sys_rop1=TWRP can leave your system partition unmodified}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row3_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@sys_rop2=to make it easier for you to take official updates.}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row4_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@sys_rop3=TWRP will be unable to prevent the stock ROM from}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row5_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@sys_rop4=replacing TWRP and will not offer to root your device.}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row6_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@sys_rop5=Installing zips or performing adb operations may still}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row7_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@sys_rop6=modify the system partition.}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row8a_y%"/> |
| <text>{@sel_lang_btn=Select Language}</text> |
| <action function="page">settings_language</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <checkbox> |
| <condition var1="tw_is_encrypted" var2="0"/> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <text>{@sys_ro_never_show_chk=Never show this screen during boot again}</text> |
| <data variable="tw_never_show_system_ro_page"/> |
| </checkbox> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row13_y%"/> |
| <text>{@sys_ro_keep_ro_btn=Keep Read Only}</text> |
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| <action function="mountsystemtoggle">1</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_page_done=1</action> |
| <action function="page">%tw_back%</action> |
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| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row13_y%"/> |
| <text>{@swipe_allow_mod_s=Allow Modifications}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="mountsystemtoggle">0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_page_done=1</action> |
| <action function="page">%tw_back%</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
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| <page name="settings"> |
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| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@settings_hdr=Settings}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@settings_gen_btn=General}</text> |
| <action function="page">settings_general</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@settings_tz_btn=Time Zone}</text> |
| <action function="page">settings_timezone</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row6_y%"/> |
| <text>{@settings_screen_btn=Screen}</text> |
| <action function="page">settings_screen</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <condition var1="tw_disable_haptics" var2="0"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row6_y%"/> |
| <text>{@settings_vibration_btn=Vibration}</text> |
| <action function="page">settings_vibration</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <text>{@settings_language_btn=Language}</text> |
| <action function="page">settings_language</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button> |
| <placement x="%btn4_col4_x%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <highlight color="%highlight_color%"/> |
| <image resource="q_btn_reset"/> |
| <action function="restoredefaultsettings"/> |
| </button> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <action function="page">main3</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="settings_general"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@settings_hdr=Settings} > {@settings_gen_s_hdr=General}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <listbox style="scrolllist"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2_header_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%listbox_settings_height%"/> |
| <listitem name="{@zip_sig_chk=Zip signature verification}"> |
| <data variable="tw_signed_zip_verify"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@install_reboot_chk=Reboot after installation is complete}"> |
| <data variable="tw_install_reboot"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@use_rmrf_chk=Use rm -rf instead of formatting}"> |
| <data variable="tw_rm_rf"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@disable_backup_space_chk=Disable free space check before backup}"> |
| <data variable="tw_disable_free_space"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@skip_digest_backup_chk=Skip Digest generation during backup}"> |
| <data variable="tw_skip_digest_generate"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@restore_enable_digest_chk=Enable Digest verification of backup files}"> |
| <data variable="tw_skip_digest_check"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@skip_digest_zip_chk=Skip Digest check before installing zip}"> |
| <data variable="tw_skip_digest_check_zip"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@use24clock_chk=Use 24-hour clock}"> |
| <data variable="tw_military_time"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@simact_chk=Simulate actions for theme testing}"> |
| <data variable="tw_simulate_actions"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@simfail_chk=Simulate failure for actions}"> |
| <data variable="tw_simulate_fail"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_simulate_actions" var2="1"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@sha2_chk=Use SHA2 for hashing}"> |
| <condition var1="tw_no_sha2" var2="0"/> |
| <data variable="tw_use_sha2"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@unmount_sys_install=Unmount System before installing a ZIP}"> |
| <data variable="tw_unmount_system"/> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@auto_reflashtwrp_chk=Automatically Reflash TWRP after flashing a ROM}"> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_has_boot_slots" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_has_repack_tools" var2="1"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <data variable="tw_auto_reflashtwrp"/> |
| </listitem> |
| </listbox> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <action function="page">settings</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="settings_timezone"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@settings_hdr=Settings} > {@time_zone_hdr=Time Zone}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text color="%text_color%"> |
| <font resource="font_m"/> |
| <placement x="%indent_right%" y="%row1_header_y%" placement="1"/> |
| <text>%tw_time%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <listbox style="listbox_headerless"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2_header_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%listbox_timezone_height%"/> |
| <data name="tw_time_zone_guisel"/> |
| <listitem name="{@utcm11=(UTC -11) Samoa, Midway Island}">BST11;BDT</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcm10=(UTC -10) Hawaii}">HST10;HDT</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcm9=(UTC -9) Alaska}">AST9;ADT</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcm8=(UTC -8) Pacific Time}">PST8;PDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcm7=(UTC -7) Mountain Time}">MST7;MDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcm6=(UTC -6) Central Time}">CST6;CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcm5=(UTC -5) Eastern Time}">EST5;EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcm4=(UTC -4) Atlantic Time}">AST4;ADT</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcm3=(UTC -3) Brazil, Buenos Aires}">GRNLNDST3;GRNLNDDT</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcm2=(UTC -2) Mid-Atlantic}">FALKST2;FALKDT</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcm1=(UTC -1) Azores, Cape Verde}">AZOREST1;AZOREDT</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utc0=(UTC 0) London, Dublin, Lisbon}">GMT0;BST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcp1=(UTC +1) Berlin, Brussels, Paris}">CET-1;CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcp2=(UTC +2) Athens, Istanbul, South Africa}">WET-2;WET,M3.5.0,M10.5.0</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcp3=(UTC +3) Moscow, Baghdad}">SAUST-3;SAUDT</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcp4=(UTC +4) Abu Dhabi, Tbilisi, Muscat}">WST-4;WDT</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcp5=(UTC +5) Yekaterinburg, Islamabad}">PAKST-5;PAKDT</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcp6=(UTC +6) Almaty, Dhaka, Colombo}">TASHST-6;TASHDT</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcp7=(UTC +7) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta}">THAIST-7;THAIDT</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcp8=(UTC +8) Beijing, Singapore, Hong Kong}">TAIST-8;TAIDT</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcp9=(UTC +9) Tokyo, Seoul, Yakutsk}">JST-9;JSTDT</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcp10=(UTC +10) Eastern Australia, Guam}">EET-10;EETDT</listitem> |
| <listitem name="{@utcp11=(UTC +11) Vladivostok, Solomon Islands}">MET-11;METDT</listitem> |
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| |
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| <text>{@settings_hdr=Settings} > {@time_zone_hdr=Time Zone}</text> |
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| |
| <text color="%text_color%"> |
| <font resource="font_m"/> |
| <placement x="%indent_right%" y="%row1_header_y%" placement="1"/> |
| <text>%tw_time%</text> |
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| |
| <checkbox> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
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| <text>{@use_dst_chk=Use daylight savings time (DST)}</text> |
| <data variable="tw_time_zone_guidst"/> |
| <image checked="checkbox_true" unchecked="checkbox_false"/> |
| </checkbox> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row4_y%"/> |
| <text>{@sel_tz_offset=Select Offset (usually 0): %tw_time_zone_guioffset%}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_quarter_width"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row6_y%"/> |
| <text>{@tz_offset_0=0}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_time_zone_guioffset=0</action> |
| <action function="setguitimezone"/> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_quarter_width"> |
| <placement x="%btn4_col2_x%" y="%row6_y%"/> |
| <text>{@tz_offset_15=15}</text> |
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| <action function="setguitimezone"/> |
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| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_quarter_width"> |
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| <text>{@tz_offset_30=30}</text> |
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| <action function="setguitimezone"/> |
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| <button style="main_button_quarter_width"> |
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| <text>{@tz_offset_45=45}</text> |
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| <action function="setguitimezone"/> |
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| <text>{@curr_tz_s=Current Time Zone:}</text> |
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| <text>%tw_time_zone%</text> |
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| <action function="setguitimezone"/> |
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| <actions> |
| <action function="setguitimezone"/> |
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| <text>{@settings_hdr=Settings} > {@settings_screen_timeout_hdr=Screen Timeout}</text> |
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| |
| <button style="checkbox"> |
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| <text>{@enable_timeout_chk=Enable screen timeout}</text> |
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| <action function="set">tw_screen_timeout_secs=60</action> |
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| |
| <button style="checkbox"> |
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| <text>{@enable_timeout_chk=Enable screen timeout}</text> |
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| <action function="set">tw_screen_timeout_secs=0</action> |
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| <text>{@screen_to_slider_s=Screen timeout in seconds (0=disabled): %tw_screen_timeout_secs%}</text> |
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| <condition var1="tw_no_screen_timeout" op="=" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row1_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@screen_to_na=Screen timeout setting unavailable}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button> |
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| <text>{@settings_hdr=Settings} > {@settings_screen_bright_btn=Screen Brightness}</text> |
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| <text>{@screen_bright_slider=Brightness: %tw_brightness_pct%%}</text> |
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| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_brightness=%tw_brightness_max%</action> |
| <action function="compute">tw_brightness*%tw_brightness_pct%</action> |
| <action function="compute">tw_brightness/100</action> |
| <action function="setbrightness">%tw_brightness%</action> |
| </actions> |
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| <condition var1="tw_has_brightnesss_file" var2="0"/> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row1_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@screen_bright_na=Brightness setting unavailable}</text> |
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| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@injecting_twrp=Re-Injecting TWRP...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@inject_twrp_complete=TWRP Injection Complete}</action> |
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| <action function="set">tw_text1={@reflash_twrp_confirm=Flash Current TWRP?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@reflashing_twrp=Flashing TWRP...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@reflash_twrp_complete=Done Flashing TWRP}</action> |
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| <condition var1="tw_uses_initramfs" var2="1"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=advanced</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=fixabrecoverybootloop</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@fix_recovery_loop_confirm=Fix Recovery Bootloop?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@fixing_recovery_loop=Fixing Recovery Bootloop...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@fix_recovery_loop_complete=Fix Recovery Bootloop Complete}</action> |
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| <action function="set">tw_appinstall_title={@advanced_hdr=Advanced}</action> |
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| <listitem name="{@uninstall_twrp_system_app=Uninstall TWRP App from System}"> |
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| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=advanced</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=uninstalltwrpsystemapp</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@uninstall_twrp_system_app_confirm=Uninstall TWRP App from System?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@uninstalling_twrp_system_app=Uninstalling TWRP App from System...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@uninstall_twrp_system_app_complete=Uninstall TWRP App from System Complete}</action> |
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| <action function="set">tw_action=unmapsuperdevices</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@unmap_super_devices_confirm=Unmap all Super Devices?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@unmapping_super_devices=Unmapping Super Devices...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@unmap_super_devices_complete=Unmapped all Super Devices}</action> |
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| <action function="set">tw_action=mergesnapshots</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@merge_snapshots_confirm=Merge Snapshots?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@merging_snapshots=Merging Snapshots...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@merging_snapshots_complete=Merged Snapshots}</action> |
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| |
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| |
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| <text>{@invalid_partsd_sel=You must select a removable device}</text> |
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| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row1_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@part_sd_lose=You will lose all files on your SD card!}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row2_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@part_sd_undo=This action cannot be undone!}</text> |
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| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
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| <text>{@part_sd_ext_sz=EXT Size:}</text> |
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| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row6a_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>%tw_sdext_size%</text> |
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| |
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| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row1_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@part_sd_lose=You will lose all files on your SD card!}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row2_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@part_sd_undo=This action cannot be undone!}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row4_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@part_sd_swap_sz=Swap Size:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row6a_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>%tw_swap_size%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
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| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row6_y%"/> |
| <text>{@part_sd_m=-}</text> |
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| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_quarter_width"> |
| <placement x="%btn4_col4_x%" y="%row6_y%"/> |
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| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row1_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@part_sd_lose=You will lose all files on your SD card!}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row2_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@part_sd_undo=This action cannot be undone!}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row4_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@file_system=File System:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row6a_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>%tw_sdpart_file_system%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
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| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row6_y%"/> |
| <text>EXT3</text> |
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| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_quarter_width"> |
| <placement x="%btn4_col4_x%" y="%row6_y%"/> |
| <text>EXT4</text> |
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| </button> |
| |
| <button> |
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| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row1_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@part_sd_lose=You will lose all files on your SD card!}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row2_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@part_sd_undo=This action cannot be undone!}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row4_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@part_sd_ext_sz=EXT Size:} %tw_sdext_size%</text> |
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| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row6_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@part_sd_swap_sz=Swap Size:} %tw_swap_size%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row8_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@file_system=File System:} %tw_sdpart_file_system%</text> |
| </text> |
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| <text>{@swipe_part_sd_s=Partition}</text> |
| <action function="page">partsdcardaction</action> |
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| <action function="set">tw_back=partsdcard</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=partitionsd</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_action2=1</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action2=set</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action2_param=tw_zip_location=/sdcard</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@partitioning_sd=Partitioning SD Card...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text2={@partitioning_sd2=This will take a few minutes.}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@part_sd_complete=Partitioning Complete}</action> |
| <action function="page">action_page</action> |
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| </text> |
| |
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| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@dumlock_restore_btn=Restore Original Boot}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=htcdumlock</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=htcdumlockrestoreboot</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@dumlock_restore_confirm=Restore original boot image?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@dumlock_restoring=Restoring Original Boot...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@dumlock_restore_complete=Restore Original Boot Complete}</action> |
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| <text>{@dumlock_reflash_btn=Reflash Recovery}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=htcdumlock</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=htcdumlockreflashrecovery</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@dumlock_reflash_confirm=Reflash recovery to boot?}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@dumlock_reflashing=Flashing recovery to boot...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@dumlock_reflash_complete=Recovery Flash to Boot Complete}</action> |
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| |
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| <text>{@dumlock_install_btn=Install HTC Dumlock}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=htcdumlock</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=installhtcdumlock</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@dumlock_installing=Installing HTC Dumlock...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@dumlock_install_complete=HTC Dumlock Install Complete}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_slider_text={@swipe_to_confirm=Swipe to Confirm}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_slider_text={@swipe_confirm= Confirm}</action> |
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| <text style="text_m"> |
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| </text> |
| |
| <fileselector> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row2_header_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%fileselector_install_height%"/> |
| <text>%tw_zip_location%</text> |
| <filter extn=".img" folders="1" files="1"/> |
| <path name="tw_zip_location" default="/sdcard"/> |
| <data name="tw_filename"/> |
| <selection name="tw_file"/> |
| </fileselector> |
| |
| <button> |
| <placement x="%btn4_col4_x%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <highlight color="%highlight_color%"/> |
| <image resource="q_btn_storage"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_storagetext={@install_hdr=Install} > {@select_storage_hdr=Select Storage}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=install</action> |
| <action function="page">select_storage</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <action> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_filename" op="modified"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <action function="page">repackconfirm</action> |
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| |
| <action> |
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| <action function="page">advanced</action> |
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| |
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| |
| <page name="repackconfirm"> |
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| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <condition var1="tw_repack_kernel" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@repack_kernel_confirm=Install Kernel?}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <condition var1="tw_repack_kernel" var2="0"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@repack_ramdisk_confirm=Install Recovery?}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row2_y%"/> |
| <text>{@folder=Folder:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row3_y%"/> |
| <text>%tw_zip_location%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row4_y%"/> |
| <text>{@file=File:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row5_y%"/> |
| <text>%tw_file%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <checkbox> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row7_y%"/> |
| <text>{@repack_backup_first=Back up existing image first}</text> |
| <data variable="tw_repack_backup_first"/> |
| </checkbox> |
| |
| <slider> |
| <text>{@swipe_to_install=Swipe to Install}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=advanced</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=repackimage</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=/boot</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@installing=Installing...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text2=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@install_complete=Install Complete}</action> |
| <action function="page">action_page</action> |
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| |
| <action> |
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| <action function="page">repackselect</action> |
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| |
| <slider> |
| <text>{@swipe_unlock= Unlock}</text> |
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| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
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| |
| <fileselector> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2_header_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%fileselector_filemanager_height%"/> |
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| <data name="tw_filename1"/> |
| <selection name="tw_selection1"/> |
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| |
| <button> |
| <placement x="%btn4_col4_x%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <highlight color="%highlight_color%"/> |
| <image resource="q_btn_folder"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_filename1=tw_file_location1</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_isfolder=1</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_type={@fm_type_folder=Folder}</action> |
| <action function="page">filemanageroptions</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <action> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_type={@fm_type_file=File}</action> |
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| |
| <action> |
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| <action> |
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| <action function="page">main3</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_filename1" op="modified"/> |
| <action function="page">filemanageroptions</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="filemanageroptions"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>%tw_fm_type% > %tw_filename1%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <condition var1="tw_fm_isfolder" var2="0"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@fm_copy_btn=Copy}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_filemanager_command=cp</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text1={@fm_copying=Copying}</action> |
| <action function="page">choosedestinationfolder</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <condition var1="tw_fm_isfolder" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@fm_copy_btn=Copy}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_filemanager_command=cd "%tw_file_location1%" && cd .. && cp -R</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text1={@fm_copying=Copying}</action> |
| <action function="page">choosedestinationfolder</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@fm_move_btn=Move}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_filemanager_command=mv</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text1={@fm_moving=Moving}</action> |
| <action function="page">choosedestinationfolder</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row6_y%"/> |
| <text>{@fm_chmod755_btn=chmod 755}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_filemanager_command=chmod 755</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text1={@fm_chmod755ing=chmod 755}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text2=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text3=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_include_text3=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=filemanageroptions</action> |
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| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row6_y%"/> |
| <text>{@fm_chmod_btn=chmod}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_filemanager_rename=0000</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text2=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text3=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_include_text3=0</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=filemanageroptions</action> |
| <action function="page">filemanagerchmod</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <text>{@fm_delete_btn=Delete}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_filemanager_command=rm -rf</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text1={@fm_deleting=Deleting}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text2=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text3=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_include_text3=0</action> |
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| <action function="page">filemanagerconfirm</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <condition var1="tw_fm_isfolder" var2="0"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <text>{@fm_rename_btn=Rename}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_filemanager_rename=tw_selection1</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text1={@fm_renaming=Renaming}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_filemanager_command=mv</action> |
| <action function="page">filemanagerrenamefile</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button"> |
| <condition var1="tw_fm_isfolder" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <text>{@fm_rename_btn=Rename}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_filemanager_rename=tw_selection1</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text1={@fm_renaming=Renaming}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_filemanager_command=cd "%tw_file_location1%" && cd .. && mv</action> |
| <action function="page">filemanagerrenamefolder</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
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| |
| <action> |
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| <action function="page">filemanagerlist</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
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| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@fm_hdr=File Manager} > {@fm_sel_dest=Select Destination Folder}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <fileselector> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2_header_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%fileselector_filemanager_height%"/> |
| <text>%tw_file_location2%</text> |
| <filter folders="1" files="0"/> |
| <path name="tw_file_location2" default="/"/> |
| <data name="tw_filename2"/> |
| <selection name="tw_selection2"/> |
| </fileselector> |
| |
| <button> |
| <placement x="%btn4_col4_x%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <highlight color="%highlight_color%"/> |
| <image resource="q_btn_folder"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text2=to</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text3=%tw_file_location2%</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_include_text3=1</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=filemanageroptions</action> |
| <action function="page">filemanagerconfirm</action> |
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| </page> |
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| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
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| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@fm_hdr=File Manager} > {@fm_rename_hdr=Rename} %tw_fm_type%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@name=Name:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <input> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%input_height%"/> |
| <text>%tw_filemanager_rename%</text> |
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| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text2=to</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text3="%tw_file_location1%/%tw_filemanager_rename%"</action> |
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| <action function="set">tw_back=filemanageroptions</action> |
| <action function="page">filemanagerconfirm</action> |
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| <text style="text_m"> |
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| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
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| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text2=to</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text3=%tw_filemanager_rename%</action> |
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| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@fm_hdr=File Manager} > {@fm_set_perms_hdr=Set Permissions}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@fm_perms=Permissions:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <input> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%input_height%"/> |
| <text>%tw_filemanager_rename%</text> |
| <data name="tw_filemanager_rename"/> |
| <restrict minlen="3" maxlen="4" allow="0123456789"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_filemanager_command=chmod %tw_filemanager_rename%</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_fm_text1=chmod %tw_filemanager_rename%</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=filemanageroptions</action> |
| <action function="page">filemanagerconfirm</action> |
| </actions> |
| </input> |
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| <fill color="%accent_color%"> |
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| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row4_y%"/> |
| <text>{@cancel_btn=Cancel}</text> |
| <action function="page">filemanageroptions</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <template name="keyboardtemplate"/> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <action function="page">filemanageroptions</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="filemanagerconfirm"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@fm_hdr=File Manager} > {@confirm_action=Confirm Action}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row2_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>%tw_fm_text1%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row3_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>%tw_filename1%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row5_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>%tw_fm_text2%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row6_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>%tw_fm_text3%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row8_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@back_cancel=Press back button to cancel.}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <slider> |
| <text>{@swipe_confirm= Confirm}</text> |
| <action function="page">filemanageraction</action> |
| </slider> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <action function="page">%tw_back%</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="filemanageraction"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@fm_hdr=File Manager} > %tw_fm_text1%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <template name="console"/> |
| |
| <template name="progress_bar"/> |
| |
| <action> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_state" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_status" var2="0"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=filemanagerlist</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@fm_complete=File Operation Complete}</action> |
| <action function="page">action_complete</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_state" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_status" op="!=" var2="0"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@fm_complete=File Operation Complete}</action> |
| <action function="page">action_complete</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_include_text3" var2="0"/> |
| <action function="cmd">%tw_filemanager_command% "%tw_filename1%"</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_include_text3" var2="1"/> |
| <action function="cmd">%tw_filemanager_command% "%tw_filename1%" "%tw_fm_text3%"</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="decrypt"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_crypto_pwtype" var2="2"/> |
| <action function="page">decrypt_pattern</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <condition var1="tw_crypto_pwtype" var2="3"/> |
| <action function="page">decrypt_pin</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@mount_hdr=Mount} > {@decrypt_data_hdr=Decrypt Data}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <condition var1="tw_is_fbe" op="!=" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@decrypt_data_enter_pass=Enter Password:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <condition var1="tw_is_fbe" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@decrypt_data_enter_pass_fbe=Enter Password for User [%tw_crypto_user_id%]}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <input> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%input_height%"/> |
| <text>%tw_crypto_display%</text> |
| <data name="tw_crypto_password" mask="*" maskvariable="tw_crypto_display"/> |
| <restrict minlen="1" maxlen="254"/> |
| <action function="page">trydecrypt</action> |
| </input> |
| |
| <fill color="%accent_color%"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="row3_input_y" w="%content_width%" h="input_line_width" placement="1"/> |
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| |
| <fill color="%text_fail_color%"> |
| <condition var1="tw_password_fail" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="row3_input_y" w="%content_width%" h="input_line_width" placement="1"/> |
| </fill> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <condition var1="tw_password_fail" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row3_input_y%"/> |
| <text>{@decrypt_data_failed=Password failed, please try again!}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row4_y%"/> |
| <text>{@sel_lang_btn=Select Language}</text> |
| <action function="page">settings_language</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row4_y%"/> |
| <text>{@cancel_btn=Cancel}</text> |
| <action function="page">canceldecrypt</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <template name="keyboardtemplate"/> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="decrypt_pattern"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <action> |
| <action function="set">tw_gui_pattern_grid_size=3</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@mount_hdr=Mount} > {@decrypt_data_hdr=Decrypt Data}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <condition var1="tw_is_fbe" op="!=" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_password_fail" op="!=" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row5_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@decrypt_data_enter_pattern=Enter Pattern.}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <condition var1="tw_is_fbe" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_password_fail" op="!=" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row5_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@decrypt_data_enter_pattern_fbe=Enter Pattern for User [%tw_crypto_user_id%]}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <condition var1="tw_password_fail" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row5_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@decrypt_data_failed_pattern=Pattern failed, please try again!}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row10_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@back_cancel=Press back to cancel.}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <patternpassword> |
| <placement x="%pattern_x%" y="%row2_y%" w="%pattern_size%" h="%pattern_size%"/> |
| <dot color="%fileselector_linecolor%" activecolor="%accent_color%" radius="%pattern_dot_dia%"/> |
| <line color="%fileselector_linecolor%" width="%pattern_line_w%"/> |
| <data name="tw_crypto_password"/> |
| <action function="page">trydecrypt</action> |
| </patternpassword> |
| |
| <fill color="#000000"> |
| <placement x="0" y="%navbar_y%" w="%screen_width%" h="%navbar_height%"/> |
| </fill> |
| |
| <button> |
| <placement x="%back_button_x%" y="%navbar_btn_y%" placement="4"/> |
| <image resource="back"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_busy" var2="0"/> |
| <action function="page">canceldecrypt</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button> |
| <condition var1="tw_gui_pattern_grid_size" var2="3"/> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%navbar_btn_y%" placement="4"/> |
| <image resource="grid_less"/> |
| <action function="set">tw_gui_pattern_grid_size=3</action> |
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| |
| <button> |
| <condition var1="tw_gui_pattern_grid_size" var2="4"/> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%navbar_btn_y%" placement="4"/> |
| <image resource="grid_less"/> |
| <action function="set">tw_gui_pattern_grid_size=3</action> |
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| <button> |
| <condition var1="tw_gui_pattern_grid_size" var2="5"/> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%navbar_btn_y%" placement="4"/> |
| <image resource="grid_less"/> |
| <action function="set">tw_gui_pattern_grid_size=4</action> |
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| <button> |
| <condition var1="tw_gui_pattern_grid_size" var2="6"/> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%navbar_btn_y%" placement="4"/> |
| <image resource="grid_less"/> |
| <action function="set">tw_gui_pattern_grid_size=5</action> |
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| <button> |
| <condition var1="tw_gui_pattern_grid_size" var2="3"/> |
| <placement x="%console_button_x%" y="%navbar_btn_y%" placement="4"/> |
| <image resource="grid_more"/> |
| <action function="set">tw_gui_pattern_grid_size=4</action> |
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| <button> |
| <condition var1="tw_gui_pattern_grid_size" var2="4"/> |
| <placement x="%console_button_x%" y="%navbar_btn_y%" placement="4"/> |
| <image resource="grid_more"/> |
| <action function="set">tw_gui_pattern_grid_size=5</action> |
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| <button> |
| <condition var1="tw_gui_pattern_grid_size" var2="5"/> |
| <placement x="%console_button_x%" y="%navbar_btn_y%" placement="4"/> |
| <image resource="grid_more"/> |
| <action function="set">tw_gui_pattern_grid_size=6</action> |
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| <button> |
| <condition var1="tw_gui_pattern_grid_size" var2="6"/> |
| <placement x="%console_button_x%" y="%navbar_btn_y%" placement="4"/> |
| <image resource="grid_more"/> |
| <action function="set">tw_gui_pattern_grid_size=6</action> |
| </button> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="decrypt_pin"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@mount_hdr=Mount} > {@decrypt_data_hdr=Decrypt Data}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <condition var1="tw_is_fbe" op="!=" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@decrypt_data_enter_pass=Enter PIN:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <condition var1="tw_is_fbe" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@decrypt_data_enter_pass_fbe=Enter PIN for User [%tw_crypto_user_id%]}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <input> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%input_height%"/> |
| <text>%tw_crypto_display%</text> |
| <data name="tw_crypto_password" mask="*" maskvariable="tw_crypto_display"/> |
| <restrict minlen="1" maxlen="254"/> |
| <action function="page">trydecrypt</action> |
| </input> |
| |
| <fill color="%accent_color%"> |
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| |
| <fill color="%text_fail_color%"> |
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| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="row3_input_y" w="%content_width%" h="input_line_width" placement="1"/> |
| </fill> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <condition var1="tw_password_fail" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row3_input_y%"/> |
| <text>{@decrypt_data_failed=PIN failed, please try again!}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row4_y%"/> |
| <text>{@sel_lang_btn=Select Language}</text> |
| <action function="page">settings_language</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row4_y%"/> |
| <text>{@cancel_btn=Cancel}</text> |
| <action function="page">canceldecrypt</action> |
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| |
| <template name="keyboardnum"/> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="trydecrypt"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@mount_hdr=Mount} > {@decrypt_data_trying=Trying Decryption}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <template name="console"/> |
| |
| <template name="progress_bar"/> |
| |
| <action> |
| <action function="decrypt"/> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_state" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_status" op="!=" var2="0"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_password_fail=1</action> |
| <action function="page">decrypt</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_state" var2="1"/> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_status" op="=" var2="0"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_page_done=1</action> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="canceldecrypt"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@cancel_btn=Cancel} > {@refresh_sizes_btn=Refresh Sizes}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <template name="console"/> |
| |
| <template name="progress_bar"/> |
| |
| <action> |
| <action function="refreshsizes"/> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <conditions> |
| <condition var1="tw_operation_state" var2="1"/> |
| </conditions> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_page_done=1</action> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="terminalcommand"> |
| <terminal> |
| <condition var1="tw_hide_kb" var2="0"/> |
| <placement x="0" y="0" w="%screen_width%" h="%console_terminal_s_height%"/> |
| </terminal> |
| |
| <terminal> |
| <condition var1="tw_hide_kb" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="0" y="0" w="%screen_width%" h="%console_terminal_l_height%"/> |
| </terminal> |
| |
| <template name="keyboardterminaltemplate"/> |
| |
| <template name="keyboardtemplate"/> |
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| <button> |
| <placement x="%back_button_x%" y="%navbar_btn_y%" placement="4" /> |
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| <condition var1="tw_busy" var2="0" /> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_hide_kb=0</action> |
| <action function="key">back</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%navbar_btn_y%" placement="4" /> |
| <image resource="home" /> |
| <condition var1="tw_busy" var2="0" /> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_hide_kb=0</action> |
| <action function="key">home</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button> |
| <condition var1="tw_hide_kb" var2="0"/> |
| <placement x="%console_button_x%" y="%navbar_btn_y%" placement="4" /> |
| <image resource="kb_hide" /> |
| <condition var1="tw_busy" var2="0" /> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_hide_kb=1</action> |
| <action function="page">terminalcommand</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
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| <button> |
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| <placement x="%console_button_x%" y="%navbar_btn_y%" placement="4" /> |
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| <condition var1="tw_busy" var2="0" /> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_hide_kb=0</action> |
| <action function="page">terminalcommand</action> |
| </actions> |
| </button> |
| |
| <action> |
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| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_hide_kb=0</action> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_hide_kb=0</action> |
| <action function="page">advanced</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="power+voldown" /> |
| <action function="screenshot" /> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
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| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
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| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@options=Options:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <checkbox> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row2_y%"/> |
| <text>{@sideload_wipe_dalvik_chk=Wipe Dalvik Cache}</text> |
| <data variable="tw_wipe_dalvik"/> |
| </checkbox> |
| |
| <checkbox> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row4a_y%"/> |
| <text>{@sideload_wipe_cache_chk=Wipe Cache}</text> |
| <data variable="tw_wipe_cache"/> |
| </checkbox> |
| |
| <slider> |
| <text>{@swipe_sideload= Start}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=install_type</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=adbsideload</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@sideload_confirm=ADB Sideload}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text2={@sideload_usage=Usage: adb sideload filename.zip}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@sideload_complete=ADB Sideload Complete}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_has_cancel=1</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_show_reboot=1</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_cancel_action=adbsideloadcancel</action> |
| <action function="page">action_page</action> |
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| <touch key="home"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <action function="page">install_type</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="fixcontexts"> |
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| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
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| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row2_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@fix_contexts_note1=Note: Fixing contexts is rarely needed.}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row6a_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@fix_contexts_note2=Fixing SELinux Contexts may cause}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row7a_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@fix_contexts_note3=your device to not boot properly.}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <slider> |
| <text>{@swipe_fix_contexts= Fix Contexts}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=advanced</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=fixcontexts</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@fixing_contexts=Fixing Contexts...}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@fix_contexts_complete=Fix Contexts Complete}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_slider_text={@swipe_confirm= Confirm}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_show_reboot=1</action> |
| <action function="page">action_page</action> |
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| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
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| |
| <action> |
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| <action> |
| <touch key="power"/> |
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| |
| <action> |
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| </page> |
| |
| <page name="select_storage"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>%tw_storagetext%</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <partitionlist style="partitionlist_headerless_rb"> |
| <data name="tw_storage_path"/> |
| <listtype name="storage"/> |
| </partitionlist> |
| |
| <button> |
| <placement x="%btn4_col2_x%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
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| <actions> |
| <action function="refreshsizes"/> |
| <action function="page">select_storage</action> |
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| |
| <button> |
| <placement x="%btn4_col3_x%" y="%row11_y%"/> |
| <highlight color="%highlight_color%"/> |
| <image resource="q_btn_accept"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_clear_destination=%tw_back%</action> |
| <action function="page">clear_vars</action> |
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| </button> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="power+voldown"/> |
| <action function="screenshot"/> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="decrypt_users"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_l"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_header%" y="%row3_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@decrypt_users=Decrypt Users}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%center_x%" y="%row2_y%" placement="5"/> |
| <text>{@decrypt_users_selection=Select a user ID to decrypt}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <listbox> |
| <placement x="%indent%" y="%row2_header_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%fileselector_install_height%"/> |
| <text>{@select_user=Select User}</text> |
| <icon selected="radio_true" unselected="radio_false" /> |
| <data name="tw_crypto_user_id" /> |
| </listbox> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row13_y%" textplacement="6"/> |
| <text>{@decrypt_users=Decrypt Users}</text> |
| <action function="set">tw_crypto_password=</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_password_fail=0</action> |
| <action function="page">decrypt</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="home"/> |
| <action function="page">main</action> |
| </action> |
| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <action function="page">advanced</action> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| |
| <page name="changeTwrpFolder"> |
| <template name="page"/> |
| |
| <template name="statusbar"/> |
| |
| <text style="text_m"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/> |
| <text>{@change_twrp_folder_btn=Change TWRP folder}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_accent"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_y%"/> |
| <text>{@name=Name:}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <input> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row2_y%" w="%content_width%" h="%input_height%"/> |
| <text>%tw_custom_folder%</text> |
| <data name="tw_custom_folder"/> |
| <restrict minlen="1" maxlen="64" allow="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=changeTwrpFolder</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=applycustomtwrpfolder</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=%tw_custom_folder%</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@confirm_action=Confirm}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2={@rename_backup_confirm2=This cannot be undone!}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@change_twrp_folder_on_process=Changing TWRP folder}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@change_twrp_folder_after_process=TWRP folder changed to} %tw_custom_folder%</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_slider_text={@swipe_to_confirm=Swipe to Confirm}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_filecheck=/sdcard/%tw_custom_folder%</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_existpage=changeTwrpFolder</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_notexistpage=confirm_action</action> |
| <action function="page">filecheck</action> |
| </actions> |
| </input> |
| |
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| |
| <fill color="%text_fail_color%"> |
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| </fill> |
| |
| <text style="text_m_fail"> |
| <condition var1="tw_fileexists" var2="1"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row3_input_y%"/> |
| <text>{@tw_folder_exists=A folder with that name already exists!}</text> |
| </text> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_width_low"> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row4_y%"/> |
| <text>{@cancel_btn=Cancel}</text> |
| <action function="page">advanced2</action> |
| </button> |
| |
| <button style="main_button_half_height"> |
| <condition var1="tw_recovery_folder" op="!=" var2="/TWRP"/> |
| <placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row4_y%"/> |
| <text>{@restore_defaults_btn=Restore Defaults}</text> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="set">tw_back=changeTwrpFolder</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action=applycustomtwrpfolder</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_param=TWRP</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text1={@confirm_action=Confirm}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_text2={@rename_backup_confirm2=This cannot be undone!}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_action_text1={@change_twrp_folder_on_process=Changing TWRP folder}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_complete_text1={@change_twrp_folder_after_process=TWRP folder changed to} TWRP</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_slider_text={@swipe_to_confirm=Swipe to Confirm}</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_filecheck=/sdcard/TWRP</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_existpage=changeTwrpFolder</action> |
| <action function="set">tw_notexistpage=confirm_action</action> |
| <action function="page">filecheck</action> |
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| |
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| |
| <action> |
| <touch key="back"/> |
| <actions> |
| <action function="page">advanced2</action> |
| </actions> |
| </action> |
| </page> |
| </pages> |
| </recovery> |