blob: fa6266245813e93ed3800e03b2de9d168e5f6523 [file] [log] [blame]
# Start the keystore2 service.
# Keystore 2.0 changes its working directory to the first positional
# command line option, i.e., /data/misc/keystore, where it stores its
# database.
# Keystore shall run as user keystore and groups keystore, readproc, and log.
# See system/core/init/ for information on the init.rc language.
on late-init
start keystore2
service keystore2 /system/bin/keystore2 /tmp/misc/keystore
class early_hal
user root
group keystore readproc log
writepid /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks
seclabel u:r:recovery:s0