blob: 731f9190fe1be266cd21747bdba68ce584d4f4e1 [file] [log] [blame]
* This binary allows you to back up the second (recovery) ramdisk on
* typical Samsung boot images and to inject a new second ramdisk into
* an existing boot image.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
* only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301, USA.
* The code was written from scratch by Dees_Troy dees_troy at
* yahoo
* Copyright (c) 2012
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#define INJECT_USE_TMP 1
int scan_file_for_data(char *filename, unsigned char *data, int data_size, unsigned long start_location, unsigned long *data_address) {
FILE *pFile;
unsigned long lSize;
unsigned char *buffer, *last_needle = NULL;
unsigned char needle[data_size];
size_t result;
int i, return_val = 0;
pFile = fopen(filename, "rb");
printf("Unabled to open file '%s'.\nFailed\n", filename);
return -1;
fseek (pFile , 0 , SEEK_END);
lSize = ftell(pFile);
buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * lSize);
if(buffer == NULL){
printf("Memory allocation error on '%s'!\nFailed\n", filename);
return -1;
result = fread(buffer, 1, lSize, pFile);
if (result != lSize) {
printf("Error reading file '%s'\nFailed\n", filename);
return -1;
for (i=0; i<data_size; i++) {
needle[i] = *data;
unsigned char *p = memmem(buffer + start_location, lSize - start_location, needle, data_size);
if (!p) {
return_val = -1;
} else {
*data_address = p - buffer + data_size;
return return_val;
int write_new_ramdisk(char *bootimage, char *newramdisk, unsigned long start_location, char *outputimage) {
FILE *bFile; // bootimage
FILE *rFile; // ramdisk
FILE *oFile; // output file
unsigned long blSize, rlSize, offset_table, ramdisk_len;
unsigned char *bbuffer, *rbuffer;
size_t result;
int return_val;
// Read the original boot image
printf("Reading the original boot image...\n");
bFile = fopen(bootimage, "rb");
printf("Unabled to open original boot image '%s'.\nFailed\n", bootimage);
fseek (bFile , 0 , SEEK_END);
blSize = ftell(bFile);
printf("Size of original boot is %lu\n", blSize);
bbuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * blSize);
if(bbuffer == NULL){
printf("File read error on original boot image '%s'!\nFailed\n", bootimage);
result = fread(bbuffer, 1, blSize, bFile);
if (result != blSize) {
printf("Error reading original boot image '%s'\nFailed\n", bootimage);
// Find the ramdisk offset table
unsigned char needle[13] = "recovery_len=";
return_val = scan_file_for_data(bootimage, &needle, 13, 0, &offset_table);
if (return_val < 0) {
printf("Ramdisk offset table not found in %s!\nFailed\n", bootimage);
printf("Ramdisk offset table found at 0x%08x\n", offset_table);
// Read the ramdisk to insert into the boot image
printf("Reading the ramdisk...\n");
rFile = fopen(newramdisk, "rb");
printf("Unabled to open ramdisk image '%s'.\nFailed\n", newramdisk);
fseek (rFile , 0 , SEEK_END);
rlSize = ftell(rFile);
printf("Size of new ramdisk is %lu\n", rlSize);
ramdisk_len = rlSize / 512;
if ((rlSize % 512) != 0)
printf("Ramdisk length for offset table: %lu\n", ramdisk_len);
rbuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * blSize);
if(rbuffer == NULL){
printf("File read error on ramdisk image '%s'!\nFailed\n", newramdisk);
result = fread(rbuffer, 1, rlSize, rFile);
if (result != rlSize) {
printf("Error reading ramdisk image '%s'\nFailed\n", newramdisk);
// Open the output image for writing
printf("Opening the output image for writing...\n");
oFile = fopen(outputimage, "wb");
printf("Unabled to open output image '%s'.\nFailed\n", outputimage);
printf("Writing kernel and first ramdisk...\n");
result = fwrite(bbuffer, 1, start_location - 1, oFile);
if (result != start_location - 1) {
printf("Write count does not match! (1)\n");
fseek(oFile, start_location, SEEK_SET);
printf("Writing new second ramdisk...\n");
result = fwrite(rbuffer, 1, rlSize, oFile);
if (result != rlSize) {
printf("Write count does not match! (2)\n");
} else {
printf("Finished writing new boot image '%s'\n", outputimage);
// Write new ramdisk_len to offset table
printf("Writing new ramdisk length to offset table...\n");
fseek(oFile, offset_table, SEEK_SET);
char ramdisk_lens[20];
sprintf(ramdisk_lens, "%lu;\n\n", ramdisk_len);
fwrite(ramdisk_lens, 1, strlen(ramdisk_lens), oFile);
printf("All done writing new image: '%s'\n", outputimage);
return 1;
int backup_recovery_ramdisk(char *bootimage, unsigned long start_location, char *outputimage) {
FILE *bFile; // bootimage
FILE *rFile; // ramdisk
FILE *oFile; // output file
unsigned long blSize, offset_table, ramdisk_len;
unsigned char *bbuffer;
size_t result;
unsigned char ramdisk_lens[4], *p;
int return_val, i;
// Read the original boot image
printf("Reading the original boot image...\n");
bFile = fopen(bootimage, "rb");
printf("Unabled to open original boot image '%s'.\nFailed\n", bootimage);
fseek (bFile , 0 , SEEK_END);
blSize = ftell(bFile);
printf("Size of original boot is %lu\n", blSize);
bbuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * blSize);
if(bbuffer == NULL){
printf("File read error on original boot image '%s'!\nFailed\n", bootimage);
result = fread(bbuffer, 1, blSize, bFile);
if (result != blSize) {
printf("Error reading original boot image '%s'\nFailed\n", bootimage);
// Find the ramdisk offset table
unsigned char needle[13] = "recovery_len=";
return_val = scan_file_for_data(bootimage, &needle, 13, 0, &offset_table);
if (return_val < 0) {
printf("Ramdisk offset table not found in %s!\nFailed\n", bootimage);
printf("Ramdisk offset table found at 0x%08x\n", offset_table);
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
p = bbuffer + offset_table + i;
if (*p == ';') {
ramdisk_lens[i] = 0;
} else {
ramdisk_lens[i] = *p;
ramdisk_len = atoi(ramdisk_lens);
ramdisk_len *= 512;
printf("Ramdisk length: %lu\n", ramdisk_len);
// Open the output image for writing
printf("Opening the output image for writing...\n");
oFile = fopen(outputimage, "wb");
printf("Unabled to open output image '%s'.\nFailed\n", outputimage);
printf("Writing backup ramdisk...\n");
result = fwrite(bbuffer + start_location, 1, ramdisk_len, oFile);
if (result != ramdisk_len) {
printf("Write count does not match! (1)\n");
} else {
printf("Finished backing up ramdisk image '%s'\n", outputimage);
return 1;
int find_gzip_recovery_ramdisk(char *boot_image, unsigned long *ramdisk_address) {
unsigned char gzip_ramdisk[6] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x8b};
unsigned long address1, address2;
int return_val;
// Find the first ramdisk
return_val = scan_file_for_data(boot_image, &gzip_ramdisk, 6, 0, &address1);
if (return_val < 0) {
printf("No ramdisk found in '%s'\nFailed\n", boot_image);
printf("This boot image may not be using gzip compression.\n");
return -1;
address1 -= 2;
printf("Ramdisk found in '%s' at offset 0x%08x\n", boot_image, address1);
// Find the second (recovery) ramdisk
return_val = scan_file_for_data(boot_image, &gzip_ramdisk, 6, address1 + 50, &address2);
if (return_val < 0) {
printf("No recovery ramdisk found in '%s'\nFailed\n", boot_image, address2);
return -1;
address2 -= 2;
printf("Recovery ramdisk found in '%s' at offset 0x%08x\n", boot_image, address2);
*ramdisk_address = address2;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int arg_error = 0, delete_ind = 0, return_val, index, len;
unsigned long address2;
unsigned char regular_check[8] = "ANDROID!";
char boot_image[512], backup_image[512], boot_block_device[512], command[512];
printf("-- InjectTWRP Recovery Ramdisk Injection Tool for Samsung devices. --\n");
printf("-- by Dees_Troy and Team Win --\n");
printf("-- --\n");
printf("-- Bringing some win to Samsung! --\n");
printf("-- This tool comes with no warranties whatsoever! --\n");
printf("-- Use at your own risk and always keep a backup! --\n\n");
printf("Version 0.2 beta\n\n");
// Parse the arguments
if (argc < 2 || argc > 6)
arg_error = 1;
else {
strcpy(boot_block_device, "boot");
for (index = 1; index < argc; index++) {
len = strlen(argv[index]);
if (len > 3 && strncmp(argv[index], "bd=", 3) == 0) {
strcpy(boot_block_device, argv[index] + 3);
index = argc;
if ((argc >= 2 && argc <= 4) && (strcmp(argv[1], "-b") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "--backup") == 0)) {
// Backup existing boot image
printf("Dumping boot image...\n");
sprintf(command, "dump_image %s /tmp/original_boot.img", boot_block_device);
strcpy(boot_image, "/tmp/original_boot.img");
if (argc == 2)
strcpy(backup_image, "/tmp/recovery_ramdisk.img");
strcpy(backup_image, argv[2]);
system("mount /cache");
sprintf(command, "dump_image %s /cache/original_boot.img", boot_block_device);
strcpy(boot_image, "/cache/original_boot.img");
if (argc == 2)
strcpy(backup_image, "/cache/recovery_ramdisk.img");
strcpy(backup_image, argv[2]);
// Check if this is a normal Android image or a Samsung image
return_val = scan_file_for_data(boot_image, &regular_check, 8, 0, &address2);
if (return_val >= 0) {
printf("This is not a properly formatted Samsung boot image!\nFailed\n");
return 1;
// Find the ramdisk
return_val = find_gzip_recovery_ramdisk(boot_image, &address2);
if (return_val < 0) {
return 1;
backup_recovery_ramdisk(boot_image, address2, backup_image);
return 0;
} else {
// Inject new ramdisk
if (strcmp(argv[1], "-d") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "--dump") == 0) {
printf("Dumping boot image...\n");
sprintf(command, "dump_image %s /tmp/original_boot.img", boot_block_device);
strcpy(boot_image, "/tmp/original_boot.img");
system("mount /cache");
sprintf(command, "dump_image %s /cache/original_boot.img", boot_block_device);
strcpy(boot_image, "/cache/original_boot.img");
delete_ind = -1;
} else
strcpy(boot_image, argv[1]);
// Check if this is a normal Android image or a Samsung image
return_val = scan_file_for_data(boot_image, &regular_check, 8, 0, &address2);
if (return_val >= 0) {
printf("This is not a properly formatted Samsung boot image!\nFailed\n");
return 1;
// Find the ramdisk
return_val = find_gzip_recovery_ramdisk(boot_image, &address2);
if (return_val < 0) {
return 1;
// Write the new image
write_new_ramdisk(boot_image, argv[2], address2, argv[3]);
// Delete --dump image if needed
if (delete_ind) {
printf("Deleting dumped boot image from /cache\n");
system("rm /cache/original_boot.img");
if (argc >= 5 && (strcmp(argv[4], "-f") == 0 || strcmp(argv[4], "--flash") == 0)) {
printf("Flashing new image...\n");
sprintf(command, "erase_image %s", boot_block_device);
sprintf(command, "flash_image %s %s", boot_block_device, argv[3]);
printf("Flash complete.\n");
return 0;
if (arg_error) {
printf("Invalid arguments supplied.\n");
printf("Backup existing recovery ramdisk (requires dump_image):\n");
printf("injecttwrp --backup [optionalbackuplocation.img]\n\n");
printf("Inject new recovery ramdisk:\n");
printf("injecttwrp originalboot.img ramdisk-recovery.img outputboot.img\n");
printf("injecttwrp --dump ramdisk-recovery.img outputboot.img [--flash]\n");
printf("--dump will use dump_image to dump your existing boot image\n");
printf("--flash will use flash_image to flash the new boot image\n\n");
printf("NOTE: dump_image, erase_image, and flash_image must already be installed!\n\n");
printf("If needed you can add bd=/dev/block/mmcblk0p5 to indicate the location\n");
printf("of the boot partition on emmc devices as the final parameter.\n");
return 0;
return 0;