blob: 3b309fb13a987254d5400128545509016f26a0bb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ui.h"
// From minui/minui.h.
struct GRSurface;
// This class maintains the menu selection and display of the screen ui.
class Menu {
// Constructs a Menu instance with the given |headers|, |items| and properties. Sets the initial
// selection to |initial_selection|.
Menu(bool scrollable, size_t max_items, size_t max_length, const char* const* headers,
const char* const* items, int initial_selection);
bool scrollable() const {
return scrollable_;
int selection() const {
return selection_;
// Returns count of menu items.
size_t ItemsCount() const;
// Returns the index of the first menu item.
size_t MenuStart() const;
// Returns the index of the last menu item + 1.
size_t MenuEnd() const;
// Menu example:
// info: Android Recovery
// ....
// help messages: Swipe up/down to move
// Swipe left/right to select
// empty line (horizontal rule):
// menu headers: Select file to view
// menu items: /cache/recovery/last_log
// /cache/recovery/last_log.1
// /cache/recovery/last_log.2
// ...
const char* const* text_headers() const;
std::string TextItem(size_t index) const;
// Checks if the menu items fit vertically on the screen. Returns true and set the
// |cur_selection_str| if the items exceed the screen limit.
bool ItemsOverflow(std::string* cur_selection_str) const;
// Sets the current selection to |sel|. Handle the overflow cases depending on if the menu is
// scrollable.
int Select(int sel);
// The menu is scrollable to display more items. Used on wear devices who have smaller screens.
const bool scrollable_;
// The max number of menu items to fit vertically on a screen.
const size_t max_display_items_;
// The length of each item to fit horizontally on a screen.
const size_t max_item_length_;
// Internal storage for the menu headers and items in text.
const char* const* text_headers_;
std::vector<std::string> text_items_;
// The first item to display on the screen.
size_t menu_start_;
// Current menu selection.
int selection_;
// Implementation of RecoveryUI appropriate for devices with a screen
// (shows an icon + a progress bar, text logging, menu, etc.)
class ScreenRecoveryUI : public RecoveryUI {
enum UIElement {
explicit ScreenRecoveryUI(bool scrollable_menu);
bool Init(const std::string& locale) override;
// overall recovery state ("background image")
void SetBackground(Icon icon) override;
void SetSystemUpdateText(bool security_update) override;
// progress indicator
void SetProgressType(ProgressType type) override;
void ShowProgress(float portion, float seconds) override;
void SetProgress(float fraction) override;
void SetStage(int current, int max) override;
// text log
void ShowText(bool visible) override;
bool IsTextVisible() override;
bool WasTextEverVisible() override;
// printing messages
void Print(const char* fmt, ...) override __printflike(2, 3);
void PrintOnScreenOnly(const char* fmt, ...) override __printflike(2, 3);
void ShowFile(const std::string& filename) override;
// menu display
int ShowMenu(const char* const* headers, const char* const* items, int initial_selection,
bool menu_only, const std::function<int(int, bool)>& key_handler) override;
void KeyLongPress(int) override;
void Redraw();
void SetColor(UIElement e) const;
// Check the background text image. Use volume up/down button to cycle through the locales
// embedded in the png file, and power button to go back to recovery main menu.
void CheckBackgroundTextImages(const std::string& saved_locale);
// The margin that we don't want to use for showing texts (e.g. round screen, or screen with
// rounded corners).
const int kMarginWidth;
const int kMarginHeight;
// Number of frames per sec (default: 30) for both parts of the animation.
const int kAnimationFps;
// The scale factor from dp to pixels. 1.0 for mdpi, 4.0 for xxxhdpi.
const float kDensity;
virtual bool InitTextParams();
// Displays some header text followed by a menu of items, which appears at the top of the screen
// (in place of any scrolling ui_print() output, if necessary).
virtual void StartMenu(const char* const* headers, const char* const* items,
int initial_selection);
// Sets the menu highlight to the given index, wrapping if necessary. Returns the actual item
// selected.
virtual int SelectMenu(int sel);
// Ends menu mode, resetting the text overlay so that ui_print() statements will be displayed.
virtual void EndMenu();
virtual void draw_background_locked();
virtual void draw_foreground_locked();
virtual void draw_screen_locked();
virtual void draw_menu_and_text_buffer_locked(const std::vector<std::string>& help_message);
virtual void update_screen_locked();
virtual void update_progress_locked();
GRSurface* GetCurrentFrame() const;
GRSurface* GetCurrentText() const;
static void* ProgressThreadStartRoutine(void* data);
void ProgressThreadLoop();
virtual void ShowFile(FILE*);
virtual void PrintV(const char*, bool, va_list);
void PutChar(char);
void ClearText();
void LoadAnimation();
void LoadBitmap(const char* filename, GRSurface** surface);
void LoadLocalizedBitmap(const char* filename, GRSurface** surface);
int PixelsFromDp(int dp) const;
virtual int GetAnimationBaseline() const;
virtual int GetProgressBaseline() const;
virtual int GetTextBaseline() const;
// Returns pixel width of draw buffer.
virtual int ScreenWidth() const;
// Returns pixel height of draw buffer.
virtual int ScreenHeight() const;
// Draws a highlight bar at (x, y) - (x + width, y + height).
virtual void DrawHighlightBar(int x, int y, int width, int height) const;
// Draws a horizontal rule at Y. Returns the offset it should be moving along Y-axis.
virtual int DrawHorizontalRule(int y) const;
// Draws a line of text. Returns the offset it should be moving along Y-axis.
virtual int DrawTextLine(int x, int y, const std::string& line, bool bold) const;
// Draws surface portion (sx, sy, w, h) at screen location (dx, dy).
virtual void DrawSurface(GRSurface* surface, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int dx, int dy) const;
// Draws rectangle at (x, y) - (x + w, y + h).
virtual void DrawFill(int x, int y, int w, int h) const;
// Draws given surface (surface->pixel_bytes = 1) as text at (x, y).
virtual void DrawTextIcon(int x, int y, GRSurface* surface) const;
// Draws multiple text lines. Returns the offset it should be moving along Y-axis.
int DrawTextLines(int x, int y, const std::vector<std::string>& lines) const;
// Similar to DrawTextLines() to draw multiple text lines, but additionally wraps long lines.
// Returns the offset it should be moving along Y-axis.
int DrawWrappedTextLines(int x, int y, const std::vector<std::string>& lines) const;
Icon currentIcon;
// The layout to use.
int layout_;
GRSurface* error_icon;
GRSurface* erasing_text;
GRSurface* error_text;
GRSurface* installing_text;
GRSurface* no_command_text;
GRSurface** introFrames;
GRSurface** loopFrames;
GRSurface* progressBarEmpty;
GRSurface* progressBarFill;
GRSurface* stageMarkerEmpty;
GRSurface* stageMarkerFill;
ProgressType progressBarType;
float progressScopeStart, progressScopeSize, progress;
double progressScopeTime, progressScopeDuration;
// true when both graphics pages are the same (except for the progress bar).
bool pagesIdentical;
size_t text_cols_, text_rows_;
// Log text overlay, displayed when a magic key is pressed.
char** text_;
size_t text_col_, text_row_;
bool show_text;
bool show_text_ever; // has show_text ever been true?
bool scrollable_menu_;
std::unique_ptr<Menu> menu_;
// An alternate text screen, swapped with 'text_' when we're viewing a log file.
char** file_viewer_text_;
pthread_t progress_thread_;
// Number of intro frames and loop frames in the animation.
size_t intro_frames;
size_t loop_frames;
size_t current_frame;
bool intro_done;
int stage, max_stage;
int char_width_;
int char_height_;
// The locale that's used to show the rendered texts.
std::string locale_;
bool rtl_locale_;
pthread_mutex_t updateMutex;
void SetLocale(const std::string&);
// Display the background texts for "erasing", "error", "no_command" and "installing" for the
// selected locale.
void SelectAndShowBackgroundText(const std::vector<std::string>& locales_entries, size_t sel);
#endif // RECOVERY_UI_H