blob: fad038043172a699680083a34a6f494830969015 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/parseint.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
using Range = std::pair<size_t, size_t>;
class RangeSet {
RangeSet() : blocks_(0) {}
explicit RangeSet(std::vector<Range>&& pairs) {
CHECK_NE(pairs.size(), static_cast<size_t>(0)) << "Invalid number of tokens";
// Sanity check the input.
size_t result = 0;
for (const auto& range : pairs) {
CHECK_LT(range.first, range.second)
<< "Empty or negative range: " << range.first << ", " << range.second;
size_t sz = range.second - range.first;
CHECK_LE(result, SIZE_MAX - sz) << "RangeSet size overflow";
result += sz;
ranges_ = pairs;
blocks_ = result;
static RangeSet Parse(const std::string& range_text) {
std::vector<std::string> pieces = android::base::Split(range_text, ",");
CHECK_GE(pieces.size(), static_cast<size_t>(3)) << "Invalid range text: " << range_text;
size_t num;
CHECK(android::base::ParseUint(pieces[0], &num, static_cast<size_t>(INT_MAX)))
<< "Failed to parse the number of tokens: " << range_text;
CHECK_NE(num, static_cast<size_t>(0)) << "Invalid number of tokens: " << range_text;
CHECK_EQ(num % 2, static_cast<size_t>(0)) << "Number of tokens must be even: " << range_text;
CHECK_EQ(num, pieces.size() - 1) << "Mismatching number of tokens: " << range_text;
std::vector<Range> pairs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i += 2) {
size_t first;
CHECK(android::base::ParseUint(pieces[i + 1], &first, static_cast<size_t>(INT_MAX)));
size_t second;
CHECK(android::base::ParseUint(pieces[i + 2], &second, static_cast<size_t>(INT_MAX)));
pairs.emplace_back(first, second);
return RangeSet(std::move(pairs));
// Get the block number for the i-th (starting from 0) block in the RangeSet.
size_t GetBlockNumber(size_t idx) const {
CHECK_LT(idx, blocks_) << "Out of bound index " << idx << " (total blocks: " << blocks_ << ")";
for (const auto& range : ranges_) {
if (idx < range.second - range.first) {
return range.first + idx;
idx -= (range.second - range.first);
CHECK(false) << "Failed to find block number for index " << idx;
return 0; // Unreachable, but to make compiler happy.
// RangeSet has half-closed half-open bounds. For example, "3,5" contains blocks 3 and 4. So "3,5"
// and "5,7" are not overlapped.
bool Overlaps(const RangeSet& other) const {
for (const auto& range : ranges_) {
size_t start = range.first;
size_t end = range.second;
for (const auto& other_range : other.ranges_) {
size_t other_start = other_range.first;
size_t other_end = other_range.second;
// [start, end) vs [other_start, other_end)
if (!(other_start >= end || start >= other_end)) {
return true;
return false;
// size() gives the number of Range's in this RangeSet.
size_t size() const {
return ranges_.size();
// blocks() gives the number of all blocks in this RangeSet.
size_t blocks() const {
return blocks_;
// We provide const iterators only.
std::vector<Range>::const_iterator cbegin() const {
return ranges_.cbegin();
std::vector<Range>::const_iterator cend() const {
return ranges_.cend();
// Need to provide begin()/end() since range-based loop expects begin()/end().
std::vector<Range>::const_iterator begin() const {
return ranges_.cbegin();
std::vector<Range>::const_iterator end() const {
return ranges_.cend();
// Reverse const iterators for MoveRange().
std::vector<Range>::const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const {
return ranges_.crbegin();
std::vector<Range>::const_reverse_iterator crend() const {
return ranges_.crend();
const Range& operator[](size_t i) const {
return ranges_[i];
bool operator==(const RangeSet& other) const {
// The orders of Range's matter. "4,1,5,8,10" != "4,8,10,1,5".
return (ranges_ == other.ranges_);
bool operator!=(const RangeSet& other) const {
return ranges_ != other.ranges_;
// Actual limit for each value and the total number are both INT_MAX.
std::vector<Range> ranges_;
size_t blocks_;