blob: 2602eb2571a213aecda4592c48c1494ef9b077c0 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2012 bigbiff/Dees_Troy TeamWin
This file is part of TWRP/TeamWin Recovery Project.
TWRP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
TWRP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with TWRP. If not, see <>.
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <algorithm>
extern "C" {
#include "../twcommon.h"
#include "../minuitwrp/minui.h"
#include "rapidxml.hpp"
#include "objects.hpp"
#include "../data.hpp"
#include "../twrp-functions.hpp"
int GUIFileSelector::mSortOrder = 0;
GUIFileSelector::GUIFileSelector(xml_node<>* node) : GUIScrollList(node)
xml_attribute<>* attr;
xml_node<>* child;
mFolderIcon = mFileIcon = NULL;
mShowFolders = mShowFiles = mShowNavFolders = 1;
mUpdate = 0;
mPathVar = "cwd";
updateFileList = false;
// Load filter for filtering files (e.g. *.zip for only zips)
child = node->first_node("filter");
if (child) {
attr = child->first_attribute("extn");
if (attr)
mExtn = attr->value();
attr = child->first_attribute("folders");
if (attr)
mShowFolders = atoi(attr->value());
attr = child->first_attribute("files");
if (attr)
mShowFiles = atoi(attr->value());
attr = child->first_attribute("nav");
if (attr)
mShowNavFolders = atoi(attr->value());
// Handle the path variable
child = node->first_node("path");
if (child) {
attr = child->first_attribute("name");
if (attr)
mPathVar = attr->value();
attr = child->first_attribute("default");
if (attr) {
mPathDefault = attr->value();
DataManager::SetValue(mPathVar, attr->value());
// Handle the result variable
child = node->first_node("data");
if (child) {
attr = child->first_attribute("name");
if (attr)
mVariable = attr->value();
attr = child->first_attribute("default");
if (attr)
DataManager::SetValue(mVariable, attr->value());
// Handle the sort variable
child = node->first_node("sort");
if (child) {
attr = child->first_attribute("name");
if (attr)
mSortVariable = attr->value();
attr = child->first_attribute("default");
if (attr)
DataManager::SetValue(mSortVariable, attr->value());
DataManager::GetValue(mSortVariable, mSortOrder);
// Handle the selection variable
child = node->first_node("selection");
if (child && (attr = child->first_attribute("name")))
mSelection = attr->value();
mSelection = "0";
// Get folder and file icons if present
child = node->first_node("icon");
if (child) {
mFolderIcon = LoadAttrImage(child, "folder");
mFileIcon = LoadAttrImage(child, "file");
int iconWidth = std::max(mFolderIcon->GetWidth(), mFileIcon->GetWidth());
int iconHeight = std::max(mFolderIcon->GetHeight(), mFileIcon->GetHeight());
SetMaxIconSize(iconWidth, iconHeight);
// Fetch the file/folder list
std::string value;
DataManager::GetValue(mPathVar, value);
int GUIFileSelector::Update(void)
return 0;
// Update the file list if needed
if (updateFileList) {
string value;
DataManager::GetValue(mPathVar, value);
if (GetFileList(value) == 0) {
updateFileList = false;
mUpdate = 1;
} else
return 0;
if (mUpdate) {
mUpdate = 0;
if (Render() == 0)
return 2;
return 0;
int GUIFileSelector::NotifyVarChange(const std::string& varName, const std::string& value)
GUIScrollList::NotifyVarChange(varName, value);
return 0;
if (varName.empty()) {
// Always clear the data variable so we know to use it
DataManager::SetValue(mVariable, "");
if (varName == mPathVar || varName == mSortVariable) {
if (varName == mSortVariable) {
DataManager::GetValue(mSortVariable, mSortOrder);
} else {
// Reset the list to the top
if (value.empty())
DataManager::SetValue(mPathVar, mPathDefault);
updateFileList = true;
mUpdate = 1;
return 0;
return 0;
bool GUIFileSelector::fileSort(FileData d1, FileData d2)
if (d1.fileName == ".")
return -1;
if (d2.fileName == ".")
return 0;
if (d1.fileName == TW_FILESELECTOR_UP_A_LEVEL)
return -1;
if (d2.fileName == TW_FILESELECTOR_UP_A_LEVEL)
return 0;
switch (mSortOrder) {
case 3: // by size largest first
if (d1.fileSize == d2.fileSize || d1.fileType == DT_DIR) // some directories report a different size than others - but this is not the size of the files inside the directory, so we just sort by name on directories
return (strcasecmp(d1.fileName.c_str(), d2.fileName.c_str()) < 0);
return d1.fileSize < d2.fileSize;
case -3: // by size smallest first
if (d1.fileSize == d2.fileSize || d1.fileType == DT_DIR) // some directories report a different size than others - but this is not the size of the files inside the directory, so we just sort by name on directories
return (strcasecmp(d1.fileName.c_str(), d2.fileName.c_str()) > 0);
return d1.fileSize > d2.fileSize;
case 2: // by last modified date newest first
if (d1.lastModified == d2.lastModified)
return (strcasecmp(d1.fileName.c_str(), d2.fileName.c_str()) < 0);
return d1.lastModified < d2.lastModified;
case -2: // by date oldest first
if (d1.lastModified == d2.lastModified)
return (strcasecmp(d1.fileName.c_str(), d2.fileName.c_str()) > 0);
return d1.lastModified > d2.lastModified;
case -1: // by name descending
return (strcasecmp(d1.fileName.c_str(), d2.fileName.c_str()) > 0);
default: // should be a 1 - sort by name ascending
return (strcasecmp(d1.fileName.c_str(), d2.fileName.c_str()) < 0);
return 0;
int GUIFileSelector::GetFileList(const std::string folder)
DIR* d;
struct dirent* de;
struct stat st;
// Clear all data
d = opendir(folder.c_str());
if (d == NULL) {
LOGINFO("Unable to open '%s'\n", folder.c_str());
if (folder != "/" && (mShowNavFolders != 0 || mShowFiles != 0)) {
size_t found;
found = folder.find_last_of('/');
if (found != string::npos) {
string new_folder = folder.substr(0, found);
if (new_folder.length() < 2)
new_folder = "/";
DataManager::SetValue(mPathVar, new_folder);
return -1;
while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
FileData data;
data.fileName = de->d_name;
if (data.fileName == ".")
if (data.fileName == ".." && folder == "/")
if (data.fileName == "..") {
data.fileType = DT_DIR;
} else {
data.fileType = de->d_type;
std::string path = folder + "/" + data.fileName;
stat(path.c_str(), &st); = st.st_mode;
data.userId = st.st_uid;
data.groupId = st.st_gid;
data.fileSize = st.st_size;
data.lastAccess = st.st_atime;
data.lastModified = st.st_mtime;
data.lastStatChange = st.st_ctime;
if (data.fileType == DT_UNKNOWN) {
data.fileType = TWFunc::Get_D_Type_From_Stat(path);
if (data.fileType == DT_DIR) {
if (mShowNavFolders || (data.fileName != "." && data.fileName != TW_FILESELECTOR_UP_A_LEVEL))
} else if (data.fileType == DT_REG || data.fileType == DT_LNK || data.fileType == DT_BLK) {
if (mExtn.empty() || (data.fileName.length() > mExtn.length() && data.fileName.substr(data.fileName.length() - mExtn.length()) == mExtn)) {
std::sort(mFolderList.begin(), mFolderList.end(), fileSort);
std::sort(mFileList.begin(), mFileList.end(), fileSort);
return 0;
void GUIFileSelector::SetPageFocus(int inFocus)
if (inFocus) {
std::string value;
DataManager::GetValue(mPathVar, value);
if (value.empty())
DataManager::SetValue(mPathVar, mPathDefault);
updateFileList = true;
mUpdate = 1;
size_t GUIFileSelector::GetItemCount()
size_t folderSize = mShowFolders ? mFolderList.size() : 0;
size_t fileSize = mShowFiles ? mFileList.size() : 0;
return folderSize + fileSize;
int GUIFileSelector::GetListItem(size_t item_index, ImageResource*& icon, std::string &text)
size_t folderSize = mShowFolders ? mFolderList.size() : 0;
size_t fileSize = mShowFiles ? mFileList.size() : 0;
if (item_index < folderSize) {
text =;
icon = mFolderIcon;
} else {
text = - folderSize).fileName;
icon = mFileIcon;
return 0;
void GUIFileSelector::NotifySelect(size_t item_selected)
size_t folderSize = mShowFolders ? mFolderList.size() : 0;
size_t fileSize = mShowFiles ? mFileList.size() : 0;
if (item_selected < folderSize + fileSize) {
// We've selected an item!
std::string str;
if (item_selected < folderSize) {
std::string cwd;
str =;
if (mSelection != "0")
DataManager::SetValue(mSelection, str);
DataManager::GetValue(mPathVar, cwd);
// Ignore requests to do nothing
if (str == ".") return;
if (cwd != "/") {
size_t found;
found = cwd.find_last_of('/');
cwd = cwd.substr(0,found);
if (cwd.length() < 2) cwd = "/";
} else {
// Add a slash if we're not the root folder
if (cwd != "/") cwd += "/";
cwd += str;
if (mShowNavFolders == 0 && mShowFiles == 0) {
// nav folders and files are disabled, this is probably the restore list and we need to save chosen location to mVariable instead of mPathVar
DataManager::SetValue(mVariable, cwd);
} else {
// We are changing paths, so we need to set mPathVar
DataManager::SetValue(mPathVar, cwd);
} else if (!mVariable.empty()) {
str = - folderSize).fileName;
if (mSelection != "0")
DataManager::SetValue(mSelection, str);
std::string cwd;
DataManager::GetValue(mPathVar, cwd);
if (cwd != "/")
cwd += "/";
DataManager::SetValue(mVariable, cwd + str);
mUpdate = 1;