blob: 6d4b5310bb674d7319cf81f6a06332ba052f1462 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "private/commands.h"
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/parseint.h>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include "otautil/rangeset.h"
using namespace std::string_literals;
Command::Type Command::ParseType(const std::string& type_str) {
if (type_str == "bsdiff") {
return Type::BSDIFF;
} else if (type_str == "erase") {
return Type::ERASE;
} else if (type_str == "free") {
return Type::FREE;
} else if (type_str == "imgdiff") {
return Type::IMGDIFF;
} else if (type_str == "move") {
return Type::MOVE;
} else if (type_str == "new") {
return Type::NEW;
} else if (type_str == "stash") {
return Type::STASH;
} else if (type_str == "zero") {
return Type::ZERO;
return Type::LAST;
bool Command::ParseTargetInfoAndSourceInfo(const std::vector<std::string>& tokens,
const std::string& tgt_hash, TargetInfo* target,
const std::string& src_hash, SourceInfo* source,
std::string* err) {
// We expect the given tokens parameter in one of the following formats.
// <tgt_ranges> <src_block_count> - <[stash_id:location] ...>
// (loads data from stashes only)
// <tgt_ranges> <src_block_count> <src_ranges>
// (loads data from source image only)
// <tgt_ranges> <src_block_count> <src_ranges> <src_ranges_location> <[stash_id:location] ...>
// (loads data from both of source image and stashes)
// At least it needs to provide three parameters: <tgt_ranges>, <src_block_count> and
// "-"/<src_ranges>.
if (tokens.size() < 3) {
*err = "invalid number of parameters";
return false;
size_t pos = 0;
RangeSet tgt_ranges = RangeSet::Parse(tokens[pos++]);
if (!tgt_ranges) {
*err = "invalid target ranges";
return false;
*target = TargetInfo(tgt_hash, tgt_ranges);
// <src_block_count>
const std::string& token = tokens[pos++];
size_t src_blocks;
if (!android::base::ParseUint(token, &src_blocks)) {
*err = "invalid src_block_count \""s + token + "\"";
return false;
RangeSet src_ranges;
RangeSet src_ranges_location;
// "-" or <src_ranges> [<src_ranges_location>]
if (tokens[pos] == "-") {
// no source ranges, only stashes
} else {
src_ranges = RangeSet::Parse(tokens[pos++]);
if (!src_ranges) {
*err = "invalid source ranges";
return false;
if (pos >= tokens.size()) {
// No stashes, only source ranges.
SourceInfo result(src_hash, src_ranges, {}, {});
// Sanity check the block count.
if (result.blocks() != src_blocks) {
*err =
android::base::StringPrintf("mismatching block count: %zu (%s) vs %zu", result.blocks(),
src_ranges.ToString().c_str(), src_blocks);
return false;
*source = result;
return true;
src_ranges_location = RangeSet::Parse(tokens[pos++]);
if (!src_ranges_location) {
*err = "invalid source ranges location";
return false;
// <[stash_id:stash_location]>
std::vector<StashInfo> stashes;
while (pos < tokens.size()) {
// Each word is a an index into the stash table, a colon, and then a RangeSet describing where
// in the source block that stashed data should go.
std::vector<std::string> pairs = android::base::Split(tokens[pos++], ":");
if (pairs.size() != 2) {
*err = "invalid stash info";
return false;
RangeSet stash_location = RangeSet::Parse(pairs[1]);
if (!stash_location) {
*err = "invalid stash location";
return false;
stashes.emplace_back(pairs[0], stash_location);
SourceInfo result(src_hash, src_ranges, src_ranges_location, stashes);
if (src_blocks != result.blocks()) {
*err = android::base::StringPrintf("mismatching block count: %zu (%s) vs %zu", result.blocks(),
src_ranges.ToString().c_str(), src_blocks);
return false;
*source = result;
return true;
Command Command::Parse(const std::string& line, size_t index, std::string* err) {
std::vector<std::string> tokens = android::base::Split(line, " ");
size_t pos = 0;
// tokens.size() will be 1 at least.
Type op = ParseType(tokens[pos++]);
if (op == Type::LAST) {
*err = "invalid type";
return {};
PatchInfo patch_info;
TargetInfo target_info;
SourceInfo source_info;
StashInfo stash_info;
if (op == Type::ZERO || op == Type::NEW || op == Type::ERASE) {
// zero/new/erase <rangeset>
RangeSet tgt_ranges = RangeSet::Parse(tokens[pos++]);
if (!tgt_ranges) {
return {};
static const std::string kUnknownHash{ "unknown-hash" };
target_info = TargetInfo(kUnknownHash, tgt_ranges);
} else if (op == Type::STASH) {
// stash <stash_id> <src_ranges>
if (pos + 2 > tokens.size()) {
*err = "missing stash id and/or source ranges";
return {};
const std::string& id = tokens[pos++];
RangeSet src_ranges = RangeSet::Parse(tokens[pos++]);
if (!src_ranges) {
*err = "invalid token";
return {};
stash_info = StashInfo(id, src_ranges);
} else if (op == Type::FREE) {
// free <stash_id>
if (pos + 1 > tokens.size()) {
*err = "missing stash id in free command";
return {};
stash_info = StashInfo(tokens[pos++], {});
} else if (op == Type::MOVE) {
// <hash>
if (pos + 1 > tokens.size()) {
*err = "missing hash";
return {};
std::string hash = tokens[pos++];
if (!ParseTargetInfoAndSourceInfo(
std::vector<std::string>(tokens.cbegin() + pos, tokens.cend()), hash, &target_info,
hash, &source_info, err)) {
return {};
} else if (op == Type::BSDIFF || op == Type::IMGDIFF) {
// <offset> <length> <srchash> <dsthash>
if (pos + 4 > tokens.size()) {
*err = "invalid number of tokens";
return {};
size_t offset;
size_t length;
if (!android::base::ParseUint(tokens[pos++], &offset) ||
!android::base::ParseUint(tokens[pos++], &length)) {
*err = "invalid patch offset/length";
return {};
patch_info = PatchInfo(offset, length);
std::string src_hash = tokens[pos++];
std::string dst_hash = tokens[pos++];
if (!ParseTargetInfoAndSourceInfo(
std::vector<std::string>(tokens.cbegin() + pos, tokens.cend()), dst_hash, &target_info,
src_hash, &source_info, err)) {
return {};
} else {
*err = "invalid op";
return {};
return Command(op, index, line, patch_info, target_info, source_info, stash_info);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Command& command) {
os << command.index() << ": " << command.cmdline();
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TargetInfo& target) {
os << target.blocks() << " blocks (" << target.hash_ << "): " << target.ranges_.ToString();
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StashInfo& stash) {
os << stash.blocks() << " blocks (" << stash.id_ << "): " << stash.ranges_.ToString();
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SourceInfo& source) {
os << source.blocks_ << " blocks (" << source.hash_ << "): ";
if (source.ranges_) {
os << source.ranges_.ToString();
if (source.location_) {
os << " (location: " << source.location_.ToString() << ")";
if (!source.stashes_.empty()) {
os << " " << source.stashes_.size() << " stash(es)";
return os;