blob: 03335cc9735e548a84c2377a94114cdb35dcc546 [file] [log] [blame]
"__name": "name will be visible on UI",
"__url": "https:// or file:// uri to update file (zip, xz, ...)",
"__type": "NON_STREAMING (from local file) OR STREAMING (on the fly)",
"name": "SAMPLE-cake-release BUILD-12345",
"url": "file:///data/builds/",
"type": "NON_STREAMING",
"streaming_metadata": {
"__": "streaming_metadata is required only for streaming update",
"__property_files": "name, offset and size of files",
"property_files": [
"__filename": "payload.bin and payload_properties.txt are required",
"__offset": "defines beginning of update data in archive",
"__size": "size of the update data in archive",
"filename": "payload.bin",
"offset": 531,
"size": 5012323