blob: b1e114e431f306a5cf21007f2c487b36820e11b0 [file] [log] [blame]
package twrp
import (
func printThemeWarning(theme string) {
if theme == "" {
theme = "not set"
themeWarning := "***************************************************************************\n"
themeWarning += "Could not find ui.xml for TW_THEME: "
themeWarning += theme
themeWarning += "\nSet TARGET_SCREEN_WIDTH and TARGET_SCREEN_HEIGHT to automatically select\n"
themeWarning += "an appropriate theme, or set TW_THEME to one of the following:\n"
themeWarning += "landscape_hdpi landscape_mdpi portrait_hdpi portrait_mdpi watch_mdpi\n"
themeWarning += "****************************************************************************\n"
themeWarning += "(theme selection failed; exiting)\n"
func printCustomThemeWarning(theme string, location string) {
customThemeWarning := "****************************************************************************\n"
customThemeWarning += "Could not find ui.xml for TW_CUSTOM_THEME: "
customThemeWarning += theme + "\n"
customThemeWarning += "Expected to find custom theme's ui.xml at: "
customThemeWarning += location
customThemeWarning += "Please fix this or set TW_THEME to one of the following:\n"
customThemeWarning += "landscape_hdpi landscape_mdpi portrait_hdpi portrait_mdpi watch_mdpi\n"
customThemeWarning += "****************************************************************************\n"
customThemeWarning += "(theme selection failed; exiting)\n"
func copyThemeResources(ctx android.BaseContext, dirs []string, files []string) {
outDir := ctx.Config().Getenv("OUT")
twRes := outDir + "/recovery/root/twres/"
os.MkdirAll(twRes, os.ModePerm)
recoveryDir := getRecoveryAbsDir(ctx)
theme := determineTheme(ctx)
for idx, dir := range dirs {
_ = idx
dirToCopy := ""
destDir := twRes + path.Base(dir)
baseDir := path.Base(dir)
if baseDir == theme {
destDir = twRes
dirToCopy = recoveryDir + dir
} else {
dirToCopy = recoveryDir + dir
copyDir(dirToCopy, destDir)
for idx, file := range files {
_ = idx
fileToCopy := recoveryDir + file
fileDest := twRes + path.Base(file)
copyFile(fileToCopy, fileDest)
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(recoveryDir + "variables.h")
if err != nil {
version := "0"
for _, line := range strings.Split(string(data), "\n") {
if strings.Contains(line, "TW_THEME_VERSION") {
version = strings.Split(line, " ")[2]
props := [3]string{"0", "0", "0"}
for i, item := range _props {
if getMakeVars(ctx, item) != "" {
props[i] = strings.Trim(getMakeVars(ctx, item), "\"")
_files := [2]string{"splash.xml", "ui.xml"}
for _, i := range _files {
var fontsize int = 0
var width int = 0
data, err = ioutil.ReadFile(twRes + i)
if err != nil {
newFile := strings.Replace(string(data), "{themeversion}", version, -1)
// Custom position for status bar items - start
if i == "ui.xml" {
for _, line := range strings.Split(string(data), "\n") {
if strings.Contains(line, "name=\"font_m\"") {
fontsize, err = strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(line, "\"")[5])
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(line, "resolution") {
width, err = strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(line, "\"")[1])
if err != nil {
var cpusize int = (fontsize * 5) + (width/100)
var clocksize int = (fontsize * 4) + (width/100)
var batterysize int = (fontsize * 6) - (width/100)
var pos_clock_24 string = props[2]
for j := 0; j < len(props); j++ {
if props[j] == "left" {
props[j] = strconv.Itoa(width/50)
if _props[j] == "TW_CUSTOM_CLOCK_POS" {
pos_clock_24 = props[j]
} else if props[j] == "center" {
if _props[j] == "TW_CUSTOM_BATTERY_POS" {
props[j] = strconv.Itoa( (width/2) - (batterysize*43/100) )
} else if _props[j] == "TW_CUSTOM_CLOCK_POS" {
pos := (width/2) - (clocksize*45/100)
props[j] = strconv.Itoa(pos)
pos_clock_24 = strconv.Itoa( pos * 31/30 )
} else if _props[j] == "TW_CUSTOM_CPU_POS" {
props[j] = strconv.Itoa( (width/2) - (cpusize*41/100) )
} else if props[j] == "right" {
if _props[j] == "TW_CUSTOM_BATTERY_POS" {
props[j] = strconv.Itoa( width - batterysize )
} else if _props[j] == "TW_CUSTOM_CLOCK_POS" {
props[j] = strconv.Itoa(width - clocksize)
pos_clock_24 = props[j]
} else if _props[j] == "TW_CUSTOM_CPU_POS" {
props[j] = strconv.Itoa( width - cpusize )
alignProp := "%status_topalign_header_y%"
if strings.Trim(getMakeVars(ctx, "TW_STATUS_ICONS_ALIGN"), "\"") == "center" || strings.Trim(getMakeVars(ctx, "TW_STATUS_ICONS_ALIGN"), "\"") == "2" {
alignProp = "%status_centeralign_header_y%"
} else if strings.Trim(getMakeVars(ctx, "TW_STATUS_ICONS_ALIGN"), "\"") == "bottom" || strings.Trim(getMakeVars(ctx, "TW_STATUS_ICONS_ALIGN"), "\"") == "3" {
alignProp = "%status_bottomalign_header_y%"
newFile = strings.Replace(newFile, "{battery_pos}", props[0], -1)
newFile = strings.Replace(newFile, "{cpu_pos}", props[1], -1)
newFile = strings.Replace(newFile, "{clock_12_pos}", props[2], -1)
newFile = strings.Replace(newFile, "{clock_24_pos}", pos_clock_24, -1)
newFile = strings.Replace(newFile, "{statusicons_align}", alignProp, -1)
// Custom position for status bar items - end
err = ioutil.WriteFile(twRes + i, []byte(newFile), 0)
if err != nil {
func copyCustomTheme(ctx android.BaseContext, customTheme string) {
outDir := ctx.Config().Getenv("OUT")
twRes := outDir + "/recovery/root/twres/"
os.MkdirAll(twRes, os.ModePerm)
fileDest := twRes + path.Base(customTheme)
fileToCopy := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", getBuildAbsDir(ctx), customTheme)
copyFile(fileToCopy, fileDest)
func determineTheme(ctx android.BaseContext) string {
guiWidth := 0
guiHeight := 0
if getMakeVars(ctx, "TW_CUSTOM_THEME") == "" {
if getMakeVars(ctx, "TW_THEME") == "" {
if getMakeVars(ctx, "DEVICE_RESOLUTION") == "" {
width, err := strconv.Atoi(getMakeVars(ctx, "TARGET_SCREEN_WIDTH"))
if err == nil {
guiWidth = width
height, err := strconv.Atoi(getMakeVars(ctx, "TARGET_SCREEN_HEIGHT"))
if err == nil {
guiHeight = height
} else {
deviceRes := getMakeVars(ctx, "DEVICE_RESOLUTION")
width, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(deviceRes, "x")[0])
if err == nil {
guiWidth = width
height, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(deviceRes, "x")[1])
if err == nil {
guiHeight = height
if guiWidth > 100 {
if guiHeight > 100 {
if guiWidth > guiHeight {
if guiWidth > 1280 {
return "landscape_hdpi"
} else {
return "landscape_mdpi"
} else if guiWidth < guiHeight {
if guiWidth > 720 {
return "portrait_hdpi"
} else {
return "portrait_mdpi"
} else if guiWidth == guiHeight {
return "watch_mdpi"
return getMakeVars(ctx, "TW_THEME")
func copyTheme(ctx android.BaseContext) bool {
var directories []string
var files []string
var customThemeLoc string
localPath := ctx.ModuleDir()
directories = append(directories, "gui/theme/common/fonts/")
directories = append(directories, "gui/theme/common/languages/")
if getMakeVars(ctx, "TW_EXTRA_LANGUAGES") == "true" {
directories = append(directories, "gui/theme/extra-languages/fonts/")
directories = append(directories, "gui/theme/extra-languages/languages/")
var theme = determineTheme(ctx)
directories = append(directories, "gui/theme/"+theme)
themeXML := fmt.Sprintf("gui/theme/common/%s.xml", strings.Split(theme, "_")[0])
files = append(files, themeXML)
if getMakeVars(ctx, "TW_CUSTOM_THEME") == "" {
defaultTheme := fmt.Sprintf("%s/theme/%s/ui.xml", localPath, theme)
if android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, defaultTheme).Valid() {
fullDefaultThemePath := fmt.Sprintf("gui/theme/%s/ui.xml", theme)
files = append(files, fullDefaultThemePath)
} else {
return false
} else {
customThemeLoc = getMakeVars(ctx, "TW_CUSTOM_THEME")
if android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, customThemeLoc).Valid() {
} else {
printCustomThemeWarning(customThemeLoc, getMakeVars(ctx, "TW_CUSTOM_THEME"))
return false
copyThemeResources(ctx, directories, files)
if customThemeLoc != "" {
copyCustomTheme(ctx, customThemeLoc)
return true
func globalFlags(ctx android.BaseContext) []string {
var cflags []string
if getMakeVars(ctx, "AB_OTA_UPDATER") == "true" {
cflags = append(cflags, "-DAB_OTA_UPDATER=1")
return cflags
func globalSrcs(ctx android.BaseContext) []string {
var srcs []string
if getMakeVars(ctx, "TWRP_CUSTOM_KEYBOARD") != "" {
srcs = append(srcs, getMakeVars(ctx, "TWRP_CUSTOM_KEYBOARD"))
} else {
srcs = append(srcs, "hardwarekeyboard.cpp")
return srcs
func libGuiDefaults(ctx android.LoadHookContext) {
type props struct {
Target struct {
Android struct {
Cflags []string
Enabled *bool
Cflags []string
Srcs []string
Include_dirs []string
p := &props{}
p.Cflags = globalFlags(ctx)
s := globalSrcs(ctx)
p.Srcs = s
if copyTheme(ctx) == false {
func init() {
android.RegisterModuleType("libguitwrp_defaults", libGuiDefaultsFactory)
func libGuiDefaultsFactory() android.Module {
module := cc.DefaultsFactory()
android.AddLoadHook(module, libGuiDefaults)
return module