blob: e91f7dd11f728bee003d7ad007b879b43d8ec283 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Partition Management classes for TWRP
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
* only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301, USA.
* The code was written from scratch by Dees_Troy dees_troy at
* yahoo
* Copyright (c) 2012
#ifndef __TWRP_Partition_Manager
#define __TWRP_Partition_Manager
#include "data.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
// Partition class
class TWPartition
enum Backup_Method_enum {
NONE = 0,
FILES = 1,
DD = 2,
virtual ~TWPartition();
virtual bool Is_Mounted(); // Checks mount to see if the partition is currently mounted
virtual bool Mount(bool Display_Error); // Mounts the partition if it is not mounted
virtual bool UnMount(bool Display_Error); // Unmounts the partition if it is mounted
virtual bool Wipe(); // Wipes the partition
virtual bool Backup(string backup_folder); // Backs up the partition to the folder specified
virtual bool Restore(string restore_folder); // Restores the partition using the backup folder provided
static string Backup_Method_By_Name(); // Returns a string of the backup method for human readable output
virtual bool Decrypt(string Password); // Decrypts the partition, return 0 for failure and -1 for success
virtual bool Wipe_Encryption(); // Ignores wipe commands for /data/media devices and formats the original block device
void Check_FS_Type(); // Checks the fs type using blkid, does not do anything on MTD / yaffs2 because this crashes on some devices
bool Process_Fstab_Line(string Line); // Processes a fstab line
bool Can_Be_Mounted; // Indicates that the partition can be mounted
bool Can_Be_Wiped; // Indicates that the partition can be wiped
bool Wipe_Available_in_GUI; // Inidcates that the wipe can be user initiated in the GUI system
bool Is_SubPartition; // Indicates that this partition is a sub-partition of another partition (e.g. datadata is a sub-partition of data)
string SubPartition_Of; // Indicates which partition is the parent partition of this partition (e.g. data is the parent partition of datadata)
string Symlink_Path; // Symlink path (e.g. /data/media)
string Symlink_Mount_Point; // /sdcard could be the symlink mount point for /data/media
string Mount_Point; // Mount point for this partition (e.g. /system or /data)
string Block_Device; // Block device (e.g. /dev/block/mmcblk1p1)
string Alternate_Block_Device; // Alternate block device (e.g. /dev/block/mmcblk1)
bool Removable; // Indicates if this partition is removable -- affects how often we check overall size, if present, etc.
bool Is_Present; // Indicates if the partition is currently present as a block device
int Length; // Used by make_ext4fs to leave free space at the end of the partition block for things like a crypto footer
unsigned long long Size; // Overall size of the partition
unsigned long long Used; // Overall used space
unsigned long long Free; // Overall free space
unsigned long long Backup_Size; // Backup size -- may be different than used space especially when /data/media is present
bool Can_Be_Encrypted; // This partition might be encrypted, affects error handling, can only be true if crypto support is compiled in
bool Is_Encrypted; // This partition is thought to be encrypted -- it wouldn't mount for some reason, only avialble with crypto support
bool Is_Decrypted; // This partition has successfully been decrypted
string Decrypted_Block_Device; // Decrypted block device available after decryption
string Display_Name; // Display name for the GUI
string Backup_Name; // Backup name -- used for backup filenames
Backup_Method_enum Backup_Method; // Method used for backup
bool Has_Data_Media // Indicates presence of /data/media, may affect wiping and backup methods
bool Is_Storage // Indicates if this partition is used for storage for backup, restore, and installing zips
string Storage_Path // Indicates the path to the storage -- root indicates mount point, media/ indicates e.g. /data/media
string Current_File_System // Current file system
string Fstab_File_System // File system from the recovery.fstab
int Format_Block_Size // Block size for formatting
bool Wipe_EXT23(); // Formats as ext3 or ext2
bool Wipe_EXT4(); // Formats using ext4, uses make_ext4fs when present
bool Wipe_FAT(); // Formats as FAT except that mkdosfs from busybox usually fails so oftentimes this is actually a rm -rf wipe
bool Wipe_YAFFS2(); // Formats as yaffs2 for MTD memory types
bool Wipe_RMRF(); // Uses rm -rf to wipe
bool Wipe_Data_Without_Wiping_Media(); // Uses rm -rf to wipe but does not wipe /data/media
bool Backup_Tar(string backup_folder); // Backs up using tar for file systems
bool Backup_DD(string backup_folder); // Backs up using dd for emmc memory types
bool Backup_Dump_Image(string backup_folder); // Backs up using dump_image for MTD memory types
bool Restore_Tar(string restore_folder); // Restore using tar for file systems
bool Restore_DD(string restore_folder); // Restore using dd for emmc memory types
bool Restore_Flash_Image(string restore_folder); // Restore using flash_image for MTD memory types
friend class TWPartitionManager;
class TWPartitionManager
virtual ~TWPartitionManager();
virtual int Process_Fstab(string Fstab_Filename, bool Display_Error); // Parses the fstab and populates the partitions
virtual int Mount_By_Path(string Path, bool Display_Error); // Mounts partition based on path (e.g. /system)
virtual int Mount_By_Block(string Block, bool Display_Error); // Mounts partition based on block device (e.g. /dev/block/mmcblk1p1)
virtual int Mount_By_Name(string Name, bool Display_Error); // Mounts partition based on display name (e.g. System)
virtual int UnMount_By_Path(string Path, bool Display_Error); // Unmounts partition based on path
virtual int UnMount_By_Block(string Block, bool Display_Error); // Unmounts partition based on block device
virtual int UnMount_By_Name(string Name, bool Display_Error); // Unmounts partition based on display name
virtual int Is_Mounted_By_Path(string Path); // Checks if partition is mounted based on path
virtual int Is_Mounted_By_Block(string Block); // Checks if partition is mounted based on block device
virtual int Is_Mounted_By_Name(string Name); // Checks if partition is mounted based on display name
static *Partition Find_Partition_By_Path(string Path); // Returns a pointer to a partition based on path
static *Partition Find_Partition_By_Block(string Block); // Returns a pointer to a partition based on block device
virtual int Run_Backup(string Backup_Name); // Initiates a backup in the current storage
virtual int Run_Restore(string Restore_Name); // Restores a backup
void Set_Restore_Files(string Restore_Name); // Used to gather a list of available backup partitions for the user to select for a restore
virtual int Wipe_By_Path(string Path); // Wipes a partition based on path
virtual int Wipe_By_Block(string Block); // Wipes a partition based on block device
virtual int Wipe_By_Name(string Name); // Wipes a partition based on display name
void Refresh_Sizes(); // Refreshes size data of partitions
std::vector<TWPartition*> Partitions;
#endif // __TWRP_Partition_Manager