Unify device page for Note 3 Qualcomm

jcadduono is the current maintainer of the Qualcomm variants
of the Galaxy Note 3.
Add the Korean and Japanese variants to the supported devices.
Let it be known that he is awesome.

Change-Id: I9fb5c960c2ccfadafbac3da0dc48f1d8179f9e8b
diff --git a/_devices/samsunggalaxynote3qualcomm.markdown b/_devices/samsunggalaxynote3qualcomm.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21214ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_devices/samsunggalaxynote3qualcomm.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@

+layout: device

+title:  "Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Qualcomm"

+codename: hlte

+downloadfolder: hlte

+oldurl: http://teamw.in/project/twrp2/202

+supportstatus: Current

+maintainer: jcadduono

+oem: Samsung

+ddof: "/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery"

+devicetree: "https://github.com/TeamWin?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=android_device_samsung_hlte"

+xdathread: "http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2494245"



+{% include disclaimer.html %}


+{% include supportstatus.html %}


+<p class="text"><strong>Warning</strong>: You must have a KitKat (Android 4.4) or newer bootloader in order for TWRP to work on this device.</p>


+{% include appinstall.html %}


+<div class='page-heading'>Download Links:</div>

+<hr />

+<p class="text">Europe &amp; Americas (SM-N9005, SM-N900A, SM-N900W8, SM-N900T, SM-N900R4, SM-N900P, SM-N900V):</p>


+{% for mirror in site.data.mirrors %}

+  <li>

+    <a href="{{ mirror.baseurl }}hlte">

+      {{ mirror.description }}

+    </a>

+  </li>

+{% endfor %}


+<p class="text">Korea (SM-N900K, SM-N900L, SM-N900S):</p>


+{% for mirror in site.data.mirrors %}

+  <li>

+    <a href="{{ mirror.baseurl }}hlteskt">

+      {{ mirror.description }}

+    </a>

+  </li>

+{% endfor %}


+<p class="text">Japan (SCL22, SC-01F):</p>


+{% for mirror in site.data.mirrors %}

+  <li>

+    <a href="{{ mirror.baseurl }}hltekdi">

+      {{ mirror.description }}

+    </a>

+  </li>

+{% endfor %}



+{% include twrpinstall.html %}


+{% include odininstall.html %}


+{% include ddinstall.html %}