zenfone2: update x86 zf2 status

Change-Id: I64e29ff075d87ef6cd55a63130be9222dec5a88b
diff --git a/_devices/asuszenfone2720p.markdown b/_devices/asuszenfone2720p.markdown
index 4f33d97..37bb7b0 100644
--- a/_devices/asuszenfone2720p.markdown
+++ b/_devices/asuszenfone2720p.markdown
@@ -6,13 +6,14 @@
 supportstatus: Current
 maintainer: jrior001
 oem: Asus
-devicetree: https://github.com/teamwin/android_device_asus_zenfone2
+devicetree: https://github.com/teamwin/android_device_asus_Z008
 ddof: /dev/block/by-name/recovery
 {% include disclaimer.html %}
 {% include supportstatus.html %}
+TWRP 3.1.1+ releases work only on Stock M bootloader, all previous versions should work on LP bootlaoder.
 Starting with TWRP 3.0.0, Z008 and Z00A TWRP builds are unified. The same image will work on both models.
 {% include appinstall.html %}