Convert all device markdown EOL to LF
Change-Id: Ic8c2508e4e0fdba787f9cb0070c92971cb909f19
diff --git a/_devices/amlogick200.markdown b/_devices/amlogick200.markdown
index 56683b1..f086cfd 100644
--- a/_devices/amlogick200.markdown
+++ b/_devices/amlogick200.markdown
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-layout: device
-title: "AMLogic k200 based TV sticks"
-codename: k200
-downloadfolder: k200
-supportstatus: Current
-maintainer: abdul_pt
-oem: AMLogic
-<p class='text'>This should work on Beelink S82/S82B/S82H+Ap6210/Ap6330 and MXIII(1G&2G DDR)+AP6181/AP6210/AP6330 and Tronsmart S89/S89H and maybe others.</p>
-{% include disclaimer.html %}
-{% include supportstatus.html %}
-{% include appinstall.html %}
-{% include download.html %}
-{% include twrpinstall.html %}
-<div class='page-heading'>SD Card Install Method (No Root Required):</div>
-<hr />
-<p class='text'>Download the above file. Save it to the root of your removable SD card and rename it to recovery.img Power off the device then power it on while holding the reset button.</p>
-<p class='text'>If you wish to replace the stock recovery, boot the recovery image from your SD card as above. Go to Install -> Images... then browse to your SD card and select the recovery.img, choose recovery and swipe to flash.</p>
+layout: device
+title: "AMLogic k200 based TV sticks"
+codename: k200
+downloadfolder: k200
+supportstatus: Current
+maintainer: abdul_pt
+oem: AMLogic
+<p class='text'>This should work on Beelink S82/S82B/S82H+Ap6210/Ap6330 and MXIII(1G&2G DDR)+AP6181/AP6210/AP6330 and Tronsmart S89/S89H and maybe others.</p>
+{% include disclaimer.html %}
+{% include supportstatus.html %}
+{% include appinstall.html %}
+{% include download.html %}
+{% include twrpinstall.html %}
+<div class='page-heading'>SD Card Install Method (No Root Required):</div>
+<hr />
+<p class='text'>Download the above file. Save it to the root of your removable SD card and rename it to recovery.img Power off the device then power it on while holding the reset button.</p>
+<p class='text'>If you wish to replace the stock recovery, boot the recovery image from your SD card as above. Go to Install -> Images... then browse to your SD card and select the recovery.img, choose recovery and swipe to flash.</p>