Merge "Add nx511j markdown"
diff --git a/_huawei/huaweihonorview10.markdown b/_huawei/huaweihonorview10.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bef3530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_huawei/huaweihonorview10.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+layout: device
+title:  "Huawei Honor View 10"
+codename: berkeley
+downloadfolder: berkeley
+supportstatus: Current
+maintainer: Dees_Troy
+oem: Huawei
+xdathread: ""
+{% include disclaimer.html %}
+{% include supportstatus.html %}
+Note: Data cannot be decrypted in TWRP at this time. MTP also does not work, but you can still use adb to push and pull files.
+{% include appinstall.html %}
+{% include download.html %}
+{% include twrpinstall.html %}
+<div class='page-heading' id='fastboot-install'>Fastboot Install Method (No Root Required):</div>
+<a id='fastboot'></a>
+<hr />
+<p class="text"><a href="">You will need the platform-tools from the Android SDK on your computer.</a> Find the Android command line tools section on the page linked and install the SDK tools package. From the SDK Manager, download only the platform-tools to get adb and fastboot binaries.</p>
+<p class="text">Windows users will need proper drivers installed on their computer. You can try the <a href="" target=_blank>simple FWUL adb/fastboot ISO</a> or the <a href="">Naked ADB drivers</a> or the <a href="">Universal ADB drivers</a> if you don't already have a working driver installed</p>
+<p class="text">On your device, go into Settings -> About and find the Build Number and tap on it 7 times to enable developer settings. Press back and go into Developer Options and enable USB debugging. From your computer, open a command prompt and type:</p>
+<p class="code">adb reboot bootloader</p>
+<p class="text">You should now be in fastboot mode.</p>
+{% if page.fastbootunlock %}
+<p class="text">Your device needs to be unlocked before it can flash custom images. To unlock your device type:</p>
+<p class="code">{{ fastboot }} oem unlock</p>
+{% endif %}
+<p class="text">Download the correct image file and copy the file into the same folder as your adb and fastboot binaries. Rename the image to twrp.img and type:</p>
+<p class="code">{{ fastboot }} flash recovery_ramdisk twrp.img</p>
+<p class="code">{{ fastboot }} reboot</p>
+<p class="text">Note many devices will replace your custom recovery automatically during first boot. To prevent this, use <a href="">Google</a> to find the proper key combo to enter recovery. After typing <span class="code">{{ fastboot }} reboot</span>, hold the key combo and boot to TWRP. Once TWRP is booted, TWRP will patch the stock ROM to prevent the stock ROM from replacing TWRP. If you don't follow this step, you will have to repeat the install.</p>
diff --git a/_huawei/huaweimate10pro.markdown b/_huawei/huaweimate10pro.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..666ade5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_huawei/huaweimate10pro.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+layout: device
+title:  "Huawei Mate 10 Pro"
+codename: blanc
+downloadfolder: blanc
+supportstatus: Current
+maintainer: Dees_Troy
+oem: Huawei
+xdathread: ""
+{% include disclaimer.html %}
+{% include supportstatus.html %}
+Note: Data cannot be decrypted in TWRP at this time. MTP also does not work, but you can still use adb to push and pull files.
+{% include appinstall.html %}
+{% include download.html %}
+{% include twrpinstall.html %}
+<div class='page-heading' id='fastboot-install'>Fastboot Install Method (No Root Required):</div>
+<a id='fastboot'></a>
+<hr />
+<p class="text"><a href="">You will need the platform-tools from the Android SDK on your computer.</a> Find the Android command line tools section on the page linked and install the SDK tools package. From the SDK Manager, download only the platform-tools to get adb and fastboot binaries.</p>
+<p class="text">Windows users will need proper drivers installed on their computer. You can try the <a href="" target=_blank>simple FWUL adb/fastboot ISO</a> or the <a href="">Naked ADB drivers</a> or the <a href="">Universal ADB drivers</a> if you don't already have a working driver installed</p>
+<p class="text">On your device, go into Settings -> About and find the Build Number and tap on it 7 times to enable developer settings. Press back and go into Developer Options and enable USB debugging. From your computer, open a command prompt and type:</p>
+<p class="code">adb reboot bootloader</p>
+<p class="text">You should now be in fastboot mode.</p>
+{% if page.fastbootunlock %}
+<p class="text">Your device needs to be unlocked before it can flash custom images. To unlock your device type:</p>
+<p class="code">{{ fastboot }} oem unlock</p>
+{% endif %}
+<p class="text">Download the correct image file and copy the file into the same folder as your adb and fastboot binaries. Rename the image to twrp.img and type:</p>
+<p class="code">{{ fastboot }} flash recovery_ramdisk twrp.img</p>
+<p class="code">{{ fastboot }} reboot</p>
+<p class="text">Note many devices will replace your custom recovery automatically during first boot. To prevent this, use <a href="">Google</a> to find the proper key combo to enter recovery. After typing <span class="code">{{ fastboot }} reboot</span>, hold the key combo and boot to TWRP. Once TWRP is booted, TWRP will patch the stock ROM to prevent the stock ROM from replacing TWRP. If you don't follow this step, you will have to repeat the install.</p>
diff --git a/_leeco/leecolepro3.markdown b/_leeco/leecolepro3.markdown
index 85231e1..8955a22 100644
--- a/_leeco/leecolepro3.markdown
+++ b/_leeco/leecolepro3.markdown
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 layout: device
-title:  "LeEco Le Pro 3"
+title:  "LeEco Le Pro3"
 codename: zl1
 downloadfolder: zl1
 supportstatus: Current
-maintainer: jrior001
+maintainer: codeworkx
 oem: LeEco
diff --git a/_leeco/leecolepro3elite.markdown b/_leeco/leecolepro3elite.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..811fffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_leeco/leecolepro3elite.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+layout: device
+title:  "LeEco Le Pro3 Elite"
+codename: zl0
+downloadfolder: zl0
+supportstatus: Current
+maintainer: codeworkx
+oem: LeEco
+{% include disclaimer.html %}
+{% include supportstatus.html %}
+{% include appinstall.html %}
+{% include download.html %}
+{% include twrpinstall.html %}
+{% include fastbootinstall.html %}
diff --git a/_lg/lgg3europe.markdown b/_lg/lgg3europe.markdown
index 498ff13..c3ea913 100644
--- a/_lg/lgg3europe.markdown
+++ b/_lg/lgg3europe.markdown
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 downloadfolder: d855
 supportstatus: Current
-maintainer: Exodus,invisiblek
+maintainer: Exodus
 oem: LG
 ddof: "/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery"
diff --git a/_lg/lgg4.markdown b/_lg/lgg4.markdown
index 1aab057..55fc574 100644
--- a/_lg/lgg4.markdown
+++ b/_lg/lgg4.markdown
@@ -16,8 +16,44 @@
 {% include supportstatus.html %}
 NOTE: You must unlock the bootloader first before installing TWRP!
+<div class='page-heading' id='unlock'>Unlock your device:</div>
+<hr />
+<p class="text">The recommended way is to use <a href="" target=_blank>FWUL - a simple adb/fastboot ISO</a> which has all drivers etc included and provides an easy and ready-to-use adb environment.</p>
+<p class="text">Consider a full backup in Download Mode with <a href="" target=_blank>SALT</a> first before you begin..</p>
+<p class="text">If you still want to use Windows <a href="">you will need the platform-tools from the Android SDK</a> on your computer. Find the Android command line tools section on the page linked and install the SDK tools package. From the SDK Manager, download only the platform-tools to get adb and fastboot binaries.</p>
+<p class="text">Windows users will also need proper drivers installed on their computer. You can try the <a href="">Naked ADB drivers</a> or the <a href="">Universal ADB drivers</a> if you don't already have a working driver installed</p>
+<p class="text">Your device needs to be officially unlocked by LG before it can flash custom images! (Hint: There is a <b>completely unsupported method</b> available for locked devices here: <a href="">TWRP-in-FIsH for all locked G4 devices like: H810, H812, H818, ...</a>)</p>
+<p class="text">To unlock your device you have to go to: <a href="" target=_blank></a> and follow all steps there to get and flash your LG unlock binary onece received. You can NOT proceed without completing this step!</p>
 {% include appinstall.html %}
+<div class='page-heading' id='fastboot-install-lpmm'>Fastboot Installation Method (LP/MM bootloader - for N bootloader scroll down!):</div>
+<hr />
+<p class="text">This method works <b>only</b> when you have a <b>Lollipop or Marshmallow</b> bootloader / ROM installed! If you have flashed <b>Nougat</b> scroll down to the next topic!</p>
+<p class="text">TWRP requires an unlocked device - read the above topic and ensure you have your device unlocked and <b>adb/fastboot</b> ready (read above topic if not)!</p>
+<p class="text">Download the correct image file and copy the file into the same folder as your adb and fastboot binaries. Rename the image to twrp.img and type:</p>
+<p class="code">fastboot boot twrp.img</p>
+<p class="text">This will boot up TWRP but for the moment in <i>memory</i> only. To complete the installation and making it persistent:</p>
+<p class="text">Copy the twrp.img to your device <u>while still in twrp</u> (e.g. with a file explorer or by typing <i>adb push twrp.img /sdcard</i>)</p>
+<p class="text">Flash the twrp.img with the twrp GUI to the <b>recovery(!)</b> partition (choose the button at the bottom named <b>'Image'</b> to display the copied image)</p>
+<p class="text">Android would <b>overwrite</b> TWRP on boot so: you need to boot TWRP once again <b>NOW</b>: Choose Reboot -> <b>Recovery</b><br />
+or on your PC type: <i><b>adb reboot recovery</b></i></p>
+<p class="text">If you see TWRP afterwards then you are safe to use the key combo described in the next topic. If NOT: <b>RE-DO all steps!</b> DO <b>NOT</b> USE THE KEY COMBO described in the next topic until the reboot into recovery worked!</p>
+<div class='page-heading' id='fastboot-install-n'>Fastboot Installation Method (N bootloader - for LP/MM bootloader scroll up!):</div>
+<hr />
+<p class="text">This method works <b>only</b> when you have a <b>Nougat</b> bootloader / ROM installed! If you have flashed <b>Lollipop or Marshmallow</b> scroll up to the previous topic!</p>
+<p class="text">Consider a full backup with <a href="" target=_blank>SALT</a> first before you begin..</p>
+<p class="text">TWRP requires an unlocked device - read the above topic and ensure you have your device unlocked and <b>adb/fastboot</b> ready (read above topic if not)!</p>
+<p class="text">Download the correct image file and copy the file into the same folder as your adb and fastboot binaries. Rename the image to twrp.img and type:</p>
+<p class="code">fastboot flash recovery twrp.img</p>
+<p class="text">There is no 100% way to verify your TWRP installation on the N bootloader so you have to take the risk (did you made a SALT backup before?) but ensure you follow this next step briefly:</p>
+<p class="text">Take out the battery and disconnect the USB cable. Now follow the topic: <i><b>Boot into TWRP with a key combination</b></i> (as you can not verify the TWRP installation just do it). If you skip this step and boot into Android before doing this TWRP will be overwritten by Android so it is <b>crucial</b> important to do this step above <b>directly after flashing TWRP</b>!! if you miss it you will have to flash TWRP <b>again!</b></p>
+<p class="text">If all went well TWRP should boot up.</p>
+<p class="text">Android would <b>overwrite</b> TWRP on boot so: you need to boot TWRP once again <b>NOW</b>: Choose Reboot -> <b>Recovery</b><br />
+or on your PC type: <i><b>adb reboot recovery</b></i></p>
+<p class="text">If you see TWRP afterwards again then you are safe to use the key combo described in the next topic. If NOT: <b>RE-DO all steps!</b> DO <b>NOT</b> USE THE KEY COMBO described in the next topic until the reboot into recovery worked!</p>
 <div class='page-heading'>Download Links:</div>
 <hr />
 <p class="text">LG G4 (any model):</p>
@@ -31,26 +67,6 @@
 {% endfor %}
-<div class='page-heading' id='unlock'>Unlock your device:</div>
-<hr />
-<p class="text">The recommended way is to use <a href="" target=_blank>FWUL - a simple adb/fastboot ISO</a> which has all drivers etc included and provides an easy and ready-to-use adb environment.</p>
-<p class="text">If you still want to use Windows <a href="">you will need the platform-tools from the Android SDK</a> on your computer. Find the Android command line tools section on the page linked and install the SDK tools package. From the SDK Manager, download only the platform-tools to get adb and fastboot binaries.</p>
-<p class="text">Windows users will also need proper drivers installed on their computer. You can try the <a href="">Naked ADB drivers</a> or the <a href="">Universal ADB drivers</a> if you don't already have a working driver installed</p>
-<p class="text">Your device needs to be officially unlocked by LG before it can flash custom images! (Hint: There is a <b>completely unsupported method</b> available for locked devices here: <a href="">TWRP-in-FIsH for all locked G4 devices like: H810, H812, H818, ...</a>)</p>
-<p class="text">To unlock your device you have to go to: <a href="" target=_blank></a> and follow all steps there to get and flash your LG unlock binary onece received. You can NOT proceed without completing this step!</p>
-<div class='page-heading' id='fastboot-install'>Fastboot Installation Method (RECOMMENDED method! No Root Required):</div>
-<hr />
-<p class="text">TWRP requires an unlocked device - read the above topic and ensure you have your device unlocked and <b>adb/fastboot</b> ready (read above topic if not)!</p>
-<p class="text">Download the correct image file and copy the file into the same folder as your adb and fastboot binaries. Rename the image to twrp.img and type:</p>
-<p class="code">fastboot boot twrp.img</p>
-<p class="text">This will boot up TWRP but for the moment in memory only. To complete the installation and making it persistent:</p>
-<p class="text">Copy the twrp.img to your device while still in twrp (e.g. with a file explorer or by typing <i>adb push twrp.img /sdcard</i>)</p>
-<p class="text">Flash the twrp.img with the twrp GUI to the recovery(!) partition (choose the button at the bottom named <b>'Image'</b> to display the copied image)</p>
-<p class="text">It is highly recommended to verify your TWRP installation by booting into Android <b>NOW</b>. When Android is booted up execute: <i><b>adb reboot recovery</b></i><br />
-or in an Android terminal app just execute: <i><b>reboot recovery</b></i></p>
-<p class="text">If you see TWRP afterwards then you are safe to use the key combo described in the next topic. If NOT: <b>RE-DO all steps!</b> DO <b>NOT</b> USE THE KEY COMBO described in the next topic until the reboot into recovery worked!</p>
 <div class='page-heading'>Boot into TWRP with a key combination:</div>
 <hr />
 <p class="text">Ensure you have validated the TWRP installation first! Check the above topic and proceed when verification was successful <b>only</b>!<p>
diff --git a/_motorola/motorolamotoz2force.markdown b/_motorola/motorolamotoz2force.markdown
index 220d66d..f1af177 100644
--- a/_motorola/motorolamotoz2force.markdown
+++ b/_motorola/motorolamotoz2force.markdown
@@ -13,10 +13,17 @@
 {% include supportstatus.html %}
-{% include appinstall.html %}
 {% include download.html %}
-{% include twrpinstall.html %}
+<div class='page-heading'>Installation:</div>
+If you already have TWRP installed:
+Download the latest zip and install the zip using TWRP.
-{% include fastbootinstall.html %}
+If you do not already have TWRP installed:
+Download both the img and the zip. Copy the zip to your device. You will need to have fastboot binaries and the correct drivers installed. Power off your device completely. Hold volume down and turn on the device. Your device should now be in the bootloader. Connect the device to your PC. Open a command window and run the following command from the proper location:
+fastboot boot path/to/twrp.img
+This will temporarily boot TWRP on your device. If you are using a lockscreen pin/pattern/password and do not get prompted to enter your password, reboot to the bootloader and try again. Go to install and browse to the zip and install the zip. The zip will install TWRP to both boot slots. Installing TWRP at this time will remove root if you are currently rooted.
+If you accidently flash TWRP to your device using fastboot instead of temporarily booting the image, you will need to download the latest firmware for your device and reflash the boot image.
diff --git a/_samsung/samsunggalaxya32016exynos.markdown b/_samsung/samsunggalaxya32016exynos.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7db2721
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_samsung/samsunggalaxya32016exynos.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+layout: device
+title: "Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 (Exynos)"
+codename: a3xelte
+downloadfolder: a3xelte
+supportstatus: Current
+maintainer: Stricted
+devicetree: ""
+oem: Samsung
+ddof: "/dev/block/platform/13540000.dwmmc0/by-name/RECOVERY"
+{% include disclaimer.html %}
+{% include supportstatus.html %}
+{% include appinstall.html %}
+{% include download.html %}
+{% include twrpinstall.html %}
+{% include odininstall.html %}
+{% include ddinstall.html %}
diff --git a/_samsung/samsunggalaxya52016exynos.markdown b/_samsung/samsunggalaxya52016exynos.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73a64f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_samsung/samsunggalaxya52016exynos.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+layout: device
+title: "Samsung Galaxy A5 2016 (Exynos)"
+codename: a5xelte
+downloadfolder: a5xelte
+supportstatus: Current
+maintainer: Stricted
+devicetree: ""
+oem: Samsung
+ddof: "/dev/block/platform/13540000.dwmmc0/by-name/RECOVERY"
+{% include disclaimer.html %}
+{% include supportstatus.html %}
+{% include appinstall.html %}
+{% include download.html %}
+{% include twrpinstall.html %}
+{% include odininstall.html %}
+{% include ddinstall.html %}
diff --git a/_samsung/samsunggalaxya72016exynos.markdown b/_samsung/samsunggalaxya72016exynos.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d6675a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_samsung/samsunggalaxya72016exynos.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+layout: device
+title: "Samsung Galaxy A7 2016 (Exynos)"
+codename: a7xelte
+downloadfolder: a7xelte
+supportstatus: Current
+maintainer: Stricted
+devicetree: ""
+oem: Samsung
+ddof: "/dev/block/platform/13540000.dwmmc0/by-name/RECOVERY"
+{% include disclaimer.html %}
+{% include supportstatus.html %}
+{% include appinstall.html %}
+{% include download.html %}
+{% include twrpinstall.html %}
+{% include odininstall.html %}
+{% include ddinstall.html %}
diff --git a/_samsung/samsunggalaxyj7exynos.markdown b/_samsung/samsunggalaxyj7exynos.markdown
index 1ad1b37..0d2e1b1 100644
--- a/_samsung/samsunggalaxyj7exynos.markdown
+++ b/_samsung/samsunggalaxyj7exynos.markdown
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
 layout: device
-title:  "Samsung Galaxy J7 Exynos SM-J700"
+title: "Samsung Galaxy J7 Exynos SM-J700"
 codename: j7elte
 downloadfolder: j7elte
 supportstatus: Current
-maintainer: Dees_Troy
+maintainer: Stricted
+devicetree: ""
 oem: Samsung
 ddof: "/dev/block/platform/13540000.dwmmc0/by-name/RECOVERY"
diff --git a/_samsung/samsunggalaxys4internationalqualcomm.markdown b/_samsung/samsunggalaxys4internationalqualcomm.markdown
index 55d5490..c8943e2 100644
--- a/_samsung/samsunggalaxys4internationalqualcomm.markdown
+++ b/_samsung/samsunggalaxys4internationalqualcomm.markdown
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 layout: device
-title:  "Samsung Galaxy S4 International Qualcomm"
+title:  "Samsung Galaxy S4 (GT-I9505/G, SGH-M919)"
 codename: jfltexx
 downloadfolder: jfltexx
 supportstatus: Current
-maintainer: None
+maintainer: ripee
 oem: Samsung
-ddof: "/dev/block/mmcblk0p21"
+ddof: "/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/recovery"
 devicetree: ""
+xdathread: ""
 {% include disclaimer.html %}
@@ -23,4 +23,4 @@
 {% include odininstall.html %}
-{% include ddinstall.html %}
+{% include ddinstall.html %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_samsung/samsunggalaxytabs297ltexx2015.markdown b/_samsung/samsunggalaxytabs297ltexx2015.markdown
index 2c10454..106e49c 100644
--- a/_samsung/samsunggalaxytabs297ltexx2015.markdown
+++ b/_samsung/samsunggalaxytabs297ltexx2015.markdown
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 layout: device
-title: "Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 2015 (Wi-Fi)"
+title: "Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 2015 (LTE)"
 codename: gts210ltexx
 downloadfolder: gts210ltexx
 supportstatus: Current