Add Zenfone 2 Laser and update ZF2 pages
Change-Id: Idede041abe54647bfaf1f09acc8f165f61be91f4
diff --git a/_devices/asuszenfone2720p.markdown b/_devices/asuszenfone2720p.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..950e8a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_devices/asuszenfone2720p.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+layout: device
+title: "Asus ZenFone 2 720p"
+codename: Z008
+downloadfolder: Z008
+supportstatus: Current
+maintainer: jrior001
+oem: Asus
+ddof: /dev/block/by-name/recovery
+{% include disclaimer.html %}
+{% include supportstatus.html %}
+Starting with TWRP 3.0.0, Z008 and Z00A TWRP builds are unified. The same image will work on both models.
+{% include appinstall.html %}
+{% include download.html %}
+{% include twrpinstall.html %}
+{% include fastbootinstall.html %}
+{% include ddinstall.html %}