gprimelte: Move nfc configs to common
diff --git a/ b/
index 2211d6a..f216961 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -21,11 +21,6 @@
$(LOCAL_PATH)/media/media_codecs.xml:system/etc/media_codecs.xml \
-# NFC prebuilt files
- $(LOCAL_PATH)/nfc/libnfc-sec-hal.conf:system/etc/libnfc-sec-hal.conf \
- $(LOCAL_PATH)/nfc/libnfc-sec.conf:system/etc/libnfc-brcm.conf
diff --git a/nfc/libnfc-sec-hal.conf b/nfc/libnfc-sec-hal.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a199c7..0000000
--- a/nfc/libnfc-sec-hal.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-## NFC device is going to sleep mode after SLEEP_TIMEOUT(ms) and the device needs
-## wakeup delay(ms) when it is going to wake up from sleep mode.
-## Pathes
-## F/W image
-## Reg file
-## Power driver
-## Transport driver
-## TRACE_LEVEL (0: only err, 1: and debug, 2: trace also)
-## DATA TRACE level (0: not display, 1: simply, 2: all of data trace)
-## F/W download Option
-## 0 : Download for different version
-## 1 : Download for upper version
-## 2 : Force Download
-## Clock option for 19.2MHz PLL
diff --git a/nfc/libnfc-sec.conf b/nfc/libnfc-sec.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index c720961..0000000
--- a/nfc/libnfc-sec.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-# NFC Configuration for NON-HAL component S3FWRN5
-# Samsung Electronics, System LSI Division
-# Update Date : 2014/06/27
-# Region : All region except HongKong, SPRINT
-# F/W Version dependency : NONE
-# This file contains below
-# 1) Default routing information
-# 2) Partial AID setting
-# 3) UICC listen tech mask
-# 4) Listen tech mask for P2P
-# 5) Poll tech mask
-# 6) eSE warm reset
-# 7) Other Information
-# 1) Default routing information
-# Other region : DEFAULT_ISODEP_ROUTE=0x03 (UICC) / ACTIVE_SE=0x03
-# 2) Partial AID setting
-# This configuration may be changed by MNO specific requirement.
-# Description
-# 1st byte : NCI Length
-# 2nd byte : Number of set
-# 3rd~ bytes : Partial matching order
-# Matching value : Full matching = 0x00, Subset Matching = 0x01, Superset Matching : 0x02, Pattern Matching : 0x03
-# ex) 2f 39 03 02 01 02 --> order : full matching - subset matching - superset matching PARTIAL_AID={03:02:01:02}
-# Guide for tech mask
-# The bits are defined as tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK in nfa_api.h.
-# Notable bits:
-# Example :
-# Polling mask for A / B / F / V(15693) / Kovio / Active A / Active F
-# 0x01 | 0x02 | 0x04 | 0x08 | 0x20 | 0x40
-# 3) UICC listen tech mask
-# Force UICC to only listen to the following technology(s).
-# If this option is blocked by # comment, default value will be applied
-# Guide for each region
-# SPRINT : UICC_LISTEN_TECH_MASK=0x01 (Type A only)
-# HK : UICC_LISTEN_TECH_MASK=0x07 (Enable Type F card)
-# Other region : UICC_LISTEN_TECH_MASK=0x03 (Default value)
-# 4) Listen tech mask for P2P
-# Force tag polling for the following technology(s).
-# Current Setting : Enable all poll tech
-# 5) Poll tech mask
-# Force P2P to only listen for the following technology(s).
-# The bits are defined as tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK in nfa_api.h.
-# For HK, P2P_LISTEN_TECH_MASK may be 0xC0 for enhance type F card success ratio
-# Maximum Number of Credits to be allowed by the NFCC
-# This value overrides what the NFCC specifices allowing the host to have
-# the control to work-around transport limitations. If this value does
-# not exist or is set to 0, the NFCC will provide the number of credits.
-# When disconnecting from Oberthur secure element, perform a warm-reset of
-# the secure element to deselect the applet.
-# The default hex value of the command is 0x3. If this variable is undefined,
-# then this feature is not used.
-# 6) OBERTHUR_WARM_RESET_COMMAND must be enabled for all eSE model
-# 7) Other Information
-# It will be checked in next version.
-# Application options
-# File used for NFA storage
-# power control driver
-# Specify a kernel driver that support ioctl commands to control NFC_EN and
-# NFC_WAKE gpio signals.
-# i2c and spi driver may be used to control NFC_EN and NFC_WAKE signal
-# transport driver
-# where <driver> can be, for example:
-# "/dev/ttyS" (UART)
-# "/dev/bcmi2cnfc" (I2C)
-# "hwtun" (HW Tunnel)
-# "/dev/bcmspinfc" (SPI)
-# "/dev/btusb0" (BT USB)
-# Default poll duration (in ms)
-# The defualt is 500ms if not set (see nfc_target.h) same as M project
-# May not used in S3FWRN5
-# Insert a delay in milliseconds after NFC_WAKE and before write to NFCC
-# Firmware patch file
-# If the value is not set then patch download is disabled.
-# Not used in S.LSI solution
-# Various Delay settings (in ms) used in USERIAL
-# Delay after turning on chip, before writing to transport (default 300)
-# Delay after deasserting NFC-Wake before turn off chip (default 0)
-# Delay after turning off chip, before USERIAL_close returns (default 0)
-# Delay after deasserting NFC-Wake before turn off chip (default 1000)
-# when going to CE3 Switch Off mode
-# Device Manager Config
-# If NFA_DM_CFG is not provided, stack default settings are
-# used (see nfa_dm_cfg.c). They are as follows:
-# 0 (FALSE) Automatic NDEF detection when background polling
-# 0 (FALSE) Automatic NDEF read when background polling
-# Startup Configuration (100 bytes maximum)
-# For the 0xC2 parameter, set byte[0] to 60 to disable UICC Idle Timeout.
-# set to 61 to enable (The least significant bit of this byte enables
-# the power off when Idle mode).
-# 20 A1 07 00 == > These 4 bytes form a 4 byte value which decides the idle timeout(in us)
-# value to trigger the uicc deactivation.
-# NFC forum conformance
-# GCF combined + clfCfgTagPicc
-# Startup Vendor Specific Configuration (100 bytes maximum);
-# byte[0] TLV total len = 0x5
-# byte[1] NCI_MTS_CMD|NCI_GID_PROP = 0x2f
-# byte[2] NCI_MSG_FRAME_LOG = 0x9
-# byte[3] 2
-# byte[4] 0=turn off RF frame logging; 1=turn on
-# byte[5] 0=turn off SWP frame logging; 1=turn on
-# NFA_DM_START_UP_VSC_CFG={05:2F:09:02:01:01}
-# Antenna Configuration - This data is used when setting 0xC8 config item
-# at startup (before discovery is started). If not used, no value is sent.
-# The settings for this value are documented here:
-# Design/Doc/PHY%20register%20settings/BCM20791-B2-1027-02_PHY_Recommended_Reg_Settings.xlsx
-# This document is maintained by Paul Forshaw.
-# The values marked as ?? should be tweaked per antenna or customer/app:
-# {20:C8:1E:06:??:00:??:??:??:00:??:24:00:1C:00:75:00:77:00:76:00:1C:00:03:00:0A:00:??:01:00:00:40:04}
-# array[0] = 0x20 is length of the payload from array[1] to the end
-# array[1] = 0xC8 is PREINIT_DSP_CFG
-# Configure crystal frequency when internal LPO can't detect the frequency.
-# Use Nexus S NXP RC work to allow our stack/firmware to work with a retail
-# Nexus S that causes IOP issues. Note, this will not pass conformance and
-# should be removed for production.
-# Configure the default Destination Gate used by HCI (the default is 4, which
-# is the ETSI loopback gate.
-# Configure the single default SE to use. The default is to use the first
-# SE that is detected by the stack. This value might be used when the phone
-# supports multiple SE (e.g. 0xF3 and 0xF4) but you want to force it to use
-# one of them (e.g. 0xF4).
-# Configure the NFC Extras to open and use a static pipe. If the value is
-# not set or set to 0, then the default is use a dynamic pipe based on a
-# destination gate (see NFA_HCI_DEFAULT_DEST_GATE). Note there is a value
-# for each UICC (where F3="UICC0" and F4="UICC1")
-# This setting allows you to disable registering the T4t Virtual SE that causes
-# the NFCC to send PPSE requests to the DH.
-# The default setting is enabled (i.e. T4t Virtual SE is registered).
-# When screen is turned off, specify the desired power state of the controller.
-# 0: power-off-sleep state; DEFAULT
-# 1: full-power state
-# 2: screen-off card-emulation (CE4/CE3/CE1 modes are used)
-# 3: FPM CE in snooze mode, Switch Off, Battery Off still available.
-# SPD Debug mode
-# If set to 1, any failure of downloading a patch will trigger a hard-stop
-# SPD Max Retry Count
-# The number of attempts to download a patch before giving up (defualt is 3).
-# Note, this resets after a power-cycle.
-# Patch RAM Version Checking
-# By default the stack will reject any attempt to download a patch where major
-# version is < the one that is in NVM. If this config item is set to 1 then
-# this version check is skipped.
-# I2C transport driver try to read multiple packets in read() if data is available
-# remove the comment below to enable this feature
-# SPI transport driver options
-# UART transport driver options
-# PORT=1,2,3,...
-# BAUD=115200, 19200, 9600, 4800,
-# DATABITS=8, 7, 6, 5
-# PARITY="even" | "odd" | "none"
-# STOPBITS="0" | "1" | "1.5" | "2"
-# AID for Empty Select command
-# If specified, this AID will be substituted when an Empty SELECT command is
-# detected. The first byte is the length of the AID. Maximum length is 16.