Address the warnings in recovery code

The following warnngs generate when compile with WITH_TIDY=1

.../bootable/recovery/applypatch/imgdiff.cpp:968:7: warning: 'src_ranges' used after it was moved [bugprone-use-after-move]
.../bootable/recovery/applypatch/imgdiff.cpp:966:27: note: move occurred here

The logic itself seems correct since the class is meant to be cleared
after move. I feel the std::move in 966 is actually useful to call the
move constructor in RangeSet. So I just modify L968 to suppress the

Less important ones:
bootable/recovery/applypatch/applypatch_modes.cpp:79:34: warning: passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen [performance-move-const-arg]
bootable/recovery/applypatch/imgdiff.cpp:1038:30: warning: passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen [performance-move-const-arg]
bootable/recovery/applypatch/imgdiff.cpp:1054:48: warning: passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen [performance-move-const-arg]
bootable/recovery/updater/include/private/commands.h:310:16: warning: std::move of the variable 'patch' of the trivially-copyable type 'PatchInfo' has no effect; remove std::move() [performance-move-const-arg]
bootable/recovery/updater/install.cpp:663:43: warning: passing result of std::move() as a const reference argument; no move will actually happen [performance-move-const-arg]

Bug: 150955971
Test: build
Change-Id: Ieb75f0229c47d470d4f5ac93fab39c5698d3f914
diff --git a/updater/include/private/commands.h b/updater/include/private/commands.h
index 79f9154..7a23bb7 100644
--- a/updater/include/private/commands.h
+++ b/updater/include/private/commands.h
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
       : type_(type),
-        patch_(std::move(patch)),
+        patch_(patch),
         stash_(std::move(stash)) {}