Remove SuperSU

Change-Id: I2ca7580bbde5a8903b9ba5c1513ddba887e8d49e
diff --git a/ b/
index b51637b..6880ed2 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -156,7 +156,6 @@
     TW_USE_TOOLBOX := true
     TW_EXCLUDE_MTP := true
@@ -430,18 +429,6 @@
         htcdumlock htcdumlocksys flash_imagesys dump_imagesys \ HTCDumlock.apk
-ifneq ($(TW_EXCLUDE_SUPERSU), true)
- 99SuperSUDaemon Superuser.apk
-    ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH), arm)
-            chattr.pie suarm supolicy
-    endif
-    ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH), arm64)
-            libsupol.soarm64 suarm64 supolicyarm64
-    endif
 ifeq ($(TW_INCLUDE_FB2PNG), true)
diff --git a/gui/action.cpp b/gui/action.cpp
index 3d497ca..fb05d77 100644
--- a/gui/action.cpp
+++ b/gui/action.cpp
@@ -1607,8 +1607,7 @@
 	if (simulate) {
 	} else {
-		if (!TWFunc::Install_SuperSU())
-			op_status = 1;
+		LOGERR("Installing SuperSU was deprecated from TWRP.\n");
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/landscape.xml b/gui/theme/common/landscape.xml
index f460e6f..5bbfe90 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/landscape.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/landscape.xml
@@ -2737,7 +2737,7 @@
 			<button style="main_button_half_width">
 				<placement x="%col2_x_left%" y="%row15a_y%"/>
-				<text>{@su_cancel=Do not Install}</text>
+				<text>{@install_cancel=Do not Install}</text>
 				<action function="reboot">%tw_reboot_param%</action>
@@ -4726,51 +4726,6 @@
-		<page name="installsu">
-			<template name="page"/>
-			<text style="text_l">
-				<placement x="%col1_x_header%" y="%row3_header_y%"/>
-				<text>{@reboot_hdr=Reboot}</text>
-			</text>
-			<text style="text_m">
-				<placement x="%col1_x_header%" y="%row4_header_y%"/>
-				<text>{@su_hdr=SuperSU Check}</text>
-			</text>
-			<text style="text_m_accent">
-				<placement x="%center_x%" y="%row2_y%" placement="5"/>
-				<text>{@su_note1=Your device does not appear to be rooted.}</text>
-			</text>
-			<text style="text_m">
-				<placement x="%center_x%" y="%row4_y%" placement="5"/>
-				<text>{@su_note2=Install SuperSU now?}</text>
-			</text>
-			<text style="text_m">
-				<placement x="%center_x%" y="%row5_y%" placement="5"/>
-				<text>{@su_note3=This will root your device.}</text>
-			</text>
-			<button style="main_button_half_width">
-				<placement x="%col2_x_left%" y="%row15a_y%"/>
-				<text>{@su_cancel=Do not Install}</text>
-				<action function="set">tw_page_done=1</action>
-			</button>
-			<slider>
-				<text>{@swipe_su_to_install=Swipe to Install}</text>
-				<actions>
-					<action function="set">tw_action=installsu</action>
-					<action function="set">tw_action_text1={@su_installing=Installing SuperSU}</action>
-					<action function="set">tw_action_text2=</action>
-					<action function="page">singleaction_page</action>
-				</actions>
-			</slider>
-		</page>
 		<page name="slideout">
 			<fill color="%background_color%">
 				<placement x="0" y="%row2_header_y%" w="%screen_width%" h="%slideout_bg_height%"/>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/cz.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/cz.xml
index 4795622..4ba5c2c 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/cz.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/cz.xml
@@ -441,14 +441,7 @@
 		<string name="sideload_usage">Použití: adb sideload ná</string>
 		<string name="sideload_complete">ADB Sideload dokončený</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">Restart</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">Kontrola SuperSU</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">Vaše zařízení se netváří jako rootnuté.</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">Instalovat SuperSU nyní?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">Toto rootne vaše zařízení.</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">Neinstalovat</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">Potáhnutím nainstalovat</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">   Instalovat</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">Instalace SuperSU</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">Neinstalovat</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">Vyberte úložiště</string>
 		<string name="ok_btn">OK</string>
 		<string name="no_kernel_selinux">Kernel nemá podporu pro čtení obsahu SELinux.</string>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/de.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/de.xml
index e629ec3..6ff8014 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/de.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/de.xml
@@ -475,14 +475,7 @@
 		<string name="fixing_contexts">Korrigiere Kontexte...</string>
 		<string name="fix_contexts_complete">Korrektur der Kontexte abgeschlossen</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">Neustart</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">SuperSU-Check</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">Anscheinend besteht kein Root-Zugriff auf das Gerät.</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">SuperSU jetzt installieren?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">Dies wird Root-Zugriff auf dem Gerät einrichten.</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">Nicht installieren</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">Installation starten</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">Installieren</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">Installiere SuperSU</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">Nicht installieren</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">Speicher auswählen</string>
 		<string name="ok_btn">OK</string>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/el.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/el.xml
index 271b087..ffb960f 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/el.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/el.xml
@@ -464,14 +464,7 @@
         <string name="fixing_contexts">Διόρθωση δικαιωμάτων...</string>
         <string name="fix_contexts_complete">Η Διόρθωση δικαιωμάτων ολοκληρώθηκε</string>
         <string name="reboot_hdr">Επανεκκίνηση</string>
-        <string name="su_hdr">Έλεγχος SuperSU</string>
-        <string name="su_note1">Η συσκευή σας δεν φαίνεται να έχει root.</string>
-        <string name="su_note2">Εγκατάσταση SuperSU τώρα;</string>
-        <string name="su_note3">Αυτό κάνει root στην συσκευή σας.</string>
-        <string name="su_cancel">Μην εγκαταστήσετε</string>
-        <string name="swipe_su_to_install">Σύρετε για εγκατάσταση</string>
-        <string name="swipe_su_install">   Εγκατάσταση</string>
-        <string name="su_installing">Εγκατάσταση SuperSU</string>
+        <string name="install_cancel">Μην εγκαταστήσετε</string>
         <string name="sel_storage_list">Επιλέξτε Αποθ. χώρο</string>
         <string name="ok_btn">OΚ</string>
         <string name="no_kernel_selinux">Το Kernel δεν υποστηρίζει την ανάγνωση περιεχομένων SELinux.</string>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/en.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/en.xml
index 3677bb4..afba59a 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/en.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/en.xml
@@ -477,14 +477,7 @@
 		<string name="fixing_contexts">Fixing Contexts...</string>
 		<string name="fix_contexts_complete">Fix Contexts Complete</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">Reboot</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">SuperSU Check</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">Your device does not appear to be rooted.</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">Install SuperSU now?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">This will root your device.</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">Do Not Install</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">Swipe to Install</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">   Install</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">Installing SuperSU</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">Do Not Install</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">Select Storage</string>
 		<string name="ok_btn">OK</string>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/es.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/es.xml
index ffb3a8d..1f20061 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/es.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/es.xml
@@ -453,14 +453,7 @@
 		<string name="fixing_contexts">Fijando Contextos...</string>
 		<string name="fix_contexts_complete">Fijar Contextos Completado</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">Reiniciar</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">Comprobar SuperSU</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">Parece que tú dispositivo no esta rooteado.</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">Instalar SuperSU ahora?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">Esto rooteara su dispositivo.</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">No instalar</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">Desliza para instalar</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">   Instalar</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">Instalado SuperSU</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">No instalar</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">Seleccionar Almacenamiento</string>
 		<string name="ok_btn">OK</string>
 		<string name="no_kernel_selinux">Kernel no tiene soporte para la lectura de los contextos de SELinux.</string>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/fr.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/fr.xml
index 80e781a..61516a8 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/fr.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/fr.xml
@@ -450,14 +450,7 @@
         <string name="fixing_perms">Réparation des permissions...</string>
         <string name="fix_perms_complete">Réparation des permissions complétée</string>
         <string name="reboot_hdr">Redémarrer</string>
-        <string name="su_hdr">Vérification SuperSU</string>
-        <string name="su_note1">Votre appareil ne semble pas être rooté.</string>
-        <string name="su_note2">Installer SuperSU maintenant?</string>
-        <string name="su_note3">Ceci va rooter votre appareil.</string>
-        <string name="su_cancel">Ne pas installer</string>
-        <string name="swipe_su_to_install">Glisser pour installer</string>
-        <string name="swipe_su_install">Installer</string>
-        <string name="su_installing">Installation de SuperSU</string>
+        <string name="install_cancel">Ne pas installer</string>
         <string name="sel_storage_list">Sélection du stockage</string>
         <string name="ok_btn">OK</string>
         <string name="no_kernel_selinux">Le noyau ne supporte pas la lecture des contextes SELinux.</string>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/hu.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/hu.xml
index da60bbb..6141cde 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/hu.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/hu.xml
@@ -475,14 +475,7 @@
 		<string name="fixing_contexts">Kontextus javítása...</string>
 		<string name="fix_contexts_complete">Kontextus javítása kész</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">Újraindítás</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">SuperSU ellenőrzés</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">A készüléke nem tűnik rootoltnak.</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">SuperSU telepítése most?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">Ez rootolni fogja a készülékét.</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">Ne telepítse</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">Csúsztasson a telepítéshez</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">   Telepítés</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">SuperSU telepítése</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">Ne telepítse</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">Válasszon tárolót</string>
 		<string name="ok_btn">OK</string>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/it.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/it.xml
index 71f7636..5d21eac 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/it.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/it.xml
@@ -475,14 +475,7 @@
 		<string name="fixing_contexts">Ripristino dei contesti in corso...</string>
 		<string name="fix_contexts_complete">Ripristino dei contesti completato</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">Riavvio</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">Verifica SuperSU</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">Il tuo dispositivo non sembra disporre di accesso root.</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">Installare SuperSU ora?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">Ciò ti garantirà privilegi di root.</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">Non installare</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">Scorri per installare</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">   Installa</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">Installazione di SuperSU in corso...</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">Non installare</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">Scegli archivio</string>
 		<string name="ok_btn">OK</string>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/nl.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/nl.xml
index e716a91..f5ec9bb 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/nl.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/nl.xml
@@ -462,14 +462,7 @@
 		<string name="fixing_contexts">Repareren van Contexts...</string>
 		<string name="fix_contexts_complete">Het repareren van Contexts is gereed</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">Herstart</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">SuperSU Controle</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">Uw apparaat lijkt niet geroot te zijn.</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">Installeer SuperSU nu?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">Dit zal uw apparaat rooten.</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">Installeer niet</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">Veeg om te installeren</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">   Installeren</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">Installeren van SuperSU</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">Installeer niet</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">Selecteer opslag</string>
 		<string name="ok_btn">OK</string>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/pl.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/pl.xml
index 77a6aa8..a67de06 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/pl.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/pl.xml
@@ -462,14 +462,7 @@
 		<string name="fixing_contexts">Naprawianie uprawnień...</string>
 		<string name="fix_contexts_complete">Naprawianie uprawnień zakończone</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">Restart</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">Sprawdzanie SuperSU</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">Twoje urządzenie nie jest zrootowane.</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">Zainstalować SuperSU teraz?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">To zrootuje twoje urządzenie.</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">Nie instaluj</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">Przesuń, aby zainstalować</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">   Instaluj</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">Instalowanie SuperSU</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">Nie instaluj</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">Wybierz pamięć</string>
 		<string name="ok_btn">OK</string>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/pt_BR.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/pt_BR.xml
index fa7fa09..88deb0c 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/pt_BR.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/pt_BR.xml
@@ -441,14 +441,7 @@
 		<string name="sideload_usage">Uso: adb sideload</string>
 		<string name="sideload_complete">ADB Sideload completa</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">Reiniciar</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">Seleção de Super Usuário</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">Seu dispositivo não aparece para ser enraizado.</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">Instalar Super Usuário agora?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">Isto enraizará seu dispositivo.</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">Não instale</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">Deslize para instalar</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">   Instalar</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">Instalação Super Usuário</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">Não instale</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">Selecionar armazenamento</string>
 		<string name="ok_btn">OK</string>
 		<string name="no_kernel_selinux">Kernel não tem suporte para leitura de contextos do SELinux.</string>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/pt_PT.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/pt_PT.xml
index 1244f9b..6b5bc6c 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/pt_PT.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/pt_PT.xml
@@ -477,14 +477,7 @@
 		<string name="fixing_contexts">A corrigir contextos...</string>
 		<string name="fix_contexts_complete">Correção de contextos concluída</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">Reiniciar</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">Permissão ROOT</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">O seu dispositivo parece não ter ROOT</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">Pretende instalar o binário su?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">O mesmo permitirá dar ROOT ao dispositivo.</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">Não instalar</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">      Deslize para dar ROOT</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">   Dar ROOT</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">A instalar SuperSU</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">Não instalar</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">Selecionar armazenamento</string>
 		<string name="ok_btn">OK</string>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/ru.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/ru.xml
index 76eff88..ba4d930 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/ru.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/ru.xml
@@ -472,14 +472,7 @@
 		<string name="fixing_contexts">Исправление контекста...</string>
 		<string name="fix_contexts_complete">Исправление контекста завершено</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">Перезагрузка</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">Проверика SuperSU</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">В вашем устройстве отсутствует рут-доступ.</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">Установить SuperSU сейчас?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">Рут-доступ будет активирован.</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">Не устанавливать</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">Свайп для установки</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">   Установка</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">Установка SuperSU</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">Не устанавливать</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">Выберите накопитель</string>
 		<string name="ok_btn">OK</string>
 		<!-- Various console messages - these consist of user displayed messages, oftentimes errors -->
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/sk.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/sk.xml
index e216e74..b8e2fc5 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/sk.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/sk.xml
@@ -441,14 +441,7 @@
 		<string name="sideload_usage">Použitie: adb sideload ná</string>
 		<string name="sideload_complete">ADB Sideload dokončený</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">Reštart</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">Kontrola SuperSU</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">Vaše zariadenie nemá ROOT.</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">Chcete nainštalovať SuperSU?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">Toto povolí ROOT práva na vašom zariadení.</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">Neinštalovať</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">Potiahnite pre inštaláciu ROOT</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">   Inštalovať</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">Inštalácia SuperSU</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">Neinštalovať</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">Vyberte úložisko</string>
 		<string name="ok_btn">OK</string>
 		<string name="no_kernel_selinux">Kernel nemá podporu pre čítanie obsahu SELinux.</string>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/sl.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/sl.xml
index e94dd21..5b0853e 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/sl.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/sl.xml
@@ -441,14 +441,7 @@
 		<string name="sideload_usage">Uporaba: adb sideload</string>
 		<string name="sideload_complete">Stransko nalaganje ADB končano</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">Pon. zaženi</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">Preveri SuperSU</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">Videti je, da vaša naprava nima skrbniškega dostopa.</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">Namesti SuperSU zdaj?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">To bo omogočilo skrbniški dostop na napravi.</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">Ne namesti</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">Povlecite za namestitev</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">   Namesti</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">Nameščanje SuperSU-ja</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">Ne namesti</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">Izberite pomnilniško napravo</string>
 		<string name="ok_btn">V redu</string>
 		<string name="no_kernel_selinux">Jedro nima podpore za branje vsebin SELinux.</string>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/tr.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/tr.xml
index f585adf..4c10fdf 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/tr.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/tr.xml
@@ -477,14 +477,7 @@
 		<string name="fixing_contexts">Bağlamlar Düzeltiliyor...</string>
 		<string name="fix_contexts_complete">Bağlamları Düzeltme Tamamlandı</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">Yeniden Başlat</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">SuperSU Denetimi</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">Cihazınız rootlanmamış görünüyor.</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">SuperSU şimdi yüklensin mi?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">Bu işlem cihazınızı rootlayacaktır.</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">Yükleme</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">Yüklemek için Kaydır</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">   Yükle</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">SuperSU Yükleniyor</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">Yükleme</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">Depolama Seç</string>
 		<string name="ok_btn">Tamam</string>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/uk.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/uk.xml
index 2a0112e..a3ea7dd 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/uk.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/uk.xml
@@ -456,14 +456,7 @@
 		<string name="fixing_contexts">Виправлення контексту...</string>
 		<string name="fix_contexts_complete">Виправлення контексту завершено</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">Перезавантаження</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">Перевірити SuperSU</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">Пристрій не має рут.</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">Встановити SuperSU зараз?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">Пристрій буде рутовано.</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">Не встановлювати</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">Встановити</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">   Встановлення</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">Встановлення SuperSU</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">Не встановлювати</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">Вибір сховища</string>
 		<!-- Various console messages - these consist of user displayed messages, oftentimes errors -->
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/portrait.xml b/gui/theme/common/portrait.xml
index 0d1d6d8..1176922 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/portrait.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/portrait.xml
@@ -2932,7 +2932,7 @@
 			<button style="main_button_half_height">
 				<placement x="%indent%" y="%row16_y%"/>
-				<text>{@su_cancel=Do not Install}</text>
+				<text>{@install_cancel=Do not Install}</text>
 				<action function="reboot">%tw_reboot_param%</action>
@@ -4708,51 +4708,6 @@
-		<page name="installsu">
-			<template name="page"/>
-			<text style="text_l">
-				<placement x="%col1_x_header%" y="%row3_header_y%"/>
-				<text>{@reboot_hdr=Reboot}</text>
-			</text>
-			<text style="text_m">
-				<placement x="%col1_x_header%" y="%row4_header_y%"/>
-				<text>{@su_hdr=SuperSU Check}</text>
-			</text>
-			<text style="text_m_accent">
-				<placement x="%center_x%" y="%row2_y%" placement="5"/>
-				<text>{@su_note1=Your device does not appear to be rooted.}</text>
-			</text>
-			<text style="text_m">
-				<placement x="%center_x%" y="%row4_y%" placement="5"/>
-				<text>{@su_note2=Install SuperSU now?}</text>
-			</text>
-			<text style="text_m">
-				<placement x="%center_x%" y="%row5_y%" placement="5"/>
-				<text>{@su_note3=This will root your device.}</text>
-			</text>
-			<button style="main_button_half_height">
-				<placement x="%indent%" y="%row18a_y%"/>
-				<text>{@su_cancel=Do not Install}</text>
-				<action function="set">tw_page_done=1</action>
-			</button>
-			<slider>
-				<text>{@swipe_su_to_install=Swipe to Install}</text>
-				<actions>
-					<action function="set">tw_action=installsu</action>
-					<action function="set">tw_action_text1={@su_installing=Installing SuperSU}</action>
-					<action function="set">tw_action_text2=</action>
-					<action function="page">singleaction_page</action>
-				</actions>
-			</slider>
-		</page>
 		<page name="slideout">
 			<fill color="%background_color%">
 				<placement x="0" y="%row2_header_y%" w="%screen_width%" h="%slideout_bg_height%"/>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/watch.xml b/gui/theme/common/watch.xml
index 152818e..019045a 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/watch.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/watch.xml
@@ -3389,7 +3389,7 @@
 			<button style="main_button_half_height">
 				<placement x="%indent%" y="%row7_y%"/>
-				<text>{@su_cancel=Do not Install}</text>
+				<text>{@install_cancel=Do not Install}</text>
 				<action function="reboot">%tw_reboot_param%</action>
@@ -5403,48 +5403,6 @@
-		<page name="installsu">
-			<template name="page"/>
-			<template name="statusbar"/>
-			<text style="text_m">
-				<placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/>
-				<text>{@reboot_hdr=Reboot} &gt; {@su_hdr=SuperSU Check}</text>
-			</text>
-			<text style="text_m_accent">
-				<placement x="%center_x%" y="%row2_y%" placement="5"/>
-				<text>{@su_note1=Your device does not appear to be rooted.}</text>
-			</text>
-			<text style="text_m">
-				<placement x="%center_x%" y="%row4_y%" placement="5"/>
-				<text>{@su_note2=Install SuperSU now?}</text>
-			</text>
-			<text style="text_m">
-				<placement x="%center_x%" y="%row5_y%" placement="5"/>
-				<text>{@su_note3=This will root your device.}</text>
-			</text>
-			<button style="main_button_full_width">
-				<placement x="%indent%" y="%row6_y%"/>
-				<text>{@su_cancel=Do not Install}</text>
-				<action function="set">tw_page_done=1</action>
-			</button>
-			<slider>
-				<text>{@swipe_su_install=   Install}</text>
-				<actions>
-					<action function="set">tw_action=installsu</action>
-					<action function="set">tw_action_text1={@su_installing=Installing SuperSU}</action>
-					<action function="set">tw_action_text2=</action>
-					<action function="page">singleaction_page</action>
-				</actions>
-			</slider>
-		</page>
 		<page name="slideout">
 			<fill color="%background_color%">
 				<placement x="0" y="%row2_header_y%" w="%screen_width%" h="%slideout_bg_height%"/>
diff --git a/gui/theme/extra-languages/languages/ja.xml b/gui/theme/extra-languages/languages/ja.xml
index 58fe3aa..37d3e7c 100644
--- a/gui/theme/extra-languages/languages/ja.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/extra-languages/languages/ja.xml
@@ -457,14 +457,7 @@
 		<string name="fixing_contexts">コンテキストの修正中...</string>
 		<string name="fix_contexts_complete">コンテキストを修正しました</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">再起動</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">SuperSU チェック</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">機器がroot化されていないようです。</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">SuperSU をインストールしますか?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">機器をroot化します。</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">インストールしない</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">スワイプでインストール</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">   インストール</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">SuperSU のインストール中</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">インストールしない</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">ストレージの選択</string>
 		<string name="ok_btn">OK</string>
 		<!-- Various console messages - these consist of user displayed messages, oftentimes errors -->
diff --git a/gui/theme/extra-languages/languages/zh_CN.xml b/gui/theme/extra-languages/languages/zh_CN.xml
index 33de916..5c214a5 100644
--- a/gui/theme/extra-languages/languages/zh_CN.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/extra-languages/languages/zh_CN.xml
@@ -476,14 +476,7 @@
 		<string name="fixing_contexts">正在修复 Context…</string>
 		<string name="fix_contexts_complete">修复 Context 完成</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">重启选项</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">SuperSU 检测</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">系统目前没有 Root。</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">是否现在安装 SuperSU?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">这将会 Root 您的设备。</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">不,以后再说</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">滑动按钮确认安装</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">   安装</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">正在安装 SuperSU</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">不,以后再说</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">选择存储位置</string>
 		<string name="ok_btn">确定</string>
diff --git a/gui/theme/extra-languages/languages/zh_TW.xml b/gui/theme/extra-languages/languages/zh_TW.xml
index 2bb4902..75c717a 100644
--- a/gui/theme/extra-languages/languages/zh_TW.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/extra-languages/languages/zh_TW.xml
@@ -476,14 +476,7 @@
 		<string name="fixing_contexts">正在修復 Context…</string>
 		<string name="fix_contexts_complete">修復 Context 完成</string>
 		<string name="reboot_hdr">重啟選項</string>
-		<string name="su_hdr">SuperSU 檢測</string>
-		<string name="su_note1">系統目前沒有 Root。</string>
-		<string name="su_note2">是否現在安裝 SuperSU?</string>
-		<string name="su_note3">這將會 Root 您的設備。</string>
-		<string name="su_cancel">不,以後再說</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_to_install">滑動按鈕確認安裝</string>
-		<string name="swipe_su_install">   安裝</string>
-		<string name="su_installing">正在安裝 SuperSU</string>
+		<string name="install_cancel">不,以後再說</string>
 		<string name="sel_storage_list">選擇存儲位置</string>
 		<string name="ok_btn">確定</string>
diff --git a/prebuilt/99SuperSUDaemon b/prebuilt/99SuperSUDaemon
deleted file mode 100644
index de738c1..0000000
--- a/prebuilt/99SuperSUDaemon
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-/system/xbin/daemonsu --auto-daemon &
diff --git a/prebuilt/ b/prebuilt/
index b54dda2..6e9bcfe 100644
--- a/prebuilt/
+++ b/prebuilt/
@@ -449,114 +449,6 @@
 	include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
-ifneq ($(TW_EXCLUDE_SUPERSU), true)
-	ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH), arm)
-		#chattr.pie
-		include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-		LOCAL_MODULE := chattr.pie
-		include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
-		include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-		include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
-		#su binary
-		include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-		LOCAL_MODULE := suarm
-		include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
-		#supolicy
-		include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-		LOCAL_MODULE := supolicy
-		include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
-	endif
-	ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH), arm64)
-		include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-		LOCAL_MODULE := libsupol.soarm64
-		include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
-		#su binary
-		include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-		LOCAL_MODULE := suarm64
-		include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
-		#supolicy
-		include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-		LOCAL_MODULE := supolicyarm64
-		LOCAL_MODULE_STEM := supolicy
-		include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
-	endif
-	include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-	include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
-	include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-	include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
-	#99SuperSUDaemon
-	include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-	LOCAL_MODULE := 99SuperSUDaemon
-	include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
-	#SuperSU special installer APK
-	include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-	LOCAL_MODULE := Superuser.apk
-	include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)
 #TWRP App "placeholder"
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 LOCAL_MODULE := me.twrp.twrpapp.apk
diff --git a/prebuilt/Superuser.apk b/prebuilt/Superuser.apk
deleted file mode 100644
index 99eb7d2..0000000
--- a/prebuilt/Superuser.apk
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/prebuilt/chattr b/prebuilt/chattr
deleted file mode 100755
index 12ccf86..0000000
--- a/prebuilt/chattr
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/prebuilt/chattr.pie b/prebuilt/chattr.pie
deleted file mode 100644
index 4739728..0000000
--- a/prebuilt/chattr.pie
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/prebuilt/ b/prebuilt/
deleted file mode 100644
index f62cf0b..0000000
--- a/prebuilt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# If you're implementing this in a custom kernel/firmware,
-# I suggest you use a different script name, and add a service
-# to launch it from init.rc
-# Launches SuperSU in daemon mode only on Android 4.3+.
-# Nothing will happen on 4.2.x or older, unless SELinux+Enforcing.
-# If you want to force loading the daemon, use "--daemon" instead
-/system/xbin/daemonsu --auto-daemon &
-# Some apps like to run stuff from this script as well, that will 
-# obviously break root - in your code, just search this file
-# for "", and if present, write there instead.
diff --git a/prebuilt/ b/prebuilt/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2bca4c3..0000000
--- a/prebuilt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-# SuperSU installer ZIP 
-# Copyright (c) 2012-2014 - Chainfire
-# To install SuperSU properly, aside from cleaning old versions and
-# other superuser-type apps from the system, the following files need to
-# be installed:
-# API   source                        target                              chmod   chcon                       required
-# 7-19  common/Superuser.apk          /system/app/Superuser.apk           0644    u:object_r:system_file:s0   gui
-# 20+   common/Superuser.apk          /system/app/SuperSU/SuperSU.apk     0644    u:object_r:system_file:s0   gui
-# 17+   common/    /system/etc/     0755    *1                          required
-# 17+                                 /system/bin/     (symlink to /system/etc/...)        required
-# *1: same as /system/bin/toolbox: u:object_r:system_file:s0 if API < 20, u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 if API >= 20
-# 7+    ARCH/su                       /system/xbin/su                     *2      u:object_r:system_file:s0   required
-# 7+                                  /system/bin/.ext/.su                *2      u:object_r:system_file:s0   gui
-# 17+                                 /system/xbin/daemonsu               0755    u:object_r:system_file:s0   required
-# 17+                                 /system/xbin/sugote                 0755    u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0   required
-# *2: 06755 if API < 18, 0755 if API >= 18
-# 19+   ARCH/supolicy                 /system/xbin/supolicy               0755    u:object_r:system_file:s0   required
-# 19+   ARCH/              /system/lib(64)/         0644    u:object_r:system_file:s0   required
-# 17+   /system/bin/sh or mksh *3     /system/xbin/sugote-mksh            0755    u:object_r:system_file:s0   required
-# *3: which one (or both) are available depends on API
-# 21+   /system/bin/app_process32 *4  /system/bin/app_process32_original  0755    u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0   required
-# 21+   /system/bin/app_process64 *4  /system/bin/app_process64_original  0755    u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0   required
-# 21+   /system/bin/app_processXX *4  /system/bin/app_process_init        0755    u:object_r:system_file:s0   required
-# 21+                                 /system/bin/app_process             (symlink to /system/xbin/daemonsu)  required
-# 21+                             *4  /system/bin/app_process32           (symlink to /system/xbin/daemonsu)  required
-# 21+                             *4  /system/bin/app_process64           (symlink to /system/xbin/daemonsu)  required
-# *4: Only do this for the relevant bits. On a 64 bits system, leave the 32 bits files alone, or dynamic linker errors
-#     will prevent the system from fully working in subtle ways. The bits of the su binary must also match!
-# 17+   common/99SuperSUDaemon *5     /system/etc/init.d/99SuperSUDaemon  0755    u:object_r:system_file:s0   optional
-# *5: only place this file if /system/etc/init.d is present
-# 17+   'echo 1 >' or 'touch' *6      /system/etc/.installed_su_daemon    0644    u:object_r:system_file:s0   optional
-# *6: the file just needs to exist or some recoveries will nag you. Even with it there, it may still happen.
-# It may seem some files are installed multiple times needlessly, but
-# it only seems that way. Installing files differently or symlinking
-# instead of copying (unless specified) will lead to issues eventually.
-# The following su binary versions are included in the full package. Each
-# should be installed only if the system has the same or newer API level 
-# as listed. The script may fall back to a different binary on older API
-# levels. supolicy are all ndk/pie/19+ for 32 bit, ndk/pie/20+ for 64 bit.
-# binary        ARCH/path   build type      API
-# arm-v5te      arm         aosp static     7+
-# x86           x86         aosp static     7+
-# arm-v7a       armv7       ndk pie         17+
-# mips          mips        ndk pie         17+
-# arm64-v8a     arm64       ndk pie         20+
-# mips64        mips64      ndk pie         20+
-# x86_64        x64         ndk pie         20+
-# Note that if SELinux is set to enforcing, the daemonsu binary expects 
-# to be run at startup (usually from, 99SuperSUDaemon,
-# or app_process) from u:r:init:s0 or u:r:kernel:s0 contexts. Depending
-# on the current policies, it can also deal with u:r:init_shell:s0 and
-# u:r:toolbox:s0 contexts. Any other context will lead to issues eventually.
-# After installation, run '/system/xbin/su --install', which may need to
-# perform some additional installation steps. Ideally, at one point,
-# a lot of this script will be moved there.
-# The included chattr(.pie) binaries are used to remove ext2's immutable
-# flag on some files. This flag is no longer set by SuperSU's OTA
-# survival since API level 18, so there is no need for the 64 bit versions.
-# Note that chattr does not need to be installed to the system, it's just
-# used by this script, and not supported by the busybox used in older
-# recoveries.
-# Non-static binaries are supported to be PIE (Position Independent 
-# Executable) from API level 16, and required from API level 20 (which will
-# refuse to execute non-static non-PIE). 
-# The script performs serveral actions in various ways, sometimes
-# multiple times, due to different recoveries and firmwares behaving
-# differently, and it thus being required for the correct result.
-ui_print() {
-  echo -n -e "echo $1\n" > /proc/self/fd/$OUTFD
-  echo -n -e "echo\n" > /proc/self/fd/$OUTFD
-ch_con() {
-  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB /system/toolbox chcon -h u:object_r:system_file:s0 $1
-  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB /system/bin/toolbox chcon -h u:object_r:system_file:s0 $1
-  chcon -h u:object_r:system_file:s0 $1
-  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB /system/toolbox chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 $1
-  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB /system/bin/toolbox chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 $1
-  chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 $1
-ch_con_ext() {
-  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB /system/toolbox chcon $2 $1
-  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB /system/bin/toolbox chcon $2 $1
-  chcon $2 $1
-ln_con() {
-  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB /system/toolbox ln -s $1 $2
-  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB /system/bin/toolbox ln -s $1 $2
-  ln -s $1 $2
-  ch_con $2
-set_perm() {
-  chown $1.$2 $4
-  chown $1:$2 $4
-  chmod $3 $4
-  ch_con $4
-  ch_con_ext $4 $5
-cp_perm() {
-  rm $5
-  cat $4 > $5
-  set_perm $1 $2 $3 $5 $6
-echo "*********************"
-echo "SuperSU installer ZIP"
-echo "*********************"
-echo "- Mounting /system, /data and rootfs"
-mount /system
-mount /data
-mount -o rw,remount /system
-mount -o rw,remount /system /system
-mount -o rw,remount /
-mount -o rw,remount / /
-cat /system/bin/toolbox > /system/toolbox
-chmod 0755 /system/toolbox
-ch_con /system/toolbox
-API=$(cat /system/build.prop | grep "" | dd bs=1 skip=21 count=2)
-ABI=$(cat /system/build.prop /default.prop | grep -m 1 "ro.product.cpu.abi=" | dd bs=1 skip=19 count=3)
-ABILONG=$(cat /system/build.prop /default.prop | grep -m 1 "ro.product.cpu.abi=" | dd bs=1 skip=19)
-ABI2=$(cat /system/build.prop /default.prop | grep -m 1 "ro.product.cpu.abi2=" | dd bs=1 skip=20 count=3)
-if [ "$ABI" = "x86" ]; then ARCH=x86; fi;
-if [ "$ABI2" = "x86" ]; then ARCH=x86; fi;
-if [ "$API" -eq "$API" ]; then
-  if [ "$API" -ge "17" ]; then
-    SUGOTE=true
-    PIE=.pie
-    if [ "$ABILONG" = "armeabi-v7a" ]; then ARCH=armv7; fi;
-    if [ "$ABI" = "mip" ]; then ARCH=mips; fi;
-    if [ "$ABILONG" = "mips" ]; then ARCH=mips; fi;
-  fi
-  if [ "$API" -ge "18" ]; then
-    SUMOD=0755
-  fi
-  if [ "$API" -ge "20" ]; then
-    if [ "$ABILONG" = "arm64-v8a" ]; then ARCH=arm64; SYSTEMLIB=/system/lib64; APPPROCESS64=true; fi;
-    if [ "$ABILONG" = "mips64" ]; then ARCH=mips64; SYSTEMLIB=/system/lib64; APPPROCESS64=true; fi;
-    if [ "$ABILONG" = "x86_64" ]; then ARCH=x64; SYSTEMLIB=/system/lib64; APPPROCESS64=true; fi;
-    APKFOLDER=true
-    APKNAME=/system/app/SuperSU/SuperSU.apk
-  fi
-  if [ "$API" -ge "19" ]; then
-    SUPOLICY=true
-    if [ "$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB /system/toolbox ls -lZ /system/bin/toolbox | grep toolbox_exec > /dev/null; echo $?)" -eq "0" ]; then 
-      INSTALL_RECOVERY_CONTEXT=u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0
-    fi
-  fi
-  if [ "$API" -ge "21" ]; then
-    APPPROCESS=true
-  fi
-if [ ! -f $MKSH ]; then
-  MKSH=/system/bin/sh
-#echo "DBG [$API] [$ABI] [$ABI2] [$ABILONG] [$ARCH] [$MKSH]"
-# Don't extract in TWRP
-#echo "- Extracting files"
-#cd /tmp
-#mkdir supersu
-#cd supersu
-#unzip -o "$ZIP"
-echo "- Disabling OTA survival"
-chmod 0755 /supersu/chattr$PIE
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB $BIN/chattr$PIE -i /system/bin/su
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB $BIN/chattr$PIE -i /system/xbin/su
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB $BIN/chattr$PIE -i /system/bin/.ext/.su
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB $BIN/chattr$PIE -i /system/xbin/daemonsu
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB $BIN/chattr$PIE -i /system/xbin/sugote
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB $BIN/chattr$PIE -i /system/xbin/sugote_mksh
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB $BIN/chattr$PIE -i /system/xbin/supolicy
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB $BIN/chattr$PIE -i /system/lib/
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB $BIN/chattr$PIE -i /system/lib64/
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB $BIN/chattr$PIE -i /system/etc/
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB $BIN/chattr$PIE -i /system/bin/
-echo "- Removing old files"
-if [ -f "/system/bin/" ]; then
-  if [ ! -f "/system/bin/" ]; then
-    mv /system/bin/ /system/bin/
-    ch_con /system/bin/
-  fi
-if [ -f "/system/etc/" ]; then
-  if [ ! -f "/system/etc/" ]; then
-    mv /system/etc/ /system/etc/
-    ch_con /system/etc/
-  fi
-rm -f /system/bin/su
-rm -f /system/xbin/su
-rm -f /system/xbin/daemonsu
-rm -f /system/xbin/sugote
-rm -f /system/xbin/sugote-mksh
-rm -f /system/xbin/supolicy
-rm -f /system/lib/
-rm -f /system/lib64/
-rm -f /system/bin/.ext/.su
-rm -f /system/bin/
-rm -f /system/etc/
-rm -f /system/etc/init.d/99SuperSUDaemon
-rm -f /system/etc/.installed_su_daemon
-rm -f /system/app/Superuser.apk
-rm -f /system/app/Superuser.odex
-rm -rf /system/app/Superuser
-rm -f /system/app/SuperUser.apk
-rm -f /system/app/SuperUser.odex
-rm -rf /system/app/SuperUser
-rm -f /system/app/superuser.apk
-rm -f /system/app/superuser.odex
-rm -rf /system/app/superuser
-rm -f /system/app/Supersu.apk
-rm -f /system/app/Supersu.odex
-rm -rf /system/app/Supersu
-rm -f /system/app/SuperSU.apk
-rm -f /system/app/SuperSU.odex
-rm -rf /system/app/SuperSU
-rm -f /system/app/supersu.apk
-rm -f /system/app/supersu.odex
-rm -rf /system/app/supersu
-rm -f /system/app/VenomSuperUser.apk
-rm -f /system/app/VenomSuperUser.odex
-rm -rf /system/app/VenomSuperUser
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/**
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*/**
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*com.koushikdutta.superuser*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*/*com.koushikdutta.superuser*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/**
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*/**
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/**
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*/**
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*Superuser.apk*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*/*Superuser.apk*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*SuperUser.apk*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*/*SuperUser.apk*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*superuser.apk*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*/*superuser.apk*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*VenomSuperUser.apk*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*/*VenomSuperUser.apk*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*eu.chainfire.supersu*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*/*eu.chainfire.supersu*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*Supersu.apk*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*/*Supersu.apk*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*SuperSU.apk*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*/*SuperSU.apk*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*supersu.apk*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*/*supersu.apk*
-rm -f /data/dalvik-cache/*.oat
-rm -f /data/app/*
-rm -f /data/app/com.koushikdutta.superuser*
-rm -f /data/app/*
-rm -f /data/app/*
-rm -f /data/app/eu.chainfire.supersu-*
-rm -f /data/app/eu.chainfire.supersu.apk
-echo "- Creating space"
-if ($APKFOLDER); then
-  cp /system/app/Maps/Maps.apk /Maps.apk
-  cp /system/app/GMS_Maps/GMS_Maps.apk /GMS_Maps.apk
-  cp /system/app/YouTube/YouTube.apk /YouTube.apk
-  rm /system/app/Maps/Maps.apk
-  rm /system/app/GMS_Maps/GMS_Maps.apk
-  rm /system/app/YouTube/YouTube.apk
-  cp /system/app/Maps.apk /Maps.apk
-  cp /system/app/GMS_Maps.apk /GMS_Maps.apk
-  cp /system/app/YouTube.apk /YouTube.apk
-  rm /system/app/Maps.apk
-  rm /system/app/GMS_Maps.apk
-  rm /system/app/YouTube.apk
-echo "- Placing files"
-mkdir /system/bin/.ext
-set_perm 0 0 0777 /system/bin/.ext
-cp_perm 0 0 $SUMOD $BIN/su /system/bin/.ext/.su
-cp_perm 0 0 $SUMOD $BIN/su /system/xbin/su
-cp_perm 0 0 0755 $BIN/su /system/xbin/daemonsu
-if ($SUGOTE); then
-  cp_perm 0 0 0755 $BIN/su /system/xbin/sugote u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0
-  cp_perm 0 0 0755 $MKSH /system/xbin/sugote-mksh
-if ($SUPOLICY); then
-  cp_perm 0 0 0755 $BIN/supolicy /system/xbin/supolicy
-  cp_perm 0 0 0644 $BIN/ $SYSTEMLIB/
-if ($APKFOLDER); then
-  mkdir /system/app/SuperSU
-  set_perm 0 0 0755 /system/app/SuperSU
-cp_perm 0 0 0644 $COM/Superuser.apk $APKNAME
-cp_perm 0 0 0755 $COM/ /system/etc/
-ln_con /system/etc/ /system/bin/
-if ($APPPROCESS); then
-  rm /system/bin/app_process
-  ln_con /system/xbin/daemonsu /system/bin/app_process
-  if ($APPPROCESS64); then
-    if [ ! -f "/system/bin/app_process64_original" ]; then
-      mv /system/bin/app_process64 /system/bin/app_process64_original
-    else
-      rm /system/bin/app_process64
-    fi
-    ln_con /system/xbin/daemonsu /system/bin/app_process64
-    if [ ! -f "/system/bin/app_process_init" ]; then
-      cp_perm 0 2000 0755 /system/bin/app_process64_original /system/bin/app_process_init
-    fi
-  else
-    if [ ! -f "/system/bin/app_process32_original" ]; then
-      mv /system/bin/app_process32 /system/bin/app_process32_original
-    else
-      rm /system/bin/app_process32
-    fi
-    ln_con /system/xbin/daemonsu /system/bin/app_process32
-    if [ ! -f "/system/bin/app_process_init" ]; then
-      cp_perm 0 2000 0755 /system/bin/app_process32_original /system/bin/app_process_init
-    fi
-  fi
-cp_perm 0 0 0744 $COM/99SuperSUDaemon /system/etc/init.d/99SuperSUDaemon
-echo 1 > /system/etc/.installed_su_daemon
-set_perm 0 0 0644 /system/etc/.installed_su_daemon
-echo "- Restoring files"
-if ($APKFOLDER); then
-  cp_perm 0 0 0644 /Maps.apk /system/app/Maps/Maps.apk
-  cp_perm 0 0 0644 /GMS_Maps.apk /system/app/GMS_Maps/GMS_Maps.apk
-  cp_perm 0 0 0644 /YouTube.apk /system/app/YouTube/YouTube.apk
-  rm /Maps.apk
-  rm /GMS_Maps.apk
-  rm /YouTube.apk
-  cp_perm 0 0 0644 /Maps.apk /system/app/Maps.apk
-  cp_perm 0 0 0644 /GMS_Maps.apk /system/app/GMS_Maps.apk
-  cp_perm 0 0 0644 /YouTube.apk /system/app/YouTube.apk
-  rm /Maps.apk
-  rm /GMS_Maps.apk
-  rm /YouTube.apk
-echo "- Post-installation script"
-rm /system/toolbox
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SYSTEMLIB /system/xbin/su --install
-echo "- Unmounting /system and /data"
-umount /system
-umount /data
-echo "- Done !"
-exit 0
diff --git a/prebuilt/ b/prebuilt/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a81a15..0000000
--- a/prebuilt/
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/prebuilt/libsupol.soarm64 b/prebuilt/libsupol.soarm64
deleted file mode 100644
index 5030806..0000000
--- a/prebuilt/libsupol.soarm64
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/prebuilt/suarm b/prebuilt/suarm
deleted file mode 100644
index 38679b4..0000000
--- a/prebuilt/suarm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/prebuilt/suarm64 b/prebuilt/suarm64
deleted file mode 100644
index a2b4dc8..0000000
--- a/prebuilt/suarm64
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/prebuilt/supolicy b/prebuilt/supolicy
deleted file mode 100644
index 55db212..0000000
--- a/prebuilt/supolicy
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/prebuilt/supolicyarm64 b/prebuilt/supolicyarm64
deleted file mode 100644
index ea8ac20..0000000
--- a/prebuilt/supolicyarm64
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/twrp-functions.cpp b/twrp-functions.cpp
index 11e745b..c9aef20 100644
--- a/twrp-functions.cpp
+++ b/twrp-functions.cpp
@@ -771,14 +771,6 @@
 	return -1;
-bool TWFunc::Install_SuperSU(void) {
-	if (!PartitionManager.Mount_By_Path("/system", true))
-		return false;
-	check_and_run_script("/supersu/", "SuperSU");
-	return true;
 bool TWFunc::Try_Decrypting_Backup(string Restore_Path, string Password) {
 	DIR* d;
diff --git a/twrp-functions.hpp b/twrp-functions.hpp
index a1f67f2..0efbdc9 100644
--- a/twrp-functions.hpp
+++ b/twrp-functions.hpp
@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@
 	static int read_file(string fn, string& results); //read from file
 	static int read_file(string fn, uint64_t& results); //read from file
 	static int write_to_file(const string& fn, const string& line);             //write to file
-	static bool Install_SuperSU(void); // Installs su binary and apk and sets proper permissions
 	static bool Try_Decrypting_Backup(string Restore_Path, string Password); // true for success, false for failed to decrypt
 	static string System_Property_Get(string Prop_Name);                // Returns value of Prop_Name from reading /system/build.prop
 	static string Get_Current_Date(void);                               // Returns the current date in ccyy-m-dd--hh-nn-ss format
diff --git a/twrp.cpp b/twrp.cpp
index c46d655..c6b9fda 100644
--- a/twrp.cpp
+++ b/twrp.cpp
@@ -366,24 +366,6 @@
 #ifndef TW_OEM_BUILD
 	// Disable flashing of stock recovery
-	// Check for su to see if the device is rooted or not
-	if (DataManager::GetIntValue("tw_mount_system_ro") == 0 && PartitionManager.Mount_By_Path("/system", false)) {
-		// read /system/build.prop to get sdk version and do not offer to root if running M or higher (sdk version 23 == M)
-		string sdkverstr = TWFunc::System_Property_Get("");
-		int sdkver = 23;
-		if (!sdkverstr.empty()) {
-			sdkver = atoi(sdkverstr.c_str());
-		}
-		if (TWFunc::Path_Exists("/supersu/su") && TWFunc::Path_Exists("/system/bin") && !TWFunc::Path_Exists("/system/bin/su") && !TWFunc::Path_Exists("/system/xbin/su") && !TWFunc::Path_Exists("/system/bin/.ext/.su") && sdkver < 23) {
-			// Device doesn't have su installed
-			DataManager::SetValue("tw_busy", 1);
-			if (gui_startPage("installsu", 1, 1) != 0) {
-				LOGERR("Failed to start SuperSU install page.\n");
-			}
-		}
-		sync();
-		PartitionManager.UnMount_By_Path("/system", false);
-	}
 	// Reboot