Add TW_QCOM_ATS_OFFSET flag to manually set time/date offset

Needed if no ats_ files are present on qcom device

Offset is the difference between the current time
and the time since_epoch

To calculate the offset in Android, the following expression
(from a root shell) can be used:
echo "$(( ($(date +%s) - $(cat /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/since_epoch)) ))"

Add 3 zeros to the output and use that in the TW_QCOM_ATS_OFFSET
flag in your

For example, if the result of the calculation is 1642433544,
use 1642433544000 as the offset

Change-Id: I5d58125dffc3fdbfb76a5ffde4e27659376185f1
diff --git a/ b/
index c2bca79..5ed965e 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -380,6 +380,9 @@
+ifneq ($(TW_QCOM_ATS_OFFSET),)
 ifneq ($(TW_CLOCK_OFFSET),)
diff --git a/twrp-functions.cpp b/twrp-functions.cpp
index 15d4bdd..f30206b 100755
--- a/twrp-functions.cpp
+++ b/twrp-functions.cpp
@@ -1052,6 +1052,16 @@
 	if (!fixed) {
+		// Offset is the difference between the current time and the time since_epoch
+		// To calculate the offset in Android, the following expression (from a root shell) can be used:
+		// echo "$(( ($(date +%s) - $(cat /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/since_epoch)) ))"
+		// Add 3 zeros to the output and use that in the TW_QCOM_ATS_OFFSET flag in your
+		// For example, if the result of the calculation is 1642433544, use 1642433544000 as the offset
+		offset = (uint64_t) TW_QCOM_ATS_OFFSET;
+		DataManager::SetValue("tw_qcom_ats_offset", (unsigned long long) offset, 1);
+		LOGINFO("TWFunc::Fixup_Time: Setting time offset from TW_QCOM_ATS_OFFSET, offset %llu\n", (unsigned long long) offset);
 		// Failed to get offset from ats file, check twrp settings
 		unsigned long long value;
 		if (DataManager::GetValue("tw_qcom_ats_offset", value) < 0) {
@@ -1061,6 +1071,7 @@
 			LOGINFO("TWFunc::Fixup_Time: Setting time offset from twrp setting file, offset %llu\n", (unsigned long long) offset);
 			// Do not consider the settings file as a definitive answer, keep fixed=false so next run will try ats files again
 	gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);