Implement autodetection for SAR, based on the installed system

This will detect whether SAR is present in the currently installed
OS and set the property ro.twrp.sar accordingly.
After setting the property it will call the bootscript
/sbin/ (if present) to give device maintainers the
option to do setup operations depending on SAR-status, such
as modifiyng the fstab.

If no system is detected and AB_OTA_UPDATER is defined or built with
Android 10 and upwards, it will fallback to using SAR, otherwise it
will use as basis for deciding whether SAR
is required or not.

The property ro.twrp.sar will also be used by

This allows maintaining a single TWRP-build for devices switching
to SAR for Android 10.

The default behavior (when no system is installed)
is determined by the build-flags AB_OTA_UPDATER and

Change-Id: I2a48c6c81a6ea6fad6e452c06bfbe4d9da0f1e5c
4 files changed
tree: f1c33e1de6544bedf504e023ea2b763be135b93b
  1. .github/
  2. adbbu/
  3. applypatch/
  4. attr/
  5. bmlutils/
  6. boot_control/
  7. bootloader_message/
  8. bootloader_message_twrp/
  9. crypto/
  10. dosfstools/
  11. edify/
  12. etc/
  13. exfat/
  14. fb2png/
  15. flashutils/
  16. fonts/
  17. fuse/
  18. gpt/
  19. gui/
  20. htcdumlock/
  21. injecttwrp/
  22. libblkid/
  23. libcrecovery/
  24. libmincrypt/
  25. libpixelflinger/
  26. libtar/
  27. minadbd/
  28. minadbd21/
  29. minui/
  30. minui21/
  31. minuitwrp/
  32. minzip/
  33. mmcutils/
  34. mtdutils/
  35. mtp/
  36. openaes/
  37. orscmd/
  38. otafault/
  39. otautil/
  40. pigz/
  41. prebuilt/
  42. private/
  43. res/
  44. res-hdpi/
  45. res-mdpi/
  46. res-xhdpi/
  47. res-xxhdpi/
  48. res-xxxhdpi/
  49. scripts/
  50. sepolicy/
  51. simg2img/
  52. tests/
  53. toolbox/
  54. tools/
  55. toybox/
  56. twrpDigest/
  57. twrpTarMain/
  58. uncrypt/
  59. update_verifier/
  60. updater/
  61. verifier24/
  62. .clang-format
  63. .gitignore
  64. adb_install.cpp
  65. adb_install.h
  66. Android.bp
  68. asn1_decoder.cpp
  69. asn1_decoder.h
  70. BasePartition.cpp
  71. bootloader.h
  73. common.h
  74. data.cpp
  75. data.hpp
  76. default_device.cpp
  77. device.cpp
  78. device.h
  79. exclude.cpp
  80. exclude.hpp
  81. find_file.cpp
  82. find_file.hpp
  83. fixContexts.cpp
  84. fixContexts.hpp
  85. fuse.h
  86. fuse_sdcard_provider.cpp
  87. fuse_sdcard_provider.h
  88. fuse_sideload.cpp
  89. fuse_sideload.h
  90. fuse_sideload22.cpp
  91. fuse_sideload22.h
  92. infomanager.cpp
  93. infomanager.hpp
  94. install.cpp
  95. install.h
  96. installcommand.cpp
  97. installcommand.h
  99. legacy_properties.h
  100. legacy_property_service.cpp
  101. legacy_property_service.h
  102. mounts.c
  103. mounts.cpp
  104. mounts.h
  105. NOTICE
  106. openrecoveryscript.cpp
  107. openrecoveryscript.hpp
  108. OWNERS
  109. partition.cpp
  110. partitionmanager.cpp
  111. partitions.hpp
  112. PREUPLOAD.cfg
  113. progresstracking.cpp
  114. progresstracking.hpp
  116. recovery-persist.cpp
  117. recovery-persist.rc
  118. recovery-refresh.cpp
  119. recovery-refresh.rc
  120. recovery.cpp
  121. recovery_ui.h
  122. roots.cpp
  123. roots.h
  124. rotate_logs.cpp
  125. rotate_logs.h
  126. screen_ui.cpp
  127. screen_ui.h
  128. set_metadata.cpp
  129. set_metadata.h
  130. stub_ui.h
  131. tarWrite.c
  132. tarWrite.h
  133. tw_atomic.cpp
  134. tw_atomic.hpp
  135. twcommon.h
  136. twinstall.cpp
  137. twinstall.h
  138. twinstallorig.cpp
  139. twinstallorig.h
  140. twrp-functions.cpp
  141. twrp-functions.hpp
  142. twrp.cpp
  143. twrpAdbBuFifo.cpp
  144. twrpAdbBuFifo.hpp
  145. twrpDigestDriver.cpp
  146. twrpDigestDriver.hpp
  147. twrpTar.cpp
  148. twrpTar.h
  149. twrpTar.hpp
  150. ui.cpp
  151. ui.h
  152. variables.h
  153. verifier.cpp
  154. verifier.h
  155. vr_device.cpp
  156. vr_ui.cpp
  157. vr_ui.h
  158. wear_device.cpp
  159. wear_ui.cpp
  160. wear_ui.h
  161. zipwrap.cpp
  162. zipwrap.hpp

Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP)

You can find a compiling guide here.