Enable fingerprint in care_map

Enable the encoding and parsing of the property_id & partition
fingerprint by default; and add a flag "--no_fingerprint" to disable
the fingerprint generation/parsing to convert the legacy care_map.txt

Bug: 114778109
Test: run unittests in add_img_to_target_files
Change-Id: Id4216d5954e78c3a2d8e8bf19342109daf66a528
diff --git a/update_verifier/care_map_generator.py b/update_verifier/care_map_generator.py
index 5057ffe..051d98d 100644
--- a/update_verifier/care_map_generator.py
+++ b/update_verifier/care_map_generator.py
@@ -27,32 +27,44 @@
 import care_map_pb2
-def GenerateCareMapProtoFromLegacyFormat(lines):
+def GenerateCareMapProtoFromLegacyFormat(lines, fingerprint_enabled):
   """Constructs a care map proto message from the lines of the input file."""
   # Expected format of the legacy care_map.txt:
   # system
   # system's care_map ranges
+  # [system's fingerprint property id]
+  # [system's fingerprint]
   # [vendor]
   # [vendor's care_map ranges]
+  # [vendor's fingerprint property id]
+  # [vendor's fingerprint]
   # ...
-  assert len(lines) % 2 == 0, "line count must be even: {}".format(len(lines))
+  step = 4 if fingerprint_enabled else 2
+  assert len(lines) % step == 0, \
+      "line count must be multiple of {}: {}".format(step, len(lines))
   care_map_proto = care_map_pb2.CareMap()
-  for index in range(0, len(lines), 2):
+  for index in range(0, len(lines), step):
     info = care_map_proto.partitions.add()
     info.name = lines[index]
     info.ranges = lines[index + 1]
-    logging.info("Adding '%s': '%s' to care map", info.name, info.ranges)
+    if fingerprint_enabled:
+      info.id = lines[index + 2]
+      info.fingerprint = lines[index + 3]
+    logging.info("Care map info: name %s, ranges %s, id %s, fingerprint %s",
+                 info.name, info.ranges, info.id, info.fingerprint)
   return care_map_proto
-def ParseProtoMessage(message):
+def ParseProtoMessage(message, fingerprint_enabled):
   """Parses the care_map proto message and returns its text representation.
-    message: care_map in protobuf message
+    message: Care_map in protobuf format.
+    fingerprint_enabled: Input protobuf message contains the fields 'id' and
+        'fingerprint'.
      A string of the care_map information, similar to the care_map legacy
@@ -66,8 +78,11 @@
     assert info.name, "partition name is required in care_map"
     assert info.ranges, "source range is required in care_map"
     info_list += [info.name, info.ranges]
+    if fingerprint_enabled:
+      assert info.id, "property id is required in care_map"
+      assert info.fingerprint, "fingerprint is required in care_map"
+      info_list += [info.id, info.fingerprint]
-    # TODO(xunchang) add a flag to output id & fingerprint also.
   return '\n'.join(info_list)
@@ -81,6 +96,10 @@
                            " specified).")
                       help="Path to output file to write the result.")
+  parser.add_argument("--no_fingerprint", action="store_false",
+                      dest="fingerprint_enabled",
+                      help="The 'id' and 'fingerprint' fields are disabled in"
+                           " the caremap.")
   parser.add_argument("--parse_proto", "-p", action="store_true",
                       help="Parses the input as proto message, and outputs"
                            " the care_map in plain text.")
@@ -96,10 +115,10 @@
     content = input_care_map.read()
   if args.parse_proto:
-    result = ParseProtoMessage(content)
+    result = ParseProtoMessage(content, args.fingerprint_enabled)
     care_map_proto = GenerateCareMapProtoFromLegacyFormat(
-        content.rstrip().splitlines())
+        content.rstrip().splitlines(), args.fingerprint_enabled)
     result = care_map_proto.SerializeToString()
   with open(args.output_file, 'w') as output: