[WIP] gui: software drawn keyboard (code only)
Change-Id: I9f05c85f8d43ab012228a78b79220a27876a299d
diff --git a/gui/keyboard.cpp b/gui/keyboard.cpp
index 914c944..8ab2280 100644
--- a/gui/keyboard.cpp
+++ b/gui/keyboard.cpp
@@ -53,13 +53,35 @@
mRendered = false;
currentLayout = 1;
CapsLockOn = false;
- KeyboardHeight = KeyboardWidth = 0;
if (!node) return;
mHighlightColor = LoadAttrColor(FindNode(node, "highlight"), "color", &hasHighlight);
mCapsHighlightColor = LoadAttrColor(FindNode(node, "capshighlight"), "color", &hasCapsHighlight);
+ child = FindNode(node, "keymargin");
+ mKeyMarginX = LoadAttrIntScaleX(child, "x", 0);
+ mKeyMarginY = LoadAttrIntScaleY(child, "y", 0);
+ child = FindNode(node, "background");
+ mBackgroundColor = LoadAttrColor(child, "color", COLOR(32,32,32,255));
+ child = FindNode(node, "key-alphanumeric");
+ mFont = PageManager::GetResources()->FindFont(LoadAttrString(child, "font", "keylabel"));
+ mFontColor = LoadAttrColor(child, "textcolor", COLOR(255,255,255,255));
+ mKeyColorAlphanumeric = LoadAttrColor(child, "color", COLOR(0,0,0,0));
+ child = FindNode(node, "key-other");
+ mSmallFont = PageManager::GetResources()->FindFont(LoadAttrString(child, "font", "keylabel-small"));
+ mFontColorSmall = LoadAttrColor(child, "textcolor", COLOR(192,192,192,255));
+ mKeyColorOther = LoadAttrColor(child, "color", COLOR(0,0,0,0));
+ child = FindNode(node, "longpress");
+ mLongpressFont = PageManager::GetResources()->FindFont(LoadAttrString(child, "font", "keylabel-longpress"));
+ mLongpressFontColor = LoadAttrColor(child, "textcolor", COLOR(128,128,128,255));
+ LoadKeyLabels(node, 0); // load global key labels
// compatibility ugliness: resources should be specified in the layouts themselves instead
// Load the images for the different layouts
child = FindNode(node, "layout");
@@ -80,8 +102,8 @@
// Check the first image to get height and width
if (layouts[0].keyboardImg && layouts[0].keyboardImg->GetResource())
- KeyboardWidth = layouts[0].keyboardImg->GetWidth();
- KeyboardHeight = layouts[0].keyboardImg->GetHeight();
+ mRenderW = layouts[0].keyboardImg->GetWidth();
+ mRenderH = layouts[0].keyboardImg->GetHeight();
// Load all of the layout maps
@@ -95,6 +117,8 @@
+ LoadKeyLabels(keylayout, layoutindex); // load per-layout key labels
Layout& lay = layouts[layoutindex - 1];
child = keylayout->first_node("keysize");
@@ -170,8 +194,8 @@
int x, y;
// Load the placement
- LoadPlacement(FindNode(node, "placement"), &x, &y);
- SetRenderPos(x, y, KeyboardWidth, KeyboardHeight);
+ LoadPlacement(FindNode(node, "placement"), &x, &y, &mRenderW, &mRenderH);
+ SetRenderPos(x, y, mRenderW, mRenderH);
@@ -181,6 +205,7 @@
int GUIKeyboard::ParseKey(const char* keyinfo, Key& key, int& Xindex, int keyWidth, bool longpress)
+ key.layout = 0;
int keychar = 0;
if (strlen(keyinfo) == 1) {
// This is a single key, simple definition
@@ -222,6 +247,29 @@
return 0;
+void GUIKeyboard::LoadKeyLabels(xml_node<>* parent, int layout)
+ for (xml_node<>* child = parent->first_node(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) {
+ std::string name = child->name();
+ if (name == "keylabel") {
+ std::string keydef = LoadAttrString(child, "key", "");
+ Key tempkey;
+ int dummyX;
+ if (ParseKey(keydef.c_str(), tempkey, dummyX, 0, false) == 0) {
+ KeyLabel keylabel;
+ keylabel.key = tempkey.key;
+ keylabel.layout_from = layout;
+ keylabel.layout_to = tempkey.layout;
+ keylabel.text = LoadAttrString(child, "text", "");
+ keylabel.image = LoadAttrImage(child, "resource");
+ mKeyLabels.push_back(keylabel);
+ } else {
+ LOGERR("Ignoring invalid keylabel in layout %d: '%s'.\n", layout, keydef.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
int GUIKeyboard::Render(void)
if (!isConditionTrue())
@@ -233,9 +281,114 @@
Layout& lay = layouts[currentLayout - 1];
if (lay.keyboardImg && lay.keyboardImg->GetResource())
- gr_blit(lay.keyboardImg->GetResource(), 0, 0, KeyboardWidth, KeyboardHeight, mRenderX, mRenderY);
+ gr_blit(lay.keyboardImg->GetResource(), 0, 0, mRenderW, mRenderH, mRenderX, mRenderY);
+ else {
+ gr_color(mBackgroundColor.red, mBackgroundColor.green, mBackgroundColor.blue, mBackgroundColor.alpha);
+ gr_fill(mRenderX, mRenderY, mRenderW, mRenderH);
+ // draw keys
+ int y1 = 0;
+ for (int row = 0; row < MAX_KEYBOARD_ROWS; ++row) {
+ int rowY = mRenderY + y1;
+ int rowH = lay.row_end_y[row] - y1;
+ y1 = lay.row_end_y[row];
+ int x1 = 0;
+ for (int col = 0; col < MAX_KEYBOARD_KEYS; ++col) {
+ Key& key = lay.keys[row][col];
+ int keyY = rowY;
+ int keyH = rowH;
+ int keyX = mRenderX + x1;
+ int keyW = key.end_x - x1;
+ x1 = key.end_x;
+ unsigned char keychar = key.key;
+ if (!keychar)
+ continue;
+ // draw a single key
+ // key background
+ COLOR& c = (keychar >= 32 && keychar < 127) ? mKeyColorAlphanumeric : mKeyColorOther;
+ gr_color(c.red, c.green, c.blue, c.alpha);
+ keyX += mKeyMarginX;
+ keyY += mKeyMarginY;
+ keyW -= mKeyMarginX * 2;
+ keyH -= mKeyMarginY * 2;
+ gr_fill(keyX, keyY, keyW, keyH);
+ // key label
+ FontResource* labelFont = mFont;
+ string labelText;
+ ImageResource* labelImage = NULL;
+ if (keychar > 32 && keychar < 127) {
+ labelText = (char) keychar;
+ gr_color(mFontColor.red, mFontColor.green, mFontColor.blue, mFontColor.alpha);
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+ static const char* shiftLabels[] = {"abc", "ABC", "?123", "~\\{"};
+ switch (keychar) {
+ labelText = shiftLabels[key.layout - 1];
+ break;
+ labelText = "Bksp";
+ break;
+ labelText = "Enter";
+ break;
+ }
+ */
+ // search for a special key label
+ for (std::vector<KeyLabel>::iterator it = mKeyLabels.begin(); it != mKeyLabels.end(); ++it) {
+ if (it->layout_from > 0 && it->layout_from != currentLayout)
+ continue; // this label is for another layout
+ if (it->key == key.key && it->layout_to == key.layout)
+ {
+ // found a label
+ labelText = it->text;
+ labelImage = it->image;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ labelFont = mSmallFont;
+ gr_color(mFontColorSmall.red, mFontColorSmall.green, mFontColorSmall.blue, mFontColorSmall.alpha);
+ }
+ if (labelImage)
+ {
+ int w = labelImage->GetWidth();
+ int h = labelImage->GetHeight();
+ int x = keyX + (keyW - w) / 2;
+ int y = keyY + (keyH - h) / 2;
+ gr_blit(labelImage->GetResource(), 0, 0, w, h, x, y);
+ }
+ else if (!labelText.empty())
+ {
+ void* fontResource = labelFont->GetResource();
+ int textW = gr_measureEx(labelText.c_str(), fontResource);
+ int textH = labelFont->GetHeight();
+ int textX = keyX + (keyW - textW) / 2;
+ int textY = keyY + (keyH - textH) / 2;
+ gr_textEx(textX, textY, labelText.c_str(), fontResource);
+ }
+ // longpress key label (only if font is defined)
+ keychar = key.longpresskey;
+ if (keychar > 32 && keychar < 127 && mLongpressFont->GetResource()) {
+ void* fontResource = mLongpressFont->GetResource();
+ gr_color(mLongpressFontColor.red, mLongpressFontColor.green, mLongpressFontColor.blue, mLongpressFontColor.alpha);
+ string text(1, keychar);
+ int textH = mLongpressFont->GetHeight();
+ int textW = gr_measureEx(text.c_str(), fontResource);
+ int textX = keyX + keyW - 5 - textW; // TODO: configure these offsets
+ int textY = keyY + 0;
+ gr_textEx(textX, textY, text.c_str(), fontResource);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Draw highlight for capslock
+ // TODO: integrate with key drawing
if (hasCapsHighlight && lay.is_caps && CapsLockOn) {
gr_color(mCapsHighlightColor.red, mCapsHighlightColor.green, mCapsHighlightColor.blue, mCapsHighlightColor.alpha);
for (int indexy=0; indexy<MAX_KEYBOARD_ROWS; indexy++) {
@@ -259,6 +412,7 @@
+ // TODO: integrate with key drawing
if (hasHighlight && highlightRenderCount != 0) {
int boxheight, boxwidth, x;
if (rowY == 0)
@@ -292,10 +446,7 @@
int GUIKeyboard::SetRenderPos(int x, int y, int w, int h)
- mRenderX = x;
- mRenderY = y;
- mRenderW = KeyboardWidth;
- mRenderH = KeyboardHeight;
+ RenderObject::SetRenderPos(x, y, w, h);
SetActionPos(mRenderX, mRenderY, mRenderW, mRenderH);
return 0;
@@ -359,14 +510,14 @@
- if (x < startX - (KeyboardWidth * 0.5)) {
+ if (x < startX - (mRenderW * 0.5)) {
if (highlightRenderCount != 0) {
highlightRenderCount = 0;
mRendered = false;
return 0;
- } else if (x > startX + (KeyboardWidth * 0.5)) {
+ } else if (x > startX + (mRenderW * 0.5)) {
if (highlightRenderCount != 0) {
highlightRenderCount = 0;
mRendered = false;
diff --git a/gui/objects.hpp b/gui/objects.hpp
index 1991877..881b390 100644
--- a/gui/objects.hpp
+++ b/gui/objects.hpp
@@ -852,6 +852,7 @@
int layout;
int ParseKey(const char* keyinfo, Key& key, int& Xindex, int keyWidth, bool longpress);
+ void LoadKeyLabels(xml_node<>* parent, int layout);
enum {
@@ -868,6 +869,16 @@
+ struct KeyLabel
+ {
+ unsigned char key; // same as in struct Key
+ int layout_from; // 1-based; 0 for labels that apply to all layouts
+ int layout_to; // same as Key.layout
+ string text; // key label text
+ ImageResource* image; // image (overrides text if defined)
+ };
+ std::vector<KeyLabel> mKeyLabels;
// Find key at screen coordinates
Key* HitTestKey(int x, int y);
@@ -875,11 +886,20 @@
std::string mVariable;
int currentLayout;
bool CapsLockOn;
- unsigned int KeyboardWidth, KeyboardHeight;
int rowY, colX, highlightRenderCount;
bool hasHighlight, hasCapsHighlight;
COLOR mHighlightColor;
COLOR mCapsHighlightColor;
+ COLOR mFontColor; // for centered key labels
+ COLOR mFontColorSmall; // for centered key labels
+ FontResource* mFont; // for main key labels
+ FontResource* mSmallFont; // for key labels like "?123"
+ FontResource* mLongpressFont; // for the small longpress label in the upper right corner
+ COLOR mLongpressFontColor;
+ COLOR mBackgroundColor; // keyboard background color
+ COLOR mKeyColorAlphanumeric; // key background color
+ COLOR mKeyColorOther; // key background color
+ int mKeyMarginX, mKeyMarginY; // space around key boxes - applied to left/right and top/bottom
// GUIInput - Used for keyboard input