Adding Edl button in reboot menu

Edl mode is available only on qualcomm devices and it used to fully
restore the bricked devices. I made the button available only if
TW_HAS_EDL_MODE := true like the download button. I set the edl
button to the right of the download button, so devices can support
edl button and download button. I also added the translation for
all languages.

Change-Id: I69d1058b8c050b722395c7b3da6dce1ccfbe7a91
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/fr.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/fr.xml
index 61516a8..6ae3298 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/fr.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/fr.xml
@@ -260,6 +260,7 @@
         <string name="rb_recovery_btn">Récupération</string>
         <string name="rb_bootloader_btn">Amorçage</string>
         <string name="rb_download_btn">Télécharger</string>
+		<string name="rb_edl_btn">Edl</string>
         <string name="turning_off">Arrêt en cours...</string>
         <string name="swipe_power_off">Glisser pour éteindre</string>
         <string name="swipe_power_off_s">Éteindre</string>