Clean up PartitionSettings

The PartitionSettings struct contains some data elements that are duplicates
of data elements in the TWPartition class that is contained within the
PartitionsSettings.Part element. We will eliminate this duplication to help
reduce the chances for programming bugs.

Specifically, this fixes problems where the current file system does not
match the backed up file system.

Change-Id: I02f236e72093362050556a2e53a09d1dbb9a269d
5 files changed
tree: 92725a806b8e3ed6a1475697469830fa718f9a0b
  1. adbbu/
  2. applypatch/
  3. bmlutils/
  4. crypto/
  5. digest/
  6. dosfstools/
  7. edify/
  8. etc/
  9. exfat/
  10. fb2png/
  11. flashutils/
  12. fonts/
  13. fuse/
  14. gpt/
  15. gui/
  16. htcdumlock/
  17. injecttwrp/
  18. libblkid/
  19. libcrecovery/
  20. libmincrypt/
  21. libpixelflinger/
  22. libtar/
  23. minadbd/
  24. minadbd.old/
  25. minui/
  26. minui.old/
  27. minuitwrp/
  28. minzip/
  29. mmcutils/
  30. mtdutils/
  31. mtp/
  32. openaes/
  33. orscmd/
  34. otafault/
  35. pigz/
  36. prebuilt/
  37. res/
  38. res-hdpi/
  39. res-mdpi/
  40. res-xhdpi/
  41. res-xxhdpi/
  42. res-xxxhdpi/
  43. scripts/
  44. sepolicy/
  45. simg2img/
  46. tests/
  47. toolbox/
  48. tools/
  49. toybox/
  50. twrpTarMain/
  51. uncrypt/
  52. update_verifier/
  53. updater/
  54. verifier24/
  55. .gitignore
  56. adb_install.cpp
  57. adb_install.h
  59. asn1_decoder.cpp
  60. asn1_decoder.h
  61. bootloader.cpp
  62. bootloader.h
  64. common.h
  65. data.cpp
  66. data.hpp
  67. default_device.cpp
  68. device.cpp
  69. device.h
  70. error_code.h
  71. find_file.cpp
  72. find_file.hpp
  73. fixContexts.cpp
  74. fixContexts.hpp
  75. fuse.h
  76. fuse_sdcard_provider.cpp
  77. fuse_sdcard_provider.h
  78. fuse_sideload.cpp
  79. fuse_sideload.h
  80. infomanager.cpp
  81. infomanager.hpp
  82. install.cpp
  83. install.h
  85. legacy_properties.h
  86. legacy_property_service.cpp
  87. legacy_property_service.h
  88. mounts.c
  89. mounts.h
  90. NOTICE
  91. openrecoveryscript.cpp
  92. openrecoveryscript.hpp
  93. partition.cpp
  94. partitionmanager.cpp
  95. partitions.hpp
  96. print_sha1.h
  97. progresstracking.cpp
  98. progresstracking.hpp
  100. recovery-persist.cpp
  101. recovery-persist.rc
  102. recovery-refresh.cpp
  103. recovery-refresh.rc
  104. recovery.cpp
  105. recovery_ui.h
  106. roots.cpp
  107. roots.h
  108. screen_ui.cpp
  109. screen_ui.h
  110. set_metadata.cpp
  111. set_metadata.h
  112. tarWrite.c
  113. tarWrite.h
  114. tw_atomic.cpp
  115. tw_atomic.hpp
  116. twcommon.h
  117. twinstall.cpp
  118. twinstall.h
  119. twrp-functions.cpp
  120. twrp-functions.hpp
  121. twrp.cpp
  122. twrpDigest.cpp
  123. twrpDigest.hpp
  124. twrpDU.cpp
  125. twrpDU.hpp
  126. twrpTar.cpp
  127. twrpTar.h
  128. twrpTar.hpp
  129. ui.cpp
  130. ui.h
  131. unique_fd.h
  132. variables.h
  133. verifier.cpp
  134. verifier.h
  135. wear_touch.cpp
  136. wear_touch.h
  137. wear_ui.cpp
  138. wear_ui.h

Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP)

You can find a compiling guide here.