AOSP10 TWRP Merge: fix conflicts and update libraries needed

This allows flame to boot TWRP. Still will need to work on
super partition for vendor and system access.

The plan will be to cherry-pick any updates to android-9.0
through to this branch as a WIP.
132 files changed
tree: cf2f54afa35f857f8d2b7f3fe0638a9cab0e4463
  1. .github/
  2. adbbu/
  3. applypatch/
  4. attr/
  5. bmlutils/
  6. boot_control/
  7. bootloader_message/
  8. bootloader_message_twrp/
  9. crypto/
  10. dosfstools/
  11. edify/
  12. etc/
  13. exfat/
  14. fastboot/
  15. fb2png/
  16. flashutils/
  17. fonts/
  18. fuse/
  19. fuse_sideload/
  20. fuse_sideload28/
  21. gpt/
  22. gui/
  23. htcdumlock/
  24. injecttwrp/
  25. install/
  26. install28/
  27. libblkid/
  28. libcrecovery/
  29. libmincrypt/
  30. libpixelflinger/
  31. libtar/
  32. minadbd/
  33. minadbd21/
  34. minui/
  35. minui21/
  36. minuitwrp/
  37. minzip/
  38. misc_writer/
  39. mmcutils/
  40. mtdutils/
  41. mtp/
  42. openaes/
  43. orscmd/
  44. otafault/
  45. otautil/
  46. pigz/
  47. prebuilt/
  48. recovery_ui/
  49. res/
  50. res-hdpi/
  51. res-mdpi/
  52. res-xhdpi/
  53. res-xxhdpi/
  54. res-xxxhdpi/
  55. scripts/
  56. sepolicy/
  57. simg2img/
  58. tests/
  59. toolbox/
  60. tools/
  61. toybox/
  62. twrpDigest/
  63. twrpTarMain/
  64. uncrypt/
  65. update_verifier/
  66. updater/
  67. updater_sample/
  68. verifier24/
  69. verifier28/
  70. .clang-format
  71. .gitignore
  72. Android.bp
  74. BasePartition.cpp
  75. bootloader.h
  77. common.h
  78. data.cpp
  79. data.hpp
  80. exclude.cpp
  81. exclude.hpp
  82. find_file.cpp
  83. find_file.hpp
  84. fixContexts.cpp
  85. fixContexts.hpp
  86. fsck_unshare_blocks.cpp
  87. fsck_unshare_blocks.h
  88. fuse.h
  89. fuse_sideload22.cpp
  90. fuse_sideload22.h
  91. infomanager.cpp
  92. infomanager.hpp
  94. legacy_properties.h
  95. mounts.c
  96. NOTICE
  97. openrecoveryscript.cpp
  98. openrecoveryscript.hpp
  99. OWNERS
  100. partition.cpp
  101. partitionmanager.cpp
  102. partitions.hpp
  103. PREUPLOAD.cfg
  104. progresstracking.cpp
  105. progresstracking.hpp
  107. recovery-persist.cpp
  108. recovery-persist.rc
  109. recovery-refresh.cpp
  110. recovery-refresh.rc
  111. recovery.cpp
  112. recovery.h
  113. recovery_main.cpp
  114. recovery_ui.h
  115. tarWrite.c
  116. tarWrite.h
  117. twcommon.h
  118. twinstall.cpp
  119. twinstall.h
  120. twinstallorig.cpp
  121. twinstallorig.h
  122. twrp-functions.cpp
  123. twrp-functions.hpp
  124. twrp.cpp
  125. twrpAdbBuFifo.cpp
  126. twrpAdbBuFifo.hpp
  127. twrpDigestDriver.cpp
  128. twrpDigestDriver.hpp
  129. twrpTar.cpp
  130. twrpTar.h
  131. twrpTar.hpp
  132. variables.h