ADB: Add adb backup for TWRP.

Functionality for client side to backup
tar and image streams over adbd to the client under backup.ab.

Using adb backup on the client side you can backup the partitions
TWRP knows about.

On the client side you can do the following:
adb backup -f <filename> --twrp <options> where options are
--compress: compress data
system: backup system
cache: backup cache
data: backup data
boot: backup boot
etc for each partition.

You can string multiple options,
i.e. adb backup -f <filename> --twrp --compress cache system data

adb backup in TWRP will take any option corresponding
to TWRP fstab partitions, e.g. efs boot as well.

If you do not specify the filename with the -f option,
adb will backup your data to a filename backup.ab on the client.
You can then rename the file and encrypt it with desktop tools.

If you don't want to use command line arguments:
adb backup --twrp

will bring up the gui and allow you to choose partitions
from the backup page.

To restore the backup use the following convention:
adb restore <filename>

Structures are used to store metadata in binary inside
of the file itself. If the metadata structure is modified,
update the adb version so that it will invalidate older
backups and not cause issues on restore. When restoring,
we currently do not support picking specific partitions.
It's all or nothing.

Change-Id: Idb92c37fc9801dc8d89ed2a4570e9d12e76facf8
diff --git a/partitions.hpp b/partitions.hpp
index 1ba0691..7052546 100644
--- a/partitions.hpp
+++ b/partitions.hpp
@@ -35,18 +35,46 @@
 	unsigned int selected;
+enum PartitionManager_Op {                                                         // PartitionManager Restore Mode for Raw_Read_Write()
+	PM_BACKUP = 0,
+class TWPartition;
+struct PartitionSettings {                                                         // Settings for backup session
+	TWPartition* Part;                                                         // Partition to pass to the partition backup loop
+	std::string Backup_Folder;                                                 // Backup folder to put backup into
+	std::string Full_Backup_Path;                                              // Path to the current backup storage setting
+	std::string Backup_Name;                                                   // Name of partition
+	std::string Restore_Name;                                                  // Path to restore folder
+	std::string Backup_FileName;                                               // Name of the file to restore
+	bool adbbackup;                                                            // tell the system we are backing up over adb
+	bool adb_compression;                                                      // 0 == uncompressed, 1 == compressed
+	bool generate_md5;                                                         // tell system to create md5 for partitions
+	uint64_t total_restore_size;                                               // Total size of restored backup
+	uint64_t img_bytes_remaining;                                              // remaining img/emmc bytes to backup for progress indicator
+	uint64_t file_bytes_remaining;                                             // remaining file bytes to backup for progress indicator
+	uint64_t img_time;                                                         // used to calculate how fast we backup images
+	uint64_t file_time;                                                        // used to calculate how fast we backup files
+	uint64_t img_bytes;                                                        // total image bytes of all emmc partitions
+	uint64_t file_bytes;                                                       // total file bytes of all file based partitions
+	int partition_count;                                                       // Number of partitions to restore
+	ProgressTracking *progress;
+	enum PartitionManager_Op PM_Method;                                        //Current operation of backup or restore
+enum Backup_Method_enum {
+	BM_NONE = 0,
+	BM_FILES = 1,
+	BM_DD = 2,
 // Partition class
 class TWPartition
-	enum Backup_Method_enum {
-		NONE = 0,
-		FILES = 1,
-		DD = 2,
-	};
 	virtual ~TWPartition();
@@ -65,18 +93,19 @@
 	bool Repair();                                                            // Repairs the current file system
 	bool Can_Resize();                                                        // Checks to see if we have everything needed to be able to resize the current file system
 	bool Resize();                                                            // Resizes the current file system
-	bool Backup(const string& backup_folder, pid_t &tar_fork_pid, ProgressTracking *progress); // Backs up the partition to the folder specified
+	bool Backup(PartitionSettings *part_settings, pid_t *tar_fork_pid);       // Backs up the partition to the folder specified
 	bool Check_MD5(string restore_folder);                                    // Checks MD5 of a backup
-	bool Restore(const string& restore_folder, ProgressTracking *progress);   // Restores the partition using the backup folder provided
-	unsigned long long Get_Restore_Size(const string& restore_folder);        // Returns the overall restore size of the backup
+	bool Restore(PartitionSettings *part_settings);                           // Restores the partition using the backup folder provided
+	unsigned long long Get_Restore_Size(PartitionSettings *part_settings);// Returns the overall restore size of the backup
 	string Backup_Method_By_Name();                                           // Returns a string of the backup method for human readable output
 	bool Decrypt(string Password);                                            // Decrypts the partition, return 0 for failure and -1 for success
 	bool Wipe_Encryption();                                                   // Ignores wipe commands for /data/media devices and formats the original block device
 	void Check_FS_Type();                                                     // Checks the fs type using blkid, does not do anything on MTD / yaffs2 because this crashes on some devices
 	bool Update_Size(bool Display_Error);                                     // Updates size information
 	void Recreate_Media_Folder();                                             // Recreates the /data/media folder
-	bool Flash_Image(const string& Filename);                                        // Flashes an image to the partition
+	bool Flash_Image(PartitionSettings *part_settings);                                        // Flashes an image to the partition
 	void Change_Mount_Read_Only(bool new_value);                              // Changes Mount_Read_Only to new_value
+	bool Is_Read_Only();                                                      // Check if system is read-only in TWRP
 	int Check_Lifetime_Writes();
 	int Decrypt_Adopted();
 	void Revert_Adopted();
@@ -85,6 +114,7 @@
 	string Current_File_System;                                               // Current file system
 	string Actual_Block_Device;                                               // Actual block device (one of primary, alternate, or decrypted)
+	string Backup_Display_Name;                                               // Name displayed in the partition list for backup selection
 	string MTD_Name;                                                          // Name of the partition for MTD devices
 	bool Is_Present;                                                          // Indicates if the partition is currently present as a block device
 	string Crypto_Key_Location;                                               // Location of the crypto key used for decrypting encrypted data partitions
@@ -123,13 +153,13 @@
 	bool Wipe_NTFS();                                                         // Uses mkntfs to wipe
 	bool Wipe_Data_Without_Wiping_Media();                                    // Uses rm -rf to wipe but does not wipe /data/media
 	bool Wipe_Data_Without_Wiping_Media_Func(const string& parent);           // Uses rm -rf to wipe but does not wipe /data/media
-	bool Backup_Tar(const string& backup_folder, ProgressTracking *progress, pid_t &tar_fork_pid); // Backs up using tar for file systems
-	bool Backup_Image(const string& backup_folder, ProgressTracking *progress); // Backs up using raw read/write for emmc memory types
-	bool Raw_Read_Write(const string& input_file, const string& output_file, const unsigned long long input_size, ProgressTracking *progress);
-	bool Backup_Dump_Image(const string& backup_folder, ProgressTracking *progress); // Backs up using dump_image for MTD memory types
-	string Get_Restore_File_System(const string& restore_folder);             // Returns the file system that was in place at the time of the backup
-	bool Restore_Tar(const string& restore_folder, const string& Restore_File_System, ProgressTracking *progress); // Restore using tar for file systems
-	bool Restore_Image(const string& restore_folder, const string& Restore_File_System, ProgressTracking *progress); // Restore using raw read/write for images
+	bool Backup_Tar(PartitionSettings *part_settings, pid_t *tar_fork_pid);   // Backs up using tar for file systems
+	bool Backup_Image(PartitionSettings *part_settings);                      // Backs up using raw read/write for emmc memory types
+	bool Raw_Read_Write(PartitionSettings *part_settings);
+	bool Backup_Dump_Image(PartitionSettings *part_settings);                 // Backs up using dump_image for MTD memory types
+	string Get_Restore_File_System(PartitionSettings *part_settings);         // Returns the file system that was in place at the time of the backup
+	bool Restore_Tar(PartitionSettings *part_settings);                       // Restore using tar for file systems
+	bool Restore_Image(PartitionSettings *part_settings);                     // Restore using dd for images
 	bool Get_Size_Via_statfs(bool Display_Error);                             // Get Partition size, used, and free space using statfs
 	bool Get_Size_Via_df(bool Display_Error);                                 // Get Partition size, used, and free space using df command
 	bool Make_Dir(string Path, bool Display_Error);                           // Creates a directory if it doesn't already exist
@@ -170,7 +200,6 @@
 	bool Mount_To_Decrypt;                                                    // Mount this partition during decrypt (/vendor, /firmware, etc in case we need proprietary libs or firmware files)
 	string Display_Name;                                                      // Display name for the GUI
 	string Backup_Name;                                                       // Backup name -- used for backup filenames
-	string Backup_Display_Name;                                               // Name displayed in the partition list for backup selection
 	string Storage_Name;                                                      // Name displayed in the partition list for storage selection
 	string Backup_FileName;                                                   // Actual backup filename
 	Backup_Method_enum Backup_Method;                                         // Method used for backup
@@ -214,8 +243,10 @@
 	int Mount_Settings_Storage(bool Display_Error);                           // Mounts the settings file storage location (usually internal)
 	TWPartition* Find_Partition_By_Path(string Path);                         // Returns a pointer to a partition based on path
 	int Check_Backup_Name(bool Display_Error);                                // Checks the current backup name to ensure that it is valid
-	int Run_Backup();                                                         // Initiates a backup in the current storage
+	int Run_Backup(bool adbbackup);                                           // Initiates a backup in the current storage
 	int Run_Restore(const string& Restore_Name);                              // Restores a backup
+	bool Write_ADB_Stream_Header(uint64_t partition_count);                   // Write ADB header over twrpbu FIFO
+	bool Write_ADB_Stream_Trailer();                                          // Write ADB trailer over twrpbu FIFO
 	void Set_Restore_Files(string Restore_Name);                              // Used to gather a list of available backup partitions for the user to select for a restore
 	int Wipe_By_Path(string Path);                                            // Wipes a partition based on path
 	int Wipe_By_Path(string Path, string New_File_System);                    // Wipes a partition based on path
@@ -250,21 +281,21 @@
 	bool Add_MTP_Storage(unsigned int Storage_ID);                            // Adds or removes an MTP Storage partition
 	bool Remove_MTP_Storage(string Mount_Point);                              // Adds or removes an MTP Storage partition
 	bool Remove_MTP_Storage(unsigned int Storage_ID);                         // Adds or removes an MTP Storage partition
-	bool Flash_Image(string Filename);                                        // Flashes an image to a selected partition from the partition list
 	void Translate_Partition(const char* path, const char* resource_name, const char* default_value);
 	void Translate_Partition(const char* path, const char* resource_name, const char* default_value, const char* storage_resource_name, const char* storage_default_value);
 	void Translate_Partition_Display_Names();                                 // Updates display names based on translations
 	void Decrypt_Adopted();                                                   // Attempt to identy and decrypt any adopted storage partitions
 	void Remove_Partition_By_Path(string Path);                               // Removes / erases a partition entry from the partition list
+	bool Flash_Image(PartitionSettings *part_settings);                        // Flashes an image to a selected partition from the partition list
+	bool Restore_Partition(struct PartitionSettings *part_settings);                  // Restore the partitions based on type
 	TWAtomicInt stop_backup;
 	void Setup_Settings_Storage_Partition(TWPartition* Part);                 // Sets up settings storage
 	void Setup_Android_Secure_Location(TWPartition* Part);                    // Sets up .android_secure if needed
 	bool Make_MD5(bool generate_md5, string Backup_Folder, string Backup_Filename); // Generates an MD5 after a backup is made
-	bool Backup_Partition(TWPartition* Part, const string& Backup_Folder, bool generate_md5, unsigned long *img_time, unsigned long *file_time, ProgressTracking *progress);
-	bool Restore_Partition(TWPartition* Part, const string& Restore_Name, ProgressTracking *progress);
+	bool Backup_Partition(struct PartitionSettings *part_settings);                  // Backup the partitions based on type
 	void Output_Partition(TWPartition* Part);                                 // Outputs partition details to the log
 	TWPartition* Find_Partition_By_MTP_Storage_ID(unsigned int Storage_ID);   // Returns a pointer to a partition based on MTP Storage ID
 	bool Add_Remove_MTP_Storage(TWPartition* Part, int message_type);         // Adds or removes an MTP Storage partition
@@ -273,7 +304,8 @@
 	pid_t mtppid;
 	bool mtp_was_enabled;
 	int mtp_write_fd;
-	pid_t tar_fork_pid;
+	pid_t tar_fork_pid;                                                       // PID of twrpTar fork
+	Backup_Method_enum Backup_Method;                                         // Method used for backup
 	std::vector<TWPartition*> Partitions;                                     // Vector list of all partitions