Revert "updater: Remove some obsoleted functions for file-based OTA."

This reverts commit 63d786cf22cb44fe32e8b9c1f18b32da3c9d2e1b.

These functions will be used for third party OTA zips, so keep them.

Change-Id: I24b67ba4c86f8f86d0a41429a395fece1a383efd
diff --git a/tests/component/updater_test.cpp b/tests/component/updater_test.cpp
index aa2321d..374a99c 100644
--- a/tests/component/updater_test.cpp
+++ b/tests/component/updater_test.cpp
@@ -227,6 +227,119 @@
     expect("", script6.c_str(), kNoCause);
+TEST_F(UpdaterTest, delete) {
+    // Delete none.
+    expect("0", "delete()", kNoCause);
+    expect("0", "delete(\"/doesntexist\")", kNoCause);
+    expect("0", "delete(\"/doesntexist1\", \"/doesntexist2\")", kNoCause);
+    expect("0", "delete(\"/doesntexist1\", \"/doesntexist2\", \"/doesntexist3\")", kNoCause);
+    // Delete one file.
+    TemporaryFile temp_file1;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::WriteStringToFile("abc", temp_file1.path));
+    std::string script1("delete(\"" + std::string(temp_file1.path) + "\")");
+    expect("1", script1.c_str(), kNoCause);
+    // Delete two files.
+    TemporaryFile temp_file2;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::WriteStringToFile("abc", temp_file2.path));
+    TemporaryFile temp_file3;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::WriteStringToFile("abc", temp_file3.path));
+    std::string script2("delete(\"" + std::string(temp_file2.path) + "\", \"" +
+                        std::string(temp_file3.path) + "\")");
+    expect("2", script2.c_str(), kNoCause);
+    // Delete already deleted files.
+    expect("0", script2.c_str(), kNoCause);
+    // Delete one out of three.
+    TemporaryFile temp_file4;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::WriteStringToFile("abc", temp_file4.path));
+    std::string script3("delete(\"/doesntexist1\", \"" + std::string(temp_file4.path) +
+                        "\", \"/doesntexist2\")");
+    expect("1", script3.c_str(), kNoCause);
+TEST_F(UpdaterTest, rename) {
+    // rename() expects two arguments.
+    expect(nullptr, "rename()", kArgsParsingFailure);
+    expect(nullptr, "rename(\"arg1\")", kArgsParsingFailure);
+    expect(nullptr, "rename(\"arg1\", \"arg2\", \"arg3\")", kArgsParsingFailure);
+    // src_name or dst_name cannot be empty.
+    expect(nullptr, "rename(\"\", \"arg2\")", kArgsParsingFailure);
+    expect(nullptr, "rename(\"arg1\", \"\")", kArgsParsingFailure);
+    // File doesn't exist (both of src and dst).
+    expect(nullptr, "rename(\"/doesntexist\", \"/doesntexisteither\")" , kFileRenameFailure);
+    // Can't create parent directory.
+    TemporaryFile temp_file1;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::WriteStringToFile("abc", temp_file1.path));
+    std::string script1("rename(\"" + std::string(temp_file1.path) + "\", \"/proc/0/file1\")");
+    expect(nullptr, script1.c_str(), kFileRenameFailure);
+    // Rename.
+    TemporaryFile temp_file2;
+    std::string script2("rename(\"" + std::string(temp_file1.path) + "\", \"" +
+                        std::string(temp_file2.path) + "\")");
+    expect(temp_file2.path, script2.c_str(), kNoCause);
+    // Already renamed.
+    expect(temp_file2.path, script2.c_str(), kNoCause);
+    // Parents create successfully.
+    TemporaryFile temp_file3;
+    TemporaryDir td;
+    std::string temp_dir(td.path);
+    std::string dst_file = temp_dir + "/aaa/bbb/a.txt";
+    std::string script3("rename(\"" + std::string(temp_file3.path) + "\", \"" + dst_file + "\")");
+    expect(dst_file.c_str(), script3.c_str(), kNoCause);
+    // Clean up the temp files under td.
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink(dst_file.c_str()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, rmdir((temp_dir + "/aaa/bbb").c_str()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, rmdir((temp_dir + "/aaa").c_str()));
+TEST_F(UpdaterTest, symlink) {
+    // symlink expects 1+ argument.
+    expect(nullptr, "symlink()", kArgsParsingFailure);
+    // symlink should fail if src is an empty string.
+    TemporaryFile temp_file1;
+    std::string script1("symlink(\"" + std::string(temp_file1.path) + "\", \"\")");
+    expect(nullptr, script1.c_str(), kSymlinkFailure);
+    std::string script2("symlink(\"" + std::string(temp_file1.path) + "\", \"src1\", \"\")");
+    expect(nullptr, script2.c_str(), kSymlinkFailure);
+    // symlink failed to remove old src.
+    std::string script3("symlink(\"" + std::string(temp_file1.path) + "\", \"/proc\")");
+    expect(nullptr, script3.c_str(), kSymlinkFailure);
+    // symlink can create symlinks.
+    TemporaryFile temp_file;
+    std::string content = "magicvalue";
+    ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::WriteStringToFile(content, temp_file.path));
+    TemporaryDir td;
+    std::string src1 = std::string(td.path) + "/symlink1";
+    std::string src2 = std::string(td.path) + "/symlink2";
+    std::string script4("symlink(\"" + std::string(temp_file.path) + "\", \"" +
+                        src1 + "\", \"" + src2 + "\")");
+    expect("t", script4.c_str(), kNoCause);
+    // Verify the created symlinks.
+    struct stat sb;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(lstat(src1.c_str(), &sb) == 0 && S_ISLNK(sb.st_mode));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(lstat(src2.c_str(), &sb) == 0 && S_ISLNK(sb.st_mode));
+    // Clean up the leftovers.
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink(src1.c_str()));
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink(src2.c_str()));
 TEST_F(UpdaterTest, package_extract_dir) {
   // package_extract_dir expects 2 arguments.
   expect(nullptr, "package_extract_dir()", kArgsParsingFailure);
diff --git a/updater/install.cpp b/updater/install.cpp
index 86359d9..a8ee4bf 100644
--- a/updater/install.cpp
+++ b/updater/install.cpp
@@ -370,6 +370,67 @@
   return nullptr;
+// rename(src_name, dst_name)
+//   Renames src_name to dst_name. It automatically creates the necessary directories for dst_name.
+//   Example: rename("system/app/Hangouts/Hangouts.apk", "system/priv-app/Hangouts/Hangouts.apk")
+Value* RenameFn(const char* name, State* state, const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expr>>& argv) {
+  if (argv.size() != 2) {
+    return ErrorAbort(state, kArgsParsingFailure, "%s() expects 2 args, got %zu", name,
+                      argv.size());
+  }
+  std::vector<std::string> args;
+  if (!ReadArgs(state, argv, &args)) {
+    return ErrorAbort(state, kArgsParsingFailure, "%s() Failed to parse the argument(s)", name);
+  }
+  const std::string& src_name = args[0];
+  const std::string& dst_name = args[1];
+  if (src_name.empty()) {
+    return ErrorAbort(state, kArgsParsingFailure, "src_name argument to %s() can't be empty", name);
+  }
+  if (dst_name.empty()) {
+    return ErrorAbort(state, kArgsParsingFailure, "dst_name argument to %s() can't be empty", name);
+  }
+  if (!make_parents(dst_name)) {
+    return ErrorAbort(state, kFileRenameFailure, "Creating parent of %s failed, error %s",
+                      dst_name.c_str(), strerror(errno));
+  } else if (access(dst_name.c_str(), F_OK) == 0 && access(src_name.c_str(), F_OK) != 0) {
+    // File was already moved
+    return StringValue(dst_name);
+  } else if (rename(src_name.c_str(), dst_name.c_str()) != 0) {
+    return ErrorAbort(state, kFileRenameFailure, "Rename of %s to %s failed, error %s",
+                      src_name.c_str(), dst_name.c_str(), strerror(errno));
+  }
+  return StringValue(dst_name);
+// delete([filename, ...])
+//   Deletes all the filenames listed. Returns the number of files successfully deleted.
+// delete_recursive([dirname, ...])
+//   Recursively deletes dirnames and all their contents. Returns the number of directories
+//   successfully deleted.
+Value* DeleteFn(const char* name, State* state, const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expr>>& argv) {
+  std::vector<std::string> paths;
+  if (!ReadArgs(state, argv, &paths)) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  bool recursive = (strcmp(name, "delete_recursive") == 0);
+  int success = 0;
+  for (const auto& path : paths) {
+    if ((recursive ? dirUnlinkHierarchy(path.c_str()) : unlink(path.c_str())) == 0) {
+      ++success;
+    }
+  }
+  return StringValue(std::to_string(success));
 Value* ShowProgressFn(const char* name, State* state,
                       const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expr>>& argv) {
   if (argv.size() != 2) {
@@ -541,6 +602,288 @@
+// symlink(target, [src1, src2, ...])
+//   Creates all sources as symlinks to target. It unlinks any previously existing src1, src2, etc
+//   before creating symlinks.
+Value* SymlinkFn(const char* name, State* state, const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expr>>& argv) {
+  if (argv.size() == 0) {
+    return ErrorAbort(state, kArgsParsingFailure, "%s() expects 1+ args, got %zu", name, argv.size());
+  }
+  std::string target;
+  if (!Evaluate(state, argv[0], &target)) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  std::vector<std::string> srcs;
+  if (!ReadArgs(state, argv, &srcs, 1, argv.size())) {
+    return ErrorAbort(state, kArgsParsingFailure, "%s(): Failed to parse the argument(s)", name);
+  }
+  size_t bad = 0;
+  for (const auto& src : srcs) {
+    if (unlink(src.c_str()) == -1 && errno != ENOENT) {
+      PLOG(ERROR) << name << ": failed to remove " << src;
+      ++bad;
+    } else if (!make_parents(src)) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << name << ": failed to symlink " << src << " to " << target
+                 << ": making parents failed";
+      ++bad;
+    } else if (symlink(target.c_str(), src.c_str()) == -1) {
+      PLOG(ERROR) << name << ": failed to symlink " << src << " to " << target;
+      ++bad;
+    }
+  }
+  if (bad != 0) {
+    return ErrorAbort(state, kSymlinkFailure, "%s: Failed to create %zu symlink(s)", name, bad);
+  }
+  return StringValue("t");
+struct perm_parsed_args {
+  bool has_uid;
+  uid_t uid;
+  bool has_gid;
+  gid_t gid;
+  bool has_mode;
+  mode_t mode;
+  bool has_fmode;
+  mode_t fmode;
+  bool has_dmode;
+  mode_t dmode;
+  bool has_selabel;
+  const char* selabel;
+  bool has_capabilities;
+  uint64_t capabilities;
+static struct perm_parsed_args ParsePermArgs(State * state,
+                                             const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
+  struct perm_parsed_args parsed;
+  int bad = 0;
+  static int max_warnings = 20;
+  memset(&parsed, 0, sizeof(parsed));
+  for (size_t i = 1; i < args.size(); i += 2) {
+    if (args[i] == "uid") {
+      int64_t uid;
+      if (sscanf(args[i + 1].c_str(), "%" SCNd64, &uid) == 1) {
+        parsed.uid = uid;
+        parsed.has_uid = true;
+      } else {
+        uiPrintf(state, "ParsePermArgs: invalid UID \"%s\"\n", args[i + 1].c_str());
+        bad++;
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (args[i] == "gid") {
+      int64_t gid;
+      if (sscanf(args[i + 1].c_str(), "%" SCNd64, &gid) == 1) {
+        parsed.gid = gid;
+        parsed.has_gid = true;
+      } else {
+        uiPrintf(state, "ParsePermArgs: invalid GID \"%s\"\n", args[i + 1].c_str());
+        bad++;
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (args[i] == "mode") {
+      int32_t mode;
+      if (sscanf(args[i + 1].c_str(), "%" SCNi32, &mode) == 1) {
+        parsed.mode = mode;
+        parsed.has_mode = true;
+      } else {
+        uiPrintf(state, "ParsePermArgs: invalid mode \"%s\"\n", args[i + 1].c_str());
+        bad++;
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (args[i] == "dmode") {
+      int32_t mode;
+      if (sscanf(args[i + 1].c_str(), "%" SCNi32, &mode) == 1) {
+        parsed.dmode = mode;
+        parsed.has_dmode = true;
+      } else {
+        uiPrintf(state, "ParsePermArgs: invalid dmode \"%s\"\n", args[i + 1].c_str());
+        bad++;
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (args[i] == "fmode") {
+      int32_t mode;
+      if (sscanf(args[i + 1].c_str(), "%" SCNi32, &mode) == 1) {
+        parsed.fmode = mode;
+        parsed.has_fmode = true;
+      } else {
+        uiPrintf(state, "ParsePermArgs: invalid fmode \"%s\"\n", args[i + 1].c_str());
+        bad++;
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (args[i] == "capabilities") {
+      int64_t capabilities;
+      if (sscanf(args[i + 1].c_str(), "%" SCNi64, &capabilities) == 1) {
+        parsed.capabilities = capabilities;
+        parsed.has_capabilities = true;
+      } else {
+        uiPrintf(state, "ParsePermArgs: invalid capabilities \"%s\"\n", args[i + 1].c_str());
+        bad++;
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (args[i] == "selabel") {
+      if (!args[i + 1].empty()) {
+        parsed.selabel = args[i + 1].c_str();
+        parsed.has_selabel = true;
+      } else {
+        uiPrintf(state, "ParsePermArgs: invalid selabel \"%s\"\n", args[i + 1].c_str());
+        bad++;
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (max_warnings != 0) {
+      printf("ParsedPermArgs: unknown key \"%s\", ignoring\n", args[i].c_str());
+      max_warnings--;
+      if (max_warnings == 0) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "ParsedPermArgs: suppressing further warnings";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return parsed;
+static int ApplyParsedPerms(State* state, const char* filename, const struct stat* statptr,
+                            struct perm_parsed_args parsed) {
+  int bad = 0;
+  if (parsed.has_selabel) {
+    if (lsetfilecon(filename, parsed.selabel) != 0) {
+      uiPrintf(state, "ApplyParsedPerms: lsetfilecon of %s to %s failed: %s\n", filename,
+               parsed.selabel, strerror(errno));
+      bad++;
+    }
+  }
+  /* ignore symlinks */
+  if (S_ISLNK(statptr->st_mode)) {
+    return bad;
+  }
+  if (parsed.has_uid) {
+    if (chown(filename, parsed.uid, -1) < 0) {
+      uiPrintf(state, "ApplyParsedPerms: chown of %s to %d failed: %s\n", filename, parsed.uid,
+               strerror(errno));
+      bad++;
+    }
+  }
+  if (parsed.has_gid) {
+    if (chown(filename, -1, parsed.gid) < 0) {
+      uiPrintf(state, "ApplyParsedPerms: chgrp of %s to %d failed: %s\n", filename, parsed.gid,
+               strerror(errno));
+      bad++;
+    }
+  }
+  if (parsed.has_mode) {
+    if (chmod(filename, parsed.mode) < 0) {
+      uiPrintf(state, "ApplyParsedPerms: chmod of %s to %d failed: %s\n", filename, parsed.mode,
+               strerror(errno));
+      bad++;
+    }
+  }
+  if (parsed.has_dmode && S_ISDIR(statptr->st_mode)) {
+    if (chmod(filename, parsed.dmode) < 0) {
+      uiPrintf(state, "ApplyParsedPerms: chmod of %s to %d failed: %s\n", filename, parsed.dmode,
+               strerror(errno));
+      bad++;
+    }
+  }
+  if (parsed.has_fmode && S_ISREG(statptr->st_mode)) {
+    if (chmod(filename, parsed.fmode) < 0) {
+      uiPrintf(state, "ApplyParsedPerms: chmod of %s to %d failed: %s\n", filename, parsed.fmode,
+               strerror(errno));
+      bad++;
+    }
+  }
+  if (parsed.has_capabilities && S_ISREG(statptr->st_mode)) {
+    if (parsed.capabilities == 0) {
+      if ((removexattr(filename, XATTR_NAME_CAPS) == -1) && (errno != ENODATA)) {
+        // Report failure unless it's ENODATA (attribute not set)
+        uiPrintf(state, "ApplyParsedPerms: removexattr of %s to %" PRIx64 " failed: %s\n", filename,
+                 parsed.capabilities, strerror(errno));
+        bad++;
+      }
+    } else {
+      struct vfs_cap_data cap_data;
+      memset(&cap_data, 0, sizeof(cap_data));
+      cap_data.magic_etc = VFS_CAP_REVISION | VFS_CAP_FLAGS_EFFECTIVE;
+[0].permitted = (uint32_t)(parsed.capabilities & 0xffffffff);
+[0].inheritable = 0;
+[1].permitted = (uint32_t)(parsed.capabilities >> 32);
+[1].inheritable = 0;
+      if (setxattr(filename, XATTR_NAME_CAPS, &cap_data, sizeof(cap_data), 0) < 0) {
+        uiPrintf(state, "ApplyParsedPerms: setcap of %s to %" PRIx64 " failed: %s\n", filename,
+                 parsed.capabilities, strerror(errno));
+        bad++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return bad;
+// nftw doesn't allow us to pass along context, so we need to use
+// global variables.  *sigh*
+static struct perm_parsed_args recursive_parsed_args;
+static State* recursive_state;
+static int do_SetMetadataRecursive(const char* filename, const struct stat* statptr, int fileflags,
+                                   struct FTW* pfwt) {
+  return ApplyParsedPerms(recursive_state, filename, statptr, recursive_parsed_args);
+static Value* SetMetadataFn(const char* name, State* state, const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expr>>& argv) {
+  if ((argv.size() % 2) != 1) {
+    return ErrorAbort(state, kArgsParsingFailure, "%s() expects an odd number of arguments, got %zu",
+                      name, argv.size());
+  }
+  std::vector<std::string> args;
+  if (!ReadArgs(state, argv, &args)) {
+    return ErrorAbort(state, kArgsParsingFailure, "%s() Failed to parse the argument(s)", name);
+  }
+  struct stat sb;
+  if (lstat(args[0].c_str(), &sb) == -1) {
+    return ErrorAbort(state, kSetMetadataFailure, "%s: Error on lstat of \"%s\": %s", name,
+                      args[0].c_str(), strerror(errno));
+  }
+  struct perm_parsed_args parsed = ParsePermArgs(state, args);
+  int bad = 0;
+  bool recursive = (strcmp(name, "set_metadata_recursive") == 0);
+  if (recursive) {
+    recursive_parsed_args = parsed;
+    recursive_state = state;
+    bad += nftw(args[0].c_str(), do_SetMetadataRecursive, 30, FTW_CHDIR | FTW_DEPTH | FTW_PHYS);
+    memset(&recursive_parsed_args, 0, sizeof(recursive_parsed_args));
+    recursive_state = NULL;
+  } else {
+    bad += ApplyParsedPerms(state, args[0].c_str(), &sb, parsed);
+  }
+  if (bad > 0) {
+    return ErrorAbort(state, kSetMetadataFailure, "%s: some changes failed", name);
+  }
+  return StringValue("");
 Value* GetPropFn(const char* name, State* state, const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expr>>& argv) {
   if (argv.size() != 1) {
     return ErrorAbort(state, kArgsParsingFailure, "%s() expects 1 arg, got %zu", name, argv.size());
@@ -1076,8 +1419,25 @@
   RegisterFunction("format", FormatFn);
   RegisterFunction("show_progress", ShowProgressFn);
   RegisterFunction("set_progress", SetProgressFn);
+  RegisterFunction("delete", DeleteFn);
+  RegisterFunction("delete_recursive", DeleteFn);
   RegisterFunction("package_extract_dir", PackageExtractDirFn);
   RegisterFunction("package_extract_file", PackageExtractFileFn);
+  RegisterFunction("symlink", SymlinkFn);
+  // Usage:
+  //   set_metadata("filename", "key1", "value1", "key2", "value2", ...)
+  // Example:
+  //   set_metadata("/system/bin/netcfg", "uid", 0, "gid", 3003, "mode", 02750, "selabel",
+  //                "u:object_r:system_file:s0", "capabilities", 0x0);
+  RegisterFunction("set_metadata", SetMetadataFn);
+  // Usage:
+  //   set_metadata_recursive("dirname", "key1", "value1", "key2", "value2", ...)
+  // Example:
+  //   set_metadata_recursive("/system", "uid", 0, "gid", 0, "fmode", 0644, "dmode", 0755,
+  //                          "selabel", "u:object_r:system_file:s0", "capabilities", 0x0);
+  RegisterFunction("set_metadata_recursive", SetMetadataFn);
   RegisterFunction("getprop", GetPropFn);
   RegisterFunction("file_getprop", FileGetPropFn);
@@ -1090,6 +1450,7 @@
   RegisterFunction("read_file", ReadFileFn);
   RegisterFunction("sha1_check", Sha1CheckFn);
+  RegisterFunction("rename", RenameFn);
   RegisterFunction("write_value", WriteValueFn);
   RegisterFunction("wipe_cache", WipeCacheFn);