MTP FFS updates:

This update splits old MTP code and new MTP code from Google
into two trees, legacy and ffs. Depending on the SDK level,
the build system will select the correct version. The reason
for separating the versions out are due to older android trees
not supporting the updated MTP code from Google.

Most MTP code is from Google, with additions needed from
implementing the Java functions in C++ for TWRP and FFS.

We assume if you are in android-9.0 or above, your kernel
has support for FFS over MTP. Verify that your init.rc
is mounting the MTP FFS driver to the proper location.

Change-Id: I4b107b239bd9bc5699527f9c8c77d9079f264a7e
diff --git a/mtp/ffs/MtpStorage.cpp b/mtp/ffs/MtpStorage.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8c67b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtp/ffs/MtpStorage.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,810 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#define LOG_TAG "MtpStorage"
+#include "MtpDebug.h"
+#include "MtpStorage.h"
+#include "btree.hpp"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/statfs.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <sys/inotify.h>
+MtpStorage::MtpStorage(MtpStorageID id, const char* filePath,
+		const char* description, bool removable, uint64_t maxFileSize, MtpServer* refserver)
+	:	mStorageID(id),
+		mFilePath(filePath),
+		mDescription(description),
+		mMaxCapacity(0),
+		mMaxFileSize(maxFileSize),
+		mRemovable(removable),
+	mServer(refserver)
+	MTPD("MtpStorage id: %d path: %s\n", id, filePath);
+	inotify_thread = 0;
+	inotify_fd = -1;
+	// Threading has not started yet so we should be safe to set these directly instead of using atomics
+	inotify_thread_kill.set_value(0);
+	sendEvents = false;
+	handleCurrentlySending = 0;
+	use_mutex = true;
+	if (pthread_mutex_init(&mtpMutex, NULL) != 0) {
+			MTPE("Failed to init mtpMutex\n");
+			use_mutex = false;
+	}
+	if (pthread_mutex_init(&inMutex, NULL) != 0) {
+			MTPE("Failed to init inMutex\n");
+			pthread_mutex_destroy(&mtpMutex);
+			use_mutex = false;
+	}
+MtpStorage::~MtpStorage() {
+	if (inotify_thread) {
+			inotify_thread_kill.set_value(1);
+			MTPD("joining inotify_thread after sending the kill notification.\n");
+			pthread_join(inotify_thread, NULL); // There's not much we can do if there's an error here
+			inotify_thread = 0;
+			MTPD("~MtpStorage removing inotify watches and closing inotify_fd\n");
+			for (std::map<int, Tree*>::iterator i = inotifymap.begin(); i != inotifymap.end(); i++) {
+					inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, i->first);
+			}
+			close(inotify_fd);
+			inotifymap.clear();
+	}
+		// Deleting the root tree causes a cascade in btree.cpp that ends up
+		// deleting all of the trees and nodes.
+		delete mtpmap[0];
+		mtpmap.clear();
+		if (use_mutex) {
+				use_mutex = false;
+				MTPD("~MtpStorage destroying mutexes\n");
+				pthread_mutex_destroy(&mtpMutex);
+				pthread_mutex_destroy(&inMutex);
+		}
+int MtpStorage::getType() const {
+int MtpStorage::getFileSystemType() const {
+int MtpStorage::getAccessCapability() const {
+uint64_t MtpStorage::getMaxCapacity() {
+	if (mMaxCapacity == 0) {
+		struct statfs	stat;
+		if (statfs(getPath(), &stat))
+			return -1;
+		mMaxCapacity = (uint64_t)stat.f_blocks * (uint64_t)stat.f_bsize;
+	}
+	return mMaxCapacity;
+uint64_t MtpStorage::getFreeSpace() {
+	struct statfs	stat;
+	if (statfs(getPath(), &stat))
+		return -1;
+	return (uint64_t)stat.f_bavail * (uint64_t)stat.f_bsize;
+const char* MtpStorage::getDescription() const {
+	return (const char *)mDescription;
+int MtpStorage::renameObject(MtpObjectHandle handle, std::string newName) {
+		MTPD("MtpStorage::renameObject, handle: %u, new name: '%s'\n", handle, newName.c_str());
+		if (handle == MTP_PARENT_ROOT) {
+				MTPE("parent == MTP_PARENT_ROOT, cannot rename root\n");
+				return -1;
+		} else {
+				for (iter i = mtpmap.begin(); i != mtpmap.end(); i++) {
+						Node* node = i->second->findNode(handle);
+						if (node != NULL) {
+				std::string oldName = getNodePath(node);
+								std::string parentdir = oldName.substr(0, oldName.find_last_of('/'));
+								std::string newFullName = parentdir + "/" + newName;
+								MTPD("old: '%s', new: '%s'\n", oldName.c_str(), newFullName.c_str());
+								if (rename(oldName.c_str(), newFullName.c_str()) == 0) {
+										node->rename(newName);
+										return 0;
+								} else {
+										MTPE("MtpStorage::renameObject failed, handle: %u, new name: '%s'\n", handle, newName.c_str());
+										return -1;
+								}
+						}
+				}
+		}
+		// handle not found on this storage
+		return -1;
+MtpObjectHandle MtpStorage::beginSendObject(const char* path,
+																						MtpObjectFormat format,
+																						MtpObjectHandle parent,
+																						__attribute__((unused)) uint64_t size,
+																						__attribute__((unused)) time_t modified) {
+		MTPD("MtpStorage::beginSendObject(), path: '%s', parent: %u, format: %04x\n", path, parent, format);
+		iter it = mtpmap.find(parent);
+		if (it == mtpmap.end()) {
+				MTPE("parent node not found, returning error\n");
+				return kInvalidObjectHandle;
+		}
+		Tree* tree = it->second;
+		std::string pathstr(path);
+		size_t slashpos = pathstr.find_last_of('/');
+		if (slashpos == std::string::npos) {
+				MTPE("path has no slash, returning error\n");
+				return kInvalidObjectHandle;
+		}
+		std::string parentdir = pathstr.substr(0, slashpos);
+		std::string basename = pathstr.substr(slashpos + 1);
+		if (parent != 0 && parentdir != getNodePath(tree)) {
+				MTPE("beginSendObject into path '%s' but parent tree has path '%s', returning error\n", parentdir.c_str(), getNodePath(tree).c_str());
+				return kInvalidObjectHandle;
+		}
+		MTPD("MtpStorage::beginSendObject() parentdir: %s basename: %s\n", parentdir.c_str(), basename.c_str());
+		// note: for directories, the mkdir call is done later in MtpServer, here we just reserve a handle
+		bool isDir = format == MTP_FORMAT_ASSOCIATION;
+		Node* node = addNewNode(isDir, tree, basename);
+		handleCurrentlySending = node->Mtpid(); // suppress inotify for this node while sending
+		return node->Mtpid();
+int MtpStorage::createDB() {
+		std::string mtpParent = "";
+		mtpstorageparent = getPath();
+		// root directory is special: handle 0, parent 0, and empty path
+		mtpmap[0] = new Tree(0, 0, "");
+		if (use_mutex) {
+				sendEvents = true;
+				MTPD("inotify_init\n");
+				inotify_fd = inotify_init();
+				if (inotify_fd < 0) {
+						MTPE("Can't run inotify_init for mtp server: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+				} else {
+						MTPD("Starting inotify thread\n");
+						inotify_thread = inotify();
+				}
+		} else {
+				MTPD("NOT starting inotify thread\n");
+		}
+		// for debugging and caching purposes, read the root dir already now
+		readDir(mtpstorageparent, mtpmap[0]);
+		// all other dirs are read on demand
+	//
+		MTPD("MtpStorage::createDB DONE\n");
+		return 0;
+Node* MtpStorage::findNode(MtpObjectHandle handle) {
+		for (iter i = mtpmap.begin(); i != mtpmap.end(); i++) {
+				Node* node = i->second->findNode(handle);
+				if (node != NULL) {
+						MTPD("findNode: found node %p for handle %u, name: %s\n", node, handle, node->getName().c_str());
+						if (node->Mtpid() != handle)
+						{
+								MTPE("BUG: entry for handle %u points to node with handle %u\n", handle, node->Mtpid());
+						}
+						return node;
+				}
+		}
+		// Item is not on this storage device
+		MTPD("MtpStorage::findNode: no node found for handle %u on storage %u, searched %u trees\n", handle, mStorageID, mtpmap.size());
+		return NULL;
+std::string MtpStorage::getNodePath(Node* node) {
+	std::string path;
+		MTPD("getNodePath: node %p, handle %u\n", node, node->Mtpid());
+		while (node)
+		{
+				path = "/" + node->getName() + path;
+				MtpObjectHandle parent = node->getMtpParentId();
+				if (parent == 0)		// root
+						break;
+				node = findNode(parent);
+		}
+		path = mtpstorageparent + path;
+		MTPD("getNodePath: path %s\n", path.c_str());
+		return path;
+MtpObjectHandleList* MtpStorage::getObjectList(__attribute__((unused)) MtpStorageID storageID, MtpObjectHandle parent) {
+		MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectList, parent: %u\n", parent);
+		//append object id	(numerical #s) of database to int array
+		MtpObjectHandleList* list = new MtpObjectHandleList();
+		if (parent == MTP_PARENT_ROOT) {
+				MTPD("parent == MTP_PARENT_ROOT\n");
+				parent = 0;
+		}
+		if (mtpmap.find(parent) == mtpmap.end()) {
+				MTPE("parent handle not found, returning empty list\n");
+				return list;
+		}
+		Tree* tree = mtpmap[parent];
+		if (!tree->wasAlreadyRead())
+		{
+				std::string path = getNodePath(tree);
+				MTPD("reading directory on demand for tree %p (%u), path: %s\n", tree, tree->Mtpid(), path.c_str());
+				readDir(path, tree);
+		}
+		mtpmap[parent]->getmtpids(list);
+		MTPD("returning %u objects in %s.\n", list->size(), tree->getName().c_str());
+		return list;
+Node* MtpStorage::addNewNode(bool isDir, Tree* tree, const std::string& name)
+		// global counter for new object handles
+		static MtpObjectHandle mtpid = 0;
+		++mtpid;
+		MTPD("adding new %s node for %s, new handle: %u\n", isDir ? "dir" : "file", name.c_str(), mtpid);
+		MtpObjectHandle parent = tree->Mtpid();
+		MTPD("parent tree: %x, handle: %u, name: %s\n", tree, parent, tree->getName().c_str());
+		Node* node;
+		if (isDir)
+				node = mtpmap[mtpid] = new Tree(mtpid, parent, name);
+		else
+				node = new Node(mtpid, parent, name);
+		tree->addEntry(node);
+		return node;
+int MtpStorage::readDir(const std::string& path, Tree* tree)
+		struct dirent *de;
+		int storageID = getStorageID();
+		MtpObjectHandle parent = tree->Mtpid();
+		DIR *d = opendir(path.c_str());
+		MTPD("reading dir '%s', parent handle %u\n", path.c_str(), parent);
+		if (d == NULL) {
+				MTPE("error opening '%s' -- error: %s\n", path.c_str(), strerror(errno));
+				return -1;
+		}
+		// TODO: for refreshing dirs: capture old entries here
+		while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
+				// Because exfat-fuse causes issues with dirent, we will use stat
+				// for some things that dirent should be able to do
+				std::string item = path + "/" + de->d_name;
+				struct stat st;
+				if (lstat(item.c_str(), &st)) {
+						MTPE("Error running lstat on '%s'\n", item.c_str());
+						return -1;
+				}
+				// TODO: if we want to use this for refreshing dirs too, first find existing name and overwrite
+				if (strcmp(de->d_name, ".") == 0)
+						continue;
+				if (strcmp(de->d_name, "..") == 0)
+						continue;
+				Node* node = addNewNode(st.st_mode & S_IFDIR, tree, de->d_name);
+				node->addProperties(item, storageID);
+				//if (sendEvents)
+				//		mServer->sendObjectAdded(node->Mtpid());
+				//		sending events here makes simple-mtpfs very slow, and it is probably the wrong thing to do anyway
+		}
+		closedir(d);
+		// TODO: for refreshing dirs: remove entries that no longer exist (with their nodes)
+		tree->setAlreadyRead(true);
+		addInotify(tree);
+		return 0;
+int MtpStorage::addInotify(Tree* tree) {
+		if (inotify_fd < 0) {
+				MTPE("inotify_fd not set or error: %i\n", inotify_fd);
+				return -1;
+		}
+		std::string path = getNodePath(tree);
+		MTPD("adding inotify for tree %x, dir: %s\n", tree, path.c_str());
+		int wd = inotify_add_watch(inotify_fd, path.c_str(), WATCH_FLAGS);
+		if (wd < 0) {
+				MTPE("inotify_add_watch failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+				return -1;
+		}
+		inotifymap[wd] = tree;
+		return 0;
+pthread_t MtpStorage::inotify(void) {
+		pthread_t thread;
+		pthread_attr_t tattr;
+		if (pthread_attr_init(&tattr)) {
+				MTPE("Unable to pthread_attr_init\n");
+				return 0;
+		}
+		if (pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&tattr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE)) {
+				MTPE("Error setting pthread_attr_setdetachstate\n");
+				return 0;
+		}
+		ThreadPtr inotifyptr = &MtpStorage::inotify_t;
+		PThreadPtr p = *(PThreadPtr*)&inotifyptr;
+		pthread_create(&thread, &tattr, p, this);
+		if (pthread_attr_destroy(&tattr)) {
+				MTPE("Failed to pthread_attr_destroy\n");
+		}
+		return thread;
+int MtpStorage::inotify_t(void) {
+		#define EVENT_SIZE ( sizeof(struct inotify_event) )
+		#define EVENT_BUF_LEN ( 1024 * ( EVENT_SIZE + 16) )
+		char buf[EVENT_BUF_LEN];
+		fd_set fdset;
+		struct timeval seltmout;
+		int sel_ret;
+		MTPD("inotify thread starting.\n");
+		while (inotify_thread_kill.get_value() == 0) {
+				FD_ZERO(&fdset);
+				FD_SET(inotify_fd, &fdset);
+				seltmout.tv_sec = 0;
+				seltmout.tv_usec = 25000;
+				sel_ret = select(inotify_fd + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &seltmout);
+				if (sel_ret == 0)
+						continue;
+				int i = 0;
+				int len = read(inotify_fd, buf, EVENT_BUF_LEN);
+				if (len < 0) {
+						if (errno == EINTR)
+								continue;
+						MTPE("inotify_t Can't read inotify events\n");
+				}
+				while (i < len && inotify_thread_kill.get_value() == 0) {
+						struct inotify_event *event = (struct inotify_event *) &buf[i];
+						if (event->len) {
+								MTPD("inotify event: wd: %i, mask: %x, name: %s\n", event->wd, event->mask, event->name);
+								lockMutex(1);
+								handleInotifyEvent(event);
+								unlockMutex(1);
+						}
+						i += EVENT_SIZE + event->len;
+				}
+		}
+		MTPD("inotify_thread_kill received!\n");
+		// This cleanup is handled in the destructor.
+		/*for (std::map<int, Tree*>::iterator i = inotifymap.begin(); i != inotifymap.end(); i++) {
+				inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, i->first);
+		}
+		close(inotify_fd);*/
+		return 0;
+void MtpStorage::handleInotifyEvent(struct inotify_event* event)
+		std::map<int, Tree*>::iterator it = inotifymap.find(event->wd);
+		if (it == inotifymap.end()) {
+				MTPE("Unable to locate inotify_wd: %i\n", event->wd);
+				return;
+		}
+		Tree* tree = it->second;
+		MTPD("inotify_t tree: %x '%s'\n", tree, tree->getName().c_str());
+		Node* node = tree->findEntryByName(basename(event->name));
+		if (node && node->Mtpid() == handleCurrentlySending) {
+				MTPD("ignoring inotify event for currently uploading file, handle: %u\n", node->Mtpid());
+				return;
+		}
+		if (event->mask & IN_CREATE || event->mask & IN_MOVED_TO) {
+				if (event->mask & IN_ISDIR) {
+						MTPD("inotify_t create is dir\n");
+				} else {
+						MTPD("inotify_t create is file\n");
+				}
+				if (node == NULL) {
+						node = addNewNode(event->mask & IN_ISDIR, tree, event->name);
+						std::string item = getNodePath(tree) + "/" + event->name;
+						node->addProperties(item, getStorageID());
+						mServer->sendObjectAdded(node->Mtpid());
+				} else {
+						MTPD("inotify_t item already exists.\n");
+				}
+				if (event->mask & IN_ISDIR) {
+						// TODO: do we need to do anything here? probably not until someone reads from the dir...
+				}
+		} else if (event->mask & IN_DELETE || event->mask & IN_MOVED_FROM) {
+				if (event->mask & IN_ISDIR) {
+						MTPD("inotify_t Directory %s deleted\n", event->name);
+				} else {
+						MTPD("inotify_t File %s deleted\n", event->name);
+				}
+				if (node)
+				{
+						if (event->mask & IN_ISDIR) {
+								for (std::map<int, Tree*>::iterator it = inotifymap.begin(); it != inotifymap.end(); ++it) {
+										if (it->second == node) {
+												inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, it->first);
+												MTPD("inotify_t removing watch on '%s'\n", getNodePath(it->second).c_str());
+												inotifymap.erase(it->first);
+												break;
+										}
+								}
+						}
+						MtpObjectHandle handle = node->Mtpid();
+						deleteFile(handle);
+						mServer->sendObjectRemoved(handle);
+				} else {
+						MTPD("inotify_t already removed.\n");
+				}
+		} else if (event->mask & IN_MODIFY) {
+				MTPD("inotify_t item %s modified.\n", event->name);
+				if (node != NULL) {
+						uint64_t orig_size = node->getProperty(MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_SIZE).valueInt;
+						struct stat st;
+						uint64_t new_size = 0;
+						if (lstat(getNodePath(node).c_str(), &st) == 0)
+								new_size = (uint64_t)st.st_size;
+						if (orig_size != new_size) {
+								MTPD("size changed from %llu to %llu on mtpid: %u\n", orig_size, new_size, node->Mtpid());
+								node->updateProperty(MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_SIZE, new_size, "", MTP_TYPE_UINT64);
+								mServer->sendObjectUpdated(node->Mtpid());
+						}
+				} else {
+						MTPE("inotify_t modified item not found\n");
+				}
+		} else if (event->mask & IN_DELETE_SELF || event->mask & IN_MOVE_SELF) {
+				// TODO: is this always already handled by IN_DELETE for the parent dir?
+		}
+void MtpStorage::lockMutex(int thread_type) {
+		if (!use_mutex)
+				return; // mutex is disabled
+		if (thread_type) {
+				// inotify thread
+				pthread_mutex_lock(&inMutex);
+				while (pthread_mutex_trylock(&mtpMutex)) {
+						pthread_mutex_unlock(&inMutex);
+						usleep(32000);
+						pthread_mutex_lock(&inMutex);
+				}
+		} else {
+				// main mtp thread
+				pthread_mutex_lock(&mtpMutex);
+				while (pthread_mutex_trylock(&inMutex)) {
+						pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtpMutex);
+						usleep(13000);
+						pthread_mutex_lock(&mtpMutex);
+				}
+		}
+void MtpStorage::unlockMutex( __attribute__((unused)) int thread_type) {
+		if (!use_mutex)
+				return; // mutex is disabled
+		pthread_mutex_unlock(&inMutex);
+		pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtpMutex);
+int MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyValue(MtpObjectHandle handle, MtpObjectProperty property, MtpStorage::PropEntry& pe) {
+		Node *node;
+		for (iter i = mtpmap.begin(); i != mtpmap.end(); i++) {
+				node = i->second->findNode(handle);
+				if (node != NULL) {
+						const Node::mtpProperty& prop = node->getProperty(property);
+						if ( != property) {
+								MTPD("getObjectPropertyValue: unknown property %x for handle %u\n", property, handle);
+								return -1;
+						}
+						pe.datatype = prop.dataType;
+						pe.intvalue = prop.valueInt;
+						pe.strvalue = prop.valueStr;
+						pe.handle = handle;
+ = property;
+						return 0;
+				}
+		}
+		// handle not found on this storage
+		return -1;
+void MtpStorage::endSendObject(const char* path, MtpObjectHandle handle, __attribute__((unused)) MtpObjectFormat format, __attribute__((unused)) bool succeeded)
+		Node* node = findNode(handle);
+		if (!node)
+				return; // just ignore if this is for another storage
+		node->addProperties(path, mStorageID);
+		handleCurrentlySending = 0;
+		// TODO: are we supposed to send an event about an upload by the initiator?
+		if (sendEvents)
+				mServer->sendObjectAdded(node->Mtpid());
+int MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyList(MtpObjectHandle handle, uint32_t format, uint32_t property, int groupCode, __attribute__((unused)) int depth, MtpDataPacket& packet) {
+		MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyList handle: %u, format: %x, property: %x\n", handle, format, property);
+		if (groupCode != 0)
+		{
+				MTPE("getObjectPropertyList: groupCode unsupported\n");
+		}
+		// TODO: support all the special stuff, like:
+		// handle == 0 -> all objects at the root level
+		// handle == 0xffffffff -> all objects (on all storages? how could we support that?)
+		// format == 0 -> all formats, otherwise filter by ObjectFormatCode
+		// property == 0xffffffff -> all properties except those with group code 0xffffffff
+		// if property == 0 then use groupCode
+		//	 groupCode == 0 -> return Specification_By_Group_Unsupported
+		// depth == 0xffffffff -> all objects incl. and below handle
+		std::vector<PropEntry> results;
+		if (handle == 0xffffffff) {
+				// TODO: all object on all storages (needs a different design, result packet needs to be built by server instead of storage)
+		} else if (handle == 0) {
+				// all objects at the root level
+				Tree* root = mtpmap[0];
+				MtpObjectHandleList list;
+				root->getmtpids(&list);
+				for (MtpObjectHandleList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
+						Node* node = root->findNode(*it);
+						if (!node) {
+								MTPE("BUG: node not found for root entry with handle %u\n", *it);
+								break;
+						}
+						queryNodeProperties(results, node, property, groupCode, mStorageID);
+				}
+		} else {
+				// single object
+				Node* node = findNode(handle);
+				if (!node) {
+						// Item is not on this storage device
+						return -1;
+				}
+				queryNodeProperties(results, node, property, groupCode, mStorageID);
+		}
+		MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyList::count: %u\n", results.size());
+		packet.putUInt32(results.size());
+		for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); ++i) {
+				PropEntry& p = results[i];
+				MTPD("handle: %u, propertyCode: %x = %s, datatype: %x, value: %llu\n",
+								p.handle,, MtpDebug::getObjectPropCodeName(,
+								p.datatype, p.intvalue);
+				packet.putUInt32(p.handle);
+				packet.putUInt16(;
+				packet.putUInt16(p.datatype);
+				switch (p.datatype) {
+						case MTP_TYPE_INT8:
+								MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyList::MTP_TYPE_INT8\n");
+								packet.putInt8(p.intvalue);
+								break;
+						case MTP_TYPE_UINT8:
+								MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyList::MTP_TYPE_UINT8\n");
+								packet.putUInt8(p.intvalue);
+								break;
+						case MTP_TYPE_INT16:
+								MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyList::MTP_TYPE_INT16\n");
+								packet.putInt16(p.intvalue);
+								break;
+						case MTP_TYPE_UINT16:
+								MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyList::MTP_TYPE_UINT16\n");
+								packet.putUInt16(p.intvalue);
+								break;
+						case MTP_TYPE_INT32:
+								MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyList::MTP_TYPE_INT32\n");
+								packet.putInt32(p.intvalue);
+								break;
+						case MTP_TYPE_UINT32:
+								MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyList::MTP_TYPE_UINT32\n");
+								packet.putUInt32(p.intvalue);
+								break;
+						case MTP_TYPE_INT64:
+								MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyList::MTP_TYPE_INT64\n");
+								packet.putInt64(p.intvalue);
+								break;
+						case MTP_TYPE_UINT64:
+								MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyList::MTP_TYPE_UINT64\n");
+								packet.putUInt64(p.intvalue);
+								break;
+						case MTP_TYPE_INT128:
+								MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyList::MTP_TYPE_INT128\n");
+								packet.putInt128(p.intvalue);
+								break;
+						case MTP_TYPE_UINT128:
+								MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyList::MTP_TYPE_UINT128\n");
+								packet.putUInt128(p.intvalue);
+								break;
+						case MTP_TYPE_STR:
+								MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyList::MTP_TYPE_STR: %s\n", p.strvalue.c_str());
+								packet.putString(p.strvalue.c_str());
+								break;
+						default:
+								MTPE("bad or unsupported data type: %x in MyMtpDatabase::getObjectPropertyList", p.datatype);
+								break;
+				}
+		}
+		return 0;
+int MtpStorage::getObjectInfo(MtpObjectHandle handle, MtpObjectInfo& info) {
+		struct stat st;
+		uint64_t size = 0;
+		MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectInfo, handle: %u\n", handle);
+		Node* node = findNode(handle);
+		if (!node) {
+				// Item is not on this storage device
+				return -1;
+		}
+		info.mStorageID = getStorageID();
+		MTPD("info.mStorageID: %u\n", info.mStorageID);
+		info.mParent = node->getMtpParentId();
+		MTPD("mParent: %u\n", info.mParent);
+		// TODO: do we want to lstat again here, or read from the node properties?
+		if (lstat(getNodePath(node).c_str(), &st) == 0)
+				size = st.st_size;
+		MTPD("size is: %llu\n", size);
+		info.mCompressedSize = (size > 0xFFFFFFFFLL ? 0xFFFFFFFF : size);
+		info.mDateModified = st.st_mtime;
+		if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+				info.mFormat = MTP_FORMAT_ASSOCIATION;
+		}
+		else {
+				info.mFormat = MTP_FORMAT_UNDEFINED;
+		}
+		info.mName = strdup(node->getName().c_str());
+		MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectInfo found, Exiting getObjectInfo()\n");
+		return 0;
+int MtpStorage::getObjectFilePath(MtpObjectHandle handle, MtpStringBuffer& outFilePath, int64_t& outFileLength, MtpObjectFormat& outFormat) {
+		MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectFilePath handle: %u\n", handle);
+		Node* node = findNode(handle);
+		if (!node)
+		{
+				// Item is not on this storage device
+				return -1;
+		}
+		// TODO: do we want to lstat here, or just read the info from the node?
+		struct stat st;
+		if (lstat(getNodePath(node).c_str(), &st) == 0)
+				outFileLength = st.st_size;
+		else
+				outFileLength = 0;
+		outFilePath.set(getNodePath(node).c_str());
+		MTPD("outFilePath: %s\n", (const char*) outFilePath);
+		return 0;
+int MtpStorage::deleteFile(MtpObjectHandle handle) {
+		MTPD("MtpStorage::deleteFile handle: %u\n", handle);
+		Node* node = findNode(handle);
+		if (!node) {
+				// Item is not on this storage device
+				return -1;
+		}
+		MtpObjectHandle parent = node->getMtpParentId();
+		Tree* tree = mtpmap[parent];
+		if (!tree) {
+				MTPE("parent tree for handle %u not found\n", parent);
+				return -1;
+		}
+		if (node->isDir()) {
+				MTPD("deleting tree from mtpmap: %u\n", handle);
+				mtpmap.erase(handle);
+		}
+		MTPD("deleting handle: %u\n", handle);
+		tree->deleteNode(handle);
+		MTPD("deleted\n");
+		return 0;
+void MtpStorage::queryNodeProperties(std::vector<MtpStorage::PropEntry>& results, Node* node, uint32_t property, __attribute__((unused)) int groupCode, MtpStorageID storageID)
+		MTPD("queryNodeProperties handle %u, path: %s\n", node->Mtpid(), getNodePath(node).c_str());
+		PropEntry pe;
+		pe.handle = node->Mtpid();
+ = property;
+		if (property == 0xffffffff)
+		{
+				// add all properties
+				MTPD("MtpStorage::queryNodeProperties for all properties\n");
+				std::vector<Node::mtpProperty> mtpprop = node->getMtpProps();
+				for (size_t i = 0; i < mtpprop.size(); ++i) {
+ = mtpprop[i].property;
+						pe.datatype = mtpprop[i].dataType;
+						pe.intvalue = mtpprop[i].valueInt;
+						pe.strvalue = mtpprop[i].valueStr;
+						results.push_back(pe);
+				}
+				return;
+		}
+		else if (property == 0)
+		{
+				// TODO: use groupCode
+		}
+		// single property
+		// TODO: this should probably be moved to the Node class and/or merged with getObjectPropertyValue
+		switch (property) {
+//						pe.datatype = MTP_TYPE_UINT16;
+//						pe.intvalue = node->getIntProperty(MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FORMAT);
+//						break;
+						pe.datatype = MTP_TYPE_UINT32;
+						pe.intvalue = storageID;
+						break;
+						pe.datatype = MTP_TYPE_UINT16;
+						pe.intvalue = 0;
+						break;
+				{
+						pe.datatype = MTP_TYPE_UINT64;
+						struct stat st;
+						pe.intvalue = 0;
+						if (lstat(getNodePath(node).c_str(), &st) == 0)
+								pe.intvalue = st.st_size;
+						break;
+				}
+				default:
+				{
+						const Node::mtpProperty& prop = node->getProperty(property);
+						if ( != property)
+						{
+								MTPD("queryNodeProperties: unknown property %x\n", property);
+								return;
+						}
+						pe.datatype = prop.dataType;
+						pe.intvalue = prop.valueInt;
+						pe.strvalue = prop.valueStr;
+						// TODO: all the special case stuff in MyMtpDatabase::getObjectPropertyValue is missing here
+				}
+		}
+		results.push_back(pe);