Add support to change TWRP Folder

Change-Id: Id3b3b46d492bf83d1d9d3f535c880ea9d15b4107
diff --git a/twrp-functions.cpp b/twrp-functions.cpp
index 9bbb700..20f2e95 100755
--- a/twrp-functions.cpp
+++ b/twrp-functions.cpp
@@ -1414,4 +1414,97 @@
 	return true;
+string TWFunc::Check_For_TwrpFolder() {
+	string oldFolder = "";
+	vector<string> customTWRPFolders;
+	string mainPath = DataManager::GetCurrentStoragePath();
+	DIR* d;
+	struct dirent* de;
+	if(DataManager::GetIntValue(TW_IS_ENCRYPTED)) {
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	d = opendir(mainPath.c_str());
+	if (d == NULL) {
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
+		string name = de->d_name;
+		string fullPath = mainPath + '/' + name;
+		unsigned char type = de->d_type;
+		if(name == "." || name == "..") continue;
+		if(type == DT_UNKNOWN) {
+			type = Get_D_Type_From_Stat(fullPath);
+		}
+		if(type == DT_DIR && Path_Exists(fullPath + '/' + TW_SETTINGS_FILE)) {
+			if('/' + name == TW_DEFAULT_RECOVERY_FOLDER){
+				oldFolder = name;
+			} else {
+				customTWRPFolders.push_back(name);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	closedir(d);
+	if(oldFolder == "" && customTWRPFolders.empty()) {
+		LOGINFO("No recovery folder found. Using default folder.\n");
+		goto exit;
+	} else if(customTWRPFolders.empty()) {
+		LOGINFO("No custom recovery folder found. Using TWRP as default.\n");
+		goto exit;
+	} else {
+		if(customTWRPFolders.size() > 1) {
+			LOGINFO("More than one custom recovery folder found. Using first one from the list.\n");
+		} else {
+			LOGINFO("One custom recovery folder found.\n");
+		}
+		string customPath =  '/' +;
+		if(Path_Exists(mainPath + TW_DEFAULT_RECOVERY_FOLDER)) {
+			string oldBackupFolder = mainPath + TW_DEFAULT_RECOVERY_FOLDER + "/BACKUPS/" + DataManager::GetStrValue("device_id");
+			string newBackupFolder = mainPath + customPath + "/BACKUPS/" + DataManager::GetStrValue("device_id");
+			if(Path_Exists(oldBackupFolder)) {
+				vector<string> backups;
+				d = opendir(oldBackupFolder.c_str());
+				if (d != NULL) {
+					while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
+						string name = de->d_name;
+						unsigned char type = de->d_type;
+						if(name == "." || name == "..") continue;
+						if(type == DT_UNKNOWN) {
+							type = Get_D_Type_From_Stat(mainPath + '/' + name);
+						}
+						if(type == DT_DIR) {
+							backups.push_back(name);
+						}
+					}
+					closedir(d);
+				}
+				for(auto it = backups.begin(); it != backups.end(); it++) {
+					Exec_Cmd("mv -f \"" + oldBackupFolder + '/' + *it + "\" \"" + newBackupFolder + '/' + *it + (Path_Exists(newBackupFolder + '/' + *it) ? "_new\"" : "\""));
+				}
+			}
+			Exec_Cmd("rm -rf \"" + mainPath + TW_DEFAULT_RECOVERY_FOLDER + '\"');
+		}
+		return customPath;
+	}
 #endif // ndef BUILD_TWRPTAR_MAIN