Revert to old libminui and fix up

We will wait for CAF to give us a new libminui that supports
qualcomm overlay before moving up to the new format if possible.
Attempt to fix up old libminui to work with new libpng.

Change-Id: I494b7287b347f4730aa8f9d27d4cc17b6e93919a
diff --git a/minui/ b/minui/
index 7b40156..54eb061 100644
--- a/minui/
+++ b/minui/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_SRC_FILES := graphics_adf.c graphics_fbdev.c graphics_overlay.c events.c resources.c
+LOCAL_SRC_FILES := graphics_overlay.c events.c resources.c
@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
 LOCAL_MODULE := libminui
 # This used to compare against values in double-quotes (which are just
@@ -62,7 +60,7 @@
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_SRC_FILES := graphics_adf.c graphics_fbdev.c graphics_overlay.c events.c resources.c
+LOCAL_SRC_FILES := graphics_overlay.c events.c resources.c
@@ -89,7 +87,6 @@
 LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libpng libpixelflinger
 # This used to compare against values in double-quotes (which are just
 # ordinary characters in this context).  Strip double-quotes from the
 # value so that either will work.
diff --git a/minui/events.c b/minui/events.c
index df7dad4..2918afa 100644
--- a/minui/events.c
+++ b/minui/events.c
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <dirent.h>
-#include <sys/epoll.h>
+#include <sys/poll.h>
 #include <linux/input.h>
@@ -34,15 +34,11 @@
     ((array)[(bit)/BITS_PER_LONG] & (1 << ((bit) % BITS_PER_LONG)))
 struct fd_info {
-    int fd;
     ev_callback cb;
     void *data;
-static int epollfd;
-static struct epoll_event polledevents[MAX_DEVICES + MAX_MISC_FDS];
-static int npolledevents;
+static struct pollfd ev_fds[MAX_DEVICES + MAX_MISC_FDS];
 static struct fd_info ev_fdinfo[MAX_DEVICES + MAX_MISC_FDS];
 static unsigned ev_count = 0;
@@ -54,12 +50,6 @@
     DIR *dir;
     struct dirent *de;
     int fd;
-    struct epoll_event ev;
-    bool epollctlfail = false;
-    epollfd = epoll_create(MAX_DEVICES + MAX_MISC_FDS);
-    if (epollfd == -1)
-        return -1;
     dir = opendir("/dev/input");
     if(dir != 0) {
@@ -84,15 +74,8 @@
-   = (void *)&ev_fdinfo[ev_count];
-            if (epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev)) {
-                close(fd);
-                epollctlfail = true;
-                continue;
-            }
-            ev_fdinfo[ev_count].fd = fd;
+            ev_fds[ev_count].fd = fd;
+            ev_fds[ev_count].events = POLLIN;
             ev_fdinfo[ev_count].cb = input_cb;
             ev_fdinfo[ev_count].data = data;
@@ -101,78 +84,59 @@
-    if (epollctlfail && !ev_count) {
-        close(epollfd);
-        epollfd = -1;
-        return -1;
-    }
     return 0;
 int ev_add_fd(int fd, ev_callback cb, void *data)
-    struct epoll_event ev;
-    int ret;
     if (ev_misc_count == MAX_MISC_FDS || cb == NULL)
         return -1;
- = (void *)&ev_fdinfo[ev_count];
-    ret = epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev);
-    if (!ret) {
-        ev_fdinfo[ev_count].fd = fd;
-        ev_fdinfo[ev_count].cb = cb;
-        ev_fdinfo[ev_count].data = data;
-        ev_count++;
-        ev_misc_count++;
-    }
-    return ret;
-int ev_get_epollfd(void)
-    return epollfd;
+    ev_fds[ev_count].fd = fd;
+    ev_fds[ev_count].events = POLLIN;
+    ev_fdinfo[ev_count].cb = cb;
+    ev_fdinfo[ev_count].data = data;
+    ev_count++;
+    ev_misc_count++;
+    return 0;
 void ev_exit(void)
     while (ev_count > 0) {
-        close(ev_fdinfo[--ev_count].fd);
+        close(ev_fds[--ev_count].fd);
     ev_misc_count = 0;
     ev_dev_count = 0;
-    close(epollfd);
 int ev_wait(int timeout)
-    npolledevents = epoll_wait(epollfd, polledevents, ev_count, timeout);
-    if (npolledevents <= 0)
+    int r;
+    r = poll(ev_fds, ev_count, timeout);
+    if (r <= 0)
         return -1;
     return 0;
 void ev_dispatch(void)
-    int n;
+    unsigned n;
     int ret;
-    for (n = 0; n < npolledevents; n++) {
-        struct fd_info *fdi = polledevents[n].data.ptr;
-        ev_callback cb = fdi->cb;
-        if (cb)
-            cb(fdi->fd, polledevents[n].events, fdi->data);
+    for (n = 0; n < ev_count; n++) {
+        ev_callback cb = ev_fdinfo[n].cb;
+        if (cb && (ev_fds[n].revents & ev_fds[n].events))
+            cb(ev_fds[n].fd, ev_fds[n].revents, ev_fdinfo[n].data);
-int ev_get_input(int fd, uint32_t epevents, struct input_event *ev)
+int ev_get_input(int fd, short revents, struct input_event *ev)
     int r;
-    if (epevents & EPOLLIN) {
+    if (revents & POLLIN) {
         r = read(fd, ev, sizeof(*ev));
         if (r == sizeof(*ev))
             return 0;
@@ -193,11 +157,11 @@
         memset(key_bits, 0, sizeof(key_bits));
         memset(ev_bits, 0, sizeof(ev_bits));
-        ret = ioctl(ev_fdinfo[i].fd, EVIOCGBIT(0, sizeof(ev_bits)), ev_bits);
+        ret = ioctl(ev_fds[i].fd, EVIOCGBIT(0, sizeof(ev_bits)), ev_bits);
         if (ret < 0 || !test_bit(EV_KEY, ev_bits))
-        ret = ioctl(ev_fdinfo[i].fd, EVIOCGKEY(sizeof(key_bits)), key_bits);
+        ret = ioctl(ev_fds[i].fd, EVIOCGKEY(sizeof(key_bits)), key_bits);
         if (ret < 0)
diff --git a/minui/font_10x18.h b/minui/font_10x18.h
index 29d7053..7f96465 100644
--- a/minui/font_10x18.h
+++ b/minui/font_10x18.h
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   unsigned height;
   unsigned cwidth;
   unsigned cheight;
-  unsigned char rundata[2973];
+  unsigned char rundata[];
 } font = {
   .width = 960,
   .height = 18,
diff --git a/minui/graphics.c b/minui/graphics.c
index 470e735..8f95175 100644
--- a/minui/graphics.c
+++ b/minui/graphics.c
@@ -29,34 +29,44 @@
 #include <linux/fb.h>
 #include <linux/kd.h>
-#include <time.h>
+#include <pixelflinger/pixelflinger.h>
 #include "font_10x18.h"
 #include "minui.h"
-#include "graphics.h"
+#if defined(RECOVERY_BGRA)
+#define PIXEL_SIZE   4
+#elif defined(RECOVERY_RGBX)
+#define PIXEL_SIZE   4
+#define PIXEL_SIZE   2
+#define NUM_BUFFERS 2
 typedef struct {
-    GRSurface* texture;
-    int cwidth;
-    int cheight;
+    GGLSurface* texture;
+    unsigned cwidth;
+    unsigned cheight;
 } GRFont;
-static GRFont* gr_font = NULL;
-static minui_backend* gr_backend = NULL;
+static GRFont *gr_font = 0;
+static GGLContext *gr_context = 0;
+static GGLSurface gr_font_texture;
+static GGLSurface gr_framebuffer[NUM_BUFFERS];
+static GGLSurface gr_mem_surface;
+static unsigned gr_active_fb = 0;
+static unsigned double_buffering = 0;
 static int overscan_percent = OVERSCAN_PERCENT;
 static int overscan_offset_x = 0;
 static int overscan_offset_y = 0;
+static int gr_fb_fd = -1;
 static int gr_vt_fd = -1;
-static unsigned char gr_current_r = 255;
-static unsigned char gr_current_g = 255;
-static unsigned char gr_current_b = 255;
-static unsigned char gr_current_a = 255;
-static GRSurface* gr_draw = NULL;
 static struct fb_var_screeninfo vi;
 static struct fb_fix_screeninfo fi;
@@ -157,6 +167,8 @@
     if (vi.yres * fi.line_length * 2 > fi.smem_len)
         return fd;
+    double_buffering = 1;
     fb->version = sizeof(*fb);
     fb->width = vi.xres;
     fb->height = vi.yres;
@@ -221,11 +233,6 @@
     gl->color4xv(gl, color);
-static bool outside(int x, int y)
-    return x < 0 || x >= gr_draw->width || y < 0 || y >= gr_draw->height;
 int gr_measure(const char *s)
     return gr_font->cwidth * strlen(s);
@@ -242,118 +249,58 @@
     return gr_text_impl(x, y, s, 0);
-static void text_blend(unsigned char* src_p, int src_row_bytes,
-                       unsigned char* dst_p, int dst_row_bytes,
-                       int width, int height)
-    int i, j;
-    for (j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
-        unsigned char* sx = src_p;
-        unsigned char* px = dst_p;
-        for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
-            unsigned char a = *sx++;
-            if (gr_current_a < 255) a = ((int)a * gr_current_a) / 255;
-            if (a == 255) {
-                *px++ = gr_current_r;
-                *px++ = gr_current_g;
-                *px++ = gr_current_b;
-                px++;
-            } else if (a > 0) {
-                *px = (*px * (255-a) + gr_current_r * a) / 255;
-                ++px;
-                *px = (*px * (255-a) + gr_current_g * a) / 255;
-                ++px;
-                *px = (*px * (255-a) + gr_current_b * a) / 255;
-                ++px;
-                ++px;
-            } else {
-                px += 4;
-            }
-        }
-        src_p += src_row_bytes;
-        dst_p += dst_row_bytes;
-    }
 int gr_text_impl(int x, int y, const char *s, int bold)
+    GGLContext *gl = gr_context;
     GRFont *font = gr_font;
     unsigned off;
-    if (!font->texture) return;
-    if (gr_current_a == 0) return;
+    if (!font->texture) return x;
     bold = bold && (font->texture->height != font->cheight);
     x += overscan_offset_x;
     y += overscan_offset_y;
+    gl->bindTexture(gl, font->texture);
+    gl->texGeni(gl, GGL_S, GGL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, GGL_ONE_TO_ONE);
+    gl->texGeni(gl, GGL_T, GGL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, GGL_ONE_TO_ONE);
+    gl->enable(gl, GGL_TEXTURE_2D);
     while((off = *s++)) {
         off -= 32;
-        if (outside(x, y) || outside(x+font->cwidth-1, y+font->cheight-1)) break;
         if (off < 96) {
-            unsigned char* src_p = font->texture->data + (off * font->cwidth) +
-                (bold ? font->cheight * font->texture->row_bytes : 0);
-            unsigned char* dst_p = gr_draw->data + y*gr_draw->row_bytes + x*gr_draw->pixel_bytes;
-            text_blend(src_p, font->texture->row_bytes,
-                       dst_p, gr_draw->row_bytes,
-                       font->cwidth, font->cheight);
+            gl->texCoord2i(gl, (off * font->cwidth) - x,
+                           (bold ? font->cheight : 0) - y);
+            gl->recti(gl, x, y, x + font->cwidth, y + font->cheight);
         x += font->cwidth;
+    return x;
-void gr_texticon(int x, int y, GRSurface* icon) {
-    if (icon == NULL) return;
-    if (icon->pixel_bytes != 1) {
-        printf("gr_texticon: source has wrong format\n");
+void gr_texticon(int x, int y, gr_surface icon) {
+    if (gr_context == NULL || icon == NULL) {
+    GGLContext* gl = gr_context;
     x += overscan_offset_x;
     y += overscan_offset_y;
-    if (outside(x, y) || outside(x+icon->width-1, y+icon->height-1)) return;
+    gl->bindTexture(gl, (GGLSurface*) icon);
+    gl->texGeni(gl, GGL_S, GGL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, GGL_ONE_TO_ONE);
+    gl->texGeni(gl, GGL_T, GGL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, GGL_ONE_TO_ONE);
+    gl->enable(gl, GGL_TEXTURE_2D);
-    unsigned char* src_p = icon->data;
-    unsigned char* dst_p = gr_draw->data + y*gr_draw->row_bytes + x*gr_draw->pixel_bytes;
+    int w = gr_get_width(icon);
+    int h = gr_get_height(icon);
-    text_blend(src_p, icon->row_bytes,
-               dst_p, gr_draw->row_bytes,
-               icon->width, icon->height);
-void gr_color(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)
-    gr_current_r = r;
-    gr_current_g = g;
-    gr_current_b = b;
-    gr_current_a = a;
-void gr_clear()
-    if (gr_current_r == gr_current_g &&
-        gr_current_r == gr_current_b) {
-        memset(gr_draw->data, gr_current_r, gr_draw->height * gr_draw->row_bytes);
-    } else {
-        int x, y;
-        unsigned char* px = gr_draw->data;
-        for (y = 0; y < gr_draw->height; ++y) {
-            for (x = 0; x < gr_draw->width; ++x) {
-                *px++ = gr_current_r;
-                *px++ = gr_current_g;
-                *px++ = gr_current_b;
-                px++;
-            }
-            px += gr_draw->row_bytes - (gr_draw->width * gr_draw->pixel_bytes);
-        }
-    }
+    gl->texCoord2i(gl, -x, -y);
+    gl->recti(gl, x, y, x+gr_get_width(icon), y+gr_get_height(icon));
 void gr_fill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
@@ -364,82 +311,48 @@
     x2 += overscan_offset_x;
     y2 += overscan_offset_y;
-    if (outside(x1, y1) || outside(x2-1, y2-1)) return;
-    unsigned char* p = gr_draw->data + y1 * gr_draw->row_bytes + x1 * gr_draw->pixel_bytes;
-    if (gr_current_a == 255) {
-        int x, y;
-        for (y = y1; y < y2; ++y) {
-            unsigned char* px = p;
-            for (x = x1; x < x2; ++x) {
-                *px++ = gr_current_r;
-                *px++ = gr_current_g;
-                *px++ = gr_current_b;
-                px++;
-            }
-            p += gr_draw->row_bytes;
-        }
-    } else if (gr_current_a > 0) {
-        int x, y;
-        for (y = y1; y < y2; ++y) {
-            unsigned char* px = p;
-            for (x = x1; x < x2; ++x) {
-                *px = (*px * (255-gr_current_a) + gr_current_r * gr_current_a) / 255;
-                ++px;
-                *px = (*px * (255-gr_current_a) + gr_current_g * gr_current_a) / 255;
-                ++px;
-                *px = (*px * (255-gr_current_a) + gr_current_b * gr_current_a) / 255;
-                ++px;
-                ++px;
-            }
-            p += gr_draw->row_bytes;
-        }
-    }
+    GGLContext *gl = gr_context;
+    gl->disable(gl, GGL_TEXTURE_2D);
+    gl->recti(gl, x1, y1, x2, y2);
-void gr_blit(GRSurface* source, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int dx, int dy) {
-    if (source == NULL) return;
-    if (gr_draw->pixel_bytes != source->pixel_bytes) {
-        printf("gr_blit: source has wrong format\n");
+void gr_blit(gr_surface source, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int dx, int dy) {
+    if (gr_context == NULL || source == NULL) {
+    GGLContext *gl = gr_context;
     dx += overscan_offset_x;
     dy += overscan_offset_y;
-    if (outside(dx, dy) || outside(dx+w-1, dy+h-1)) return;
-    unsigned char* src_p = source->data + sy*source->row_bytes + sx*source->pixel_bytes;
-    unsigned char* dst_p = gr_draw->data + dy*gr_draw->row_bytes + dx*gr_draw->pixel_bytes;
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < h; ++i) {
-        memcpy(dst_p, src_p, w * source->pixel_bytes);
-        src_p += source->row_bytes;
-        dst_p += gr_draw->row_bytes;
-    }
+    gl->bindTexture(gl, (GGLSurface*) source);
+    gl->texGeni(gl, GGL_S, GGL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, GGL_ONE_TO_ONE);
+    gl->texGeni(gl, GGL_T, GGL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, GGL_ONE_TO_ONE);
+    gl->enable(gl, GGL_TEXTURE_2D);
+    gl->texCoord2i(gl, sx - dx, sy - dy);
+    gl->recti(gl, dx, dy, dx + w, dy + h);
-unsigned int gr_get_width(GRSurface* surface) {
+unsigned int gr_get_width(gr_surface surface) {
     if (surface == NULL) {
         return 0;
-    return surface->width;
+    return ((GGLSurface*) surface)->width;
-unsigned int gr_get_height(GRSurface* surface) {
+unsigned int gr_get_height(gr_surface surface) {
     if (surface == NULL) {
         return 0;
-    return surface->height;
+    return ((GGLSurface*) surface)->height;
 static void gr_init_font(void)
     gr_font = calloc(sizeof(*gr_font), 1);
-    int res = res_create_alpha_surface("font", &(gr_font->texture));
+    int res = res_create_surface("font", (void**)&(gr_font->texture));
     if (res == 0) {
         // The font image should be a 96x2 array of character images.  The
         // columns are the printable ASCII characters 0x20 - 0x7f.  The
@@ -453,8 +366,7 @@
         gr_font->texture = malloc(sizeof(*gr_font->texture));
         gr_font->texture->width = font.width;
         gr_font->texture->height = font.height;
-        gr_font->texture->row_bytes = font.width;
-        gr_font->texture->pixel_bytes = 1;
+        gr_font->texture->stride = font.width;
         unsigned char* bits = malloc(font.width * font.height);
         gr_font->texture->data = (void*) bits;
@@ -469,65 +381,17 @@
         gr_font->cwidth = font.cwidth;
         gr_font->cheight = font.cheight;
-#if 0
-// Exercises many of the gr_*() functions; useful for testing.
-static void gr_test() {
-    GRSurface** images;
-    int frames;
-    int result = res_create_multi_surface("icon_installing", &frames, &images);
-    if (result < 0) {
-        printf("create surface %d\n", result);
-        gr_exit();
-        return;
-    }
-    time_t start = time(NULL);
-    int x;
-    for (x = 0; x <= 1200; ++x) {
-        if (x < 400) {
-            gr_color(0, 0, 0, 255);
-        } else {
-            gr_color(0, (x-400)%128, 0, 255);
-        }
-        gr_clear();
-        gr_color(255, 0, 0, 255);
-        gr_surface frame = images[x%frames];
-        gr_blit(frame, 0, 0, frame->width, frame->height, x, 0);
-        gr_color(255, 0, 0, 128);
-        gr_fill(400, 150, 600, 350);
-        gr_color(255, 255, 255, 255);
-        gr_text(500, 225, "hello, world!", 0);
-        gr_color(255, 255, 0, 128);
-        gr_text(300+x, 275, "pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs", 1);
-        gr_color(0, 0, 255, 128);
-        gr_fill(gr_draw->width - 200 - x, 300, gr_draw->width - x, 500);
-        gr_draw = gr_backend->flip(gr_backend);
-    }
-    printf("getting end time\n");
-    time_t end = time(NULL);
-    printf("got end time\n");
-    printf("start %ld end %ld\n", (long)start, (long)end);
-    if (end > start) {
-        printf("%.2f fps\n", ((double)x) / (end-start));
-    }
-void gr_flip() {
-    gr_draw = gr_backend->flip(gr_backend);
+    // interpret the grayscale as alpha
+    gr_font->texture->format = GGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_A_8;
 int gr_init(void)
-    gr_init_font();
+    gglInit(&gr_context);
+    GGLContext *gl = gr_context;
+    gr_init_font();
     gr_vt_fd = open("/dev/tty0", O_RDWR | O_SYNC);
     if (gr_vt_fd < 0) {
         // This is non-fatal; post-Cupcake kernels don't have tty0.
@@ -539,12 +403,10 @@
         return -1;
-    gr_backend = open_adf();
-    if (gr_backend) {
-        gr_draw = gr_backend->init(gr_backend);
-        if (!gr_draw) {
-            gr_backend->exit(gr_backend);
-        }
+    gr_fb_fd = get_framebuffer(gr_framebuffer);
+    if (gr_fb_fd < 0) {
+        gr_exit();
+        return -1;
@@ -558,19 +420,12 @@
     gl->colorBuffer(gl, &gr_mem_surface);
-    if (!gr_draw) {
-        gr_backend = open_fbdev();
-        gr_draw = gr_backend->init(gr_backend);
-        if (gr_draw == NULL) {
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
+    gl->activeTexture(gl, 0);
+    gl->enable(gl, GGL_BLEND);
+    gl->blendFunc(gl, GGL_SRC_ALPHA, GGL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
-    overscan_offset_x = gr_draw->width * overscan_percent / 100;
-    overscan_offset_y = gr_draw->height * overscan_percent / 100;
-    gr_flip();
-    gr_flip();
+    gr_fb_blank(true);
+    gr_fb_blank(false);
     if (!alloc_ion_mem(fi.line_length * vi.yres))
         allocate_overlay(gr_fb_fd, gr_framebuffer);
@@ -588,8 +443,6 @@
-    gr_backend->exit(gr_backend);
     ioctl(gr_vt_fd, KDSETMODE, (void*) KD_TEXT);
     gr_vt_fd = -1;
@@ -597,12 +450,17 @@
 int gr_fb_width(void)
-    return gr_draw->width - 2*overscan_offset_x;
+    return gr_framebuffer[0].width - 2*overscan_offset_x;
 int gr_fb_height(void)
-    return gr_draw->height - 2*overscan_offset_y;
+    return gr_framebuffer[0].height - 2*overscan_offset_y;
+gr_pixel *gr_fb_data(void)
+    return (unsigned short *);
 void gr_fb_blank(bool blank)
@@ -620,11 +478,14 @@
     write(fd, blank ? "000" : brightness, 3);
-    gr_backend->blank(gr_backend, blank);
+    int ret;
     if (blank)
+    ret = ioctl(gr_fb_fd, FBIOBLANK, blank ? FB_BLANK_POWERDOWN : FB_BLANK_UNBLANK);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        perror("ioctl(): blank");
     if (!blank)
         allocate_overlay(gr_fb_fd, gr_framebuffer);
diff --git a/minui/graphics.h b/minui/graphics.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 993e986..0000000
--- a/minui/graphics.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef _GRAPHICS_H_
-#define _GRAPHICS_H_
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include "minui.h"
-typedef struct minui_backend {
-    // Initializes the backend and returns a gr_surface to draw into.
-    gr_surface (*init)(struct minui_backend*);
-    // Causes the current drawing surface (returned by the most recent
-    // call to flip() or init()) to be displayed, and returns a new
-    // drawing surface.
-    gr_surface (*flip)(struct minui_backend*);
-    // Blank (or unblank) the screen.
-    void (*blank)(struct minui_backend*, bool);
-    // Device cleanup when drawing is done.
-    void (*exit)(struct minui_backend*);
-} minui_backend;
-minui_backend* open_fbdev();
-minui_backend* open_adf();
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/minui/graphics_adf.c b/minui/graphics_adf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ac6d64e..0000000
--- a/minui/graphics_adf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/cdefs.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <adf/adf.h>
-#include "graphics.h"
-struct adf_surface_pdata {
-    GRSurface base;
-    int fd;
-    __u32 offset;
-    __u32 pitch;
-struct adf_pdata {
-    minui_backend base;
-    int intf_fd;
-    adf_id_t eng_id;
-    __u32 format;
-    unsigned int current_surface;
-    unsigned int n_surfaces;
-    struct adf_surface_pdata surfaces[2];
-static gr_surface adf_flip(struct minui_backend *backend);
-static void adf_blank(struct minui_backend *backend, bool blank);
-static int adf_surface_init(struct adf_pdata *pdata,
-        struct drm_mode_modeinfo *mode, struct adf_surface_pdata *surf)
-    memset(surf, 0, sizeof(*surf));
-    surf->fd = adf_interface_simple_buffer_alloc(pdata->intf_fd, mode->hdisplay,
-            mode->vdisplay, pdata->format, &surf->offset, &surf->pitch);
-    if (surf->fd < 0)
-        return surf->fd;
-    surf->base.width = mode->hdisplay;
-    surf->base.height = mode->vdisplay;
-    surf->base.row_bytes = surf->pitch;
-    surf->base.pixel_bytes = (pdata->format == DRM_FORMAT_RGB565) ? 2 : 4;
-    surf-> = mmap(NULL, surf->pitch * surf->base.height, PROT_WRITE,
-            MAP_SHARED, surf->fd, surf->offset);
-    if (surf-> == MAP_FAILED) {
-        close(surf->fd);
-        return -errno;
-    }
-    return 0;
-static int adf_interface_init(struct adf_pdata *pdata)
-    struct adf_interface_data intf_data;
-    int ret = 0;
-    int err;
-    err = adf_get_interface_data(pdata->intf_fd, &intf_data);
-    if (err < 0)
-        return err;
-    err = adf_surface_init(pdata, &intf_data.current_mode, &pdata->surfaces[0]);
-    if (err < 0) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "allocating surface 0 failed: %s\n", strerror(-err));
-        ret = err;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    err = adf_surface_init(pdata, &intf_data.current_mode,
-            &pdata->surfaces[1]);
-    if (err < 0) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "allocating surface 1 failed: %s\n", strerror(-err));
-        memset(&pdata->surfaces[1], 0, sizeof(pdata->surfaces[1]));
-        pdata->n_surfaces = 1;
-    } else {
-        pdata->n_surfaces = 2;
-    }
-    adf_free_interface_data(&intf_data);
-    return ret;
-static int adf_device_init(struct adf_pdata *pdata, struct adf_device *dev)
-    adf_id_t intf_id;
-    int intf_fd;
-    int err;
-    err = adf_find_simple_post_configuration(dev, &pdata->format, 1, &intf_id,
-            &pdata->eng_id);
-    if (err < 0)
-        return err;
-    err = adf_device_attach(dev, pdata->eng_id, intf_id);
-    if (err < 0 && err != -EALREADY)
-        return err;
-    pdata->intf_fd = adf_interface_open(dev, intf_id, O_RDWR);
-    if (pdata->intf_fd < 0)
-        return pdata->intf_fd;
-    err = adf_interface_init(pdata);
-    if (err < 0) {
-        close(pdata->intf_fd);
-        pdata->intf_fd = -1;
-    }
-    return err;
-static gr_surface adf_init(minui_backend *backend)
-    struct adf_pdata *pdata = (struct adf_pdata *)backend;
-    adf_id_t *dev_ids = NULL;
-    ssize_t n_dev_ids, i;
-    gr_surface ret;
-#if defined(RECOVERY_BGRA)
-    pdata->format = DRM_FORMAT_BGRA8888;
-#elif defined(RECOVERY_RGBX)
-    pdata->format = DRM_FORMAT_RGBX8888;
-    pdata->format = DRM_FORMAT_RGB565;
-    n_dev_ids = adf_devices(&dev_ids);
-    if (n_dev_ids == 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    } else if (n_dev_ids < 0) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "enumerating adf devices failed: %s\n",
-                strerror(-n_dev_ids));
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    pdata->intf_fd = -1;
-    for (i = 0; i < n_dev_ids && pdata->intf_fd < 0; i++) {
-        struct adf_device dev;
-        int err = adf_device_open(dev_ids[i], O_RDWR, &dev);
-        if (err < 0) {
-            fprintf(stderr, "opening adf device %u failed: %s\n", dev_ids[i],
-                    strerror(-err));
-            continue;
-        }
-        err = adf_device_init(pdata, &dev);
-        if (err < 0)
-            fprintf(stderr, "initializing adf device %u failed: %s\n",
-                    dev_ids[i], strerror(-err));
-        adf_device_close(&dev);
-    }
-    free(dev_ids);
-    if (pdata->intf_fd < 0)
-        return NULL;
-    ret = adf_flip(backend);
-    adf_blank(backend, true);
-    adf_blank(backend, false);
-    return ret;
-static gr_surface adf_flip(struct minui_backend *backend)
-    struct adf_pdata *pdata = (struct adf_pdata *)backend;
-    struct adf_surface_pdata *surf = &pdata->surfaces[pdata->current_surface];
-    int fence_fd = adf_interface_simple_post(pdata->intf_fd, pdata->eng_id,
-            surf->base.width, surf->base.height, pdata->format, surf->fd,
-            surf->offset, surf->pitch, -1);
-    if (fence_fd >= 0)
-        close(fence_fd);
-    pdata->current_surface = (pdata->current_surface + 1) % pdata->n_surfaces;
-    return &pdata->surfaces[pdata->current_surface].base;
-static void adf_blank(struct minui_backend *backend, bool blank)
-    struct adf_pdata *pdata = (struct adf_pdata *)backend;
-    adf_interface_blank(pdata->intf_fd,
-            blank ? DRM_MODE_DPMS_OFF : DRM_MODE_DPMS_ON);
-static void adf_surface_destroy(struct adf_surface_pdata *surf)
-    munmap(surf->, surf->pitch * surf->base.height);
-    close(surf->fd);
-static void adf_exit(struct minui_backend *backend)
-    struct adf_pdata *pdata = (struct adf_pdata *)backend;
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < pdata->n_surfaces; i++)
-        adf_surface_destroy(&pdata->surfaces[i]);
-    if (pdata->intf_fd >= 0)
-        close(pdata->intf_fd);
-    free(pdata);
-minui_backend *open_adf()
-    struct adf_pdata *pdata = calloc(1, sizeof(*pdata));
-    if (!pdata) {
-        perror("allocating adf backend failed");
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    pdata->base.init = adf_init;
-    pdata->base.flip = adf_flip;
-    pdata->base.blank = adf_blank;
-    pdata->base.exit = adf_exit;
-    return &pdata->base;
diff --git a/minui/graphics_fbdev.c b/minui/graphics_fbdev.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c0c1bcb..0000000
--- a/minui/graphics_fbdev.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/cdefs.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <linux/fb.h>
-#include <linux/kd.h>
-#include "minui.h"
-#include "graphics.h"
-static gr_surface fbdev_init(minui_backend*);
-static gr_surface fbdev_flip(minui_backend*);
-static void fbdev_blank(minui_backend*, bool);
-static void fbdev_exit(minui_backend*);
-static GRSurface gr_framebuffer[2];
-static bool double_buffered;
-static GRSurface* gr_draw = NULL;
-static int displayed_buffer;
-static struct fb_var_screeninfo vi;
-static int fb_fd = -1;
-static minui_backend my_backend = {
-    .init = fbdev_init,
-    .flip = fbdev_flip,
-    .blank = fbdev_blank,
-    .exit = fbdev_exit,
-minui_backend* open_fbdev() {
-    return &my_backend;
-static void fbdev_blank(minui_backend* backend __unused, bool blank)
-    int ret;
-    ret = ioctl(fb_fd, FBIOBLANK, blank ? FB_BLANK_POWERDOWN : FB_BLANK_UNBLANK);
-    if (ret < 0)
-        perror("ioctl(): blank");
-static void set_displayed_framebuffer(unsigned n)
-    if (n > 1 || !double_buffered) return;
-    vi.yres_virtual = gr_framebuffer[0].height * 2;
-    vi.yoffset = n * gr_framebuffer[0].height;
-    vi.bits_per_pixel = gr_framebuffer[0].pixel_bytes * 8;
-    if (ioctl(fb_fd, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &vi) < 0) {
-        perror("active fb swap failed");
-    }
-    displayed_buffer = n;
-static gr_surface fbdev_init(minui_backend* backend) {
-    int fd;
-    void *bits;
-    struct fb_fix_screeninfo fi;
-    fd = open("/dev/graphics/fb0", O_RDWR);
-    if (fd < 0) {
-        perror("cannot open fb0");
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &fi) < 0) {
-        perror("failed to get fb0 info");
-        close(fd);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vi) < 0) {
-        perror("failed to get fb0 info");
-        close(fd);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    // We print this out for informational purposes only, but
-    // throughout we assume that the framebuffer device uses an RGBX
-    // pixel format.  This is the case for every development device I
-    // have access to.  For some of those devices (eg, hammerhead aka
-    // Nexus 5), FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO *reports* that it wants a
-    // different format (XBGR) but actually produces the correct
-    // results on the display when you write RGBX.
-    //
-    // If you have a device that actually *needs* another pixel format
-    // (ie, BGRX, or 565), patches welcome...
-    printf("fb0 reports (possibly inaccurate):\n"
-           "  vi.bits_per_pixel = %d\n"
-           "   = %3d   .length = %3d\n"
-           " = %3d   .length = %3d\n"
-           "  = %3d   .length = %3d\n",
-           vi.bits_per_pixel,
- ,,
- ,,
- ,;
-    bits = mmap(0, fi.smem_len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
-    if (bits == MAP_FAILED) {
-        perror("failed to mmap framebuffer");
-        close(fd);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    memset(bits, 0, fi.smem_len);
-    gr_framebuffer[0].width = vi.xres;
-    gr_framebuffer[0].height = vi.yres;
-    gr_framebuffer[0].row_bytes = fi.line_length;
-    gr_framebuffer[0].pixel_bytes = vi.bits_per_pixel / 8;
-    gr_framebuffer[0].data = bits;
-    memset(gr_framebuffer[0].data, 0, gr_framebuffer[0].height * gr_framebuffer[0].row_bytes);
-    /* check if we can use double buffering */
-    if (vi.yres * fi.line_length * 2 <= fi.smem_len) {
-        double_buffered = true;
-        memcpy(gr_framebuffer+1, gr_framebuffer, sizeof(GRSurface));
-        gr_framebuffer[1].data = gr_framebuffer[0].data +
-            gr_framebuffer[0].height * gr_framebuffer[0].row_bytes;
-        gr_draw = gr_framebuffer+1;
-    } else {
-        double_buffered = false;
-        // Without double-buffering, we allocate RAM for a buffer to
-        // draw in, and then "flipping" the buffer consists of a
-        // memcpy from the buffer we allocated to the framebuffer.
-        gr_draw = (GRSurface*) malloc(sizeof(GRSurface));
-        memcpy(gr_draw, gr_framebuffer, sizeof(GRSurface));
-        gr_draw->data = (unsigned char*) malloc(gr_draw->height * gr_draw->row_bytes);
-        if (!gr_draw->data) {
-            perror("failed to allocate in-memory surface");
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    memset(gr_draw->data, 0, gr_draw->height * gr_draw->row_bytes);
-    fb_fd = fd;
-    set_displayed_framebuffer(0);
-    printf("framebuffer: %d (%d x %d)\n", fb_fd, gr_draw->width, gr_draw->height);
-    fbdev_blank(backend, true);
-    fbdev_blank(backend, false);
-    return gr_draw;
-static gr_surface fbdev_flip(minui_backend* backend __unused) {
-    if (double_buffered) {
-        // Change gr_draw to point to the buffer currently displayed,
-        // then flip the driver so we're displaying the other buffer
-        // instead.
-        gr_draw = gr_framebuffer + displayed_buffer;
-        set_displayed_framebuffer(1-displayed_buffer);
-    } else {
-        // Copy from the in-memory surface to the framebuffer.
-#if defined(RECOVERY_BGRA)
-        unsigned int idx;
-        unsigned char* ucfb_vaddr = (unsigned char*)gr_framebuffer[0].data;
-        unsigned char* ucbuffer_vaddr = (unsigned char*)gr_draw->data;
-        for (idx = 0 ; idx < (gr_draw->height * gr_draw->row_bytes); idx += 4) {
-            ucfb_vaddr[idx    ] = ucbuffer_vaddr[idx + 2];
-            ucfb_vaddr[idx + 1] = ucbuffer_vaddr[idx + 1];
-            ucfb_vaddr[idx + 2] = ucbuffer_vaddr[idx    ];
-            ucfb_vaddr[idx + 3] = ucbuffer_vaddr[idx + 3];
-        }
-        memcpy(gr_framebuffer[0].data, gr_draw->data,
-               gr_draw->height * gr_draw->row_bytes);
-    }
-    return gr_draw;
-static void fbdev_exit(minui_backend* backend __unused) {
-    close(fb_fd);
-    fb_fd = -1;
-    if (!double_buffered && gr_draw) {
-        free(gr_draw->data);
-        free(gr_draw);
-    }
-    gr_draw = NULL;
diff --git a/minui/minui.h b/minui/minui.h
index 8228248..103318a 100644
--- a/minui/minui.h
+++ b/minui/minui.h
@@ -17,34 +17,24 @@
 #ifndef _MINUI_H_
 #define _MINUI_H_
-#include <sys/types.h>
 #include <stdbool.h>
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
-typedef struct {
-    int width;
-    int height;
-    int row_bytes;
-    int pixel_bytes;
-    unsigned char* data;
-} GRSurface;
-typedef GRSurface* gr_surface;
+typedef void* gr_surface;
+typedef unsigned short gr_pixel;
 int gr_init(void);
 void gr_exit(void);
 int gr_fb_width(void);
 int gr_fb_height(void);
+gr_pixel *gr_fb_data(void);
 void gr_flip(void);
 void gr_fb_blank(bool blank);
-void gr_clear();  // clear entire surface to current color
 void gr_color(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a);
 void gr_fill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
@@ -53,7 +43,7 @@
 int gr_text(int x, int y, const char *s, ...);
 int gr_text_impl(int x, int y, const char *s, int bold);
-void gr_texticon(int x, int y, gr_surface icon);
+ void gr_texticon(int x, int y, gr_surface icon);
 int gr_measure(const char *s);
 void gr_font_size(int *x, int *y);
 void gr_get_memory_surface(gr_surface);
@@ -66,7 +56,7 @@
 // see for info.
 struct input_event;
-typedef int (*ev_callback)(int fd, uint32_t epevents, void *data);
+typedef int (*ev_callback)(int fd, short revents, void *data);
 typedef int (*ev_set_key_callback)(int code, int value, void *data);
 int ev_init(ev_callback input_cb, void *data);
@@ -81,46 +71,14 @@
 int ev_wait(int timeout);
-int ev_get_input(int fd, uint32_t epevents, struct input_event *ev);
+int ev_get_input(int fd, short revents, struct input_event *ev);
 void ev_dispatch(void);
-int ev_get_epollfd(void);
 // Resources
-// res_create_*_surface() functions return 0 if no error, else
-// negative.
-// A "display" surface is one that is intended to be drawn to the
-// screen with gr_blit().  An "alpha" surface is a grayscale image
-// interpreted as an alpha mask used to render text in the current
-// color (with gr_text() or gr_texticon()).
-// All these functions load PNG images from "/res/images/${name}.png".
-// Load a single display surface from a PNG image.
-int res_create_display_surface(const char* name, gr_surface* pSurface);
-// Load an array of display surfaces from a single PNG image.  The PNG
-// should have a 'Frames' text chunk whose value is the number of
-// frames this image represents.  The pixel data itself is interlaced
-// by row.
-int res_create_multi_display_surface(const char* name,
-                                     int* frames, gr_surface** pSurface);
-// Load a single alpha surface from a grayscale PNG image.
-int res_create_alpha_surface(const char* name, gr_surface* pSurface);
-// Load part of a grayscale PNG image that is the first match for the
-// given locale.  The image is expected to be a composite of multiple
-// translations of the same text, with special added rows that encode
-// the subimages' size and intended locale in the pixel data.  See
-// development/tools/recovery_l10n for an app that will generate these
-// specialized images from Android resources.
-int res_create_localized_alpha_surface(const char* name, const char* locale,
-                                       gr_surface* pSurface);
-// Free a surface allocated by any of the res_create_*_surface()
-// functions.
+// Returns 0 if no error, else negative.
+int res_create_surface(const char* name, gr_surface* pSurface);
+int res_create_localized_surface(const char* name, gr_surface* pSurface);
 void res_free_surface(gr_surface surface);
 static inline int res_create_display_surface(const char* name, gr_surface* pSurface) {
     return res_create_surface(name, pSurface);
diff --git a/minui/resources.c b/minui/resources.c
index 92a3d31..064325e 100644
--- a/minui/resources.c
+++ b/minui/resources.c
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
 #include <linux/fb.h>
 #include <linux/kd.h>
+#include <pixelflinger/pixelflinger.h>
 #include <png.h>
 #include "minui.h"
@@ -37,22 +39,23 @@
 extern char* locale;
-static gr_surface malloc_surface(size_t data_size) {
-    unsigned char* temp = malloc(sizeof(GRSurface) + data_size + SURFACE_DATA_ALIGNMENT);
-    if (temp == NULL) return NULL;
-    gr_surface surface = (gr_surface) temp;
-    surface->data = temp + sizeof(GRSurface) +
-    return surface;
+// libpng gives "undefined reference to 'pow'" errors, and I have no
+// idea how to convince the build system to link with -lm.  We don't
+// need this functionality (it's used for gamma adjustment) so provide
+// a dummy implementation to satisfy the linker.
+double pow(double x, double y) {
+    return x * y;
-static int open_png(const char* name, png_structp* png_ptr, png_infop* info_ptr,
-                    png_uint_32* width, png_uint_32* height, png_byte* channels) {
+int res_create_surface(const char* name, gr_surface* pSurface) {
     char resPath[256];
-    unsigned char header[8];
+    GGLSurface* surface = NULL;
     int result = 0;
+    unsigned char header[8];
+    png_structp png_ptr = NULL;
+    png_infop info_ptr = NULL;
+    *pSurface = NULL;
     snprintf(resPath, sizeof(resPath)-1, "/res/images/%s.png", name);
     resPath[sizeof(resPath)-1] = '\0';
@@ -73,286 +76,117 @@
         goto exit;
-    *png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-    if (!*png_ptr) {
+    png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    if (!png_ptr) {
         result = -4;
         goto exit;
-    *info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(*png_ptr);
-    if (!*info_ptr) {
+    info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
+    if (!info_ptr) {
         result = -5;
         goto exit;
-    if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(*png_ptr))) {
+    if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
         result = -6;
         goto exit;
-    png_init_io(*png_ptr, fp);
-    png_set_sig_bytes(*png_ptr, sizeof(header));
-    png_read_info(*png_ptr, *info_ptr);
+    png_init_io(png_ptr, fp);
+    png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, sizeof(header));
+    png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
     int color_type, bit_depth;
-    png_get_IHDR(*png_ptr, *info_ptr, width, height, &bit_depth,
+    size_t width, height;
+    png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, width, height, &bit_depth,
             &color_type, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-    *channels = png_get_channels(*png_ptr, *info_ptr);
+    png_byte* channels = png_get_channels(png_ptr, info_ptr);
-    if (bit_depth == 8 && *channels == 3 && color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB) {
-        // 8-bit RGB images: great, nothing to do.
-    } else if (bit_depth <= 8 && *channels == 1 && color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY) {
-        // 1-, 2-, 4-, or 8-bit gray images: expand to 8-bit gray.
-        png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8(*png_ptr);
-    } else if (bit_depth <= 8 && *channels == 1 && color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) {
-        // paletted images: expand to 8-bit RGB.  Note that we DON'T
-        // currently expand the tRNS chunk (if any) to an alpha
-        // channel, because minui doesn't support alpha channels in
-        // general.
-        png_set_palette_to_rgb(*png_ptr);
-        *channels = 3;
-    } else {
-        fprintf(stderr, "minui doesn't support PNG depth %d channels %d color_type %d\n",
-                bit_depth, *channels, color_type);
-        result = -7;
+    if (!(bit_depth == 8 &&
+          ((channels == 3 && color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB) ||
+           (channels == 4 && color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGBA) ||
+           (channels == 1 && (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE ||
+                              color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY))))) {
+        return -7;
         goto exit;
-    return result;
+    size_t stride = (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY ? 1 : 4) * width;
+    size_t pixelSize = stride * height;
-  exit:
-    if (result < 0) {
-        png_destroy_read_struct(png_ptr, info_ptr, NULL);
+    surface = malloc(sizeof(GGLSurface) + pixelSize);
+    if (surface == NULL) {
+        result = -8;
+        goto exit;
-    if (fp != NULL) {
-        fclose(fp);
-    }
-    return result;
-// "display" surfaces are transformed into the framebuffer's required
-// pixel format (currently only RGBX is supported) at load time, so
-// gr_blit() can be nothing more than a memcpy() for each row.  The
-// next two functions are the only ones that know anything about the
-// framebuffer pixel format; they need to be modified if the
-// framebuffer format changes (but nothing else should).
-// Allocate and return a gr_surface sufficient for storing an image of
-// the indicated size in the framebuffer pixel format.
-static gr_surface init_display_surface(png_uint_32 width, png_uint_32 height) {
-    gr_surface surface;
-    surface = malloc_surface(width * height * 4);
-    if (surface == NULL) return NULL;
+    unsigned char* pData = (unsigned char*) (surface + 1);
+    surface->version = sizeof(GGLSurface);
     surface->width = width;
     surface->height = height;
-    surface->row_bytes = width * 4;
-    surface->pixel_bytes = 4;
+    surface->stride = width; /* Yes, pixels, not bytes */
+    surface->data = pData;
+    surface->format = (channels == 3) ? GGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888 :
-    return surface;
-// Copy 'input_row' to 'output_row', transforming it to the
-// framebuffer pixel format.  The input format depends on the value of
-// 'channels':
-//   1 - input is 8-bit grayscale
-//   3 - input is 24-bit RGB
-//   4 - input is 32-bit RGBA/RGBX
-// 'width' is the number of pixels in the row.
-static void transform_rgb_to_draw(unsigned char* input_row,
-                                  unsigned char* output_row,
-                                  int channels, int width) {
-    int x;
-    unsigned char* ip = input_row;
-    unsigned char* op = output_row;
-    switch (channels) {
-        case 1:
-            // expand gray level to RGBX
-            for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
-                *op++ = *ip;
-                *op++ = *ip;
-                *op++ = *ip;
-                *op++ = 0xff;
-                ip++;
-            }
-            break;
-        case 3:
-            // expand RGBA to RGBX
-            for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
-                *op++ = *ip++;
-                *op++ = *ip++;
-                *op++ = *ip++;
-                *op++ = 0xff;
-            }
-            break;
-        case 4:
-            // copy RGBA to RGBX
-            memcpy(output_row, input_row, width*4);
-            break;
+    int alpha = 0;
+    if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) {
+        png_set_palette_to_rgb(png_ptr);
-int res_create_display_surface(const char* name, gr_surface* pSurface) {
-    gr_surface surface = NULL;
-    int result = 0;
-    png_structp png_ptr = NULL;
-    png_infop info_ptr = NULL;
-    png_uint_32 width, height;
-    png_byte channels;
-    *pSurface = NULL;
-    result = open_png(name, &png_ptr, &info_ptr, &width, &height, &channels);
-    if (result < 0) return result;
-    surface = init_display_surface(width, height);
-    if (surface == NULL) {
-        result = -8;
-        goto exit;
+    if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) {
+        png_set_tRNS_to_alpha(png_ptr);
+        alpha = 1;
+    }
+    if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY) {
+        alpha = 1;
-    unsigned char* p_row = malloc(width * 4);
     unsigned int y;
-    for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
-        png_read_row(png_ptr, p_row, NULL);
-        transform_rgb_to_draw(p_row, surface->data + y * surface->row_bytes, channels, width);
-    }
-    free(p_row);
+    if (channels == 3 || (channels == 1 && !alpha)) {
+        for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+            unsigned char* pRow = pData + y * stride;
+            png_read_row(png_ptr, pRow, NULL);
-    *pSurface = surface;
-  exit:
-    png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
-    if (result < 0 && surface != NULL) free(surface);
-    return result;
-int res_create_multi_display_surface(const char* name, int* frames, gr_surface** pSurface) {
-    gr_surface* surface = NULL;
-    int result = 0;
-    png_structp png_ptr = NULL;
-    png_infop info_ptr = NULL;
-    png_uint_32 width, height;
-    png_byte channels;
-    int i;
-    *pSurface = NULL;
-    *frames = -1;
-    result = open_png(name, &png_ptr, &info_ptr, &width, &height, &channels);
-    if (result < 0) return result;
-    *frames = 1;
-    png_textp text;
-    int num_text;
-    if (png_get_text(png_ptr, info_ptr, &text, &num_text)) {
-        for (i = 0; i < num_text; ++i) {
-            if (text[i].key && strcmp(text[i].key, "Frames") == 0 && text[i].text) {
-                *frames = atoi(text[i].text);
-                break;
+            int x;
+            for(x = width - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
+                int sx = x * 3;
+                int dx = x * 4;
+                unsigned char r = pRow[sx];
+                unsigned char g = pRow[sx + 1];
+                unsigned char b = pRow[sx + 2];
+                unsigned char a = 0xff;
+                pRow[dx    ] = r; // r
+                pRow[dx + 1] = g; // g
+                pRow[dx + 2] = b; // b
+                pRow[dx + 3] = a;
-        printf("  found frames = %d\n", *frames);
-    }
-    if (height % *frames != 0) {
-        printf("bad height (%d) for frame count (%d)\n", height, *frames);
-        result = -9;
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    surface = malloc(*frames * sizeof(gr_surface));
-    if (surface == NULL) {
-        result = -8;
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < *frames; ++i) {
-        surface[i] = init_display_surface(width, height / *frames);
-        if (surface[i] == NULL) {
-            result = -8;
-            goto exit;
+    } else {
+        for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+            unsigned char* pRow = pData + y * stride;
+            png_read_row(png_ptr, pRow, NULL);
-    unsigned char* p_row = malloc(width * 4);
-    unsigned int y;
-    for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
-        png_read_row(png_ptr, p_row, NULL);
-        int frame = y % *frames;
-        unsigned char* out_row = surface[frame]->data +
-            (y / *frames) * surface[frame]->row_bytes;
-        transform_rgb_to_draw(p_row, out_row, channels, width);
-    }
-    free(p_row);
-    *pSurface = (gr_surface*) surface;
+    *pSurface = (gr_surface) surface;
     png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
+    if (fp != NULL) {
+        fclose(fp);
+    }
     if (result < 0) {
         if (surface) {
-            for (i = 0; i < *frames; ++i) {
-                if (surface[i]) free(surface[i]);
-            }
     return result;
-int res_create_alpha_surface(const char* name, gr_surface* pSurface) {
-    gr_surface surface = NULL;
-    int result = 0;
-    png_structp png_ptr = NULL;
-    png_infop info_ptr = NULL;
-    png_uint_32 width, height;
-    png_byte channels;
-    *pSurface = NULL;
-    result = open_png(name, &png_ptr, &info_ptr, &width, &height, &channels);
-    if (result < 0) return result;
-    if (channels != 1) {
-        result = -7;
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    surface = malloc_surface(width * height);
-    if (surface == NULL) {
-        result = -8;
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    surface->width = width;
-    surface->height = height;
-    surface->row_bytes = width;
-    surface->pixel_bytes = 1;
-    unsigned char* p_row;
-    unsigned int y;
-    for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
-        p_row = surface->data + y * surface->row_bytes;
-        png_read_row(png_ptr, p_row, NULL);
-    }
-    *pSurface = surface;
-  exit:
-    png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
-    if (result < 0 && surface != NULL) free(surface);
-    return result;
-static int matches_locale(const char* loc, const char* locale) {
+static int matches_locale(const char* loc) {
     if (locale == NULL) return 0;
     if (strcmp(loc, locale) == 0) return 1;
@@ -369,61 +203,101 @@
     return (strncmp(locale, loc, i) == 0 && locale[i] == '_');
-int res_create_localized_alpha_surface(const char* name,
-                                       const char* locale,
-                                       gr_surface* pSurface) {
-    gr_surface surface = NULL;
+int res_create_localized_surface(const char* name, gr_surface* pSurface) {
+    char resPath[256];
+    GGLSurface* surface = NULL;
     int result = 0;
+    unsigned char header[8];
     png_structp png_ptr = NULL;
     png_infop info_ptr = NULL;
-    png_uint_32 width, height;
-    png_byte channels;
     *pSurface = NULL;
-    if (locale == NULL) {
-        surface = malloc_surface(0);
-        surface->width = 0;
-        surface->height = 0;
-        surface->row_bytes = 0;
-        surface->pixel_bytes = 1;
+    snprintf(resPath, sizeof(resPath)-1, "/res/images/%s.png", name);
+    resPath[sizeof(resPath)-1] = '\0';
+    FILE* fp = fopen(resPath, "rb");
+    if (fp == NULL) {
+        result = -1;
         goto exit;
-    result = open_png(name, &png_ptr, &info_ptr, &width, &height, &channels);
-    if (result < 0) return result;
+    size_t bytesRead = fread(header, 1, sizeof(header), fp);
+    if (bytesRead != sizeof(header)) {
+        result = -2;
+        goto exit;
+    }
-    if (channels != 1) {
-        result = -7;
+    if (png_sig_cmp(header, 0, sizeof(header))) {
+        result = -3;
+        goto exit;
+    }
+    png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    if (!png_ptr) {
+        result = -4;
+        goto exit;
+    }
+    info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
+    if (!info_ptr) {
+        result = -5;
+        goto exit;
+    }
+    if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
+        result = -6;
+        goto exit;
+    }
+    png_init_io(png_ptr, fp);
+    png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, sizeof(header));
+    png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
+    int color_type, bit_depth;
+    size_t width, height;
+    png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, width, height, &bit_depth,
+            &color_type, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    png_byte* channels = png_get_channels(png_ptr, info_ptr);
+    size_t stride = 4 * width;
+    if (!(bit_depth == 8 &&
+          (channels == 1 && color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY))) {
+        return -7;
         goto exit;
     unsigned char* row = malloc(width);
-    png_uint_32 y;
+    int y;
     for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
         png_read_row(png_ptr, row, NULL);
         int w = (row[1] << 8) | row[0];
         int h = (row[3] << 8) | row[2];
         int len = row[4];
-        char* loc = (char*)row+5;
+        char* loc = row+5;
-        if (y+1+h >= height || matches_locale(loc, locale)) {
+        if (y+1+h >= height || matches_locale(loc)) {
             printf("  %20s: %s (%d x %d @ %d)\n", name, loc, w, h, y);
-            surface = malloc_surface(w*h);
+            surface = malloc(sizeof(GGLSurface));
             if (surface == NULL) {
                 result = -8;
                 goto exit;
+            unsigned char* pData = malloc(w*h);
+            surface->version = sizeof(GGLSurface);
             surface->width = w;
             surface->height = h;
-            surface->row_bytes = w;
-            surface->pixel_bytes = 1;
+            surface->stride = w; /* Yes, pixels, not bytes */
+            surface->data = pData;
+            surface->format = GGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_A_8;
             int i;
             for (i = 0; i < h; ++i, ++y) {
                 png_read_row(png_ptr, row, NULL);
-                memcpy(surface->data + i*w, row, w);
+                memcpy(pData + i*w, row, w);
             *pSurface = (gr_surface) surface;
@@ -438,10 +312,21 @@
     png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
-    if (result < 0 && surface != NULL) free(surface);
+    if (fp != NULL) {
+        fclose(fp);
+    }
+    if (result < 0) {
+        if (surface) {
+            free(surface);
+        }
+    }
     return result;
 void res_free_surface(gr_surface surface) {
-    free(surface);
+    GGLSurface* pSurface = (GGLSurface*) surface;
+    if (pSurface) {
+        free(pSurface);
+    }