Add libtar to TWRP instead of using busybox tar
Add proper mkdosfs tool
Add fuse to TWRP
Add experimental exfat-fuse to TWRP
Convert all system() functions to use new Exec_Cmd function
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/boot.c b/dosfstools/src/boot.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbaee04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/boot.c
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+/* boot.c - Read and analyze ia PC/MS-DOS boot sector
+   Copyright (C) 1993 Werner Almesberger <>
+   Copyright (C) 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+/* FAT32, VFAT, Atari format support, and various fixes additions May 1998
+ * by Roman Hodek <> */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "common.h"
+#include "dosfsck.h"
+#include "fat.h"
+#include "io.h"
+#include "boot.h"
+#define ROUND_TO_MULTIPLE(n,m) ((n) && (m) ? (n)+(m)-1-((n)-1)%(m) : 0)
+    /* don't divide by zero */
+/* cut-over cluster counts for FAT12 and FAT16 */
+#define FAT12_THRESHOLD  4085
+#define FAT16_THRESHOLD 65525
+static struct {
+    __u8 media;
+    char *descr;
+} mediabytes[] = {
+    {
+    0xf0, "5.25\" or 3.5\" HD floppy"}, {
+    0xf8, "hard disk"}, {
+    0xf9, "3,5\" 720k floppy 2s/80tr/9sec or "
+	    "5.25\" 1.2M floppy 2s/80tr/15sec"}, {
+    0xfa, "5.25\" 320k floppy 1s/80tr/8sec"}, {
+    0xfb, "3.5\" 640k floppy 2s/80tr/8sec"}, {
+    0xfc, "5.25\" 180k floppy 1s/40tr/9sec"}, {
+    0xfd, "5.25\" 360k floppy 2s/40tr/9sec"}, {
+    0xfe, "5.25\" 160k floppy 1s/40tr/8sec"}, {
+0xff, "5.25\" 320k floppy 2s/40tr/8sec"},};
+#if defined __alpha || defined __arm || defined __arm__ || defined __ia64__ || defined __x86_64__ \
+ || defined __ppc64__ || defined __bfin__ || defined __MICROBLAZE__
+/* Unaligned fields must first be copied byte-wise */
+#define GET_UNALIGNED_W(f)			\
+    ({						\
+	unsigned short __v;			\
+	memcpy( &__v, &f, sizeof(__v) );	\
+	CF_LE_W( *(unsigned short *)&__v );	\
+    })
+#define GET_UNALIGNED_W(f) CF_LE_W( *(unsigned short *)&f )
+static char *get_media_descr(unsigned char media)
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(mediabytes) / sizeof(*mediabytes); ++i) {
+	if (mediabytes[i].media == media)
+	    return (mediabytes[i].descr);
+    }
+    return ("undefined");
+static void dump_boot(DOS_FS * fs, struct boot_sector *b, unsigned lss)
+    unsigned short sectors;
+    printf("Boot sector contents:\n");
+    if (!atari_format) {
+	char id[9];
+	strncpy(id, (const char *)b->system_id, 8);
+	id[8] = 0;
+	printf("System ID \"%s\"\n", id);
+    } else {
+	/* On Atari, a 24 bit serial number is stored at offset 8 of the boot
+	 * sector */
+	printf("Serial number 0x%x\n",
+	       b->system_id[5] | (b->
+				  system_id[6] << 8) | (b->system_id[7] << 16));
+    }
+    printf("Media byte 0x%02x (%s)\n", b->media, get_media_descr(b->media));
+    printf("%10d bytes per logical sector\n", GET_UNALIGNED_W(b->sector_size));
+    printf("%10d bytes per cluster\n", fs->cluster_size);
+    printf("%10d reserved sector%s\n", CF_LE_W(b->reserved),
+	   CF_LE_W(b->reserved) == 1 ? "" : "s");
+    printf("First FAT starts at byte %llu (sector %llu)\n",
+	   (unsigned long long)fs->fat_start,
+	   (unsigned long long)fs->fat_start / lss);
+    printf("%10d FATs, %d bit entries\n", b->fats, fs->fat_bits);
+    printf("%10d bytes per FAT (= %u sectors)\n", fs->fat_size,
+	   fs->fat_size / lss);
+    if (!fs->root_cluster) {
+	printf("Root directory starts at byte %llu (sector %llu)\n",
+	       (unsigned long long)fs->root_start,
+	       (unsigned long long)fs->root_start / lss);
+	printf("%10d root directory entries\n", fs->root_entries);
+    } else {
+	printf("Root directory start at cluster %lu (arbitrary size)\n",
+	       fs->root_cluster);
+    }
+    printf("Data area starts at byte %llu (sector %llu)\n",
+	   (unsigned long long)fs->data_start,
+	   (unsigned long long)fs->data_start / lss);
+    printf("%10lu data clusters (%llu bytes)\n", fs->clusters,
+	   (unsigned long long)fs->clusters * fs->cluster_size);
+    printf("%u sectors/track, %u heads\n", CF_LE_W(b->secs_track),
+	   CF_LE_W(b->heads));
+    printf("%10u hidden sectors\n", atari_format ?
+	   /* On Atari, the hidden field is only 16 bit wide and unused */
+	   (((unsigned char *)&b->hidden)[0] |
+	    ((unsigned char *)&b->hidden)[1] << 8) : CF_LE_L(b->hidden));
+    sectors = GET_UNALIGNED_W(b->sectors);
+    printf("%10u sectors total\n", sectors ? sectors : CF_LE_L(b->total_sect));
+static void check_backup_boot(DOS_FS * fs, struct boot_sector *b, int lss)
+    struct boot_sector b2;
+    if (!fs->backupboot_start) {
+	printf("There is no backup boot sector.\n");
+	if (CF_LE_W(b->reserved) < 3) {
+	    printf("And there is no space for creating one!\n");
+	    return;
+	}
+	if (interactive)
+	    printf("1) Create one\n2) Do without a backup\n");
+	else
+	    printf("  Auto-creating backup boot block.\n");
+	if (!interactive || get_key("12", "?") == '1') {
+	    int bbs;
+	    /* The usual place for the backup boot sector is sector 6. Choose
+	     * that or the last reserved sector. */
+	    if (CF_LE_W(b->reserved) >= 7 && CF_LE_W(b->info_sector) != 6)
+		bbs = 6;
+	    else {
+		bbs = CF_LE_W(b->reserved) - 1;
+		if (bbs == CF_LE_W(b->info_sector))
+		    --bbs;	/* this is never 0, as we checked reserved >= 3! */
+	    }
+	    fs->backupboot_start = bbs * lss;
+	    b->backup_boot = CT_LE_W(bbs);
+	    fs_write(fs->backupboot_start, sizeof(*b), b);
+	    fs_write((loff_t) offsetof(struct boot_sector, backup_boot),
+		     sizeof(b->backup_boot), &b->backup_boot);
+	    printf("Created backup of boot sector in sector %d\n", bbs);
+	    return;
+	} else
+	    return;
+    }
+    fs_read(fs->backupboot_start, sizeof(b2), &b2);
+    if (memcmp(b, &b2, sizeof(b2)) != 0) {
+	/* there are any differences */
+	__u8 *p, *q;
+	int i, pos, first = 1;
+	char buf[20];
+	printf("There are differences between boot sector and its backup.\n");
+	printf("Differences: (offset:original/backup)\n  ");
+	pos = 2;
+	for (p = (__u8 *) b, q = (__u8 *) & b2, i = 0; i < sizeof(b2);
+	     ++p, ++q, ++i) {
+	    if (*p != *q) {
+		sprintf(buf, "%s%u:%02x/%02x", first ? "" : ", ",
+			(unsigned)(p - (__u8 *) b), *p, *q);
+		if (pos + strlen(buf) > 78)
+		    printf("\n  "), pos = 2;
+		printf("%s", buf);
+		pos += strlen(buf);
+		first = 0;
+	    }
+	}
+	printf("\n");
+	if (interactive)
+	    printf("1) Copy original to backup\n"
+		   "2) Copy backup to original\n" "3) No action\n");
+	else
+	    printf("  Not automatically fixing this.\n");
+	switch (interactive ? get_key("123", "?") : '3') {
+	case '1':
+	    fs_write(fs->backupboot_start, sizeof(*b), b);
+	    break;
+	case '2':
+	    fs_write(0, sizeof(b2), &b2);
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+static void init_fsinfo(struct info_sector *i)
+    i->magic = CT_LE_L(0x41615252);
+    i->signature = CT_LE_L(0x61417272);
+    i->free_clusters = CT_LE_L(-1);
+    i->next_cluster = CT_LE_L(2);
+    i->boot_sign = CT_LE_W(0xaa55);
+static void read_fsinfo(DOS_FS * fs, struct boot_sector *b, int lss)
+    struct info_sector i;
+    if (!b->info_sector) {
+	printf("No FSINFO sector\n");
+	if (interactive)
+	    printf("1) Create one\n2) Do without FSINFO\n");
+	else
+	    printf("  Not automatically creating it.\n");
+	if (interactive && get_key("12", "?") == '1') {
+	    /* search for a free reserved sector (not boot sector and not
+	     * backup boot sector) */
+	    __u32 s;
+	    for (s = 1; s < CF_LE_W(b->reserved); ++s)
+		if (s != CF_LE_W(b->backup_boot))
+		    break;
+	    if (s > 0 && s < CF_LE_W(b->reserved)) {
+		init_fsinfo(&i);
+		fs_write((loff_t) s * lss, sizeof(i), &i);
+		b->info_sector = CT_LE_W(s);
+		fs_write((loff_t) offsetof(struct boot_sector, info_sector),
+			 sizeof(b->info_sector), &b->info_sector);
+		if (fs->backupboot_start)
+		    fs_write(fs->backupboot_start +
+			     offsetof(struct boot_sector, info_sector),
+			     sizeof(b->info_sector), &b->info_sector);
+	    } else {
+		printf("No free reserved sector found -- "
+		       "no space for FSINFO sector!\n");
+		return;
+	    }
+	} else
+	    return;
+    }
+    fs->fsinfo_start = CF_LE_W(b->info_sector) * lss;
+    fs_read(fs->fsinfo_start, sizeof(i), &i);
+    if (i.magic != CT_LE_L(0x41615252) ||
+	i.signature != CT_LE_L(0x61417272) || i.boot_sign != CT_LE_W(0xaa55)) {
+	printf("FSINFO sector has bad magic number(s):\n");
+	if (i.magic != CT_LE_L(0x41615252))
+	    printf("  Offset %llu: 0x%08x != expected 0x%08x\n",
+		   (unsigned long long)offsetof(struct info_sector, magic),
+		   CF_LE_L(i.magic), 0x41615252);
+	if (i.signature != CT_LE_L(0x61417272))
+	    printf("  Offset %llu: 0x%08x != expected 0x%08x\n",
+		   (unsigned long long)offsetof(struct info_sector, signature),
+		   CF_LE_L(i.signature), 0x61417272);
+	if (i.boot_sign != CT_LE_W(0xaa55))
+	    printf("  Offset %llu: 0x%04x != expected 0x%04x\n",
+		   (unsigned long long)offsetof(struct info_sector, boot_sign),
+		   CF_LE_W(i.boot_sign), 0xaa55);
+	if (interactive)
+	    printf("1) Correct\n2) Don't correct (FSINFO invalid then)\n");
+	else
+	    printf("  Auto-correcting it.\n");
+	if (!interactive || get_key("12", "?") == '1') {
+	    init_fsinfo(&i);
+	    fs_write(fs->fsinfo_start, sizeof(i), &i);
+	} else
+	    fs->fsinfo_start = 0;
+    }
+    if (fs->fsinfo_start)
+	fs->free_clusters = CF_LE_L(i.free_clusters);
+void read_boot(DOS_FS * fs)
+    struct boot_sector b;
+    unsigned total_sectors;
+    unsigned short logical_sector_size, sectors;
+    unsigned fat_length;
+    loff_t data_size;
+    fs_read(0, sizeof(b), &b);
+    logical_sector_size = GET_UNALIGNED_W(b.sector_size);
+    if (!logical_sector_size)
+	die("Logical sector size is zero.");
+    /* This was moved up because it's the first thing that will fail */
+    /* if the platform needs special handling of unaligned multibyte accesses */
+    /* but such handling isn't being provided. See GET_UNALIGNED_W() above. */
+    if (logical_sector_size & (SECTOR_SIZE - 1))
+	die("Logical sector size (%d bytes) is not a multiple of the physical "
+	    "sector size.", logical_sector_size);
+    fs->cluster_size = b.cluster_size * logical_sector_size;
+    if (!fs->cluster_size)
+	die("Cluster size is zero.");
+    if (b.fats != 2 && b.fats != 1)
+	die("Currently, only 1 or 2 FATs are supported, not %d.\n", b.fats);
+    fs->nfats = b.fats;
+    sectors = GET_UNALIGNED_W(b.sectors);
+    total_sectors = sectors ? sectors : CF_LE_L(b.total_sect);
+    if (verbose)
+	printf("Checking we can access the last sector of the filesystem\n");
+    /* Can't access last odd sector anyway, so round down */
+    fs_test((loff_t) ((total_sectors & ~1) - 1) * (loff_t) logical_sector_size,
+	    logical_sector_size);
+    fat_length = CF_LE_W(b.fat_length) ?
+	CF_LE_W(b.fat_length) : CF_LE_L(b.fat32_length);
+    fs->fat_start = (loff_t) CF_LE_W(b.reserved) * logical_sector_size;
+    fs->root_start = ((loff_t) CF_LE_W(b.reserved) + b.fats * fat_length) *
+	logical_sector_size;
+    fs->root_entries = GET_UNALIGNED_W(b.dir_entries);
+    fs->data_start = fs->root_start + ROUND_TO_MULTIPLE(fs->root_entries <<
+							logical_sector_size);
+    data_size = (loff_t) total_sectors *logical_sector_size - fs->data_start;
+    fs->clusters = data_size / fs->cluster_size;
+    fs->root_cluster = 0;	/* indicates standard, pre-FAT32 root dir */
+    fs->fsinfo_start = 0;	/* no FSINFO structure */
+    fs->free_clusters = -1;	/* unknown */
+    if (!b.fat_length && b.fat32_length) {
+	fs->fat_bits = 32;
+	fs->root_cluster = CF_LE_L(b.root_cluster);
+	if (!fs->root_cluster && fs->root_entries)
+	    /* M$ hasn't specified this, but it looks reasonable: If
+	     * root_cluster is 0 but there is a separate root dir
+	     * (root_entries != 0), we handle the root dir the old way. Give a
+	     * warning, but convertig to a root dir in a cluster chain seems
+	     * to complex for now... */
+	    printf("Warning: FAT32 root dir not in cluster chain! "
+		   "Compatibility mode...\n");
+	else if (!fs->root_cluster && !fs->root_entries)
+	    die("No root directory!");
+	else if (fs->root_cluster && fs->root_entries)
+	    printf("Warning: FAT32 root dir is in a cluster chain, but "
+		   "a separate root dir\n"
+		   "  area is defined. Cannot fix this easily.\n");
+	if (fs->clusters < FAT16_THRESHOLD)
+	    printf("Warning: Filesystem is FAT32 according to fat_length "
+		   "and fat32_length fields,\n"
+		   "  but has only %lu clusters, less than the required "
+		   "minimum of %d.\n"
+		   "  This may lead to problems on some systems.\n",
+		   fs->clusters, FAT16_THRESHOLD);
+	fs->backupboot_start = CF_LE_W(b.backup_boot) * logical_sector_size;
+	check_backup_boot(fs, &b, logical_sector_size);
+	read_fsinfo(fs, &b, logical_sector_size);
+    } else if (!atari_format) {
+	/* On real MS-DOS, a 16 bit FAT is used whenever there would be too
+	 * much clusers otherwise. */
+	fs->fat_bits = (fs->clusters >= FAT12_THRESHOLD) ? 16 : 12;
+	if (fs->clusters >= FAT16_THRESHOLD)
+	    die("Too many clusters (%lu) for FAT16 filesystem.", fs->clusters);
+    } else {
+	/* On Atari, things are more difficult: GEMDOS always uses 12bit FATs
+	 * on floppies, and always 16 bit on harddisks. */
+	fs->fat_bits = 16;	/* assume 16 bit FAT for now */
+	/* If more clusters than fat entries in 16-bit fat, we assume
+	 * it's a real MSDOS FS with 12-bit fat. */
+	if (fs->clusters + 2 > fat_length * logical_sector_size * 8 / 16 ||
+	    /* if it's a floppy disk --> 12bit fat */
+	    device_no == 2 ||
+	    /* if it's a ramdisk or loopback device and has one of the usual
+	     * floppy sizes -> 12bit FAT  */
+	    ((device_no == 1 || device_no == 7) &&
+	     (total_sectors == 720 || total_sectors == 1440 ||
+	      total_sectors == 2880)))
+	    fs->fat_bits = 12;
+    }
+    /* On FAT32, the high 4 bits of a FAT entry are reserved */
+    fs->eff_fat_bits = (fs->fat_bits == 32) ? 28 : fs->fat_bits;
+    fs->fat_size = fat_length * logical_sector_size;
+    fs->label = calloc(12, sizeof(__u8));
+    if (fs->fat_bits == 12 || fs->fat_bits == 16) {
+	struct boot_sector_16 *b16 = (struct boot_sector_16 *)&b;
+	if (b16->extended_sig == 0x29)
+	    memmove(fs->label, b16->label, 11);
+	else
+	    fs->label = NULL;
+    } else if (fs->fat_bits == 32) {
+	if (b.extended_sig == 0x29)
+	    memmove(fs->label, &b.label, 11);
+	else
+	    fs->label = NULL;
+    }
+    if (fs->clusters >
+	((unsigned long long)fs->fat_size * 8 / fs->fat_bits) - 2)
+	die("File system has %d clusters but only space for %d FAT entries.",
+	    fs->clusters,
+	    ((unsigned long long)fs->fat_size * 8 / fs->fat_bits) - 2);
+    if (!fs->root_entries && !fs->root_cluster)
+	die("Root directory has zero size.");
+    if (fs->root_entries & (MSDOS_DPS - 1))
+	die("Root directory (%d entries) doesn't span an integral number of "
+	    "sectors.", fs->root_entries);
+    if (logical_sector_size & (SECTOR_SIZE - 1))
+	die("Logical sector size (%d bytes) is not a multiple of the physical "
+	    "sector size.", logical_sector_size);
+#if 0				/* linux kernel doesn't check that either */
+    /* ++roman: On Atari, these two fields are often left uninitialized */
+    if (!atari_format && (!b.secs_track || !b.heads))
+	die("Invalid disk format in boot sector.");
+    if (verbose)
+	dump_boot(fs, &b, logical_sector_size);
+static void write_boot_label(DOS_FS * fs, char *label)
+    struct boot_sector b;
+    struct boot_sector_16 *b16 = (struct boot_sector_16 *)&b;
+    fs_read(0, sizeof(b), &b);
+    if (fs->fat_bits == 12 || fs->fat_bits == 16) {
+	if (b16->extended_sig != 0x29) {
+	    b16->extended_sig = 0x29;
+	    b16->serial = 0;
+	    memmove(b16->fs_type, fs->fat_bits == 12 ? "FAT12   " : "FAT16   ",
+		    8);
+	}
+	memmove(b16->label, label, 11);
+    } else if (fs->fat_bits == 32) {
+	if (b.extended_sig != 0x29) {
+	    b.extended_sig = 0x29;
+	    b.serial = 0;
+	    memmove(b.fs_type, "FAT32   ", 8);
+	}
+	memmove(b.label, label, 11);
+    }
+    fs_write(0, sizeof(b), &b);
+    if (fs->fat_bits == 32 && fs->backupboot_start)
+	fs_write(fs->backupboot_start, sizeof(b), &b);
+static loff_t find_volume_de(DOS_FS * fs, DIR_ENT * de)
+    unsigned long cluster;
+    loff_t offset;
+    int i;
+    if (fs->root_cluster) {
+	for (cluster = fs->root_cluster;
+	     cluster != 0 && cluster != -1;
+	     cluster = next_cluster(fs, cluster)) {
+	    offset = cluster_start(fs, cluster);
+	    for (i = 0; i * sizeof(DIR_ENT) < fs->cluster_size; i++) {
+		fs_read(offset, sizeof(DIR_ENT), de);
+		if (de->attr & ATTR_VOLUME)
+		    return offset;
+		offset += sizeof(DIR_ENT);
+	    }
+	}
+    } else {
+	for (i = 0; i < fs->root_entries; i++) {
+	    offset = fs->root_start + i * sizeof(DIR_ENT);
+	    fs_read(offset, sizeof(DIR_ENT), de);
+	    if (de->attr & ATTR_VOLUME)
+		return offset;
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;
+static void write_volume_label(DOS_FS * fs, char *label)
+    time_t now = time(NULL);
+    struct tm *mtime = localtime(&now);
+    loff_t offset;
+    DIR_ENT de;
+    offset = find_volume_de(fs, &de);
+    if (offset == 0)
+	return;
+    memcpy(, label, 11);
+    de.time = CT_LE_W((unsigned short)((mtime->tm_sec >> 1) +
+				       (mtime->tm_min << 5) +
+				       (mtime->tm_hour << 11)));
+ = CT_LE_W((unsigned short)(mtime->tm_mday +
+				       ((mtime->tm_mon + 1) << 5) +
+				       ((mtime->tm_year - 80) << 9)));
+    fs_write(offset, sizeof(DIR_ENT), &de);
+void write_label(DOS_FS * fs, char *label)
+    int l = strlen(label);
+    while (l < 11)
+	label[l++] = ' ';
+    write_boot_label(fs, label);
+    write_volume_label(fs, label);
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/boot.h b/dosfstools/src/boot.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9edfa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/boot.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* boot.h - Read and analyze ia PC/MS-DOS boot sector
+   Copyright (C) 1993 Werner Almesberger <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+#ifndef _BOOT_H
+#define _BOOT_H
+void read_boot(DOS_FS * fs);
+void write_label(DOS_FS * fs, char *label);
+/* Reads the boot sector from the currently open device and initializes *FS */
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/check.c b/dosfstools/src/check.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f175b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/check.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1051 @@
+/* check.c - Check and repair a PC/MS-DOS file system
+   Copyright (C) 1993 Werner Almesberger <>
+   Copyright (C) 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+/* FAT32, VFAT, Atari format support, and various fixes additions May 1998
+ * by Roman Hodek <> */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "common.h"
+#include "dosfsck.h"
+#include "io.h"
+#include "fat.h"
+#include "file.h"
+#include "lfn.h"
+#include "check.h"
+static DOS_FILE *root;
+/* get start field of a dir entry */
+#define FSTART(p,fs) \
+  ((unsigned long)CF_LE_W(p->dir_ent.start) | \
+   (fs->fat_bits == 32 ? CF_LE_W(p->dir_ent.starthi) << 16 : 0))
+#define MODIFY(p,i,v)					\
+  do {							\
+    if (p->offset) {					\
+	p->dir_ent.i = v;				\
+	fs_write(p->offset+offsetof(DIR_ENT,i),		\
+		 sizeof(p->dir_ent.i),&p->dir_ent.i);	\
+    }							\
+  } while(0)
+#define MODIFY_START(p,v,fs)						\
+  do {									\
+    unsigned long __v = (v);						\
+    if (!p->offset) {							\
+	/* writing to fake entry for FAT32 root dir */			\
+	if (!__v) die("Oops, deleting FAT32 root dir!");		\
+	fs->root_cluster = __v;						\
+	p->dir_ent.start = CT_LE_W(__v&0xffff);				\
+	p->dir_ent.starthi = CT_LE_W(__v>>16);				\
+	__v = CT_LE_L(__v);						\
+	fs_write((loff_t)offsetof(struct boot_sector,root_cluster),	\
+	         sizeof(((struct boot_sector *)0)->root_cluster),	\
+		 &__v);							\
+    }									\
+    else {								\
+	MODIFY(p,start,CT_LE_W((__v)&0xffff));				\
+	if (fs->fat_bits == 32)						\
+	    MODIFY(p,starthi,CT_LE_W((__v)>>16));			\
+    }									\
+  } while(0)
+loff_t alloc_rootdir_entry(DOS_FS * fs, DIR_ENT * de, const char *pattern)
+    static int curr_num = 0;
+    loff_t offset;
+    if (fs->root_cluster) {
+	DIR_ENT d2;
+	int i = 0, got = 0;
+	unsigned long clu_num, prev = 0;
+	loff_t offset2;
+	clu_num = fs->root_cluster;
+	offset = cluster_start(fs, clu_num);
+	while (clu_num > 0 && clu_num != -1) {
+	    fs_read(offset, sizeof(DIR_ENT), &d2);
+	    if (IS_FREE( && d2.attr != VFAT_LN_ATTR) {
+		got = 1;
+		break;
+	    }
+	    i += sizeof(DIR_ENT);
+	    offset += sizeof(DIR_ENT);
+	    if ((i % fs->cluster_size) == 0) {
+		prev = clu_num;
+		if ((clu_num = next_cluster(fs, clu_num)) == 0 || clu_num == -1)
+		    break;
+		offset = cluster_start(fs, clu_num);
+	    }
+	}
+	if (!got) {
+	    /* no free slot, need to extend root dir: alloc next free cluster
+	     * after previous one */
+	    if (!prev)
+		die("Root directory has no cluster allocated!");
+	    for (clu_num = prev + 1; clu_num != prev; clu_num++) {
+		FAT_ENTRY entry;
+		if (clu_num >= fs->clusters + 2)
+		    clu_num = 2;
+		get_fat(&entry, fs->fat, clu_num, fs);
+		if (!entry.value)
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    if (clu_num == prev)
+		die("Root directory full and no free cluster");
+	    set_fat(fs, prev, clu_num);
+	    set_fat(fs, clu_num, -1);
+	    set_owner(fs, clu_num, get_owner(fs, fs->root_cluster));
+	    /* clear new cluster */
+	    memset(&d2, 0, sizeof(d2));
+	    offset = cluster_start(fs, clu_num);
+	    for (i = 0; i < fs->cluster_size; i += sizeof(DIR_ENT))
+		fs_write(offset + i, sizeof(d2), &d2);
+	}
+	memset(de, 0, sizeof(DIR_ENT));
+	while (1) {
+	    char expanded[12];
+	    sprintf(expanded, pattern, curr_num);
+	    memcpy(de->name + 4, expanded, 4);
+	    memcpy(de->ext, expanded + 4, 3);
+	    clu_num = fs->root_cluster;
+	    i = 0;
+	    offset2 = cluster_start(fs, clu_num);
+	    while (clu_num > 0 && clu_num != -1) {
+		fs_read(offset2, sizeof(DIR_ENT), &d2);
+		if (offset2 != offset &&
+		    !strncmp((const char *), (const char *)de->name,
+			     MSDOS_NAME))
+		    break;
+		i += sizeof(DIR_ENT);
+		offset2 += sizeof(DIR_ENT);
+		if ((i % fs->cluster_size) == 0) {
+		    if ((clu_num = next_cluster(fs, clu_num)) == 0 ||
+			clu_num == -1)
+			break;
+		    offset2 = cluster_start(fs, clu_num);
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (clu_num == 0 || clu_num == -1)
+		break;
+	    if (++curr_num >= 10000)
+		die("Unable to create unique name");
+	}
+    } else {
+	DIR_ENT *root;
+	int next_free = 0, scan;
+	root = alloc(fs->root_entries * sizeof(DIR_ENT));
+	fs_read(fs->root_start, fs->root_entries * sizeof(DIR_ENT), root);
+	while (next_free < fs->root_entries)
+	    if (IS_FREE(root[next_free].name) &&
+		root[next_free].attr != VFAT_LN_ATTR)
+		break;
+	    else
+		next_free++;
+	if (next_free == fs->root_entries)
+	    die("Root directory is full.");
+	offset = fs->root_start + next_free * sizeof(DIR_ENT);
+	memset(de, 0, sizeof(DIR_ENT));
+	while (1) {
+	    sprintf((char *)de->name, pattern, curr_num);
+	    for (scan = 0; scan < fs->root_entries; scan++)
+		if (scan != next_free &&
+		    !strncmp((const char *)root[scan].name,
+			     (const char *)de->name, MSDOS_NAME))
+		    break;
+	    if (scan == fs->root_entries)
+		break;
+	    if (++curr_num >= 10000)
+		die("Unable to create unique name");
+	}
+	free(root);
+    }
+    ++n_files;
+    return offset;
+ * Construct a full path (starting with '/') for the specified dentry,
+ * relative to the partition. All components are "long" names where possible.
+ *
+ * @param[in]   file    Information about dentry (file or directory) of interest
+ *
+ * return       Pointer to static string containing file's full path
+ */
+static char *path_name(DOS_FILE * file)
+    static char path[PATH_MAX * 2];
+    if (!file)
+	*path = 0;		/* Reached the root directory */
+    else {
+	if (strlen(path_name(file->parent)) > PATH_MAX)
+	    die("Path name too long.");
+	if (strcmp(path, "/") != 0)
+	    strcat(path, "/");
+	/* Append the long name to the path,
+	 * or the short name if there isn't a long one
+	 */
+	strcpy(strrchr(path, 0),
+	       file->lfn ? file->lfn : file_name(file->;
+    }
+    return path;
+static int day_n[] =
+    { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+		  /* JanFebMarApr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec */
+/* Convert a MS-DOS time/date pair to a UNIX date (seconds since 1 1 70). */
+time_t date_dos2unix(unsigned short time, unsigned short date)
+    int month, year;
+    time_t secs;
+    month = ((date >> 5) & 15) - 1;
+    year = date >> 9;
+    secs =
+	(time & 31) * 2 + 60 * ((time >> 5) & 63) + (time >> 11) * 3600 +
+	86400 * ((date & 31) - 1 + day_n[month] + (year / 4) + year * 365 -
+		 ((year & 3) == 0 && month < 2 ? 1 : 0) + 3653);
+    /* days since 1.1.70 plus 80's leap day */
+    return secs;
+static char *file_stat(DOS_FILE * file)
+    static char temp[100];
+    struct tm *tm;
+    char tmp[100];
+    time_t date;
+    date =
+	date_dos2unix(CF_LE_W(file->dir_ent.time), CF_LE_W(file->;
+    tm = localtime(&date);
+    strftime(tmp, 99, "%H:%M:%S %b %d %Y", tm);
+    sprintf(temp, "  Size %u bytes, date %s", CF_LE_L(file->dir_ent.size), tmp);
+    return temp;
+static int bad_name(DOS_FILE * file)
+    int i, spc, suspicious = 0;
+    char *bad_chars = atari_format ? "*?\\/:" : "*?<>|\"\\/:";
+    unsigned char *name = file->;
+    /* Do not complain about (and auto-correct) the extended attribute files
+     * of OS/2. */
+    if (strncmp((const char *)name, "EA DATA  SF", 11) == 0 ||
+	strncmp((const char *)name, "WP ROOT  SF", 11) == 0)
+	return 0;
+    /* don't complain about the dummy 11 bytes used by patched Linux
+       kernels */
+    if (file->dir_ent.lcase & FAT_NO_83NAME)
+	return 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+	if (name[i] < ' ' || name[i] == 0x7f)
+	    return 1;
+	if (name[i] > 0x7f)
+	    ++suspicious;
+	if (strchr(bad_chars, name[i]))
+	    return 1;
+    }
+    for (i = 8; i < 11; i++) {
+	if (name[i] < ' ' || name[i] == 0x7f)
+	    return 1;
+	if (name[i] > 0x7f)
+	    ++suspicious;
+	if (strchr(bad_chars, name[i]))
+	    return 1;
+    }
+    spc = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+	if (name[i] == ' ')
+	    spc = 1;
+	else if (spc)
+	    /* non-space after a space not allowed, space terminates the name
+	     * part */
+	    return 1;
+    }
+    spc = 0;
+    for (i = 8; i < 11; i++) {
+	if (name[i] == ' ')
+	    spc = 1;
+	else if (spc)
+	    /* non-space after a space not allowed, space terminates the name
+	     * part */
+	    return 1;
+    }
+    /* Under GEMDOS, chars >= 128 are never allowed. */
+    if (atari_format && suspicious)
+	return 1;
+    /* Under MS-DOS and Windows, chars >= 128 in short names are valid
+     * (but these characters can be visualised differently depending on
+     * local codepage: CP437, CP866, etc). The chars are all basically ok,
+     * so we shouldn't auto-correct such names. */
+    return 0;
+static void lfn_remove(loff_t from, loff_t to)
+    DIR_ENT empty;
+    /* New dir entry is zeroed except first byte, which is set to 0xe5.
+     * This is to avoid that some FAT-reading OSes (not Linux! ;) stop reading
+     * a directory at the first zero entry...
+     */
+    memset(&empty, 0, sizeof(empty));
+    for (; from < to; from += sizeof(empty)) {
+	fs_write(from, sizeof(DIR_ENT), &empty);
+    }
+static void drop_file(DOS_FS * fs, DOS_FILE * file)
+    unsigned long cluster;
+    MODIFY(file, name[0], DELETED_FLAG);
+    if (file->lfn)
+	lfn_remove(file->lfn_offset, file->offset);
+    for (cluster = FSTART(file, fs); cluster > 0 && cluster <
+	 fs->clusters + 2; cluster = next_cluster(fs, cluster))
+	set_owner(fs, cluster, NULL);
+    --n_files;
+static void truncate_file(DOS_FS * fs, DOS_FILE * file, unsigned long clusters)
+    int deleting;
+    unsigned long walk, next, prev;
+    walk = FSTART(file, fs);
+    prev = 0;
+    if ((deleting = !clusters))
+	MODIFY_START(file, 0, fs);
+    while (walk > 0 && walk != -1) {
+	next = next_cluster(fs, walk);
+	if (deleting)
+	    set_fat(fs, walk, 0);
+	else if ((deleting = !--clusters))
+	    set_fat(fs, walk, -1);
+	prev = walk;
+	walk = next;
+    }
+static void auto_rename(DOS_FILE * file)
+    DOS_FILE *first, *walk;
+    unsigned long int number;
+    if (!file->offset)
+	return;			/* cannot rename FAT32 root dir */
+    first = file->parent ? file->parent->first : root;
+    number = 0;
+    while (1) {
+	char num[8];
+	sprintf(num, "%07lu", number);
+	memcpy(file->, "FSCK", 4);
+	memcpy(file-> + 4, num, 4);
+	memcpy(file->dir_ent.ext, num + 4, 3);
+	for (walk = first; walk; walk = walk->next)
+	    if (walk != file
+		&& !strncmp((const char *)walk->,
+			    (const char *)file->, MSDOS_NAME))
+		break;
+	if (!walk) {
+	    fs_write(file->offset, MSDOS_NAME, file->;
+	    if (file->lfn)
+		lfn_fix_checksum(file->lfn_offset, file->offset,
+				 (const char *)file->;
+	    return;
+	}
+	number++;
+	if (number > 9999999) {
+	    die("Too many files need repair.");
+	}
+    }
+    die("Can't generate a unique name.");
+static void rename_file(DOS_FILE * file)
+    unsigned char name[46];
+    unsigned char *walk, *here;
+    if (!file->offset) {
+	printf("Cannot rename FAT32 root dir\n");
+	return;			/* cannot rename FAT32 root dir */
+    }
+    while (1) {
+	printf("New name: ");
+	fflush(stdout);
+	if (fgets((char *)name, 45, stdin)) {
+	    if ((here = (unsigned char *)strchr((const char *)name, '\n')))
+		*here = 0;
+	    for (walk = (unsigned char *)strrchr((const char *)name, 0);
+		 walk >= name && (*walk == ' ' || *walk == '\t'); walk--) ;
+	    walk[1] = 0;
+	    for (walk = name; *walk == ' ' || *walk == '\t'; walk++) ;
+	    if (file_cvt(walk, file-> {
+		fs_write(file->offset, MSDOS_NAME, file->;
+		if (file->lfn)
+		    lfn_fix_checksum(file->lfn_offset, file->offset,
+				     (const char *)file->;
+		return;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+static int handle_dot(DOS_FS * fs, DOS_FILE * file, int dots)
+    char *name;
+    name =
+	strncmp((const char *)file->, MSDOS_DOT,
+		MSDOS_NAME) ? ".." : ".";
+    if (!(file->dir_ent.attr & ATTR_DIR)) {
+	printf("%s\n  Is a non-directory.\n", path_name(file));
+	if (interactive)
+	    printf("1) Drop it\n2) Auto-rename\n3) Rename\n"
+		   "4) Convert to directory\n");
+	else
+	    printf("  Auto-renaming it.\n");
+	switch (interactive ? get_key("1234", "?") : '2') {
+	case '1':
+	    drop_file(fs, file);
+	    return 1;
+	case '2':
+	    auto_rename(file);
+	    printf("  Renamed to %s\n", file_name(file->;
+	    return 0;
+	case '3':
+	    rename_file(file);
+	    return 0;
+	case '4':
+	    MODIFY(file, size, CT_LE_L(0));
+	    MODIFY(file, attr, file->dir_ent.attr | ATTR_DIR);
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    if (!dots) {
+	printf("Root contains directory \"%s\". Dropping it.\n", name);
+	drop_file(fs, file);
+	return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int check_file(DOS_FS * fs, DOS_FILE * file)
+    DOS_FILE *owner;
+    int restart;
+    unsigned long expect, curr, this, clusters, prev, walk, clusters2;
+    if (file->dir_ent.attr & ATTR_DIR) {
+	if (CF_LE_L(file->dir_ent.size)) {
+	    printf("%s\n  Directory has non-zero size. Fixing it.\n",
+		   path_name(file));
+	    MODIFY(file, size, CT_LE_L(0));
+	}
+	if (file->parent
+	    && !strncmp((const char *)file->, MSDOS_DOT,
+			MSDOS_NAME)) {
+	    expect = FSTART(file->parent, fs);
+	    if (FSTART(file, fs) != expect) {
+		printf("%s\n  Start (%ld) does not point to parent (%ld)\n",
+		       path_name(file), FSTART(file, fs), expect);
+		MODIFY_START(file, expect, fs);
+	    }
+	    return 0;
+	}
+	if (file->parent
+	    && !strncmp((const char *)file->, MSDOS_DOTDOT,
+			MSDOS_NAME)) {
+	    expect =
+		file->parent->parent ? FSTART(file->parent->parent, fs) : 0;
+	    if (fs->root_cluster && expect == fs->root_cluster)
+		expect = 0;
+	    if (FSTART(file, fs) != expect) {
+		printf("%s\n  Start (%lu) does not point to .. (%lu)\n",
+		       path_name(file), FSTART(file, fs), expect);
+		MODIFY_START(file, expect, fs);
+	    }
+	    return 0;
+	}
+	if (FSTART(file, fs) == 0) {
+	    printf("%s\n Start does point to root directory. Deleting dir. \n",
+		   path_name(file));
+	    MODIFY(file, name[0], DELETED_FLAG);
+	    return 0;
+	}
+    }
+    if (FSTART(file, fs) >= fs->clusters + 2) {
+	printf
+	    ("%s\n  Start cluster beyond limit (%lu > %lu). Truncating file.\n",
+	     path_name(file), FSTART(file, fs), fs->clusters + 1);
+	if (!file->offset)
+	    die("Bad FAT32 root directory! (bad start cluster)\n");
+	MODIFY_START(file, 0, fs);
+    }
+    clusters = prev = 0;
+    for (curr = FSTART(file, fs) ? FSTART(file, fs) :
+	 -1; curr != -1; curr = next_cluster(fs, curr)) {
+	FAT_ENTRY curEntry;
+	get_fat(&curEntry, fs->fat, curr, fs);
+	if (!curEntry.value || bad_cluster(fs, curr)) {
+	    printf("%s\n  Contains a %s cluster (%lu). Assuming EOF.\n",
+		   path_name(file), curEntry.value ? "bad" : "free", curr);
+	    if (prev)
+		set_fat(fs, prev, -1);
+	    else if (!file->offset)
+		die("FAT32 root dir starts with a bad cluster!");
+	    else
+		MODIFY_START(file, 0, fs);
+	    break;
+	}
+	if (!(file->dir_ent.attr & ATTR_DIR) && CF_LE_L(file->dir_ent.size) <=
+	    (unsigned long long)clusters * fs->cluster_size) {
+	    printf
+		("%s\n  File size is %u bytes, cluster chain length is > %llu "
+		 "bytes.\n  Truncating file to %u bytes.\n", path_name(file),
+		 CF_LE_L(file->dir_ent.size),
+		 (unsigned long long)clusters * fs->cluster_size,
+		 CF_LE_L(file->dir_ent.size));
+	    truncate_file(fs, file, clusters);
+	    break;
+	}
+	if ((owner = get_owner(fs, curr))) {
+	    int do_trunc = 0;
+	    printf("%s  and\n", path_name(owner));
+	    printf("%s\n  share clusters.\n", path_name(file));
+	    clusters2 = 0;
+	    for (walk = FSTART(owner, fs); walk > 0 && walk != -1; walk =
+		 next_cluster(fs, walk))
+		if (walk == curr)
+		    break;
+		else
+		    clusters2++;
+	    restart = file->dir_ent.attr & ATTR_DIR;
+	    if (!owner->offset) {
+		printf("  Truncating second to %llu bytes because first "
+		       "is FAT32 root dir.\n",
+		       (unsigned long long)clusters2 * fs->cluster_size);
+		do_trunc = 2;
+	    } else if (!file->offset) {
+		printf("  Truncating first to %llu bytes because second "
+		       "is FAT32 root dir.\n",
+		       (unsigned long long)clusters * fs->cluster_size);
+		do_trunc = 1;
+	    } else if (interactive)
+		printf("1) Truncate first to %llu bytes%s\n"
+		       "2) Truncate second to %llu bytes\n",
+		       (unsigned long long)clusters * fs->cluster_size,
+		       restart ? " and restart" : "",
+		       (unsigned long long)clusters2 * fs->cluster_size);
+	    else
+		printf("  Truncating second to %llu bytes.\n",
+		       (unsigned long long)clusters2 * fs->cluster_size);
+	    if (do_trunc != 2
+		&& (do_trunc == 1
+		    || (interactive && get_key("12", "?") == '1'))) {
+		prev = 0;
+		clusters = 0;
+		for (this = FSTART(owner, fs); this > 0 && this != -1; this =
+		     next_cluster(fs, this)) {
+		    if (this == curr) {
+			if (prev)
+			    set_fat(fs, prev, -1);
+			else
+			    MODIFY_START(owner, 0, fs);
+			MODIFY(owner, size,
+			       CT_LE_L((unsigned long long)clusters *
+				       fs->cluster_size));
+			if (restart)
+			    return 1;
+			while (this > 0 && this != -1) {
+			    set_owner(fs, this, NULL);
+			    this = next_cluster(fs, this);
+			}
+			this = curr;
+			break;
+		    }
+		    clusters++;
+		    prev = this;
+		}
+		if (this != curr)
+		    die("Internal error: didn't find cluster %d in chain"
+			" starting at %d", curr, FSTART(owner, fs));
+	    } else {
+		if (prev)
+		    set_fat(fs, prev, -1);
+		else
+		    MODIFY_START(file, 0, fs);
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+	set_owner(fs, curr, file);
+	clusters++;
+	prev = curr;
+    }
+    if (!(file->dir_ent.attr & ATTR_DIR) && CF_LE_L(file->dir_ent.size) >
+	(unsigned long long)clusters * fs->cluster_size) {
+	printf
+	    ("%s\n  File size is %u bytes, cluster chain length is %llu bytes."
+	     "\n  Truncating file to %llu bytes.\n", path_name(file),
+	     CF_LE_L(file->dir_ent.size),
+	     (unsigned long long)clusters * fs->cluster_size,
+	     (unsigned long long)clusters * fs->cluster_size);
+	MODIFY(file, size,
+	       CT_LE_L((unsigned long long)clusters * fs->cluster_size));
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int check_files(DOS_FS * fs, DOS_FILE * start)
+    while (start) {
+	if (check_file(fs, start))
+	    return 1;
+	start = start->next;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int check_dir(DOS_FS * fs, DOS_FILE ** root, int dots)
+    DOS_FILE *parent, **walk, **scan;
+    int dot, dotdot, skip, redo;
+    int good, bad;
+    if (!*root)
+	return 0;
+    parent = (*root)->parent;
+    good = bad = 0;
+    for (walk = root; *walk; walk = &(*walk)->next)
+	if (bad_name(*walk))
+	    bad++;
+	else
+	    good++;
+    if (*root && parent && good + bad > 4 && bad > good / 2) {
+	printf("%s\n  Has a large number of bad entries. (%d/%d)\n",
+	       path_name(parent), bad, good + bad);
+	if (!dots)
+	    printf("  Not dropping root directory.\n");
+	else if (!interactive)
+	    printf("  Not dropping it in auto-mode.\n");
+	else if (get_key("yn", "Drop directory ? (y/n)") == 'y') {
+	    truncate_file(fs, parent, 0);
+	    MODIFY(parent, name[0], DELETED_FLAG);
+	    /* buglet: deleted directory stays in the list. */
+	    return 1;
+	}
+    }
+    dot = dotdot = redo = 0;
+    walk = root;
+    while (*walk) {
+	if (!strncmp
+	    ((const char *)((*walk)->, MSDOS_DOT, MSDOS_NAME)
+	    || !strncmp((const char *)((*walk)->, MSDOS_DOTDOT,
+			MSDOS_NAME)) {
+	    if (handle_dot(fs, *walk, dots)) {
+		*walk = (*walk)->next;
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    if (!strncmp
+		((const char *)((*walk)->, MSDOS_DOT, MSDOS_NAME))
+		dot++;
+	    else
+		dotdot++;
+	}
+	if (!((*walk)->dir_ent.attr & ATTR_VOLUME) && bad_name(*walk)) {
+	    puts(path_name(*walk));
+	    printf("  Bad short file name (%s).\n",
+		   file_name((*walk)->;
+	    if (interactive)
+		printf("1) Drop file\n2) Rename file\n3) Auto-rename\n"
+		       "4) Keep it\n");
+	    else
+		printf("  Auto-renaming it.\n");
+	    switch (interactive ? get_key("1234", "?") : '3') {
+	    case '1':
+		drop_file(fs, *walk);
+		walk = &(*walk)->next;
+		continue;
+	    case '2':
+		rename_file(*walk);
+		redo = 1;
+		break;
+	    case '3':
+		auto_rename(*walk);
+		printf("  Renamed to %s\n", file_name((*walk)->;
+		break;
+	    case '4':
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+	/* don't check for duplicates of the volume label */
+	if (!((*walk)->dir_ent.attr & ATTR_VOLUME)) {
+	    scan = &(*walk)->next;
+	    skip = 0;
+	    while (*scan && !skip) {
+		if (!((*scan)->dir_ent.attr & ATTR_VOLUME) &&
+		    !memcmp((*walk)->, (*scan)->,
+			    MSDOS_NAME)) {
+		    printf("%s\n  Duplicate directory entry.\n  First  %s\n",
+			   path_name(*walk), file_stat(*walk));
+		    printf("  Second %s\n", file_stat(*scan));
+		    if (interactive)
+			printf
+			    ("1) Drop first\n2) Drop second\n3) Rename first\n"
+			     "4) Rename second\n5) Auto-rename first\n"
+			     "6) Auto-rename second\n");
+		    else
+			printf("  Auto-renaming second.\n");
+		    switch (interactive ? get_key("123456", "?") : '6') {
+		    case '1':
+			drop_file(fs, *walk);
+			*walk = (*walk)->next;
+			skip = 1;
+			break;
+		    case '2':
+			drop_file(fs, *scan);
+			*scan = (*scan)->next;
+			continue;
+		    case '3':
+			rename_file(*walk);
+			printf("  Renamed to %s\n", path_name(*walk));
+			redo = 1;
+			break;
+		    case '4':
+			rename_file(*scan);
+			printf("  Renamed to %s\n", path_name(*walk));
+			redo = 1;
+			break;
+		    case '5':
+			auto_rename(*walk);
+			printf("  Renamed to %s\n",
+			       file_name((*walk)->;
+			break;
+		    case '6':
+			auto_rename(*scan);
+			printf("  Renamed to %s\n",
+			       file_name((*scan)->;
+			break;
+		    }
+		}
+		scan = &(*scan)->next;
+	    }
+	    if (skip)
+		continue;
+	}
+	if (!redo)
+	    walk = &(*walk)->next;
+	else {
+	    walk = root;
+	    dot = dotdot = redo = 0;
+	}
+    }
+    if (dots && !dot)
+	printf("%s\n  \".\" is missing. Can't fix this yet.\n",
+	       path_name(parent));
+    if (dots && !dotdot)
+	printf("%s\n  \"..\" is missing. Can't fix this yet.\n",
+	       path_name(parent));
+    return 0;
+ * Check a dentry's cluster chain for bad clusters.
+ * If requested, we verify readability and mark unreadable clusters as bad.
+ *
+ * @param[inout]    fs          Information about the filesystem
+ * @param[in]       file        dentry to check
+ * @param[in]       read_test   Nonzero == verify that dentry's clusters can
+ *                              be read
+ */
+static void test_file(DOS_FS * fs, DOS_FILE * file, int read_test)
+    DOS_FILE *owner;
+    unsigned long walk, prev, clusters, next_clu;
+    prev = clusters = 0;
+    for (walk = FSTART(file, fs); walk > 0 && walk < fs->clusters + 2;
+	 walk = next_clu) {
+	next_clu = next_cluster(fs, walk);
+	/* In this stage we are checking only for a loop within our own
+	 * cluster chain.
+	 * Cross-linking of clusters is handled in check_file()
+	 */
+	if ((owner = get_owner(fs, walk))) {
+	    if (owner == file) {
+		printf("%s\n  Circular cluster chain. Truncating to %lu "
+		       "cluster%s.\n", path_name(file), clusters,
+		       clusters == 1 ? "" : "s");
+		if (prev)
+		    set_fat(fs, prev, -1);
+		else if (!file->offset)
+		    die("Bad FAT32 root directory! (bad start cluster)\n");
+		else
+		    MODIFY_START(file, 0, fs);
+	    }
+	    break;
+	}
+	if (bad_cluster(fs, walk))
+	    break;
+	if (read_test) {
+	    if (fs_test(cluster_start(fs, walk), fs->cluster_size)) {
+		prev = walk;
+		clusters++;
+	    } else {
+		printf("%s\n  Cluster %lu (%lu) is unreadable. Skipping it.\n",
+		       path_name(file), clusters, walk);
+		if (prev)
+		    set_fat(fs, prev, next_cluster(fs, walk));
+		else
+		    MODIFY_START(file, next_cluster(fs, walk), fs);
+		set_fat(fs, walk, -2);
+	    }
+	}
+	set_owner(fs, walk, file);
+    }
+    /* Revert ownership (for now) */
+    for (walk = FSTART(file, fs); walk > 0 && walk < fs->clusters + 2;
+	 walk = next_cluster(fs, walk))
+	if (bad_cluster(fs, walk))
+	    break;
+	else if (get_owner(fs, walk) == file)
+	    set_owner(fs, walk, NULL);
+	else
+	    break;
+static void undelete(DOS_FS * fs, DOS_FILE * file)
+    unsigned long clusters, left, prev, walk;
+    clusters = left = (CF_LE_L(file->dir_ent.size) + fs->cluster_size - 1) /
+	fs->cluster_size;
+    prev = 0;
+    walk = FSTART(file, fs);
+    while (left && (walk >= 2) && (walk < fs->clusters + 2)) {
+	FAT_ENTRY curEntry;
+	get_fat(&curEntry, fs->fat, walk, fs);
+	if (!curEntry.value)
+	    break;
+	left--;
+	if (prev)
+	    set_fat(fs, prev, walk);
+	prev = walk;
+	walk++;
+    }
+    if (prev)
+	set_fat(fs, prev, -1);
+    else
+	MODIFY_START(file, 0, fs);
+    if (left)
+	printf("Warning: Did only undelete %lu of %lu cluster%s.\n",
+	       clusters - left, clusters, clusters == 1 ? "" : "s");
+static void new_dir(void)
+    lfn_reset();
+ * Create a description for a referenced dentry and insert it in our dentry
+ * tree. Then, go check the dentry's cluster chain for bad clusters and
+ * cluster loops.
+ *
+ * @param[inout]    fs      Information about the filesystem
+ * @param[out]      chain
+ * @param[in]       parent  Information about parent directory of this file
+ *                          NULL == no parent ('file' is root directory)
+ * @param[in]       offset  Partition-relative byte offset of directory entry of interest
+ *                          0 == Root directory
+ * @param           cp
+ */
+static void add_file(DOS_FS * fs, DOS_FILE *** chain, DOS_FILE * parent,
+		     loff_t offset, FDSC ** cp)
+    DOS_FILE *new;
+    DIR_ENT de;
+    FD_TYPE type;
+    if (offset)
+	fs_read(offset, sizeof(DIR_ENT), &de);
+    else {
+	/* Construct a DIR_ENT for the root directory */
+	memcpy(, "           ", MSDOS_NAME);
+	de.attr = ATTR_DIR;
+	de.size = de.time = = 0;
+	de.start = CT_LE_W(fs->root_cluster & 0xffff);
+	de.starthi = CT_LE_W((fs->root_cluster >> 16) & 0xffff);
+    }
+    if ((type = file_type(cp, (char *) != fdt_none) {
+	if (type == fdt_undelete && (de.attr & ATTR_DIR))
+	    die("Can't undelete directories.");
+	file_modify(cp, (char *);
+	fs_write(offset, 1, &de);
+    }
+    if (IS_FREE( {
+	lfn_check_orphaned();
+	return;
+    }
+    if (de.attr == VFAT_LN_ATTR) {
+	lfn_add_slot(&de, offset);
+	return;
+    }
+    new = qalloc(&mem_queue, sizeof(DOS_FILE));
+    new->lfn = lfn_get(&de, &new->lfn_offset);
+    new->offset = offset;
+    memcpy(&new->dir_ent, &de, sizeof(de));
+    new->next = new->first = NULL;
+    new->parent = parent;
+    if (type == fdt_undelete)
+	undelete(fs, new);
+    **chain = new;
+    *chain = &new->next;
+    if (list) {
+	printf("Checking file %s", path_name(new));
+	if (new->lfn)
+	    printf(" (%s)", file_name(new->;	/* (8.3) */
+	printf("\n");
+    }
+    /* Don't include root directory, '.', or '..' in the total file count */
+    if (offset &&
+	strncmp((const char *), MSDOS_DOT, MSDOS_NAME) != 0 &&
+	strncmp((const char *), MSDOS_DOTDOT, MSDOS_NAME) != 0)
+	++n_files;
+    test_file(fs, new, test);	/* Bad cluster check */
+static int subdirs(DOS_FS * fs, DOS_FILE * parent, FDSC ** cp);
+static int scan_dir(DOS_FS * fs, DOS_FILE * this, FDSC ** cp)
+    DOS_FILE **chain;
+    int i;
+    unsigned long clu_num;
+    chain = &this->first;
+    i = 0;
+    clu_num = FSTART(this, fs);
+    new_dir();
+    while (clu_num > 0 && clu_num != -1) {
+	add_file(fs, &chain, this,
+		 cluster_start(fs, clu_num) + (i % fs->cluster_size), cp);
+	i += sizeof(DIR_ENT);
+	if (!(i % fs->cluster_size))
+	    if ((clu_num = next_cluster(fs, clu_num)) == 0 || clu_num == -1)
+		break;
+    }
+    lfn_check_orphaned();
+    if (check_dir(fs, &this->first, this->offset))
+	return 0;
+    if (check_files(fs, this->first))
+	return 1;
+    return subdirs(fs, this, cp);
+ * Recursively scan subdirectories of the specified parent directory.
+ *
+ * @param[inout]    fs      Information about the filesystem
+ * @param[in]       parent  Identifies the directory to scan
+ * @param[in]       cp
+ *
+ * @return  0   Success
+ * @return  1   Error
+ */
+static int subdirs(DOS_FS * fs, DOS_FILE * parent, FDSC ** cp)
+    DOS_FILE *walk;
+    for (walk = parent ? parent->first : root; walk; walk = walk->next)
+	if (walk->dir_ent.attr & ATTR_DIR)
+	    if (strncmp((const char *)walk->, MSDOS_DOT, MSDOS_NAME)
+		&& strncmp((const char *)walk->, MSDOS_DOTDOT,
+			   MSDOS_NAME))
+		if (scan_dir(fs, walk, file_cd(cp, (char *)walk->
+		    return 1;
+    return 0;
+ * Scan all directory and file information for errors.
+ *
+ * @param[inout]    fs      Information about the filesystem
+ *
+ * @return  0   Success
+ * @return  1   Error
+ */
+int scan_root(DOS_FS * fs)
+    DOS_FILE **chain;
+    int i;
+    root = NULL;
+    chain = &root;
+    new_dir();
+    if (fs->root_cluster) {
+	add_file(fs, &chain, NULL, 0, &fp_root);
+    } else {
+	for (i = 0; i < fs->root_entries; i++)
+	    add_file(fs, &chain, NULL, fs->root_start + i * sizeof(DIR_ENT),
+		     &fp_root);
+    }
+    lfn_check_orphaned();
+    (void)check_dir(fs, &root, 0);
+    if (check_files(fs, root))
+	return 1;
+    return subdirs(fs, NULL, &fp_root);
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/check.h b/dosfstools/src/check.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..277c44b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/check.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+/* check.h - Check and repair a PC/MS-DOS file system
+   Copyright (C) 1993 Werner Almesberger <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+#ifndef _CHECK_H
+#define _CHECK_H
+loff_t alloc_rootdir_entry(DOS_FS * fs, DIR_ENT * de, const char *pattern);
+/* Allocate a free slot in the root directory for a new file. The file name is
+   constructed after 'pattern', which must include a %d type format for printf
+   and expand to exactly 11 characters. The name actually used is written into
+   the 'de' structure, the rest of *de is cleared. The offset returned is to
+   where in the filesystem the entry belongs. */
+int scan_root(DOS_FS * fs);
+/* Scans the root directory and recurses into all subdirectories. See check.c
+   for all the details. Returns a non-zero integer if the file system has to
+   be checked again. */
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/common.c b/dosfstools/src/common.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51605a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/common.c
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* common.c - Common functions
+   Copyright (C) 1993 Werner Almesberger <>
+   Copyright (C) 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+/* FAT32, VFAT, Atari format support, and various fixes additions May 1998
+ * by Roman Hodek <> */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "common.h"
+typedef struct _link {
+    void *data;
+    struct _link *next;
+} LINK;
+void die(char *msg, ...)
+    va_list args;
+    va_start(args, msg);
+    vfprintf(stderr, msg, args);
+    va_end(args);
+    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+    exit(1);
+void pdie(char *msg, ...)
+    va_list args;
+    va_start(args, msg);
+    vfprintf(stderr, msg, args);
+    va_end(args);
+    fprintf(stderr, ":%s\n", strerror(errno));
+    exit(1);
+void *alloc(int size)
+    void *this;
+    if ((this = malloc(size)))
+	return this;
+    pdie("malloc");
+    return NULL;		/* for GCC */
+void *qalloc(void **root, int size)
+    LINK *link;
+    link = alloc(sizeof(LINK));
+    link->next = *root;
+    *root = link;
+    return link->data = alloc(size);
+void qfree(void **root)
+    LINK *this;
+    while (*root) {
+	this = (LINK *) * root;
+	*root = this->next;
+	free(this->data);
+	free(this);
+    }
+int min(int a, int b)
+    return a < b ? a : b;
+char get_key(char *valid, char *prompt)
+    int ch, okay;
+    while (1) {
+	if (prompt)
+	    printf("%s ", prompt);
+	fflush(stdout);
+	while (ch = getchar(), ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') ;
+	if (ch == EOF)
+	    exit(1);
+	if (!strchr(valid, okay = ch))
+	    okay = 0;
+	while (ch = getchar(), ch != '\n' && ch != EOF) ;
+	if (ch == EOF)
+	    exit(1);
+	if (okay)
+	    return okay;
+	printf("Invalid input.\n");
+    }
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/common.h b/dosfstools/src/common.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..395eabb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* common.h - Common functions
+   Copyright (C) 1993 Werner Almesberger <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+#include <asm/types.h>
+#ifndef _COMMON_H
+#define _COMMON_H
+void die(char *msg, ...) __attribute((noreturn));
+/* Displays a prinf-style message and terminates the program. */
+void pdie(char *msg, ...) __attribute((noreturn));
+/* Like die, but appends an error message according to the state of errno. */
+void *alloc(int size);
+/* mallocs SIZE bytes and returns a pointer to the data. Terminates the program
+   if malloc fails. */
+void *qalloc(void **root, int size);
+/* Like alloc, but registers the data area in a list described by ROOT. */
+void qfree(void **root);
+/* Deallocates all qalloc'ed data areas described by ROOT. */
+int min(int a, int b);
+/* Returns the smaller integer value of a and b. */
+char get_key(char *valid, char *prompt);
+/* Displays PROMPT and waits for user input. Only characters in VALID are
+   accepted. Terminates the program on EOF. Returns the character. */
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/dosfsck.c b/dosfstools/src/dosfsck.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7a59e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/dosfsck.c
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+/* dosfsck.c - User interface
+   Copyright (C) 1993 Werner Almesberger <>
+   Copyright (C) 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+/* FAT32, VFAT, Atari format support, and various fixes additions May 1998
+ * by Roman Hodek <> */
+#include "version.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include "common.h"
+#include "dosfsck.h"
+#include "io.h"
+#include "boot.h"
+#include "fat.h"
+#include "file.h"
+#include "check.h"
+int interactive = 0, rw = 0, list = 0, test = 0, verbose = 0, write_immed = 0;
+int atari_format = 0;
+unsigned n_files = 0;
+void *mem_queue = NULL;
+unsigned retandroid = 1;
+unsigned retandroid = 0;
+static void usage(char *name)
+    fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-aAflrtvVwy] [-d path -d ...] "
+	    "[-u path -u ...]\n%15sdevice\n", name, "");
+    fprintf(stderr, "  -a       automatically repair the file system\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "  -A       toggle Atari file system format\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "  -d path  drop that file\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "  -f       ignored\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "  -l       list path names\n");
+    fprintf(stderr,
+	    "  -n       no-op, check non-interactively without changing\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "  -p       same as -a, for compat with other *fsck\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "  -r       interactively repair the file system\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "  -t       test for bad clusters\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "  -u path  try to undelete that (non-directory) file\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "  -v       verbose mode\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "  -V       perform a verification pass\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "  -w       write changes to disk immediately\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "  -y       same as -a, for compat with other *fsck\n");
+	if (retandroid) {
+		exit(1);
+	} else {
+    	exit(2);
+	}
+ * ++roman: On m68k, check if this is an Atari; if yes, turn on Atari variant
+ * of MS-DOS filesystem by default.
+ */
+static void check_atari(void)
+#ifdef __mc68000__
+    FILE *f;
+    char line[128], *p;
+    if (!(f = fopen("/proc/hardware", "r"))) {
+	perror("/proc/hardware");
+	return;
+    }
+    while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) {
+	if (strncmp(line, "Model:", 6) == 0) {
+	    p = line + 6;
+	    p += strspn(p, " \t");
+	    if (strncmp(p, "Atari ", 6) == 0)
+		atari_format = 1;
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    fclose(f);
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    DOS_FS fs;
+    int salvage_files, verify, c;
+    unsigned n_files_check = 0, n_files_verify = 0;
+    unsigned long free_clusters;
+    memset(&fs, 0, sizeof(fs));
+    rw = salvage_files = verify = 0;
+    interactive = 1;
+    check_atari();
+    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "Aad:flnprtu:vVwy")) != EOF)
+	switch (c) {
+	case 'A':		/* toggle Atari format */
+	    atari_format = !atari_format;
+	    break;
+	case 'a':
+	case 'p':
+	case 'y':
+	    rw = 1;
+	    interactive = 0;
+	    salvage_files = 1;
+	    break;
+	case 'd':
+	    file_add(optarg, fdt_drop);
+	    break;
+	case 'f':
+	    salvage_files = 1;
+	    break;
+	case 'l':
+	    list = 1;
+	    break;
+	case 'n':
+	    rw = 0;
+	    interactive = 0;
+	    break;
+	case 'r':
+	    rw = 1;
+	    interactive = 1;
+	    break;
+	case 't':
+	    test = 1;
+	    break;
+	case 'u':
+	    file_add(optarg, fdt_undelete);
+	    break;
+	case 'v':
+	    verbose = 1;
+	    printf("dosfsck " VERSION " (" VERSION_DATE ")\n");
+	    break;
+	case 'V':
+	    verify = 1;
+	    break;
+	case 'w':
+	    write_immed = 1;
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    usage(argv[0]);
+	}
+    if ((test || write_immed) && !rw) {
+	fprintf(stderr, "-t and -w require -a or -r\n");
+	if (retandroid) {
+		exit(1);
+	} else {
+		exit(2);
+	}
+    }
+    if (optind != argc - 1)
+	usage(argv[0]);
+    printf("dosfsck " VERSION ", " VERSION_DATE ", FAT32, LFN\n");
+    fs_open(argv[optind], rw);
+    read_boot(&fs);
+    if (verify)
+	printf("Starting check/repair pass.\n");
+    while (read_fat(&fs), scan_root(&fs))
+	qfree(&mem_queue);
+    if (test)
+	fix_bad(&fs);
+    if (salvage_files && 0)
+	reclaim_file(&fs);
+    else
+	reclaim_free(&fs);
+    free_clusters = update_free(&fs);
+    file_unused();
+    qfree(&mem_queue);
+    n_files_check = n_files;
+    if (verify) {
+	n_files = 0;
+	printf("Starting verification pass.\n");
+	read_fat(&fs);
+	scan_root(&fs);
+	reclaim_free(&fs);
+	qfree(&mem_queue);
+	n_files_verify = n_files;
+    }
+    if (fs_changed()) {
+	if (rw) {
+	    if (interactive)
+		rw = get_key("yn", "Perform changes ? (y/n)") == 'y';
+	    else
+		printf("Performing changes.\n");
+	} else
+	    printf("Leaving file system unchanged.\n");
+    }
+    printf("%s: %u files, %lu/%lu clusters\n", argv[optind],
+	   n_files, fs.clusters - free_clusters, fs.clusters);
+	if (retandroid) {
+		return fs_close(rw) ? 4 : 0;
+	} else {
+    	return fs_close(rw) ? 1 : 0;
+	}
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/dosfsck.h b/dosfstools/src/dosfsck.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f53c72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/dosfsck.h
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+/* dosfsck.h  -  Common data structures and global variables
+   Copyright (C) 1993 Werner Almesberger <>
+   Copyright (C) 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+/* FAT32, VFAT, Atari format support, and various fixes additions May 1998
+ * by Roman Hodek <> */
+#ifndef _DOSFSCK_H
+#define _DOSFSCK_H
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#define _LINUX_STAT_H		/* hack to avoid inclusion of <linux/stat.h> */
+#define _LINUX_STRING_H_	/* hack to avoid inclusion of <linux/string.h> */
+#define _LINUX_FS_H		/* hack to avoid inclusion of <linux/fs.h> */
+#ifdef _USING_BIONIC_
+#include <sys/endian.h>
+#include <asm/types.h>
+#include <asm/byteorder.h>
+#include <linux/msdos_fs.h>
+#undef CF_LE_W
+#undef CF_LE_L
+#undef CT_LE_W
+#undef CT_LE_L
+#include <byteswap.h>
+#define CF_LE_W(v) bswap_16(v)
+#define CF_LE_L(v) bswap_32(v)
+#define CT_LE_W(v) CF_LE_W(v)
+#define CT_LE_L(v) CF_LE_L(v)
+#define CF_LE_W(v) (v)
+#define CF_LE_L(v) (v)
+#define CT_LE_W(v) (v)
+#define CT_LE_L(v) (v)
+#endif /* __BIG_ENDIAN */
+/* ++roman: Use own definition of boot sector structure -- the kernel headers'
+ * name for it is msdos_boot_sector in 2.0 and fat_boot_sector in 2.1 ... */
+struct boot_sector {
+    __u8 ignored[3];		/* Boot strap short or near jump */
+    __u8 system_id[8];		/* Name - can be used to special case
+				   partition manager volumes */
+    __u8 sector_size[2];	/* bytes per logical sector */
+    __u8 cluster_size;		/* sectors/cluster */
+    __u16 reserved;		/* reserved sectors */
+    __u8 fats;			/* number of FATs */
+    __u8 dir_entries[2];	/* root directory entries */
+    __u8 sectors[2];		/* number of sectors */
+    __u8 media;			/* media code (unused) */
+    __u16 fat_length;		/* sectors/FAT */
+    __u16 secs_track;		/* sectors per track */
+    __u16 heads;		/* number of heads */
+    __u32 hidden;		/* hidden sectors (unused) */
+    __u32 total_sect;		/* number of sectors (if sectors == 0) */
+    /* The following fields are only used by FAT32 */
+    __u32 fat32_length;		/* sectors/FAT */
+    __u16 flags;		/* bit 8: fat mirroring, low 4: active fat */
+    __u8 version[2];		/* major, minor filesystem version */
+    __u32 root_cluster;		/* first cluster in root directory */
+    __u16 info_sector;		/* filesystem info sector */
+    __u16 backup_boot;		/* backup boot sector */
+    __u8 reserved2[12];		/* Unused */
+    __u8 drive_number;		/* Logical Drive Number */
+    __u8 reserved3;		/* Unused */
+    __u8 extended_sig;		/* Extended Signature (0x29) */
+    __u32 serial;		/* Serial number */
+    __u8 label[11];		/* FS label */
+    __u8 fs_type[8];		/* FS Type */
+    /* fill up to 512 bytes */
+    __u8 junk[422];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct boot_sector_16 {
+    __u8 ignored[3];		/* Boot strap short or near jump */
+    __u8 system_id[8];		/* Name - can be used to special case
+				   partition manager volumes */
+    __u8 sector_size[2];	/* bytes per logical sector */
+    __u8 cluster_size;		/* sectors/cluster */
+    __u16 reserved;		/* reserved sectors */
+    __u8 fats;			/* number of FATs */
+    __u8 dir_entries[2];	/* root directory entries */
+    __u8 sectors[2];		/* number of sectors */
+    __u8 media;			/* media code (unused) */
+    __u16 fat_length;		/* sectors/FAT */
+    __u16 secs_track;		/* sectors per track */
+    __u16 heads;		/* number of heads */
+    __u32 hidden;		/* hidden sectors (unused) */
+    __u32 total_sect;		/* number of sectors (if sectors == 0) */
+    __u8 drive_number;		/* Logical Drive Number */
+    __u8 reserved2;		/* Unused */
+    __u8 extended_sig;		/* Extended Signature (0x29) */
+    __u32 serial;		/* Serial number */
+    __u8 label[11];		/* FS label */
+    __u8 fs_type[8];		/* FS Type */
+    /* fill up to 512 bytes */
+    __u8 junk[450];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct info_sector {
+    __u32 magic;		/* Magic for info sector ('RRaA') */
+    __u8 junk[0x1dc];
+    __u32 reserved1;		/* Nothing as far as I can tell */
+    __u32 signature;		/* 0x61417272 ('rrAa') */
+    __u32 free_clusters;	/* Free cluster count.  -1 if unknown */
+    __u32 next_cluster;		/* Most recently allocated cluster. */
+    __u32 reserved2[3];
+    __u16 reserved3;
+    __u16 boot_sign;
+typedef struct {
+    __u8 name[8], ext[3];	/* name and extension */
+    __u8 attr;			/* attribute bits */
+    __u8 lcase;			/* Case for base and extension */
+    __u8 ctime_ms;		/* Creation time, milliseconds */
+    __u16 ctime;		/* Creation time */
+    __u16 cdate;		/* Creation date */
+    __u16 adate;		/* Last access date */
+    __u16 starthi;		/* High 16 bits of cluster in FAT32 */
+    __u16 time, date, start;	/* time, date and first cluster */
+    __u32 size;			/* file size (in bytes) */
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) DIR_ENT;
+typedef struct _dos_file {
+    DIR_ENT dir_ent;
+    char *lfn;
+    loff_t offset;
+    loff_t lfn_offset;
+    struct _dos_file *parent;	/* parent directory */
+    struct _dos_file *next;	/* next entry */
+    struct _dos_file *first;	/* first entry (directory only) */
+typedef struct {
+    unsigned long value;
+    unsigned long reserved;
+typedef struct {
+    int nfats;
+    loff_t fat_start;
+    unsigned int fat_size;	/* unit is bytes */
+    unsigned int fat_bits;	/* size of a FAT entry */
+    unsigned int eff_fat_bits;	/* # of used bits in a FAT entry */
+    unsigned long root_cluster;	/* 0 for old-style root dir */
+    loff_t root_start;
+    unsigned int root_entries;
+    loff_t data_start;
+    unsigned int cluster_size;
+    unsigned long clusters;
+    loff_t fsinfo_start;	/* 0 if not present */
+    long free_clusters;
+    loff_t backupboot_start;	/* 0 if not present */
+    unsigned char *fat;
+    DOS_FILE **cluster_owner;
+    char *label;
+} DOS_FS;
+#ifndef offsetof
+#define offsetof(t,e)	((int)&(((t *)0)->e))
+extern int interactive, rw, list, verbose, test, write_immed;
+extern int atari_format;
+extern unsigned n_files;
+extern void *mem_queue;
+extern unsigned retandroid;
+/* value to use as end-of-file marker */
+#define FAT_EOF(fs)	((atari_format ? 0xfff : 0xff8) | FAT_EXTD(fs))
+#define FAT_IS_EOF(fs,v) ((unsigned long)(v) >= (0xff8|FAT_EXTD(fs)))
+/* value to mark bad clusters */
+#define FAT_BAD(fs)	(0xff7 | FAT_EXTD(fs))
+/* range of values used for bad clusters */
+#define FAT_MIN_BAD(fs)	((atari_format ? 0xff0 : 0xff7) | FAT_EXTD(fs))
+#define FAT_MAX_BAD(fs)	((atari_format ? 0xff7 : 0xff7) | FAT_EXTD(fs))
+#define FAT_IS_BAD(fs,v) ((v) >= FAT_MIN_BAD(fs) && (v) <= FAT_MAX_BAD(fs))
+/* return -16 as a number with fs->fat_bits bits */
+#define FAT_EXTD(fs)	(((1 << fs->eff_fat_bits)-1) & ~0xf)
+/* marker for files with no 8.3 name */
+#define FAT_NO_83NAME 32
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/dosfslabel.c b/dosfstools/src/dosfslabel.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e2d282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/dosfslabel.c
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+/* dosfslabel.c - User interface
+   Copyright (C) 1993 Werner Almesberger <>
+   Copyright (C) 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+   Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+#include "version.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#ifdef _USING_BIONIC_
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include "common.h"
+#include "dosfsck.h"
+#include "io.h"
+#include "boot.h"
+#include "fat.h"
+#include "file.h"
+#include "check.h"
+int interactive = 0, rw = 0, list = 0, test = 0, verbose = 0, write_immed = 0;
+int atari_format = 0;
+unsigned n_files = 0;
+void *mem_queue = NULL;
+static void usage(int error)
+    FILE *f = error ? stderr : stdout;
+    int status = error ? 1 : 0;
+    fprintf(f, "usage: dosfslabel device [label]\n");
+    exit(status);
+ * ++roman: On m68k, check if this is an Atari; if yes, turn on Atari variant
+ * of MS-DOS filesystem by default.
+ */
+static void check_atari(void)
+#ifdef __mc68000__
+    FILE *f;
+    char line[128], *p;
+    if (!(f = fopen("/proc/hardware", "r"))) {
+	perror("/proc/hardware");
+	return;
+    }
+    while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) {
+	if (strncmp(line, "Model:", 6) == 0) {
+	    p = line + 6;
+	    p += strspn(p, " \t");
+	    if (strncmp(p, "Atari ", 6) == 0)
+		atari_format = 1;
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    fclose(f);
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    DOS_FS fs;
+    rw = 0;
+    char *device = NULL;
+    char *label = NULL;
+    check_atari();
+    if (argc < 2 || argc > 3)
+	usage(1);
+    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--help"))
+	usage(0);
+    else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-V") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--version")) {
+	printf("dosfslabel " VERSION ", " VERSION_DATE ", FAT32, LFN\n");
+	exit(0);
+    }
+    device = argv[1];
+    if (argc == 3) {
+	label = argv[2];
+	if (strlen(label) > 11) {
+	    fprintf(stderr,
+		    "dosfslabel: labels can be no longer than 11 characters\n");
+	    exit(1);
+	}
+	rw = 1;
+    }
+    fs_open(device, rw);
+    read_boot(&fs);
+    if (!rw) {
+	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", fs.label);
+	exit(0);
+    }
+    write_label(&fs, label);
+    fs_close(rw);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/fat.c b/dosfstools/src/fat.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a0dfb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/fat.c
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+/* fat.c - Read/write access to the FAT
+   Copyright (C) 1993 Werner Almesberger <>
+   Copyright (C) 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+/* FAT32, VFAT, Atari format support, and various fixes additions May 1998
+ * by Roman Hodek <> */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "common.h"
+#include "dosfsck.h"
+#include "io.h"
+#include "check.h"
+#include "fat.h"
+ * Fetch the FAT entry for a specified cluster.
+ *
+ * @param[out]  entry	    Cluster to which cluster of interest is linked
+ * @param[in]	fat	    FAT table for the partition
+ * @param[in]	cluster     Cluster of interest
+ * @param[in]	fs          Information from the FAT boot sectors (bits per FAT entry)
+ */
+void get_fat(FAT_ENTRY * entry, void *fat, unsigned long cluster, DOS_FS * fs)
+    unsigned char *ptr;
+    switch (fs->fat_bits) {
+    case 12:
+	ptr = &((unsigned char *)fat)[cluster * 3 / 2];
+	entry->value = 0xfff & (cluster & 1 ? (ptr[0] >> 4) | (ptr[1] << 4) :
+				(ptr[0] | ptr[1] << 8));
+	break;
+    case 16:
+	entry->value = CF_LE_W(((unsigned short *)fat)[cluster]);
+	break;
+    case 32:
+	/* According to M$, the high 4 bits of a FAT32 entry are reserved and
+	 * are not part of the cluster number. So we cut them off. */
+	{
+	    unsigned long e = CF_LE_L(((unsigned int *)fat)[cluster]);
+	    entry->value = e & 0xfffffff;
+	    entry->reserved = e >> 28;
+	}
+	break;
+    default:
+	die("Bad FAT entry size: %d bits.", fs->fat_bits);
+    }
+ * Build a bookkeeping structure from the partition's FAT table.
+ * If the partition has multiple FATs and they don't agree, try to pick a winner,
+ * and queue a command to overwrite the loser.
+ * One error that is fixed here is a cluster that links to something out of range.
+ *
+ * @param[inout]    fs      Information about the filesystem
+ */
+void read_fat(DOS_FS * fs)
+    int eff_size;
+    unsigned long i;
+    void *first, *second = NULL;
+    int first_ok, second_ok;
+    unsigned long total_num_clusters;
+    /* Clean up from previous pass */
+    free(fs->fat);
+    free(fs->cluster_owner);
+    fs->fat = NULL;
+    fs->cluster_owner = NULL;
+    total_num_clusters = fs->clusters + 2UL;
+    eff_size = (total_num_clusters * fs->fat_bits + 7) / 8ULL;
+    first = alloc(eff_size);
+    fs_read(fs->fat_start, eff_size, first);
+    if (fs->nfats > 1) {
+	second = alloc(eff_size);
+	fs_read(fs->fat_start + fs->fat_size, eff_size, second);
+    }
+    if (second && memcmp(first, second, eff_size) != 0) {
+	FAT_ENTRY first_media, second_media;
+	get_fat(&first_media, first, 0, fs);
+	get_fat(&second_media, second, 0, fs);
+	first_ok = (first_media.value & FAT_EXTD(fs)) == FAT_EXTD(fs);
+	second_ok = (second_media.value & FAT_EXTD(fs)) == FAT_EXTD(fs);
+	if (first_ok && !second_ok) {
+	    printf("FATs differ - using first FAT.\n");
+	    fs_write(fs->fat_start + fs->fat_size, eff_size, first);
+	}
+	if (!first_ok && second_ok) {
+	    printf("FATs differ - using second FAT.\n");
+	    fs_write(fs->fat_start, eff_size, second);
+	    memcpy(first, second, eff_size);
+	}
+	if (first_ok && second_ok) {
+	    if (interactive) {
+		printf("FATs differ but appear to be intact. Use which FAT ?\n"
+		       "1) Use first FAT\n2) Use second FAT\n");
+		if (get_key("12", "?") == '1') {
+		    fs_write(fs->fat_start + fs->fat_size, eff_size, first);
+		} else {
+		    fs_write(fs->fat_start, eff_size, second);
+		    memcpy(first, second, eff_size);
+		}
+	    } else {
+		printf("FATs differ but appear to be intact. Using first "
+		       "FAT.\n");
+		fs_write(fs->fat_start + fs->fat_size, eff_size, first);
+	    }
+	}
+	if (!first_ok && !second_ok) {
+	    printf("Both FATs appear to be corrupt. Giving up.\n");
+	    exit(1);
+	}
+    }
+    if (second) {
+	free(second);
+    }
+    fs->fat = (unsigned char *)first;
+    fs->cluster_owner = alloc(total_num_clusters * sizeof(DOS_FILE *));
+    memset(fs->cluster_owner, 0, (total_num_clusters * sizeof(DOS_FILE *)));
+    /* Truncate any cluster chains that link to something out of range */
+    for (i = 2; i < fs->clusters + 2; i++) {
+	FAT_ENTRY curEntry;
+	get_fat(&curEntry, fs->fat, i, fs);
+	if (curEntry.value == 1) {
+	    printf("Cluster %ld out of range (1). Setting to EOF.\n", i - 2);
+	    set_fat(fs, i, -1);
+	}
+	if (curEntry.value >= fs->clusters + 2 &&
+	    (curEntry.value < FAT_MIN_BAD(fs))) {
+	    printf("Cluster %ld out of range (%ld > %ld). Setting to EOF.\n",
+		   i - 2, curEntry.value, fs->clusters + 2 - 1);
+	    set_fat(fs, i, -1);
+	}
+    }
+ * Update the FAT entry for a specified cluster
+ * (i.e., change the cluster it links to).
+ * Queue a command to write out this change.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out]   fs          Information about the filesystem
+ * @param[in]	    cluster     Cluster to change
+ * @param[in]       new	        Cluster to link to
+ *				Special values:
+ *				   0 == free cluster
+ *				  -1 == end-of-chain
+ *				  -2 == bad cluster
+ */
+void set_fat(DOS_FS * fs, unsigned long cluster, unsigned long new)
+    unsigned char *data = NULL;
+    int size;
+    loff_t offs;
+    if ((long)new == -1)
+	new = FAT_EOF(fs);
+    else if ((long)new == -2)
+	new = FAT_BAD(fs);
+    switch (fs->fat_bits) {
+    case 12:
+	data = fs->fat + cluster * 3 / 2;
+	offs = fs->fat_start + cluster * 3 / 2;
+	if (cluster & 1) {
+	    FAT_ENTRY prevEntry;
+	    get_fat(&prevEntry, fs->fat, cluster - 1, fs);
+	    data[0] = ((new & 0xf) << 4) | (prevEntry.value >> 8);
+	    data[1] = new >> 4;
+	} else {
+	    FAT_ENTRY subseqEntry;
+	    get_fat(&subseqEntry, fs->fat, cluster + 1, fs);
+	    data[0] = new & 0xff;
+	    data[1] = (new >> 8) | (cluster == fs->clusters - 1 ? 0 :
+				    (0xff & subseqEntry.value) << 4);
+	}
+	size = 2;
+	break;
+    case 16:
+	data = fs->fat + cluster * 2;
+	offs = fs->fat_start + cluster * 2;
+	*(unsigned short *)data = CT_LE_W(new);
+	size = 2;
+	break;
+    case 32:
+	{
+	    FAT_ENTRY curEntry;
+	    get_fat(&curEntry, fs->fat, cluster, fs);
+	    data = fs->fat + cluster * 4;
+	    offs = fs->fat_start + cluster * 4;
+	    /* According to M$, the high 4 bits of a FAT32 entry are reserved and
+	     * are not part of the cluster number. So we never touch them. */
+	    *(unsigned long *)data = CT_LE_L((new & 0xfffffff) |
+					     (curEntry.reserved << 28));
+	    size = 4;
+	}
+	break;
+    default:
+	die("Bad FAT entry size: %d bits.", fs->fat_bits);
+    }
+    fs_write(offs, size, data);
+    if (fs->nfats > 1) {
+	fs_write(offs + fs->fat_size, size, data);
+    }
+int bad_cluster(DOS_FS * fs, unsigned long cluster)
+    FAT_ENTRY curEntry;
+    get_fat(&curEntry, fs->fat, cluster, fs);
+    return FAT_IS_BAD(fs, curEntry.value);
+ * Get the cluster to which the specified cluster is linked.
+ * If the linked cluster is marked bad, abort.
+ *
+ * @param[in]   fs          Information about the filesystem
+ * @param[in]	cluster     Cluster to follow
+ *
+ * @return  -1              'cluster' is at the end of the chain
+ * @return  Other values    Next cluster in this chain
+ */
+unsigned long next_cluster(DOS_FS * fs, unsigned long cluster)
+    unsigned long value;
+    FAT_ENTRY curEntry;
+    get_fat(&curEntry, fs->fat, cluster, fs);
+    value = curEntry.value;
+    if (FAT_IS_BAD(fs, value))
+	die("Internal error: next_cluster on bad cluster");
+    return FAT_IS_EOF(fs, value) ? -1 : value;
+loff_t cluster_start(DOS_FS * fs, unsigned long cluster)
+    return fs->data_start + ((loff_t) cluster -
+			     2) * (unsigned long long)fs->cluster_size;
+ * Update internal bookkeeping to show that the specified cluster belongs
+ * to the specified dentry.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out]   fs          Information about the filesystem
+ * @param[in]	    cluster     Cluster being assigned
+ * @param[in]	    owner       Information on dentry that owns this cluster
+ *                              (may be NULL)
+ */
+void set_owner(DOS_FS * fs, unsigned long cluster, DOS_FILE * owner)
+    if (fs->cluster_owner == NULL)
+	die("Internal error: attempt to set owner in non-existent table");
+    if (owner && fs->cluster_owner[cluster]
+	&& (fs->cluster_owner[cluster] != owner))
+	die("Internal error: attempt to change file owner");
+    fs->cluster_owner[cluster] = owner;
+DOS_FILE *get_owner(DOS_FS * fs, unsigned long cluster)
+    if (fs->cluster_owner == NULL)
+	return NULL;
+    else
+	return fs->cluster_owner[cluster];
+void fix_bad(DOS_FS * fs)
+    unsigned long i;
+    if (verbose)
+	printf("Checking for bad clusters.\n");
+    for (i = 2; i < fs->clusters + 2; i++) {
+	FAT_ENTRY curEntry;
+	get_fat(&curEntry, fs->fat, i, fs);
+	if (!get_owner(fs, i) && !FAT_IS_BAD(fs, curEntry.value))
+	    if (!fs_test(cluster_start(fs, i), fs->cluster_size)) {
+		printf("Cluster %lu is unreadable.\n", i);
+		set_fat(fs, i, -2);
+	    }
+    }
+void reclaim_free(DOS_FS * fs)
+    int reclaimed;
+    unsigned long i;
+    if (verbose)
+	printf("Checking for unused clusters.\n");
+    reclaimed = 0;
+    for (i = 2; i < fs->clusters + 2; i++) {
+	FAT_ENTRY curEntry;
+	get_fat(&curEntry, fs->fat, i, fs);
+	if (!get_owner(fs, i) && curEntry.value &&
+	    !FAT_IS_BAD(fs, curEntry.value)) {
+	    set_fat(fs, i, 0);
+	    reclaimed++;
+	}
+    }
+    if (reclaimed)
+	printf("Reclaimed %d unused cluster%s (%llu bytes).\n", reclaimed,
+	       reclaimed == 1 ? "" : "s",
+	       (unsigned long long)reclaimed * fs->cluster_size);
+ * Assign the specified owner to all orphan chains (except cycles).
+ * Break cross-links between orphan chains.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out]   fs             Information about the filesystem
+ * @param[in]	    owner          dentry to be assigned ownership of orphans
+ * @param[in,out]   num_refs	   For each orphan cluster [index], how many
+ *				   clusters link to it.
+ * @param[in]	    start_cluster  Where to start scanning for orphans
+ */
+static void tag_free(DOS_FS * fs, DOS_FILE * owner, unsigned long *num_refs,
+		     unsigned long start_cluster)
+    int prev;
+    unsigned long i, walk;
+    if (start_cluster == 0)
+	start_cluster = 2;
+    for (i = start_cluster; i < fs->clusters + 2; i++) {
+	FAT_ENTRY curEntry;
+	get_fat(&curEntry, fs->fat, i, fs);
+	/* If the current entry is the head of an un-owned chain... */
+	if (curEntry.value && !FAT_IS_BAD(fs, curEntry.value) &&
+	    !get_owner(fs, i) && !num_refs[i]) {
+	    prev = 0;
+	    /* Walk the chain, claiming ownership as we go */
+	    for (walk = i; walk != -1; walk = next_cluster(fs, walk)) {
+		if (!get_owner(fs, walk)) {
+		    set_owner(fs, walk, owner);
+		} else {
+		    /* We've run into cross-links between orphaned chains,
+		     * or a cycle with a tail.
+		     * Terminate this orphan chain (break the link)
+		     */
+		    set_fat(fs, prev, -1);
+		    /* This is not necessary because 'walk' is owned and thus
+		     * will never become the head of a chain (the only case
+		     * that would matter during reclaim to files).
+		     * It's easier to decrement than to prove that it's
+		     * unnecessary.
+		     */
+		    num_refs[walk]--;
+		    break;
+		}
+		prev = walk;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+ * Recover orphan chains to files, handling any cycles or cross-links.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out]   fs             Information about the filesystem
+ */
+void reclaim_file(DOS_FS * fs)
+    DOS_FILE orphan;
+    int reclaimed, files;
+    int changed = 0;
+    unsigned long i, next, walk;
+    unsigned long *num_refs = NULL;	/* Only for orphaned clusters */
+    unsigned long total_num_clusters;
+    if (verbose)
+	printf("Reclaiming unconnected clusters.\n");
+    total_num_clusters = fs->clusters + 2UL;
+    num_refs = alloc(total_num_clusters * sizeof(unsigned long));
+    memset(num_refs, 0, (total_num_clusters * sizeof(unsigned long)));
+    /* Guarantee that all orphan chains (except cycles) end cleanly
+     * with an end-of-chain mark.
+     */
+    for (i = 2; i < total_num_clusters; i++) {
+	FAT_ENTRY curEntry;
+	get_fat(&curEntry, fs->fat, i, fs);
+	next = curEntry.value;
+	if (!get_owner(fs, i) && next && next < fs->clusters + 2) {
+	    /* Cluster is linked, but not owned (orphan) */
+	    FAT_ENTRY nextEntry;
+	    get_fat(&nextEntry, fs->fat, next, fs);
+	    /* Mark it end-of-chain if it links into an owned cluster,
+	     * a free cluster, or a bad cluster.
+	     */
+	    if (get_owner(fs, next) || !nextEntry.value ||
+		FAT_IS_BAD(fs, nextEntry.value))
+		set_fat(fs, i, -1);
+	    else
+		num_refs[next]++;
+	}
+    }
+    /* Scan until all the orphans are accounted for,
+     * and all cycles and cross-links are broken
+     */
+    do {
+	tag_free(fs, &orphan, num_refs, changed);
+	changed = 0;
+	/* Any unaccounted-for orphans must be part of a cycle */
+	for (i = 2; i < total_num_clusters; i++) {
+	    FAT_ENTRY curEntry;
+	    get_fat(&curEntry, fs->fat, i, fs);
+	    if (curEntry.value && !FAT_IS_BAD(fs, curEntry.value) &&
+		!get_owner(fs, i)) {
+		if (!num_refs[curEntry.value]--)
+		    die("Internal error: num_refs going below zero");
+		set_fat(fs, i, -1);
+		changed = curEntry.value;
+		printf("Broke cycle at cluster %lu in free chain.\n", i);
+		/* If we've created a new chain head,
+		 * tag_free() can claim it
+		 */
+		if (num_refs[curEntry.value] == 0)
+		    break;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    while (changed);
+    /* Now we can start recovery */
+    files = reclaimed = 0;
+    for (i = 2; i < total_num_clusters; i++)
+	/* If this cluster is the head of an orphan chain... */
+	if (get_owner(fs, i) == &orphan && !num_refs[i]) {
+	    DIR_ENT de;
+	    loff_t offset;
+	    files++;
+	    offset = alloc_rootdir_entry(fs, &de, "FSCK%04d");
+	    de.start = CT_LE_W(i & 0xffff);
+	    if (fs->fat_bits == 32)
+		de.starthi = CT_LE_W(i >> 16);
+	    for (walk = i; walk > 0 && walk != -1;
+		 walk = next_cluster(fs, walk)) {
+		de.size = CT_LE_L(CF_LE_L(de.size) + fs->cluster_size);
+		reclaimed++;
+	    }
+	    fs_write(offset, sizeof(DIR_ENT), &de);
+	}
+    if (reclaimed)
+	printf("Reclaimed %d unused cluster%s (%llu bytes) in %d chain%s.\n",
+	       reclaimed, reclaimed == 1 ? "" : "s",
+	       (unsigned long long)reclaimed * fs->cluster_size, files,
+	       files == 1 ? "" : "s");
+    free(num_refs);
+unsigned long update_free(DOS_FS * fs)
+    unsigned long i;
+    unsigned long free = 0;
+    int do_set = 0;
+    for (i = 2; i < fs->clusters + 2; i++) {
+	FAT_ENTRY curEntry;
+	get_fat(&curEntry, fs->fat, i, fs);
+	if (!get_owner(fs, i) && !FAT_IS_BAD(fs, curEntry.value))
+	    ++free;
+    }
+    if (!fs->fsinfo_start)
+	return free;
+    if (verbose)
+	printf("Checking free cluster summary.\n");
+    if (fs->free_clusters != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
+	if (free != fs->free_clusters) {
+	    printf("Free cluster summary wrong (%ld vs. really %ld)\n",
+		   fs->free_clusters, free);
+	    if (interactive)
+		printf("1) Correct\n2) Don't correct\n");
+	    else
+		printf("  Auto-correcting.\n");
+	    if (!interactive || get_key("12", "?") == '1')
+		do_set = 1;
+	}
+    } else {
+	printf("Free cluster summary uninitialized (should be %ld)\n", free);
+	if (rw) {
+	    if (interactive)
+		printf("1) Set it\n2) Leave it uninitialized\n");
+	    else
+		printf("  Auto-setting.\n");
+	    if (!interactive || get_key("12", "?") == '1')
+		do_set = 1;
+	}
+    }
+    if (do_set) {
+	unsigned long le_free = CT_LE_L(free);
+	fs->free_clusters = free;
+	fs_write(fs->fsinfo_start + offsetof(struct info_sector, free_clusters),
+		 sizeof(le_free), &le_free);
+    }
+    return free;
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/fat.h b/dosfstools/src/fat.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13ac1b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/fat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+/* fat.h - Read/write access to the FAT
+   Copyright (C) 1993 Werner Almesberger <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+#ifndef _FAT_H
+#define _FAT_H
+void read_fat(DOS_FS * fs);
+/* Loads the FAT of the file system described by FS. Initializes the FAT,
+   replaces broken FATs and rejects invalid cluster entries. */
+void get_fat(FAT_ENTRY * entry, void *fat, unsigned long cluster, DOS_FS * fs);
+/* Retrieve the FAT entry (next chained cluster) for CLUSTER. */
+void set_fat(DOS_FS * fs, unsigned long cluster, unsigned long new);
+/* Changes the value of the CLUSTERth cluster of the FAT of FS to NEW. Special
+   values of NEW are -1 (EOF, 0xff8 or 0xfff8) and -2 (bad sector, 0xff7 or
+   0xfff7) */
+int bad_cluster(DOS_FS * fs, unsigned long cluster);
+/* Returns a non-zero integer if the CLUSTERth cluster is marked as bad or zero
+   otherwise. */
+unsigned long next_cluster(DOS_FS * fs, unsigned long cluster);
+/* Returns the number of the cluster following CLUSTER, or -1 if this is the
+   last cluster of the respective cluster chain. CLUSTER must not be a bad
+   cluster. */
+loff_t cluster_start(DOS_FS * fs, unsigned long cluster);
+/* Returns the byte offset of CLUSTER, relative to the respective device. */
+void set_owner(DOS_FS * fs, unsigned long cluster, DOS_FILE * owner);
+/* Sets the owner pointer of the respective cluster to OWNER. If OWNER was NULL
+   before, it can be set to NULL or any non-NULL value. Otherwise, only NULL is
+   accepted as the new value. */
+DOS_FILE *get_owner(DOS_FS * fs, unsigned long cluster);
+/* Returns the owner of the repective cluster or NULL if the cluster has no
+   owner. */
+void fix_bad(DOS_FS * fs);
+/* Scans the disk for currently unused bad clusters and marks them as bad. */
+void reclaim_free(DOS_FS * fs);
+/* Marks all allocated, but unused clusters as free. */
+void reclaim_file(DOS_FS * fs);
+/* Scans the FAT for chains of allocated, but unused clusters and creates files
+   for them in the root directory. Also tries to fix all inconsistencies (e.g.
+   loops, shared clusters, etc.) in the process. */
+unsigned long update_free(DOS_FS * fs);
+/* Updates free cluster count in FSINFO sector. */
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/file.c b/dosfstools/src/file.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a73b73f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/file.c
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+/* file.c - Additional file attributes
+   Copyright (C) 1993 Werner Almesberger <>
+   Copyright (C) 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+/* FAT32, VFAT, Atari format support, and various fixes additions May 1998
+ * by Roman Hodek <> */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#define _LINUX_STAT_H		/* hack to avoid inclusion of <linux/stat.h> */
+#define _LINUX_STRING_H_	/* hack to avoid inclusion of <linux/string.h> */
+#define _LINUX_FS_H		/* hack to avoid inclusion of <linux/fs.h> */
+#include <asm/types.h>
+#include <linux/msdos_fs.h>
+#include "common.h"
+#include "file.h"
+FDSC *fp_root = NULL;
+static void put_char(char **p, unsigned char c)
+    if ((c >= ' ' && c < 0x7f) || c >= 0xa0)
+	*(*p)++ = c;
+    else {
+	*(*p)++ = '\\';
+	*(*p)++ = '0' + (c >> 6);
+	*(*p)++ = '0' + ((c >> 3) & 7);
+	*(*p)++ = '0' + (c & 7);
+    }
+ * Construct the "pretty-printed" representation of the name in a short directory entry.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    fixed  Pointer to name[0] of a DIR_ENT
+ *
+ * @return  Pointer to static string containing pretty "8.3" equivalent of the
+ *          name in the directory entry.
+ */
+char *file_name(unsigned char *fixed)
+    static char path[MSDOS_NAME * 4 + 2];
+    char *p;
+    int i, j;
+    p = path;
+    for (i = j = 0; i < 8; i++)
+	if (fixed[i] != ' ') {
+	    while (j++ < i)
+		*p++ = ' ';
+	    put_char(&p, fixed[i]);
+	}
+    if (strncmp((const char *)(fixed + 8), "   ", 3)) {
+	*p++ = '.';
+	for (i = j = 0; i < 3; i++)
+	    if (fixed[i + 8] != ' ') {
+		while (j++ < i)
+		    *p++ = ' ';
+		put_char(&p, fixed[i + 8]);
+	    }
+    }
+    *p = 0;
+    return path;
+int file_cvt(unsigned char *name, unsigned char *fixed)
+    unsigned char c;
+    int size, ext, cnt;
+    size = 8;
+    ext = 0;
+    while (*name) {
+	c = *name;
+	if (c < ' ' || c > 0x7e || strchr("*?<>|\"/", c)) {
+	    printf("Invalid character in name. Use \\ooo for special "
+		   "characters.\n");
+	    return 0;
+	}
+	if (c == '.') {
+	    if (ext) {
+		printf("Duplicate dots in name.\n");
+		return 0;
+	    }
+	    while (size--)
+		*fixed++ = ' ';
+	    size = 3;
+	    ext = 1;
+	    name++;
+	    continue;
+	}
+	if (c == '\\') {
+	    c = 0;
+	    for (cnt = 3; cnt; cnt--) {
+		if (*name < '0' || *name > '7') {
+		    printf("Invalid octal character.\n");
+		    return 0;
+		}
+		c = c * 8 + *name++ - '0';
+	    }
+	    if (cnt < 4) {
+		printf("Expected three octal digits.\n");
+		return 0;
+	    }
+	    name += 3;
+	}
+	if (islower(c))
+	    c = toupper(c);
+	if (size) {
+	    *fixed++ = c;
+	    size--;
+	}
+	name++;
+    }
+    if (*name || size == 8)
+	return 0;
+    if (!ext) {
+	while (size--)
+	    *fixed++ = ' ';
+	size = 3;
+    }
+    while (size--)
+	*fixed++ = ' ';
+    return 1;
+void file_add(char *path, FD_TYPE type)
+    FDSC **current, *walk;
+    char name[MSDOS_NAME];
+    char *here;
+    current = &fp_root;
+    if (*path != '/')
+	die("%s: Absolute path required.", path);
+    path++;
+    while (1) {
+	if ((here = strchr(path, '/')))
+	    *here = 0;
+	if (!file_cvt((unsigned char *)path, (unsigned char *)name))
+	    exit(2);
+	for (walk = *current; walk; walk = walk->next)
+	    if (!here && (!strncmp(name, walk->name, MSDOS_NAME) || (type ==
+								     fdt_undelete
+								     &&
+								     !strncmp
+								     (name + 1,
+								      walk->name
+								      + 1,
+								      MSDOS_NAME
+								      - 1))))
+		die("Ambiguous name: \"%s\"", path);
+	    else if (here && !strncmp(name, walk->name, MSDOS_NAME))
+		break;
+	if (!walk) {
+	    walk = alloc(sizeof(FDSC));
+	    strncpy(walk->name, name, MSDOS_NAME);
+	    walk->type = here ? fdt_none : type;
+	    walk->first = NULL;
+	    walk->next = *current;
+	    *current = walk;
+	}
+	current = &walk->first;
+	if (!here)
+	    break;
+	*here = '/';
+	path = here + 1;
+    }
+FDSC **file_cd(FDSC ** curr, char *fixed)
+    FDSC **walk;
+    if (!curr || !*curr)
+	return NULL;
+    for (walk = curr; *walk; walk = &(*walk)->next)
+	if (!strncmp((*walk)->name, fixed, MSDOS_NAME) && (*walk)->first)
+	    return &(*walk)->first;
+    return NULL;
+static FDSC **file_find(FDSC ** dir, char *fixed)
+    if (!dir || !*dir)
+	return NULL;
+    if (*(unsigned char *)fixed == DELETED_FLAG) {
+	while (*dir) {
+	    if (!strncmp((*dir)->name + 1, fixed + 1, MSDOS_NAME - 1)
+		&& !(*dir)->first)
+		return dir;
+	    dir = &(*dir)->next;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+    }
+    while (*dir) {
+	if (!strncmp((*dir)->name, fixed, MSDOS_NAME) && !(*dir)->first)
+	    return dir;
+	dir = &(*dir)->next;
+    }
+    return NULL;
+/* Returns the attribute of the file FIXED in directory CURR or FDT_NONE if no
+   such file exists or if CURR is NULL. */
+FD_TYPE file_type(FDSC ** curr, char *fixed)
+    FDSC **this;
+    if ((this = file_find(curr, fixed)))
+	return (*this)->type;
+    return fdt_none;
+void file_modify(FDSC ** curr, char *fixed)
+    FDSC **this, *next;
+    if (!(this = file_find(curr, fixed)))
+	die("Internal error: file_find failed");
+    switch ((*this)->type) {
+    case fdt_drop:
+	printf("Dropping %s\n", file_name((unsigned char *)fixed));
+	*(unsigned char *)fixed = DELETED_FLAG;
+	break;
+    case fdt_undelete:
+	*fixed = *(*this)->name;
+	printf("Undeleting %s\n", file_name((unsigned char *)fixed));
+	break;
+    default:
+	die("Internal error: file_modify");
+    }
+    next = (*this)->next;
+    free(*this);
+    *this = next;
+static void report_unused(FDSC * this)
+    FDSC *next;
+    while (this) {
+	next = this->next;
+	if (this->first)
+	    report_unused(this->first);
+	else if (this->type != fdt_none)
+	    printf("Warning: did not %s file %s\n", this->type == fdt_drop ?
+		   "drop" : "undelete", file_name((unsigned char *)this->name));
+	free(this);
+	this = next;
+    }
+void file_unused(void)
+    report_unused(fp_root);
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/file.h b/dosfstools/src/file.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40bd58a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/file.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+/* file.h - Additional file attributes
+   Copyright (C) 1993 Werner Almesberger <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+#ifndef _FILE_H
+#define _FILE_H
+typedef enum { fdt_none, fdt_drop, fdt_undelete } FD_TYPE;
+typedef struct _fptr {
+    char name[MSDOS_NAME];
+    FD_TYPE type;
+    struct _fptr *first;	/* first entry */
+    struct _fptr *next;		/* next file in directory */
+} FDSC;
+extern FDSC *fp_root;
+char *file_name(unsigned char *fixed);
+/* Returns a pointer to a pretty-printed representation of a fixed MS-DOS file
+   name. */
+int file_cvt(unsigned char *name, unsigned char *fixed);
+/* Converts a pretty-printed file name to the fixed MS-DOS format. Returns a
+   non-zero integer on success, zero on failure. */
+void file_add(char *path, FD_TYPE type);
+/* Define special attributes for a path. TYPE can be either FDT_DROP or
+FDSC **file_cd(FDSC ** curr, char *fixed);
+/* Returns a pointer to the directory descriptor of the subdirectory FIXED of
+   CURR, or NULL if no such subdirectory exists. */
+FD_TYPE file_type(FDSC ** curr, char *fixed);
+/* Returns the attribute of the file FIXED in directory CURR or FDT_NONE if no
+   such file exists or if CURR is NULL. */
+void file_modify(FDSC ** curr, char *fixed);
+/* Performs the necessary operation on the entry of CURR that is named FIXED. */
+void file_unused(void);
+/* Displays warnings for all unused file attributes. */
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/io.c b/dosfstools/src/io.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a703c2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/io.c
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+/* io.c - Virtual disk input/output
+   Copyright (C) 1993 Werner Almesberger <>
+   Copyright (C) 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+ * Thu Feb 26 01:15:36 CET 1998: Martin Schulze <>
+ *	Fixed nasty bug that caused every file with a name like
+ * to be treated as bad name that needed to be fixed.
+ */
+/* FAT32, VFAT, Atari format support, and various fixes additions May 1998
+ * by Roman Hodek <> */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <linux/fd.h>
+#include "dosfsck.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#include "io.h"
+typedef struct _change {
+    void *data;
+    loff_t pos;
+    int size;
+    struct _change *next;
+static CHANGE *changes, *last;
+static int fd, did_change = 0;
+unsigned device_no;
+#ifdef __DJGPP__
+#include "volume.h"		/* DOS lowlevel disk access functions */
+loff_t llseek(int fd, loff_t offset, int whence)
+    if ((whence != SEEK_SET) || (fd == 4711))
+	return -1;		/* only those supported */
+    return VolumeSeek(offset);
+#define open OpenVolume
+#define close CloseVolume
+#define read(a,b,c) ReadVolume(b,c)
+#define write(a,b,c) WriteVolume(b,c)
+loff_t llseek(int fd, loff_t offset, int whence)
+    return (loff_t) lseek64(fd, (off64_t) offset, whence);
+void fs_open(char *path, int rw)
+    struct stat stbuf;
+    if ((fd = open(path, rw ? O_RDWR : O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
+	perror("open");
+	exit(6);
+    }
+    changes = last = NULL;
+    did_change = 0;
+#ifndef _DJGPP_
+    if (fstat(fd, &stbuf) < 0)
+	pdie("fstat %s", path);
+    device_no = S_ISBLK(stbuf.st_mode) ? (stbuf.st_rdev >> 8) & 0xff : 0;
+    if (IsWorkingOnImageFile()) {
+	if (fstat(GetVolumeHandle(), &stbuf) < 0)
+	    pdie("fstat image %s", path);
+	device_no = 0;
+    } else {
+	/* return 2 for floppy, 1 for ramdisk, 7 for loopback  */
+	/* used by boot.c in Atari mode: floppy always FAT12,  */
+	/* loopback / ramdisk only FAT12 if usual floppy size, */
+	/* harddisk always FAT16 on Atari... */
+	device_no = (GetVolumeHandle() < 2) ? 2 : 1;
+	/* telling "floppy" for A:/B:, "ramdisk" for the rest */
+    }
+ * Read data from the partition, accounting for any pending updates that are
+ * queued for writing.
+ *
+ * @param[in]   pos     Byte offset, relative to the beginning of the partition,
+ *                      at which to read
+ * @param[in]   size    Number of bytes to read
+ * @param[out]  data    Where to put the data read
+ */
+void fs_read(loff_t pos, int size, void *data)
+    CHANGE *walk;
+    int got;
+    if (llseek(fd, pos, 0) != pos)
+	pdie("Seek to %lld", pos);
+    if ((got = read(fd, data, size)) < 0)
+	pdie("Read %d bytes at %lld", size, pos);
+    if (got != size)
+	die("Got %d bytes instead of %d at %lld", got, size, pos);
+    for (walk = changes; walk; walk = walk->next) {
+	if (walk->pos < pos + size && walk->pos + walk->size > pos) {
+	    if (walk->pos < pos)
+		memcpy(data, (char *)walk->data + pos - walk->pos, min(size,
+								       walk->size
+								       - pos +
+								       walk->pos));
+	    else
+		memcpy((char *)data + walk->pos - pos, walk->data,
+		       min(walk->size, size + pos - walk->pos));
+	}
+    }
+int fs_test(loff_t pos, int size)
+    void *scratch;
+    int okay;
+    if (llseek(fd, pos, 0) != pos)
+	pdie("Seek to %lld", pos);
+    scratch = alloc(size);
+    okay = read(fd, scratch, size) == size;
+    free(scratch);
+    return okay;
+void fs_write(loff_t pos, int size, void *data)
+    CHANGE *new;
+    int did;
+    if (write_immed) {
+	did_change = 1;
+	if (llseek(fd, pos, 0) != pos)
+	    pdie("Seek to %lld", pos);
+	if ((did = write(fd, data, size)) == size)
+	    return;
+	if (did < 0)
+	    pdie("Write %d bytes at %lld", size, pos);
+	die("Wrote %d bytes instead of %d at %lld", did, size, pos);
+    }
+    new = alloc(sizeof(CHANGE));
+    new->pos = pos;
+    memcpy(new->data = alloc(new->size = size), data, size);
+    new->next = NULL;
+    if (last)
+	last->next = new;
+    else
+	changes = new;
+    last = new;
+static void fs_flush(void)
+    CHANGE *this;
+    int size;
+    while (changes) {
+	this = changes;
+	changes = changes->next;
+	if (llseek(fd, this->pos, 0) != this->pos)
+	    fprintf(stderr,
+		    "Seek to %lld failed: %s\n  Did not write %d bytes.\n",
+		    (long long)this->pos, strerror(errno), this->size);
+	else if ((size = write(fd, this->data, this->size)) < 0)
+	    fprintf(stderr, "Writing %d bytes at %lld failed: %s\n", this->size,
+		    (long long)this->pos, strerror(errno));
+	else if (size != this->size)
+	    fprintf(stderr, "Wrote %d bytes instead of %d bytes at %lld."
+		    "\n", size, this->size, (long long)this->pos);
+	free(this->data);
+	free(this);
+    }
+int fs_close(int write)
+    CHANGE *next;
+    int changed;
+    changed = ! !changes;
+    if (write)
+	fs_flush();
+    else
+	while (changes) {
+	    next = changes->next;
+	    free(changes->data);
+	    free(changes);
+	    changes = next;
+	}
+    if (close(fd) < 0)
+	pdie("closing file system");
+    return changed || did_change;
+int fs_changed(void)
+    return ! !changes || did_change;
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/io.h b/dosfstools/src/io.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2db4ea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/io.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+/* io.h - Virtual disk input/output
+   Copyright (C) 1993 Werner Almesberger <>
+   Copyright (C) 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+/* FAT32, VFAT, Atari format support, and various fixes additions May 1998
+ * by Roman Hodek <> */
+#ifndef _IO_H
+#define _IO_H
+#include <sys/types.h>		/* for loff_t */
+loff_t llseek(int fd, loff_t offset, int whence);
+/* lseek() analogue for large offsets. */
+void fs_open(char *path, int rw);
+/* Opens the file system PATH. If RW is zero, the file system is opened
+   read-only, otherwise, it is opened read-write. */
+void fs_read(loff_t pos, int size, void *data);
+/* Reads SIZE bytes starting at POS into DATA. Performs all applicable
+   changes. */
+int fs_test(loff_t pos, int size);
+/* Returns a non-zero integer if SIZE bytes starting at POS can be read without
+   errors. Otherwise, it returns zero. */
+void fs_write(loff_t pos, int size, void *data);
+/* If write_immed is non-zero, SIZE bytes are written from DATA to the disk,
+   starting at POS. If write_immed is zero, the change is added to a list in
+   memory. */
+int fs_close(int write);
+/* Closes the file system, performs all pending changes if WRITE is non-zero
+   and removes the list of changes. Returns a non-zero integer if the file
+   system has been changed since the last fs_open, zero otherwise. */
+int fs_changed(void);
+/* Determines whether the file system has changed. See fs_close. */
+extern unsigned device_no;
+/* Major number of device (0 if file) and size (in 512 byte sectors) */
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/lfn.c b/dosfstools/src/lfn.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..736491c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/lfn.c
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+/* lfn.c - Functions for handling VFAT long filenames
+   Copyright (C) 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "common.h"
+#include "io.h"
+#include "dosfsck.h"
+#include "lfn.h"
+#include "file.h"
+typedef struct {
+    __u8 id;			/* sequence number for slot */
+    __u8 name0_4[10];		/* first 5 characters in name */
+    __u8 attr;			/* attribute byte */
+    __u8 reserved;		/* always 0 */
+    __u8 alias_checksum;	/* checksum for 8.3 alias */
+    __u8 name5_10[12];		/* 6 more characters in name */
+    __u16 start;		/* starting cluster number, 0 in long slots */
+    __u8 name11_12[4];		/* last 2 characters in name */
+#define LFN_ID_START	0x40
+#define LFN_ID_SLOTMASK	0x1f
+#define CHARS_PER_LFN	13
+/* These modul-global vars represent the state of the LFN parser */
+unsigned char *lfn_unicode = NULL;
+unsigned char lfn_checksum;
+int lfn_slot = -1;
+loff_t *lfn_offsets = NULL;
+int lfn_parts = 0;
+static unsigned char fat_uni2esc[64] = {
+    '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
+    '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F',
+    'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N',
+    'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V',
+    'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd',
+    'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l',
+    'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't',
+    'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '+', '-'
+/* This defines which unicode chars are directly convertable to ISO-8859-1 */
+#define UNICODE_CONVERTABLE(cl,ch)	(ch == 0 && (cl < 0x80 || cl >= 0xa0))
+/* for maxlen param */
+#define UNTIL_0		INT_MAX
+/* Convert name part in 'lfn' from unicode to ASCII */
+#define CNV_THIS_PART(lfn)				\
+    ({							\
+	unsigned char __part_uni[CHARS_PER_LFN*2];		\
+	copy_lfn_part( __part_uni, lfn );		\
+	cnv_unicode( __part_uni, CHARS_PER_LFN, 0 );	\
+    })
+/* Convert name parts collected so far (from previous slots) from unicode to
+ * ASCII */
+#define CNV_PARTS_SO_FAR()					\
+	(cnv_unicode( lfn_unicode+(lfn_slot*CHARS_PER_LFN*2),	\
+		      lfn_parts*CHARS_PER_LFN, 0 ))
+/* This function converts an unicode string to a normal ASCII string, assuming
+ * ISO-8859-1 charset. Characters not in 8859-1 are converted to the same
+ * escape notation as used by the kernel, i.e. the uuencode-like ":xxx" */
+static char *cnv_unicode(const unsigned char *uni, int maxlen, int use_q)
+    const unsigned char *up;
+    unsigned char *out, *cp;
+    int len, val;
+    for (len = 0, up = uni; (up - uni) / 2 < maxlen && (up[0] || up[1]);
+	 up += 2) {
+	if (UNICODE_CONVERTABLE(up[0], up[1]))
+	    ++len;
+	else
+	    len += 4;
+    }
+    cp = out = use_q ? qalloc(&mem_queue, len + 1) : alloc(len + 1);
+    for (up = uni; (up - uni) / 2 < maxlen && (up[0] || up[1]); up += 2) {
+	if (UNICODE_CONVERTABLE(up[0], up[1]))
+	    *cp++ = up[0];
+	else {
+	    /* here the same escape notation is used as in the Linux kernel */
+	    *cp++ = ':';
+	    val = (up[1] << 8) + up[0];
+	    cp[2] = fat_uni2esc[val & 0x3f];
+	    val >>= 6;
+	    cp[1] = fat_uni2esc[val & 0x3f];
+	    val >>= 6;
+	    cp[0] = fat_uni2esc[val & 0x3f];
+	    cp += 3;
+	}
+    }
+    *cp = 0;
+    return (char *)out;
+static void copy_lfn_part(unsigned char *dst, LFN_ENT * lfn)
+    memcpy(dst, lfn->name0_4, 10);
+    memcpy(dst + 10, lfn->name5_10, 12);
+    memcpy(dst + 22, lfn->name11_12, 4);
+static void clear_lfn_slots(int start, int end)
+    int i;
+    LFN_ENT empty;
+    /* New dir entry is zeroed except first byte, which is set to 0xe5.
+     * This is to avoid that some FAT-reading OSes (not Linux! ;) stop reading
+     * a directory at the first zero entry...
+     */
+    memset(&empty, 0, sizeof(empty));
+    for (i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
+	fs_write(lfn_offsets[i], sizeof(LFN_ENT), &empty);
+    }
+void lfn_fix_checksum(loff_t from, loff_t to, const char *short_name)
+    int i;
+    __u8 sum;
+    for (sum = 0, i = 0; i < 11; i++)
+	sum = (((sum & 1) << 7) | ((sum & 0xfe) >> 1)) + short_name[i];
+    for (; from < to; from += sizeof(LFN_ENT)) {
+	fs_write(from + offsetof(LFN_ENT, alias_checksum), sizeof(sum), &sum);
+    }
+void lfn_reset(void)
+    if (lfn_unicode)
+	free(lfn_unicode);
+    lfn_unicode = NULL;
+    if (lfn_offsets)
+	free(lfn_offsets);
+    lfn_offsets = NULL;
+    lfn_slot = -1;
+/* This function is only called with de->attr == VFAT_LN_ATTR. It stores part
+ * of the long name. */
+void lfn_add_slot(DIR_ENT * de, loff_t dir_offset)
+    LFN_ENT *lfn = (LFN_ENT *) de;
+    int slot = lfn->id & LFN_ID_SLOTMASK;
+    unsigned offset;
+    if (lfn_slot == 0)
+	lfn_check_orphaned();
+    if (de->attr != VFAT_LN_ATTR)
+	die("lfn_add_slot called with non-LFN directory entry");
+    if (lfn->id & LFN_ID_START && slot != 0) {
+	if (lfn_slot != -1) {
+	    int can_clear = 0;
+	    /* There is already a LFN "in progess", so it is an error that a
+	     * new start entry is here. */
+	    /* Causes: 1) if slot# == expected: start bit set mysteriously, 2)
+	     *         old LFN overwritten by new one */
+	    /* Fixes: 1) delete previous LFN 2) if slot# == expected and
+	     *        checksum ok: clear start bit */
+	    /* XXX: Should delay that until next LFN known (then can better
+	     * display the name) */
+	    printf("A new long file name starts within an old one.\n");
+	    if (slot == lfn_slot && lfn->alias_checksum == lfn_checksum) {
+		char *part1 = CNV_THIS_PART(lfn);
+		char *part2 = CNV_PARTS_SO_FAR();
+		printf("  It could be that the LFN start bit is wrong here\n"
+		       "  if \"%s\" seems to match \"%s\".\n", part1, part2);
+		free(part1);
+		free(part2);
+		can_clear = 1;
+	    }
+	    if (interactive) {
+		printf("1: Delete previous LFN\n2: Leave it as it is.\n");
+		if (can_clear)
+		    printf("3: Clear start bit and concatenate LFNs\n");
+	    } else
+		printf("  Not auto-correcting this.\n");
+	    if (interactive) {
+		switch (get_key(can_clear ? "123" : "12", "?")) {
+		case '1':
+		    clear_lfn_slots(0, lfn_parts - 1);
+		    lfn_reset();
+		    break;
+		case '2':
+		    break;
+		case '3':
+		    lfn->id &= ~LFN_ID_START;
+		    fs_write(dir_offset + offsetof(LFN_ENT, id),
+			     sizeof(lfn->id), &lfn->id);
+		    break;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	lfn_slot = slot;
+	lfn_checksum = lfn->alias_checksum;
+	lfn_unicode = alloc((lfn_slot * CHARS_PER_LFN + 1) * 2);
+	lfn_offsets = alloc(lfn_slot * sizeof(loff_t));
+	lfn_parts = 0;
+    } else if (lfn_slot == -1 && slot != 0) {
+	/* No LFN in progress, but slot found; start bit missing */
+	/* Causes: 1) start bit got lost, 2) Previous slot with start bit got
+	 *         lost */
+	/* Fixes: 1) delete LFN, 2) set start bit */
+	char *part = CNV_THIS_PART(lfn);
+	printf("Long filename fragment \"%s\" found outside a LFN "
+	       "sequence.\n  (Maybe the start bit is missing on the "
+	       "last fragment)\n", part);
+	if (interactive) {
+	    printf("1: Delete fragment\n2: Leave it as it is.\n"
+		   "3: Set start bit\n");
+	} else
+	    printf("  Not auto-correcting this.\n");
+	switch (interactive ? get_key("123", "?") : '2') {
+	case '1':
+	    if (!lfn_offsets)
+		lfn_offsets = alloc(sizeof(loff_t));
+	    lfn_offsets[0] = dir_offset;
+	    clear_lfn_slots(0, 0);
+	    lfn_reset();
+	    return;
+	case '2':
+	    lfn_reset();
+	    return;
+	case '3':
+	    lfn->id |= LFN_ID_START;
+	    fs_write(dir_offset + offsetof(LFN_ENT, id),
+		     sizeof(lfn->id), &lfn->id);
+	    lfn_slot = slot;
+	    lfn_checksum = lfn->alias_checksum;
+	    lfn_unicode = alloc((lfn_slot * CHARS_PER_LFN + 1) * 2);
+	    lfn_offsets = alloc(lfn_slot * sizeof(loff_t));
+	    lfn_parts = 0;
+	    break;
+	}
+    } else if (slot != lfn_slot) {
+	/* wrong sequence number */
+	/* Causes: 1) seq-no destroyed */
+	/* Fixes: 1) delete LFN, 2) fix number (maybe only if following parts
+	 *        are ok?, maybe only if checksum is ok?) (Attention: space
+	 *        for name was allocated before!) */
+	int can_fix = 0;
+	printf("Unexpected long filename sequence number "
+	       "(%d vs. expected %d).\n", slot, lfn_slot);
+	if (lfn->alias_checksum == lfn_checksum && lfn_slot > 0) {
+	    char *part1 = CNV_THIS_PART(lfn);
+	    char *part2 = CNV_PARTS_SO_FAR();
+	    printf("  It could be that just the number is wrong\n"
+		   "  if \"%s\" seems to match \"%s\".\n", part1, part2);
+	    free(part1);
+	    free(part2);
+	    can_fix = 1;
+	}
+	if (interactive) {
+	    printf
+		("1: Delete LFN\n2: Leave it as it is (and ignore LFN so far)\n");
+	    if (can_fix)
+		printf("3: Correct sequence number\n");
+	} else
+	    printf("  Not auto-correcting this.\n");
+	switch (interactive ? get_key(can_fix ? "123" : "12", "?") : '2') {
+	case '1':
+	    if (!lfn_offsets) {
+		lfn_offsets = alloc(sizeof(loff_t));
+		lfn_parts = 0;
+	    }
+	    lfn_offsets[lfn_parts++] = dir_offset;
+	    clear_lfn_slots(0, lfn_parts - 1);
+	    lfn_reset();
+	    return;
+	case '2':
+	    lfn_reset();
+	    return;
+	case '3':
+	    lfn->id = (lfn->id & ~LFN_ID_SLOTMASK) | lfn_slot;
+	    fs_write(dir_offset + offsetof(LFN_ENT, id),
+		     sizeof(lfn->id), &lfn->id);
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    if (lfn->alias_checksum != lfn_checksum) {
+	/* checksum mismatch */
+	/* Causes: 1) checksum field here destroyed */
+	/* Fixes: 1) delete LFN, 2) fix checksum */
+	printf("Checksum in long filename part wrong "
+	       "(%02x vs. expected %02x).\n",
+	       lfn->alias_checksum, lfn_checksum);
+	if (interactive) {
+	    printf("1: Delete LFN\n2: Leave it as it is.\n"
+		   "3: Correct checksum\n");
+	} else
+	    printf("  Not auto-correcting this.\n");
+	if (interactive) {
+	    switch (get_key("123", "?")) {
+	    case '1':
+		lfn_offsets[lfn_parts++] = dir_offset;
+		clear_lfn_slots(0, lfn_parts - 1);
+		lfn_reset();
+		return;
+	    case '2':
+		break;
+	    case '3':
+		lfn->alias_checksum = lfn_checksum;
+		fs_write(dir_offset + offsetof(LFN_ENT, alias_checksum),
+			 sizeof(lfn->alias_checksum), &lfn->alias_checksum);
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    if (lfn_slot != -1) {
+	lfn_slot--;
+	offset = lfn_slot * CHARS_PER_LFN * 2;
+	copy_lfn_part(lfn_unicode + offset, lfn);
+	if (lfn->id & LFN_ID_START)
+	    lfn_unicode[offset + 26] = lfn_unicode[offset + 27] = 0;
+	lfn_offsets[lfn_parts++] = dir_offset;
+    }
+    if (lfn->reserved != 0) {
+	printf("Reserved field in VFAT long filename slot is not 0 "
+	       "(but 0x%02x).\n", lfn->reserved);
+	if (interactive)
+	    printf("1: Fix.\n2: Leave it.\n");
+	else
+	    printf("Auto-setting to 0.\n");
+	if (!interactive || get_key("12", "?") == '1') {
+	    lfn->reserved = 0;
+	    fs_write(dir_offset + offsetof(LFN_ENT, reserved),
+		     sizeof(lfn->reserved), &lfn->reserved);
+	}
+    }
+    if (lfn->start != CT_LE_W(0)) {
+	printf("Start cluster field in VFAT long filename slot is not 0 "
+	       "(but 0x%04x).\n", lfn->start);
+	if (interactive)
+	    printf("1: Fix.\n2: Leave it.\n");
+	else
+	    printf("Auto-setting to 0.\n");
+	if (!interactive || get_key("12", "?") == '1') {
+	    lfn->start = CT_LE_W(0);
+	    fs_write(dir_offset + offsetof(LFN_ENT, start),
+		     sizeof(lfn->start), &lfn->start);
+	}
+    }
+/* This function is always called when de->attr != VFAT_LN_ATTR is found, to
+ * retrieve the previously constructed LFN. */
+char *lfn_get(DIR_ENT * de, loff_t * lfn_offset)
+    char *lfn;
+    __u8 sum;
+    int i;
+    *lfn_offset = 0;
+    if (de->attr == VFAT_LN_ATTR)
+	die("lfn_get called with LFN directory entry");
+#if 0
+    if (de->lcase)
+	printf("lcase=%02x\n", de->lcase);
+    if (lfn_slot == -1)
+	/* no long name for this file */
+	return NULL;
+    if (lfn_slot != 0) {
+	/* The long name isn't finished yet. */
+	/* Causes: 1) LFN slot overwritten by non-VFAT aware tool */
+	/* Fixes: 1) delete LFN 2) move overwriting entry to somewhere else
+	 * and let user enter missing part of LFN (hard to do :-()
+	 * 3) renumber entries and truncate name */
+	char *long_name = CNV_PARTS_SO_FAR();
+	char *short_name = file_name(de->name);
+	printf("Unfinished long file name \"%s\".\n"
+	       "  (Start may have been overwritten by %s)\n",
+	       long_name, short_name);
+	free(long_name);
+	if (interactive) {
+	    printf("1: Delete LFN\n2: Leave it as it is.\n"
+		   "3: Fix numbering (truncates long name and attaches "
+		   "it to short name %s)\n", short_name);
+	} else
+	    printf("  Not auto-correcting this.\n");
+	switch (interactive ? get_key("123", "?") : '2') {
+	case '1':
+	    clear_lfn_slots(0, lfn_parts - 1);
+	    lfn_reset();
+	    return NULL;
+	case '2':
+	    lfn_reset();
+	    return NULL;
+	case '3':
+	    for (i = 0; i < lfn_parts; ++i) {
+		__u8 id = (lfn_parts - i) | (i == 0 ? LFN_ID_START : 0);
+		fs_write(lfn_offsets[i] + offsetof(LFN_ENT, id),
+			 sizeof(id), &id);
+	    }
+	    memmove(lfn_unicode, lfn_unicode + lfn_slot * CHARS_PER_LFN * 2,
+		    lfn_parts * CHARS_PER_LFN * 2);
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    for (sum = 0, i = 0; i < 11; i++)
+	sum = (((sum & 1) << 7) | ((sum & 0xfe) >> 1)) + de->name[i];
+    if (sum != lfn_checksum) {
+	/* checksum doesn't match, long name doesn't apply to this alias */
+	/* Causes: 1) alias renamed */
+	/* Fixes: 1) Fix checksum in LFN entries */
+	char *long_name = CNV_PARTS_SO_FAR();
+	char *short_name = file_name(de->name);
+	printf("Wrong checksum for long file name \"%s\".\n"
+	       "  (Short name %s may have changed without updating the long name)\n",
+	       long_name, short_name);
+	free(long_name);
+	if (interactive) {
+	    printf("1: Delete LFN\n2: Leave it as it is.\n"
+		   "3: Fix checksum (attaches to short name %s)\n", short_name);
+	} else
+	    printf("  Not auto-correcting this.\n");
+	if (interactive) {
+	    switch (get_key("123", "?")) {
+	    case '1':
+		clear_lfn_slots(0, lfn_parts - 1);
+		lfn_reset();
+		return NULL;
+	    case '2':
+		lfn_reset();
+		return NULL;
+	    case '3':
+		for (i = 0; i < lfn_parts; ++i) {
+		    fs_write(lfn_offsets[i] + offsetof(LFN_ENT, alias_checksum),
+			     sizeof(sum), &sum);
+		}
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    *lfn_offset = lfn_offsets[0];
+    lfn = cnv_unicode(lfn_unicode, UNTIL_0, 1);
+    lfn_reset();
+    return (lfn);
+void lfn_check_orphaned(void)
+    char *long_name;
+    if (lfn_slot == -1)
+	return;
+    long_name = CNV_PARTS_SO_FAR();
+    printf("Orphaned long file name part \"%s\"\n", long_name);
+    if (interactive)
+	printf("1: Delete.\n2: Leave it.\n");
+    else
+	printf("  Auto-deleting.\n");
+    if (!interactive || get_key("12", "?") == '1') {
+	clear_lfn_slots(0, lfn_parts - 1);
+    }
+    lfn_reset();
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/lfn.h b/dosfstools/src/lfn.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ea44a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/lfn.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* lfn.h - Functions for handling VFAT long filenames
+   Copyright (C) 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+#ifndef _LFN_H
+#define _LFN_H
+void lfn_reset(void);
+/* Reset the state of the LFN parser. */
+void lfn_add_slot(DIR_ENT * de, loff_t dir_offset);
+/* Process a dir slot that is a VFAT LFN entry. */
+char *lfn_get(DIR_ENT * de, loff_t * lfn_offset);
+/* Retrieve the long name for the proper dir entry. */
+void lfn_check_orphaned(void);
+void lfn_fix_checksum(loff_t from, loff_t to, const char *short_name);
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/mkdosfs.c b/dosfstools/src/mkdosfs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9456ccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/mkdosfs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1733 @@
+/* mkdosfs.c - utility to create FAT/MS-DOS filesystems
+   Copyright (C) 1991 Linus Torvalds <>
+   Copyright (C) 1992-1993 Remy Card <>
+   Copyright (C) 1993-1994 David Hudson <>
+   Copyright (C) 1998 H. Peter Anvin <>
+   Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Roman Hodek <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+/* Description: Utility to allow an MS-DOS filesystem to be created
+   under Linux.  A lot of the basic structure of this program has been
+   borrowed from Remy Card's "mke2fs" code.
+   As far as possible the aim here is to make the "mkdosfs" command
+   look almost identical to the other Linux filesystem make utilties,
+   eg bad blocks are still specified as blocks, not sectors, but when
+   it comes down to it, DOS is tied to the idea of a sector (512 bytes
+   as a rule), and not the block.  For example the boot block does not
+   occupy a full cluster.
+   Fixes/additions May 1998 by Roman Hodek
+   <>:
+   - Atari format support
+   - New options -A, -S, -C
+   - Support for filesystems > 2GB
+   - FAT32 support */
+/* Include the header files */
+#include "version.h"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <linux/hdreg.h>
+#if defined(_USING_BIONIC_)
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <sys/mount.h>
+#include <linux/fd.h>
+#include <endian.h>
+#include <mntent.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <asm/types.h>
+#include <asm/byteorder.h>
+#ifdef __le16_to_cpu
+/* ++roman: 2.1 kernel headers define these function, they're probably more
+ * efficient then coding the swaps machine-independently. */
+#define CF_LE_W	__le16_to_cpu
+#define CF_LE_L	__le32_to_cpu
+#define CT_LE_W	__cpu_to_le16
+#define CT_LE_L	__cpu_to_le32
+#define CF_LE_W(v) ((((v) & 0xff) << 8) | (((v) >> 8) & 0xff))
+#define CF_LE_L(v) (((unsigned)(v)>>24) | (((unsigned)(v)>>8)&0xff00) | \
+               (((unsigned)(v)<<8)&0xff0000) | ((unsigned)(v)<<24))
+#define CT_LE_W(v) CF_LE_W(v)
+#define CT_LE_L(v) CF_LE_L(v)
+#endif /* defined(__le16_to_cpu) */
+#define CF_LE_W(v) (v)
+#define CF_LE_L(v) (v)
+#define CT_LE_W(v) (v)
+#define CT_LE_L(v) (v)
+#endif /* __BIG_ENDIAN */
+/* In earlier versions, an own llseek() was used, but glibc lseek() is
+ * sufficient (or even better :) for 64 bit offsets in the meantime */
+#define llseek lseek
+/* Constant definitions */
+#define TRUE 1			/* Boolean constants */
+#define FALSE 0
+#define HARD_SECTOR_SIZE   512
+/* Macro definitions */
+/* Report a failure message and return a failure error code */
+#define die( str ) fatal_error( "%s: " str "\n" )
+/* Mark a cluster in the FAT as bad */
+#define mark_sector_bad( sector ) mark_FAT_sector( sector, FAT_BAD )
+/* Compute ceil(a/b) */
+inline int cdiv(int a, int b)
+    return (a + b - 1) / b;
+/* MS-DOS filesystem structures -- I included them here instead of
+   including linux/msdos_fs.h since that doesn't include some fields we
+   need */
+#define ATTR_RO      1		/* read-only */
+#define ATTR_HIDDEN  2		/* hidden */
+#define ATTR_SYS     4		/* system */
+#define ATTR_VOLUME  8		/* volume label */
+#define ATTR_DIR     16		/* directory */
+#define ATTR_ARCH    32		/* archived */
+#define ATTR_NONE    0		/* no attribute bits */
+	/* attribute bits that are copied "as is" */
+/* FAT values */
+#define FAT_EOF      (atari_format ? 0x0fffffff : 0x0ffffff8)
+#define FAT_BAD      0x0ffffff7
+#define MSDOS_EXT_SIGN 0x29	/* extended boot sector signature */
+#define MSDOS_FAT12_SIGN "FAT12   "	/* FAT12 filesystem signature */
+#define MSDOS_FAT16_SIGN "FAT16   "	/* FAT16 filesystem signature */
+#define MSDOS_FAT32_SIGN "FAT32   "	/* FAT32 filesystem signature */
+#define BOOT_SIGN 0xAA55	/* Boot sector magic number */
+#define MAX_CLUST_12	((1 << 12) - 16)
+#define MAX_CLUST_16	((1 << 16) - 16)
+#define MIN_CLUST_32    65529
+/* M$ says the high 4 bits of a FAT32 FAT entry are reserved and don't belong
+ * to the cluster number. So the max. cluster# is based on 2^28 */
+#define MAX_CLUST_32	((1 << 28) - 16)
+#define FAT12_THRESHOLD	4085
+#define GEMDOS_MAX_SECTORS	65531
+#define GEMDOS_MAX_SECTOR_SIZE	(16*1024)
+#define BOOTCODE_SIZE		448
+#define BOOTCODE_FAT32_SIZE	420
+/* __attribute__ ((packed)) is used on all structures to make gcc ignore any
+ * alignments */
+struct msdos_volume_info {
+    __u8 drive_number;		/* BIOS drive number */
+    __u8 RESERVED;		/* Unused */
+    __u8 ext_boot_sign;		/* 0x29 if fields below exist (DOS 3.3+) */
+    __u8 volume_id[4];		/* Volume ID number */
+    __u8 volume_label[11];	/* Volume label */
+    __u8 fs_type[8];		/* Typically FAT12 or FAT16 */
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct msdos_boot_sector {
+    __u8 boot_jump[3];		/* Boot strap short or near jump */
+    __u8 system_id[8];		/* Name - can be used to special case
+				   partition manager volumes */
+    __u8 sector_size[2];	/* bytes per logical sector */
+    __u8 cluster_size;		/* sectors/cluster */
+    __u16 reserved;		/* reserved sectors */
+    __u8 fats;			/* number of FATs */
+    __u8 dir_entries[2];	/* root directory entries */
+    __u8 sectors[2];		/* number of sectors */
+    __u8 media;			/* media code (unused) */
+    __u16 fat_length;		/* sectors/FAT */
+    __u16 secs_track;		/* sectors per track */
+    __u16 heads;		/* number of heads */
+    __u32 hidden;		/* hidden sectors (unused) */
+    __u32 total_sect;		/* number of sectors (if sectors == 0) */
+    union {
+	struct {
+	    struct msdos_volume_info vi;
+	    __u8 boot_code[BOOTCODE_SIZE];
+	} __attribute__ ((packed)) _oldfat;
+	struct {
+	    __u32 fat32_length;	/* sectors/FAT */
+	    __u16 flags;	/* bit 8: fat mirroring, low 4: active fat */
+	    __u8 version[2];	/* major, minor filesystem version */
+	    __u32 root_cluster;	/* first cluster in root directory */
+	    __u16 info_sector;	/* filesystem info sector */
+	    __u16 backup_boot;	/* backup boot sector */
+	    __u16 reserved2[6];	/* Unused */
+	    struct msdos_volume_info vi;
+	    __u8 boot_code[BOOTCODE_FAT32_SIZE];
+	} __attribute__ ((packed)) _fat32;
+    } __attribute__ ((packed)) fstype;
+    __u16 boot_sign;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+#define fat32	fstype._fat32
+#define oldfat	fstype._oldfat
+struct fat32_fsinfo {
+    __u32 reserved1;		/* Nothing as far as I can tell */
+    __u32 signature;		/* 0x61417272L */
+    __u32 free_clusters;	/* Free cluster count.  -1 if unknown */
+    __u32 next_cluster;		/* Most recently allocated cluster.
+				 * Unused under Linux. */
+    __u32 reserved2[4];
+struct msdos_dir_entry {
+    char name[8], ext[3];	/* name and extension */
+    __u8 attr;			/* attribute bits */
+    __u8 lcase;			/* Case for base and extension */
+    __u8 ctime_ms;		/* Creation time, milliseconds */
+    __u16 ctime;		/* Creation time */
+    __u16 cdate;		/* Creation date */
+    __u16 adate;		/* Last access date */
+    __u16 starthi;		/* high 16 bits of first cl. (FAT32) */
+    __u16 time, date, start;	/* time, date and first cluster */
+    __u32 size;			/* file size (in bytes) */
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* The "boot code" we put into the filesystem... it writes a message and
+   tells the user to try again */
+char dummy_boot_jump[3] = { 0xeb, 0x3c, 0x90 };
+char dummy_boot_jump_m68k[2] = { 0x60, 0x1c };
+char dummy_boot_code[BOOTCODE_SIZE] = "\x0e"	/* push cs */
+    "\x1f"			/* pop ds */
+    "\xbe\x5b\x7c"		/* mov si, offset message_txt */
+    /* write_msg: */
+    "\xac"			/* lodsb */
+    "\x22\xc0"			/* and al, al */
+    "\x74\x0b"			/* jz key_press */
+    "\x56"			/* push si */
+    "\xb4\x0e"			/* mov ah, 0eh */
+    "\xbb\x07\x00"		/* mov bx, 0007h */
+    "\xcd\x10"			/* int 10h */
+    "\x5e"			/* pop si */
+    "\xeb\xf0"			/* jmp write_msg */
+    /* key_press: */
+    "\x32\xe4"			/* xor ah, ah */
+    "\xcd\x16"			/* int 16h */
+    "\xcd\x19"			/* int 19h */
+    "\xeb\xfe"			/* foo: jmp foo */
+    /* message_txt: */
+    "This is not a bootable disk.  Please insert a bootable floppy and\r\n"
+    "press any key to try again ... \r\n";
+#define MESSAGE_OFFSET 29	/* Offset of message in above code */
+/* Global variables - the root of all evil :-) - see these and weep! */
+static char *program_name = "mkdosfs";	/* Name of the program */
+static char *device_name = NULL;	/* Name of the device on which to create the filesystem */
+static int atari_format = 0;	/* Use Atari variation of MS-DOS FS format */
+static int check = FALSE;	/* Default to no readablity checking */
+static int verbose = 0;		/* Default to verbose mode off */
+static long volume_id;		/* Volume ID number */
+static time_t create_time;	/* Creation time */
+static struct timeval create_timeval;	/* Creation time */
+static char volume_name[] = "           ";	/* Volume name */
+static unsigned long long blocks;	/* Number of blocks in filesystem */
+static int sector_size = 512;	/* Size of a logical sector */
+static int sector_size_set = 0;	/* User selected sector size */
+static int backup_boot = 0;	/* Sector# of backup boot sector */
+static int reserved_sectors = 0;	/* Number of reserved sectors */
+static int badblocks = 0;	/* Number of bad blocks in the filesystem */
+static int nr_fats = 2;		/* Default number of FATs to produce */
+static int size_fat = 0;	/* Size in bits of FAT entries */
+static int size_fat_by_user = 0;	/* 1 if FAT size user selected */
+static int dev = -1;		/* FS block device file handle */
+static int ignore_full_disk = 0;	/* Ignore warning about 'full' disk devices */
+static off_t currently_testing = 0;	/* Block currently being tested (if autodetect bad blocks) */
+static struct msdos_boot_sector bs;	/* Boot sector data */
+static int start_data_sector;	/* Sector number for the start of the data area */
+static int start_data_block;	/* Block number for the start of the data area */
+static unsigned char *fat;	/* File allocation table */
+static unsigned alloced_fat_length;	/* # of FAT sectors we can keep in memory */
+static unsigned char *info_sector;	/* FAT32 info sector */
+static struct msdos_dir_entry *root_dir;	/* Root directory */
+static int size_root_dir;	/* Size of the root directory in bytes */
+static int sectors_per_cluster = 0;	/* Number of sectors per disk cluster */
+static int root_dir_entries = 0;	/* Number of root directory entries */
+static char *blank_sector;	/* Blank sector - all zeros */
+static int hidden_sectors = 0;	/* Number of hidden sectors */
+static int malloc_entire_fat = FALSE;	/* Whether we should malloc() the entire FAT or not */
+static int align_structures = TRUE;	/* Whether to enforce alignment */
+static int orphaned_sectors = 0;	/* Sectors that exist in the last block of filesystem */
+/* Function prototype definitions */
+static void fatal_error(const char *fmt_string) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
+static void mark_FAT_cluster(int cluster, unsigned int value);
+static void mark_FAT_sector(int sector, unsigned int value);
+static long do_check(char *buffer, int try, off_t current_block);
+static void alarm_intr(int alnum);
+static void check_blocks(void);
+static void get_list_blocks(char *filename);
+static int valid_offset(int fd, loff_t offset);
+static unsigned long long count_blocks(char *filename, int *remainder);
+static void check_mount(char *device_name);
+static void establish_params(int device_num, int size);
+static void setup_tables(void);
+static void write_tables(void);
+/* The function implementations */
+/* Handle the reporting of fatal errors.  Volatile to let gcc know that this doesn't return */
+static void fatal_error(const char *fmt_string)
+    fprintf(stderr, fmt_string, program_name, device_name);
+    exit(1);			/* The error exit code is 1! */
+/* Mark the specified cluster as having a particular value */
+static void mark_FAT_cluster(int cluster, unsigned int value)
+    switch (size_fat) {
+    case 12:
+	value &= 0x0fff;
+	if (((cluster * 3) & 0x1) == 0) {
+	    fat[3 * cluster / 2] = (unsigned char)(value & 0x00ff);
+	    fat[(3 * cluster / 2) + 1] =
+		(unsigned char)((fat[(3 * cluster / 2) + 1] & 0x00f0)
+				| ((value & 0x0f00) >> 8));
+	} else {
+	    fat[3 * cluster / 2] =
+		(unsigned char)((fat[3 * cluster / 2] & 0x000f) |
+				((value & 0x000f) << 4));
+	    fat[(3 * cluster / 2) + 1] = (unsigned char)((value & 0x0ff0) >> 4);
+	}
+	break;
+    case 16:
+	value &= 0xffff;
+	fat[2 * cluster] = (unsigned char)(value & 0x00ff);
+	fat[(2 * cluster) + 1] = (unsigned char)(value >> 8);
+	break;
+    case 32:
+	value &= 0xfffffff;
+	fat[4 * cluster] = (unsigned char)(value & 0x000000ff);
+	fat[(4 * cluster) + 1] = (unsigned char)((value & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
+	fat[(4 * cluster) + 2] = (unsigned char)((value & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
+	fat[(4 * cluster) + 3] = (unsigned char)((value & 0xff000000) >> 24);
+	break;
+    default:
+	die("Bad FAT size (not 12, 16, or 32)");
+    }
+/* Mark a specified sector as having a particular value in it's FAT entry */
+static void mark_FAT_sector(int sector, unsigned int value)
+    int cluster;
+    cluster = (sector - start_data_sector) / (int)(bs.cluster_size) /
+	(sector_size / HARD_SECTOR_SIZE);
+    if (cluster < 0)
+	die("Invalid cluster number in mark_FAT_sector: probably bug!");
+    mark_FAT_cluster(cluster, value);
+/* Perform a test on a block.  Return the number of blocks that could be read successfully */
+static long do_check(char *buffer, int try, off_t current_block)
+    long got;
+    if (llseek(dev, current_block * BLOCK_SIZE, SEEK_SET)	/* Seek to the correct location */
+	!=current_block * BLOCK_SIZE)
+	die("seek failed during testing for blocks");
+    got = read(dev, buffer, try * BLOCK_SIZE);	/* Try reading! */
+    if (got < 0)
+	got = 0;
+    if (got & (BLOCK_SIZE - 1))
+	printf("Unexpected values in do_check: probably bugs\n");
+    got /= BLOCK_SIZE;
+    return got;
+/* Alarm clock handler - display the status of the quest for bad blocks!  Then retrigger the alarm for five senconds
+   later (so we can come here again) */
+static void alarm_intr(int alnum)
+    if (currently_testing >= blocks)
+	return;
+    signal(SIGALRM, alarm_intr);
+    alarm(5);
+    if (!currently_testing)
+	return;
+    printf("%lld... ", (unsigned long long)currently_testing);
+    fflush(stdout);
+static void check_blocks(void)
+    int try, got;
+    int i;
+    static char blkbuf[BLOCK_SIZE * TEST_BUFFER_BLOCKS];
+    if (verbose) {
+	printf("Searching for bad blocks ");
+	fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    currently_testing = 0;
+    if (verbose) {
+	signal(SIGALRM, alarm_intr);
+	alarm(5);
+    }
+    while (currently_testing < blocks) {
+	if (currently_testing + try > blocks)
+	    try = blocks - currently_testing;
+	got = do_check(blkbuf, try, currently_testing);
+	currently_testing += got;
+	if (got == try) {
+	    continue;
+	} else
+	    try = 1;
+	if (currently_testing < start_data_block)
+	    die("bad blocks before data-area: cannot make fs");
+	for (i = 0; i < SECTORS_PER_BLOCK; i++)	/* Mark all of the sectors in the block as bad */
+	    mark_sector_bad(currently_testing * SECTORS_PER_BLOCK + i);
+	badblocks++;
+	currently_testing++;
+    }
+    if (verbose)
+	printf("\n");
+    if (badblocks)
+	printf("%d bad block%s\n", badblocks, (badblocks > 1) ? "s" : "");
+static void get_list_blocks(char *filename)
+    int i;
+    FILE *listfile;
+    unsigned long blockno;
+    listfile = fopen(filename, "r");
+    if (listfile == (FILE *) NULL)
+	die("Can't open file of bad blocks");
+    while (!feof(listfile)) {
+	fscanf(listfile, "%ld\n", &blockno);
+	for (i = 0; i < SECTORS_PER_BLOCK; i++)	/* Mark all of the sectors in the block as bad */
+	    mark_sector_bad(blockno * SECTORS_PER_BLOCK + i);
+	badblocks++;
+    }
+    fclose(listfile);
+    if (badblocks)
+	printf("%d bad block%s\n", badblocks, (badblocks > 1) ? "s" : "");
+/* Given a file descriptor and an offset, check whether the offset is a valid offset for the file - return FALSE if it
+   isn't valid or TRUE if it is */
+static int valid_offset(int fd, loff_t offset)
+    char ch;
+    if (llseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0)
+	return FALSE;
+    if (read(fd, &ch, 1) < 1)
+	return FALSE;
+    return TRUE;
+/* Given a filename, look to see how many blocks of BLOCK_SIZE are present, returning the answer */
+static unsigned long long count_blocks(char *filename, int *remainder)
+    loff_t high, low;
+    int fd;
+    if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
+	perror(filename);
+	exit(1);
+    }
+    /* first try SEEK_END, which should work on most devices nowadays */
+    if ((low = llseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END)) <= 0) {
+	low = 0;
+	for (high = 1; valid_offset(fd, high); high *= 2)
+	    low = high;
+	while (low < high - 1) {
+	    const loff_t mid = (low + high) / 2;
+	    if (valid_offset(fd, mid))
+		low = mid;
+	    else
+		high = mid;
+	}
+	++low;
+    }
+    close(fd);
+    *remainder = (low%BLOCK_SIZE)/sector_size;
+    return(low / BLOCK_SIZE);
+/* Check to see if the specified device is currently mounted - abort if it is */
+static void check_mount(char *device_name)
+#if ! defined(_USING_BIONIC_)
+    FILE *f;
+    struct mntent *mnt;
+    if ((f = setmntent(MOUNTED, "r")) == NULL)
+	return;
+    while ((mnt = getmntent(f)) != NULL)
+	if (strcmp(device_name, mnt->mnt_fsname) == 0)
+	    die("%s contains a mounted file system.");
+    endmntent(f);
+/* Establish the geometry and media parameters for the device */
+static void establish_params(int device_num, int size)
+    long loop_size;
+    struct hd_geometry geometry;
+    struct floppy_struct param;
+    int def_root_dir_entries = 512;
+    if ((0 == device_num) || ((device_num & 0xff00) == 0x0200))
+	/* file image or floppy disk */
+    {
+	if (0 == device_num) {
+	    param.size = size / 512;
+	    switch (param.size) {
+	    case 720:
+		param.sect = 9;
+		param.head = 2;
+		break;
+	    case 1440:
+		param.sect = 9;
+		param.head = 2;
+		break;
+	    case 2400:
+		param.sect = 15;
+		param.head = 2;
+		break;
+	    case 2880:
+		param.sect = 18;
+		param.head = 2;
+		break;
+	    case 5760:
+		param.sect = 36;
+		param.head = 2;
+		break;
+	    default:
+		/* fake values */
+		param.sect = 32;
+		param.head = 64;
+		break;
+	    }
+	} else {		/* is a floppy diskette */
+	    if (ioctl(dev, FDGETPRM, &param))	/*  Can we get the diskette geometry? */
+		die("unable to get diskette geometry for '%s'");
+	}
+	bs.secs_track = CT_LE_W(param.sect);	/*  Set up the geometry information */
+	bs.heads = CT_LE_W(param.head);
+	switch (param.size) {	/*  Set up the media descriptor byte */
+	case 720:		/* 5.25", 2, 9, 40 - 360K */
+ = (char)0xfd;
+	    bs.cluster_size = (char)2;
+	    def_root_dir_entries = 112;
+	    break;
+	case 1440:		/* 3.5", 2, 9, 80 - 720K */
+ = (char)0xf9;
+	    bs.cluster_size = (char)2;
+	    def_root_dir_entries = 112;
+	    break;
+	case 2400:		/* 5.25", 2, 15, 80 - 1200K */
+ = (char)0xf9;
+	    bs.cluster_size = (char)(atari_format ? 2 : 1);
+	    def_root_dir_entries = 224;
+	    break;
+	case 5760:		/* 3.5", 2, 36, 80 - 2880K */
+ = (char)0xf0;
+	    bs.cluster_size = (char)2;
+	    def_root_dir_entries = 224;
+	    break;
+	case 2880:		/* 3.5", 2, 18, 80 - 1440K */
+ = (char)0xf0;
+	    bs.cluster_size = (char)(atari_format ? 2 : 1);
+	    def_root_dir_entries = 224;
+	    break;
+	default:		/* Anything else */
+	    if (0 == device_num)
+		goto def_hd_params;
+	    else
+		goto floppy_default;
+	}
+    } else if ((device_num & 0xff00) == 0x0700) {	/* This is a loop device */
+	if (ioctl(dev, BLKGETSIZE, &loop_size))
+	    die("unable to get loop device size");
+	switch (loop_size) {	/* Assuming the loop device -> floppy later */
+	case 720:		/* 5.25", 2, 9, 40 - 360K */
+	    bs.secs_track = CF_LE_W(9);
+	    bs.heads = CF_LE_W(2);
+ = (char)0xfd;
+	    bs.cluster_size = (char)2;
+	    def_root_dir_entries = 112;
+	    break;
+	case 1440:		/* 3.5", 2, 9, 80 - 720K */
+	    bs.secs_track = CF_LE_W(9);
+	    bs.heads = CF_LE_W(2);
+ = (char)0xf9;
+	    bs.cluster_size = (char)2;
+	    def_root_dir_entries = 112;
+	    break;
+	case 2400:		/* 5.25", 2, 15, 80 - 1200K */
+	    bs.secs_track = CF_LE_W(15);
+	    bs.heads = CF_LE_W(2);
+ = (char)0xf9;
+	    bs.cluster_size = (char)(atari_format ? 2 : 1);
+	    def_root_dir_entries = 224;
+	    break;
+	case 5760:		/* 3.5", 2, 36, 80 - 2880K */
+	    bs.secs_track = CF_LE_W(36);
+	    bs.heads = CF_LE_W(2);
+ = (char)0xf0;
+	    bs.cluster_size = (char)2;
+	    bs.dir_entries[0] = (char)224;
+	    bs.dir_entries[1] = (char)0;
+	    break;
+	case 2880:		/* 3.5", 2, 18, 80 - 1440K */
+	    bs.secs_track = CF_LE_W(18);
+	    bs.heads = CF_LE_W(2);
+ = (char)0xf0;
+	    bs.cluster_size = (char)(atari_format ? 2 : 1);
+	    def_root_dir_entries = 224;
+	    break;
+	default:		/* Anything else: default hd setup */
+	    printf("Loop device does not match a floppy size, using "
+		   "default hd params\n");
+	    bs.secs_track = CT_LE_W(32);	/* these are fake values... */
+	    bs.heads = CT_LE_W(64);
+	    goto def_hd_params;
+	}
+    } else
+	/* Must be a hard disk then! */
+    {
+	/* Can we get the drive geometry? (Note I'm not too sure about */
+	/* whether to use HDIO_GETGEO or HDIO_REQ) */
+	if (ioctl(dev, HDIO_GETGEO, &geometry) || geometry.sectors == 0
+	    || geometry.heads == 0) {
+	    printf("unable to get drive geometry, using default 255/63\n");
+	    bs.secs_track = CT_LE_W(63);
+	    bs.heads = CT_LE_W(255);
+	} else {
+	    bs.secs_track = CT_LE_W(geometry.sectors);	/* Set up the geometry information */
+	    bs.heads = CT_LE_W(geometry.heads);
+	}
+ = (char)0xf8;	/* Set up the media descriptor for a hard drive */
+	if (!size_fat && blocks * SECTORS_PER_BLOCK > 1064960) {
+	    if (verbose)
+		printf("Auto-selecting FAT32 for large filesystem\n");
+	    size_fat = 32;
+	}
+	if (size_fat == 32) {
+	    /* For FAT32, try to do the same as M$'s format command
+	     * (see p. 20):
+	     * fs size <= 260M: 0.5k clusters
+	     * fs size <=   8G: 4k clusters
+	     * fs size <=  16G: 8k clusters
+	     * fs size >   16G: 16k clusters
+	     */
+	    unsigned long sz_mb =
+		(blocks + (1 << (20 - BLOCK_SIZE_BITS)) - 1) >> (20 -
+								 BLOCK_SIZE_BITS);
+	    bs.cluster_size =
+		sz_mb > 16 * 1024 ? 32 : sz_mb > 8 * 1024 ? 16 : sz_mb >
+		260 ? 8 : 1;
+	} else {
+	    /* FAT12 and FAT16: start at 4 sectors per cluster */
+	    bs.cluster_size = (char)4;
+	}
+    }
+    if (!root_dir_entries)
+	root_dir_entries = def_root_dir_entries;
+ * If alignment is enabled, round the first argument up to the second; the
+ * latter must be a power of two.
+ */
+static unsigned int align_object(unsigned int sectors, unsigned int clustsize)
+    if (align_structures)
+	return (sectors + clustsize - 1) & ~(clustsize - 1);
+    else
+	return sectors;
+/* Create the filesystem data tables */
+static void setup_tables(void)
+    unsigned num_sectors;
+    unsigned cluster_count = 0, fat_length;
+    struct tm *ctime;
+    struct msdos_volume_info *vi =
+	(size_fat == 32 ? & : &;
+    if (atari_format)
+	/* On Atari, the first few bytes of the boot sector are assigned
+	 * differently: The jump code is only 2 bytes (and m68k machine code
+	 * :-), then 6 bytes filler (ignored), then 3 byte serial number. */
+	memcpy(bs.system_id - 1, "mkdosf", 6);
+    else
+	strcpy((char *)bs.system_id, "mkdosfs");
+    if (sectors_per_cluster)
+	bs.cluster_size = (char)sectors_per_cluster;
+    if (size_fat == 32) {
+	/* Under FAT32, the root dir is in a cluster chain, and this is
+	 * signalled by bs.dir_entries being 0. */
+	root_dir_entries = 0;
+    }
+    if (atari_format) {
+	bs.system_id[5] = (unsigned char)(volume_id & 0x000000ff);
+	bs.system_id[6] = (unsigned char)((volume_id & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
+	bs.system_id[7] = (unsigned char)((volume_id & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
+    } else {
+	vi->volume_id[0] = (unsigned char)(volume_id & 0x000000ff);
+	vi->volume_id[1] = (unsigned char)((volume_id & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
+	vi->volume_id[2] = (unsigned char)((volume_id & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
+	vi->volume_id[3] = (unsigned char)(volume_id >> 24);
+    }
+    if (!atari_format) {
+	memcpy(vi->volume_label, volume_name, 11);
+	memcpy(bs.boot_jump, dummy_boot_jump, 3);
+	/* Patch in the correct offset to the boot code */
+	bs.boot_jump[1] = ((size_fat == 32 ?
+			    (char *)&bs.fat32.boot_code :
+			    (char *)&bs.oldfat.boot_code) - (char *)&bs) - 2;
+	if (size_fat == 32) {
+	    int offset = (char *)&bs.fat32.boot_code -
+		(char *)&bs + MESSAGE_OFFSET + 0x7c00;
+	    if (dummy_boot_code[BOOTCODE_FAT32_SIZE - 1])
+		printf("Warning: message too long; truncated\n");
+	    dummy_boot_code[BOOTCODE_FAT32_SIZE - 1] = 0;
+	    memcpy(bs.fat32.boot_code, dummy_boot_code, BOOTCODE_FAT32_SIZE);
+	    bs.fat32.boot_code[MSG_OFFSET_OFFSET] = offset & 0xff;
+	    bs.fat32.boot_code[MSG_OFFSET_OFFSET + 1] = offset >> 8;
+	} else {
+	    memcpy(bs.oldfat.boot_code, dummy_boot_code, BOOTCODE_SIZE);
+	}
+	bs.boot_sign = CT_LE_W(BOOT_SIGN);
+    } else {
+	memcpy(bs.boot_jump, dummy_boot_jump_m68k, 2);
+    }
+    if (verbose >= 2)
+	printf("Boot jump code is %02x %02x\n",
+	       bs.boot_jump[0], bs.boot_jump[1]);
+    if (!reserved_sectors)
+	reserved_sectors = (size_fat == 32) ? 32 : 1;
+    else {
+	if (size_fat == 32 && reserved_sectors < 2)
+	    die("On FAT32 at least 2 reserved sectors are needed.");
+    }
+    bs.reserved = CT_LE_W(reserved_sectors);
+    if (verbose >= 2)
+	printf("Using %d reserved sectors\n", reserved_sectors);
+    bs.fats = (char)nr_fats;
+    if (!atari_format || size_fat == 32)
+	bs.hidden = CT_LE_L(hidden_sectors);
+    else {
+	/* In Atari format, hidden is a 16 bit field */
+	__u16 hidden = CT_LE_W(hidden_sectors);
+	if (hidden_sectors & ~0xffff)
+	    die("#hidden doesn't fit in 16bit field of Atari format\n");
+	memcpy(&bs.hidden, &hidden, 2);
+    }
+    num_sectors = (long long)(blocks *BLOCK_SIZE / sector_size)+orphaned_sectors;
+    if (!atari_format) {
+	unsigned fatdata1216;	/* Sectors for FATs + data area (FAT12/16) */
+	unsigned fatdata32;	/* Sectors for FATs + data area (FAT32) */
+	unsigned fatlength12, fatlength16, fatlength32;
+	unsigned maxclust12, maxclust16, maxclust32;
+	unsigned clust12, clust16, clust32;
+	int maxclustsize;
+	unsigned root_dir_sectors = cdiv(root_dir_entries * 32, sector_size);
+	/*
+	 * If the filesystem is 8192 sectors or less (4 MB with 512-byte
+	 * sectors, i.e. floppy size), don't align the data structures.
+	 */
+	if (num_sectors <= 8192) {
+	    if (align_structures && verbose >= 2)
+		printf("Disabling alignment due to tiny filesystem\n");
+	    align_structures = FALSE;
+	}
+	if (sectors_per_cluster)
+	    bs.cluster_size = maxclustsize = sectors_per_cluster;
+	else
+	    /* An initial guess for bs.cluster_size should already be set */
+	    maxclustsize = 128;
+	do {
+	    fatdata32 = num_sectors
+		- align_object(reserved_sectors, bs.cluster_size);
+	    fatdata1216 = fatdata32
+		- align_object(root_dir_sectors, bs.cluster_size);
+	    if (verbose >= 2)
+		printf("Trying with %d sectors/cluster:\n", bs.cluster_size);
+	    /* The factor 2 below avoids cut-off errors for nr_fats == 1.
+	     * The "nr_fats*3" is for the reserved first two FAT entries */
+	    clust12 = 2 * ((long long)fatdata1216 * sector_size + nr_fats * 3) /
+		(2 * (int)bs.cluster_size * sector_size + nr_fats * 3);
+	    fatlength12 = cdiv(((clust12 + 2) * 3 + 1) >> 1, sector_size);
+	    fatlength12 = align_object(fatlength12, bs.cluster_size);
+	    /* Need to recalculate number of clusters, since the unused parts of the
+	     * FATS and data area together could make up space for an additional,
+	     * not really present cluster. */
+	    clust12 = (fatdata1216 - nr_fats * fatlength12) / bs.cluster_size;
+	    maxclust12 = (fatlength12 * 2 * sector_size) / 3;
+	    if (maxclust12 > MAX_CLUST_12)
+		maxclust12 = MAX_CLUST_12;
+	    if (verbose >= 2)
+		printf("FAT12: #clu=%u, fatlen=%u, maxclu=%u, limit=%u\n",
+		       clust12, fatlength12, maxclust12, MAX_CLUST_12);
+	    if (clust12 > maxclust12 - 2) {
+		clust12 = 0;
+		if (verbose >= 2)
+		    printf("FAT12: too much clusters\n");
+	    }
+	    clust16 = ((long long)fatdata1216 * sector_size + nr_fats * 4) /
+		((int)bs.cluster_size * sector_size + nr_fats * 2);
+	    fatlength16 = cdiv((clust16 + 2) * 2, sector_size);
+	    fatlength16 = align_object(fatlength16, bs.cluster_size);
+	    /* Need to recalculate number of clusters, since the unused parts of the
+	     * FATS and data area together could make up space for an additional,
+	     * not really present cluster. */
+	    clust16 = (fatdata1216 - nr_fats * fatlength16) / bs.cluster_size;
+	    maxclust16 = (fatlength16 * sector_size) / 2;
+	    if (maxclust16 > MAX_CLUST_16)
+		maxclust16 = MAX_CLUST_16;
+	    if (verbose >= 2)
+		printf("FAT16: #clu=%u, fatlen=%u, maxclu=%u, limit=%u\n",
+		       clust16, fatlength16, maxclust16, MAX_CLUST_16);
+	    if (clust16 > maxclust16 - 2) {
+		if (verbose >= 2)
+		    printf("FAT16: too much clusters\n");
+		clust16 = 0;
+	    }
+	    /* The < 4078 avoids that the filesystem will be misdetected as having a
+	     * 12 bit FAT. */
+	    if (clust16 < FAT12_THRESHOLD
+		&& !(size_fat_by_user && size_fat == 16)) {
+		if (verbose >= 2)
+		    printf(clust16 < FAT12_THRESHOLD ?
+			   "FAT16: would be misdetected as FAT12\n" :
+			   "FAT16: too much clusters\n");
+		clust16 = 0;
+	    }
+	    clust32 = ((long long)fatdata32 * sector_size + nr_fats * 8) /
+		((int)bs.cluster_size * sector_size + nr_fats * 4);
+	    fatlength32 = cdiv((clust32 + 2) * 4, sector_size);
+	    fatlength32 = align_object(fatlength32, bs.cluster_size);
+	    /* Need to recalculate number of clusters, since the unused parts of the
+	     * FATS and data area together could make up space for an additional,
+	     * not really present cluster. */
+	    clust32 = (fatdata32 - nr_fats * fatlength32) / bs.cluster_size;
+	    maxclust32 = (fatlength32 * sector_size) / 4;
+	    if (maxclust32 > MAX_CLUST_32)
+		maxclust32 = MAX_CLUST_32;
+	    if (clust32 && clust32 < MIN_CLUST_32
+		&& !(size_fat_by_user && size_fat == 32)) {
+		clust32 = 0;
+		if (verbose >= 2)
+		    printf("FAT32: not enough clusters (%d)\n", MIN_CLUST_32);
+	    }
+	    if (verbose >= 2)
+		printf("FAT32: #clu=%u, fatlen=%u, maxclu=%u, limit=%u\n",
+		       clust32, fatlength32, maxclust32, MAX_CLUST_32);
+	    if (clust32 > maxclust32) {
+		clust32 = 0;
+		if (verbose >= 2)
+		    printf("FAT32: too much clusters\n");
+	    }
+	    if ((clust12 && (size_fat == 0 || size_fat == 12)) ||
+		(clust16 && (size_fat == 0 || size_fat == 16)) ||
+		(clust32 && size_fat == 32))
+		break;
+	    bs.cluster_size <<= 1;
+	} while (bs.cluster_size && bs.cluster_size <= maxclustsize);
+	/* Use the optimal FAT size if not specified;
+	 * FAT32 is (not yet) choosen automatically */
+	if (!size_fat) {
+	    size_fat = (clust16 > clust12) ? 16 : 12;
+	    if (verbose >= 2)
+		printf("Choosing %d bits for FAT\n", size_fat);
+	}
+	switch (size_fat) {
+	case 12:
+	    cluster_count = clust12;
+	    fat_length = fatlength12;
+	    bs.fat_length = CT_LE_W(fatlength12);
+	    memcpy(vi->fs_type, MSDOS_FAT12_SIGN, 8);
+	    break;
+	case 16:
+	    if (clust16 < FAT12_THRESHOLD) {
+		if (size_fat_by_user) {
+		    fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Not enough clusters for a "
+			    "16 bit FAT! The filesystem will be\n"
+			    "misinterpreted as having a 12 bit FAT without "
+			    "mount option \"fat=16\".\n");
+		} else {
+		    fprintf(stderr, "This filesystem has an unfortunate size. "
+			    "A 12 bit FAT cannot provide\n"
+			    "enough clusters, but a 16 bit FAT takes up a little "
+			    "bit more space so that\n"
+			    "the total number of clusters becomes less than the "
+			    "threshold value for\n"
+			    "distinction between 12 and 16 bit FATs.\n");
+		    die("Make the file system a bit smaller manually.");
+		}
+	    }
+	    cluster_count = clust16;
+	    fat_length = fatlength16;
+	    bs.fat_length = CT_LE_W(fatlength16);
+	    memcpy(vi->fs_type, MSDOS_FAT16_SIGN, 8);
+	    break;
+	case 32:
+	    if (clust32 < MIN_CLUST_32)
+		fprintf(stderr,
+			"WARNING: Not enough clusters for a 32 bit FAT!\n");
+	    cluster_count = clust32;
+	    fat_length = fatlength32;
+	    bs.fat_length = CT_LE_W(0);
+	    bs.fat32.fat32_length = CT_LE_L(fatlength32);
+	    memcpy(vi->fs_type, MSDOS_FAT32_SIGN, 8);
+	    root_dir_entries = 0;
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    die("FAT not 12, 16 or 32 bits");
+	}
+	/* Adjust the reserved number of sectors for alignment */
+	reserved_sectors = align_object(reserved_sectors, bs.cluster_size);
+	bs.reserved = CT_LE_W(reserved_sectors);
+	/* Adjust the number of root directory entries to help enforce alignment */
+	if (align_structures) {
+	    root_dir_entries = align_object(root_dir_sectors, bs.cluster_size)
+		* (sector_size >> 5);
+	}
+    } else {
+	unsigned clusters, maxclust, fatdata;
+	/* GEMDOS always uses a 12 bit FAT on floppies, and always a 16 bit FAT on
+	 * hard disks. So use 12 bit if the size of the file system suggests that
+	 * this fs is for a floppy disk, if the user hasn't explicitly requested a
+	 * size.
+	 */
+	if (!size_fat)
+	    size_fat = (num_sectors == 1440 || num_sectors == 2400 ||
+			num_sectors == 2880 || num_sectors == 5760) ? 12 : 16;
+	if (verbose >= 2)
+	    printf("Choosing %d bits for FAT\n", size_fat);
+	/* Atari format: cluster size should be 2, except explicitly requested by
+	 * the user, since GEMDOS doesn't like other cluster sizes very much.
+	 * Instead, tune the sector size for the FS to fit.
+	 */
+	bs.cluster_size = sectors_per_cluster ? sectors_per_cluster : 2;
+	if (!sector_size_set) {
+	    while (num_sectors > GEMDOS_MAX_SECTORS) {
+		num_sectors >>= 1;
+		sector_size <<= 1;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (verbose >= 2)
+	    printf("Sector size must be %d to have less than %d log. sectors\n",
+		   sector_size, GEMDOS_MAX_SECTORS);
+	/* Check if there are enough FAT indices for how much clusters we have */
+	do {
+	    fatdata = num_sectors - cdiv(root_dir_entries * 32, sector_size) -
+		reserved_sectors;
+	    /* The factor 2 below avoids cut-off errors for nr_fats == 1 and
+	     * size_fat == 12
+	     * The "2*nr_fats*size_fat/8" is for the reserved first two FAT entries
+	     */
+	    clusters =
+		(2 *
+		 ((long long)fatdata * sector_size -
+		  2 * nr_fats * size_fat / 8)) / (2 * ((int)bs.cluster_size *
+						       sector_size +
+						       nr_fats * size_fat / 8));
+	    fat_length = cdiv((clusters + 2) * size_fat / 8, sector_size);
+	    /* Need to recalculate number of clusters, since the unused parts of the
+	     * FATS and data area together could make up space for an additional,
+	     * not really present cluster. */
+	    clusters = (fatdata - nr_fats * fat_length) / bs.cluster_size;
+	    maxclust = (fat_length * sector_size * 8) / size_fat;
+	    if (verbose >= 2)
+		printf("ss=%d: #clu=%d, fat_len=%d, maxclu=%d\n",
+		       sector_size, clusters, fat_length, maxclust);
+	    /* last 10 cluster numbers are special (except FAT32: 4 high bits rsvd);
+	     * first two numbers are reserved */
+	    if (maxclust <=
+		(size_fat == 32 ? MAX_CLUST_32 : (1 << size_fat) - 0x10)
+		&& clusters <= maxclust - 2)
+		break;
+	    if (verbose >= 2)
+		printf(clusters > maxclust - 2 ?
+		       "Too many clusters\n" : "FAT too big\n");
+	    /* need to increment sector_size once more to  */
+	    if (sector_size_set)
+		die("With this sector size, the maximum number of FAT entries "
+		    "would be exceeded.");
+	    num_sectors >>= 1;
+	    sector_size <<= 1;
+	} while (sector_size <= GEMDOS_MAX_SECTOR_SIZE);
+	if (sector_size > GEMDOS_MAX_SECTOR_SIZE)
+	    die("Would need a sector size > 16k, which GEMDOS can't work with");
+	cluster_count = clusters;
+	if (size_fat != 32)
+	    bs.fat_length = CT_LE_W(fat_length);
+	else {
+	    bs.fat_length = 0;
+	    bs.fat32.fat32_length = CT_LE_L(fat_length);
+	}
+    }
+    bs.sector_size[0] = (char)(sector_size & 0x00ff);
+    bs.sector_size[1] = (char)((sector_size & 0xff00) >> 8);
+    bs.dir_entries[0] = (char)(root_dir_entries & 0x00ff);
+    bs.dir_entries[1] = (char)((root_dir_entries & 0xff00) >> 8);
+    if (size_fat == 32) {
+	/* set up additional FAT32 fields */
+	bs.fat32.flags = CT_LE_W(0);
+	bs.fat32.version[0] = 0;
+	bs.fat32.version[1] = 0;
+	bs.fat32.root_cluster = CT_LE_L(2);
+	bs.fat32.info_sector = CT_LE_W(1);
+	if (!backup_boot)
+	    backup_boot = (reserved_sectors >= 7) ? 6 :
+		(reserved_sectors >= 2) ? reserved_sectors - 1 : 0;
+	else {
+	    if (backup_boot == 1)
+		die("Backup boot sector must be after sector 1");
+	    else if (backup_boot >= reserved_sectors)
+		die("Backup boot sector must be a reserved sector");
+	}
+	if (verbose >= 2)
+	    printf("Using sector %d as backup boot sector (0 = none)\n",
+		   backup_boot);
+	bs.fat32.backup_boot = CT_LE_W(backup_boot);
+	memset(&bs.fat32.reserved2, 0, sizeof(bs.fat32.reserved2));
+    }
+    if (atari_format) {
+	/* Just some consistency checks */
+	if (num_sectors >= GEMDOS_MAX_SECTORS)
+	    die("GEMDOS can't handle more than 65531 sectors");
+	else if (num_sectors >= OLDGEMDOS_MAX_SECTORS)
+	    printf("Warning: More than 32765 sector need TOS 1.04 "
+		   "or higher.\n");
+    }
+    if (num_sectors >= 65536) {
+	bs.sectors[0] = (char)0;
+	bs.sectors[1] = (char)0;
+	bs.total_sect = CT_LE_L(num_sectors);
+    } else {
+	bs.sectors[0] = (char)(num_sectors & 0x00ff);
+	bs.sectors[1] = (char)((num_sectors & 0xff00) >> 8);
+	if (!atari_format)
+	    bs.total_sect = CT_LE_L(0);
+    }
+    if (!atari_format)
+	vi->ext_boot_sign = MSDOS_EXT_SIGN;
+    if (!cluster_count) {
+	if (sectors_per_cluster)	/* If yes, die if we'd spec'd sectors per cluster */
+	    die("Too many clusters for file system - try more sectors per cluster");
+	else
+	    die("Attempting to create a too large file system");
+    }
+    /* The two following vars are in hard sectors, i.e. 512 byte sectors! */
+    start_data_sector = (reserved_sectors + nr_fats * fat_length) *
+	(sector_size / HARD_SECTOR_SIZE);
+    start_data_block = (start_data_sector + SECTORS_PER_BLOCK - 1) /
+    if (blocks < start_data_block + 32)	/* Arbitrary undersize file system! */
+	die("Too few blocks for viable file system");
+    if (verbose) {
+	printf("%s has %d head%s and %d sector%s per track,\n",
+	       device_name, CF_LE_W(bs.heads),
+	       (CF_LE_W(bs.heads) != 1) ? "s" : "", CF_LE_W(bs.secs_track),
+	       (CF_LE_W(bs.secs_track) != 1) ? "s" : "");
+	printf("logical sector size is %d,\n", sector_size);
+	printf("using 0x%02x media descriptor, with %d sectors;\n",
+	       (int)(, num_sectors);
+	printf("file system has %d %d-bit FAT%s and %d sector%s per cluster.\n",
+	       (int)(bs.fats), size_fat, (bs.fats != 1) ? "s" : "",
+	       (int)(bs.cluster_size), (bs.cluster_size != 1) ? "s" : "");
+	printf("FAT size is %d sector%s, and provides %d cluster%s.\n",
+	       fat_length, (fat_length != 1) ? "s" : "",
+	       cluster_count, (cluster_count != 1) ? "s" : "");
+	printf("There %s %u reserved sector%s.\n",
+	       (reserved_sectors != 1) ? "are" : "is",
+	       reserved_sectors, (reserved_sectors != 1) ? "s" : "");
+	if (size_fat != 32) {
+	    unsigned root_dir_entries =
+		bs.dir_entries[0] + ((bs.dir_entries[1]) * 256);
+	    unsigned root_dir_sectors =
+		cdiv(root_dir_entries * 32, sector_size);
+	    printf("Root directory contains %u slots and uses %u sectors.\n",
+		   root_dir_entries, root_dir_sectors);
+	}
+	printf("Volume ID is %08lx, ", volume_id &
+	       (atari_format ? 0x00ffffff : 0xffffffff));
+	if (strcmp(volume_name, "           "))
+	    printf("volume label %s.\n", volume_name);
+	else
+	    printf("no volume label.\n");
+    }
+    /* Make the file allocation tables! */
+    if (malloc_entire_fat)
+	alloced_fat_length = fat_length;
+    else
+	alloced_fat_length = 1;
+    if ((fat =
+	 (unsigned char *)malloc(alloced_fat_length * sector_size)) == NULL)
+	die("unable to allocate space for FAT image in memory");
+    memset(fat, 0, alloced_fat_length * sector_size);
+    mark_FAT_cluster(0, 0xffffffff);	/* Initial fat entries */
+    mark_FAT_cluster(1, 0xffffffff);
+    fat[0] = (unsigned char);	/* Put media type in first byte! */
+    if (size_fat == 32) {
+	/* Mark cluster 2 as EOF (used for root dir) */
+	mark_FAT_cluster(2, FAT_EOF);
+    }
+    /* Make the root directory entries */
+    size_root_dir = (size_fat == 32) ?
+	bs.cluster_size * sector_size :
+	(((int)bs.dir_entries[1] * 256 + (int)bs.dir_entries[0]) *
+	 sizeof(struct msdos_dir_entry));
+    if ((root_dir = (struct msdos_dir_entry *)malloc(size_root_dir)) == NULL) {
+	free(fat);		/* Tidy up before we die! */
+	die("unable to allocate space for root directory in memory");
+    }
+    memset(root_dir, 0, size_root_dir);
+    if (memcmp(volume_name, "           ", 11)) {
+	struct msdos_dir_entry *de = &root_dir[0];
+	memcpy(de->name, volume_name, 8);
+	memcpy(de->ext, volume_name + 8, 3);
+	de->attr = ATTR_VOLUME;
+	ctime = localtime(&create_time);
+	de->time = CT_LE_W((unsigned short)((ctime->tm_sec >> 1) +
+					    (ctime->tm_min << 5) +
+					    (ctime->tm_hour << 11)));
+	de->date =
+	    CT_LE_W((unsigned short)(ctime->tm_mday +
+				     ((ctime->tm_mon + 1) << 5) +
+				     ((ctime->tm_year - 80) << 9)));
+	de->ctime_ms = 0;
+	de->ctime = de->time;
+	de->cdate = de->date;
+	de->adate = de->date;
+	de->starthi = CT_LE_W(0);
+	de->start = CT_LE_W(0);
+	de->size = CT_LE_L(0);
+    }
+    if (size_fat == 32) {
+	/* For FAT32, create an info sector */
+	struct fat32_fsinfo *info;
+	if (!(info_sector = malloc(sector_size)))
+	    die("Out of memory");
+	memset(info_sector, 0, sector_size);
+	/* fsinfo structure is at offset 0x1e0 in info sector by observation */
+	info = (struct fat32_fsinfo *)(info_sector + 0x1e0);
+	/* Info sector magic */
+	info_sector[0] = 'R';
+	info_sector[1] = 'R';
+	info_sector[2] = 'a';
+	info_sector[3] = 'A';
+	/* Magic for fsinfo structure */
+	info->signature = CT_LE_L(0x61417272);
+	/* We've allocated cluster 2 for the root dir. */
+	info->free_clusters = CT_LE_L(cluster_count - 1);
+	info->next_cluster = CT_LE_L(2);
+	/* Info sector also must have boot sign */
+	*(__u16 *) (info_sector + 0x1fe) = CT_LE_W(BOOT_SIGN);
+    }
+    if (!(blank_sector = malloc(sector_size)))
+	die("Out of memory");
+    memset(blank_sector, 0, sector_size);
+/* Write the new filesystem's data tables to wherever they're going to end up! */
+#define error(str)				\
+  do {						\
+    free (fat);					\
+    if (info_sector) free (info_sector);	\
+    free (root_dir);				\
+    die (str);					\
+  } while(0)
+#define seekto(pos,errstr)						\
+  do {									\
+    loff_t __pos = (pos);						\
+    if (llseek (dev, __pos, SEEK_SET) != __pos)				\
+	error ("seek to " errstr " failed whilst writing tables");	\
+  } while(0)
+#define writebuf(buf,size,errstr)			\
+  do {							\
+    int __size = (size);				\
+    if (write (dev, buf, __size) != __size)		\
+	error ("failed whilst writing " errstr);	\
+  } while(0)
+static void write_tables(void)
+    int x;
+    int fat_length;
+    fat_length = (size_fat == 32) ?
+	CF_LE_L(bs.fat32.fat32_length) : CF_LE_W(bs.fat_length);
+    seekto(0, "start of device");
+    /* clear all reserved sectors */
+    for (x = 0; x < reserved_sectors; ++x)
+	writebuf(blank_sector, sector_size, "reserved sector");
+    /* seek back to sector 0 and write the boot sector */
+    seekto(0, "boot sector");
+    writebuf((char *)&bs, sizeof(struct msdos_boot_sector), "boot sector");
+    /* on FAT32, write the info sector and backup boot sector */
+    if (size_fat == 32) {
+	seekto(CF_LE_W(bs.fat32.info_sector) * sector_size, "info sector");
+	writebuf(info_sector, 512, "info sector");
+	if (backup_boot != 0) {
+	    seekto(backup_boot * sector_size, "backup boot sector");
+	    writebuf((char *)&bs, sizeof(struct msdos_boot_sector),
+		     "backup boot sector");
+	}
+    }
+    /* seek to start of FATS and write them all */
+    seekto(reserved_sectors * sector_size, "first FAT");
+    for (x = 1; x <= nr_fats; x++) {
+	int y;
+	int blank_fat_length = fat_length - alloced_fat_length;
+	writebuf(fat, alloced_fat_length * sector_size, "FAT");
+	for (y = 0; y < blank_fat_length; y++)
+	    writebuf(blank_sector, sector_size, "FAT");
+    }
+    /* Write the root directory directly after the last FAT. This is the root
+     * dir area on FAT12/16, and the first cluster on FAT32. */
+    writebuf((char *)root_dir, size_root_dir, "root directory");
+    if (blank_sector)
+	free(blank_sector);
+    if (info_sector)
+	free(info_sector);
+    free(root_dir);		/* Free up the root directory space from setup_tables */
+    free(fat);			/* Free up the fat table space reserved during setup_tables */
+/* Report the command usage and return a failure error code */
+void usage(void)
+    fatal_error("\
+Usage: mkdosfs [-a][-A][-c][-C][-v][-I][-l bad-block-file][-b backup-boot-sector]\n\
+       [-m boot-msg-file][-n volume-name][-i volume-id]\n\
+       [-s sectors-per-cluster][-S logical-sector-size][-f number-of-FATs]\n\
+       [-h hidden-sectors][-F fat-size][-r root-dir-entries][-R reserved-sectors]\n\
+       /dev/name [blocks]\n");
+ * ++roman: On m68k, check if this is an Atari; if yes, turn on Atari variant
+ * of MS-DOS filesystem by default.
+ */
+static void check_atari(void)
+#ifdef __mc68000__
+    FILE *f;
+    char line[128], *p;
+    if (!(f = fopen("/proc/hardware", "r"))) {
+	perror("/proc/hardware");
+	return;
+    }
+    while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) {
+	if (strncmp(line, "Model:", 6) == 0) {
+	    p = line + 6;
+	    p += strspn(p, " \t");
+	    if (strncmp(p, "Atari ", 6) == 0)
+		atari_format = 1;
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    fclose(f);
+/* The "main" entry point into the utility - we pick up the options and attempt to process them in some sort of sensible
+   way.  In the event that some/all of the options are invalid we need to tell the user so that something can be done! */
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    int c;
+    char *tmp;
+    char *listfile = NULL;
+    FILE *msgfile;
+    struct stat statbuf;
+    int i = 0, pos, ch;
+    int create = 0;
+    unsigned long long cblocks = 0;
+    int min_sector_size;
+    if (argc && *argv) {	/* What's the program name? */
+	char *p;
+	program_name = *argv;
+	if ((p = strrchr(program_name, '/')))
+	    program_name = p + 1;
+    }
+    gettimeofday(&create_timeval, NULL);
+    create_time = create_timeval.tv_sec;
+    volume_id = (u_int32_t) ((create_timeval.tv_sec << 20) | create_timeval.tv_usec);	/* Default volume ID = creation time, fudged for more uniqueness */
+    check_atari();
+    printf("%s " VERSION " (" VERSION_DATE ")\n", program_name);
+    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "aAb:cCf:F:Ii:l:m:n:r:R:s:S:h:v")) != EOF)
+	/* Scan the command line for options */
+	switch (c) {
+	case 'A':		/* toggle Atari format */
+	    atari_format = !atari_format;
+	    break;
+	case 'a':		/* a : skip alignment */
+	    align_structures = FALSE;
+	    break;
+	case 'b':		/* b : location of backup boot sector */
+	    backup_boot = (int)strtol(optarg, &tmp, 0);
+	    if (*tmp || backup_boot < 2 || backup_boot > 0xffff) {
+		printf("Bad location for backup boot sector : %s\n", optarg);
+		usage();
+	    }
+	    break;
+	case 'c':		/* c : Check FS as we build it */
+	    check = TRUE;
+	    malloc_entire_fat = TRUE;	/* Need to be able to mark clusters bad */
+	    break;
+	case 'C':		/* C : Create a new file */
+	    create = TRUE;
+	    break;
+	case 'f':		/* f : Choose number of FATs */
+	    nr_fats = (int)strtol(optarg, &tmp, 0);
+	    if (*tmp || nr_fats < 1 || nr_fats > 4) {
+		printf("Bad number of FATs : %s\n", optarg);
+		usage();
+	    }
+	    break;
+	case 'F':		/* F : Choose FAT size */
+	    size_fat = (int)strtol(optarg, &tmp, 0);
+	    if (*tmp || (size_fat != 12 && size_fat != 16 && size_fat != 32)) {
+		printf("Bad FAT type : %s\n", optarg);
+		usage();
+	    }
+	    size_fat_by_user = 1;
+	    break;
+	case 'h':		/* h : number of hidden sectors */
+	    hidden_sectors = (int)strtol(optarg, &tmp, 0);
+	    if (*tmp || hidden_sectors < 0) {
+		printf("Bad number of hidden sectors : %s\n", optarg);
+		usage();
+	    }
+	    break;
+	case 'I':
+	    ignore_full_disk = 1;
+	    break;
+	case 'i':		/* i : specify volume ID */
+	    volume_id = strtoul(optarg, &tmp, 16);
+	    if (*tmp) {
+		printf("Volume ID must be a hexadecimal number\n");
+		usage();
+	    }
+	    break;
+	case 'l':		/* l : Bad block filename */
+	    listfile = optarg;
+	    malloc_entire_fat = TRUE;	/* Need to be able to mark clusters bad */
+	    break;
+	case 'm':		/* m : Set boot message */
+	    if (strcmp(optarg, "-")) {
+		msgfile = fopen(optarg, "r");
+		if (!msgfile)
+		    perror(optarg);
+	    } else
+		msgfile = stdin;
+	    if (msgfile) {
+		/* The boot code ends at offset 448 and needs a null terminator */
+		pos = 0;	/* We are at beginning of line */
+		do {
+		    ch = getc(msgfile);
+		    switch (ch) {
+		    case '\r':	/* Ignore CRs */
+		    case '\0':	/* and nulls */
+			break;
+		    case '\n':	/* LF -> CR+LF if necessary */
+			if (pos) {	/* If not at beginning of line */
+			    dummy_boot_code[i++] = '\r';
+			    pos = 0;
+			}
+			dummy_boot_code[i++] = '\n';
+			break;
+		    case '\t':	/* Expand tabs */
+			do {
+			    dummy_boot_code[i++] = ' ';
+			    pos++;
+			}
+			while (pos % 8 && i < BOOTCODE_SIZE - 1);
+			break;
+		    case EOF:
+			dummy_boot_code[i++] = '\0';	/* Null terminator */
+			break;
+		    default:
+			dummy_boot_code[i++] = ch;	/* Store character */
+			pos++;	/* Advance position */
+			break;
+		    }
+		}
+		while (ch != EOF && i < BOOTCODE_SIZE - 1);
+		/* Fill up with zeros */
+		while (i < BOOTCODE_SIZE - 1)
+		    dummy_boot_code[i++] = '\0';
+		dummy_boot_code[BOOTCODE_SIZE - 1] = '\0';	/* Just in case */
+		if (ch != EOF)
+		    printf("Warning: message too long; truncated\n");
+		if (msgfile != stdin)
+		    fclose(msgfile);
+	    }
+	    break;
+	case 'n':		/* n : Volume name */
+	    sprintf(volume_name, "%-11.11s", optarg);
+	    break;
+	case 'r':		/* r : Root directory entries */
+	    root_dir_entries = (int)strtol(optarg, &tmp, 0);
+	    if (*tmp || root_dir_entries < 16 || root_dir_entries > 32768) {
+		printf("Bad number of root directory entries : %s\n", optarg);
+		usage();
+	    }
+	    break;
+	case 'R':		/* R : number of reserved sectors */
+	    reserved_sectors = (int)strtol(optarg, &tmp, 0);
+	    if (*tmp || reserved_sectors < 1 || reserved_sectors > 0xffff) {
+		printf("Bad number of reserved sectors : %s\n", optarg);
+		usage();
+	    }
+	    break;
+	case 's':		/* s : Sectors per cluster */
+	    sectors_per_cluster = (int)strtol(optarg, &tmp, 0);
+	    if (*tmp || (sectors_per_cluster != 1 && sectors_per_cluster != 2
+			 && sectors_per_cluster != 4 && sectors_per_cluster != 8
+			 && sectors_per_cluster != 16
+			 && sectors_per_cluster != 32
+			 && sectors_per_cluster != 64
+			 && sectors_per_cluster != 128)) {
+		printf("Bad number of sectors per cluster : %s\n", optarg);
+		usage();
+	    }
+	    break;
+	case 'S':		/* S : Sector size */
+	    sector_size = (int)strtol(optarg, &tmp, 0);
+	    if (*tmp || (sector_size != 512 && sector_size != 1024 &&
+			 sector_size != 2048 && sector_size != 4096 &&
+			 sector_size != 8192 && sector_size != 16384 &&
+			 sector_size != 32768)) {
+		printf("Bad logical sector size : %s\n", optarg);
+		usage();
+	    }
+	    sector_size_set = 1;
+	    break;
+	case 'v':		/* v : Verbose execution */
+	    ++verbose;
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    printf("Unknown option: %c\n", c);
+	    usage();
+	}
+    if (optind < argc) {
+	device_name = argv[optind];	/* Determine the number of blocks in the FS */
+	if (!device_name) {
+	    printf("No device specified.\n");
+	    usage();
+	}
+	if (!create)
+	    cblocks = count_blocks(device_name, &orphaned_sectors);	/*  Have a look and see! */
+    }
+    if (optind == argc - 2) {	/*  Either check the user specified number */
+	blocks = strtoull(argv[optind + 1], &tmp, 0);
+	if (!create && blocks != cblocks) {
+	    fprintf(stderr, "Warning: block count mismatch: ");
+	    fprintf(stderr, "found %llu but assuming %llu.\n", cblocks, blocks);
+	}
+    } else if (optind == argc - 1) {	/*  Or use value found */
+	if (create)
+	    die("Need intended size with -C.");
+	blocks = cblocks;
+	tmp = "";
+    } else {
+	fprintf(stderr, "No device specified!\n");
+	usage();
+    }
+    if (*tmp) {
+	printf("Bad block count : %s\n", argv[optind + 1]);
+	usage();
+    }
+    if (check && listfile)	/* Auto and specified bad block handling are mutually */
+	die("-c and -l are incompatible");	/* exclusive of each other! */
+    if (!create) {
+	check_mount(device_name);	/* Is the device already mounted? */
+	dev = open(device_name, O_EXCL | O_RDWR);	/* Is it a suitable device to build the FS on? */
+	if (dev < 0) {
+	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to open %s: %s\n", program_name,
+		    device_name, strerror(errno));
+	    exit(1);		/* The error exit code is 1! */
+	}
+    } else {
+	loff_t offset = blocks * BLOCK_SIZE - 1;
+	char null = 0;
+	/* create the file */
+	dev = open(device_name, O_EXCL | O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
+	if (dev < 0)
+	    die("unable to create %s");
+	/* seek to the intended end-1, and write one byte. this creates a
+	 * sparse-as-possible file of appropriate size. */
+	if (llseek(dev, offset, SEEK_SET) != offset)
+	    die("seek failed");
+	if (write(dev, &null, 1) < 0)
+	    die("write failed");
+	if (llseek(dev, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
+	    die("seek failed");
+    }
+    if (fstat(dev, &statbuf) < 0)
+	die("unable to stat %s");
+    if (!S_ISBLK(statbuf.st_mode)) {
+	statbuf.st_rdev = 0;
+	check = 0;
+    } else
+	/*
+	 * Ignore any 'full' fixed disk devices, if -I is not given.
+	 * On a MO-disk one doesn't need partitions.  The filesytem can go
+	 * directly to the whole disk.  Under other OSes this is known as
+	 * the 'superfloppy' format.  As I don't know how to find out if
+	 * this is a MO disk I introduce a -I (ignore) switch.  -Joey
+	 */
+	if (!ignore_full_disk && ((statbuf.st_rdev & 0xff3f) == 0x0300 ||	/* hda, hdb */
+				  (statbuf.st_rdev & 0xff0f) == 0x0800 ||	/* sd */
+				  (statbuf.st_rdev & 0xff3f) == 0x0d00 ||	/* xd */
+				  (statbuf.st_rdev & 0xff3f) == 0x1600)	/* hdc, hdd */
+	)
+	die("Device partition expected, not making filesystem on entire device '%s' (use -I to override)");
+    if (sector_size_set) {
+	if (ioctl(dev, BLKSSZGET, &min_sector_size) >= 0)
+	    if (sector_size < min_sector_size) {
+		sector_size = min_sector_size;
+		fprintf(stderr,
+			"Warning: sector size was set to %d (minimal for this device)\n",
+			sector_size);
+	    }
+    } else {
+	if (ioctl(dev, BLKSSZGET, &min_sector_size) >= 0) {
+	    sector_size = min_sector_size;
+	    sector_size_set = 1;
+	}
+    }
+    if (sector_size > 4096)
+	fprintf(stderr,
+		"Warning: sector size is set to %d > 4096, such filesystem will not propably mount\n",
+		sector_size);
+    establish_params(statbuf.st_rdev, statbuf.st_size);
+    /* Establish the media parameters */
+    setup_tables();		/* Establish the file system tables */
+    if (check)			/* Determine any bad block locations and mark them */
+	check_blocks();
+    else if (listfile)
+	get_list_blocks(listfile);
+    write_tables();		/* Write the file system tables away! */
+    exit(0);			/* Terminate with no errors! */
diff --git a/dosfstools/src/version.h b/dosfstools/src/version.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6379103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosfstools/src/version.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* version.h
+   Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Roman Hodek <>
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program. If not, see <>.
+   On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+   can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
+#ifndef _version_h
+#define _version_h
+#define VERSION "3.0.12"
+#define VERSION_DATE "29 Oct 2011"