GUI: Add countdown & cancel to install auto-reboot

Provide a countdown from 5 sec for the automated reboot after install.
Include a cancel button to interrupt the process.

Change-Id: Ib5e1447918adfde45eba361c088800812b690890
diff --git a/data.cpp b/data.cpp
index 81e9ca2..3eb9dad 100644
--- a/data.cpp
+++ b/data.cpp
@@ -716,6 +716,8 @@
 	mData.SetValue("tw_gui_done", "0");
 	mData.SetValue("tw_encrypt_backup", "0");
+	mData.SetValue("tw_sleep_total", "5");
+	mData.SetValue("tw_sleep", "5");
 	// Brightness handling
 	string findbright;
diff --git a/gui/action.cpp b/gui/action.cpp
index 56336f4..328fc2c 100644
--- a/gui/action.cpp
+++ b/gui/action.cpp
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@
+		ADD_ACTION(sleepcounter);
@@ -779,6 +780,23 @@
 	return 0;
+int GUIAction::sleepcounter(std::string arg)
+	operation_start("SleepCounter");
+	// Ensure user notices countdown in case it needs to be cancelled
+	blankTimer.resetTimerAndUnblank();
+	int total = atoi(arg.c_str());
+	for (int t = total; t > 0; t--) {
+		int progress = (int)(((float)(total-t)/(float)total)*100.0);
+		DataManager::SetValue("ui_progress", progress);
+		::sleep(1);
+		DataManager::SetValue("tw_sleep", t-1);
+	}
+	DataManager::SetValue("ui_progress", 100);
+	operation_end(0);
+	return 0;
 int GUIAction::appenddatetobackupname(std::string arg __unused)
@@ -1024,12 +1042,6 @@
-	if (DataManager::GetIntValue("tw_install_reboot") > 0 && ret_val == 0) {
-		gui_msg("install_reboot=Rebooting in 5 seconds");
-		usleep(5000000);
-		TWFunc::tw_reboot(rb_system);
-		usleep(5000000); // another sleep while we wait for the reboot to occur
-	}
 	// This needs to be after the operation_end call so we change pages before we change variables that we display on the screen
 	DataManager::SetValue(TW_ZIP_QUEUE_COUNT, zip_queue_index);
diff --git a/gui/objects.hpp b/gui/objects.hpp
index 84a9e5e..0d96927 100644
--- a/gui/objects.hpp
+++ b/gui/objects.hpp
@@ -313,6 +313,7 @@
 	int cancelzip(std::string arg);
 	int queueclear(std::string arg);
 	int sleep(std::string arg);
+	int sleepcounter(std::string arg);
 	int appenddatetobackupname(std::string arg);
 	int generatebackupname(std::string arg);
 	int checkpartitionlist(std::string arg);
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/landscape.xml b/gui/theme/common/landscape.xml
index 688cef2..9272db0 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/landscape.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/landscape.xml
@@ -578,6 +578,66 @@
 					<action function="page">clear_vars</action>
+			<action>
+				<conditions>
+					<condition var1="tw_install_reboot" var2="1"/>
+					<condition var1="tw_operation_status" var2="0"/>
+					<condition var1="tw_reboot_system" var2="1"/>
+				</conditions>
+				<actions>
+					<action function="set">tw_sleep=%tw_sleep_total%</action>
+					<action function="page">flash_sleep_and_reboot</action>
+				</actions>
+			</action>
+		</page>
+		<page name="flash_sleep_and_reboot">
+			<template name="page"/>
+			<text style="text_l">
+				<placement x="%col1_x_header%" y="%row3_header_y%"/>
+				<text>{@install_zip_hdr=Install Zip}</text>
+			</text>
+			<text style="text_m">
+				<placement x="%col1_x_header%" y="%row4_header_y%"/>
+				<text>{@install_reboot=Rebooting in %tw_sleep% second(s)}</text>
+			</text>
+			<template name="console"/>
+			<template name="progress_bar"/>
+			<button style="main_button_half_width">
+				<condition var1="tw_sleep" op="&gt;" var2="0"/>
+				<placement x="%center_x%" y="%row15a_y%"/>
+				<text>{@cancel_btn=Cancel}</text>
+				<actions>
+					<action function="set">tw_install_reboot=0</action>
+					<action function="page">flash_done</action>
+				</actions>
+			</button>
+			<action>
+				<conditions>
+					<condition var1="tw_sleep" var2="tw_sleep_total"/>
+					<condition var1="tw_install_reboot" var2="1"/>
+				</conditions>
+				<action function="sleepcounter">%tw_sleep_total%</action>
+			</action>
+			<action>
+				<conditions>
+					<condition var1="tw_sleep" var2="0"/>
+					<condition var1="tw_install_reboot" var2="1"/>
+				</conditions>
+				<actions>
+					<action function="sleep">50000</action>
+					<action function="set">tw_back=main2</action>
+					<action function="page">reboot_system_routine</action>
+				</actions>
+			</action>
 		<page name="flashimage_confirm">
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/en.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/en.xml
index 28dbb6c..0a89083 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/en.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/en.xml
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@
 		<string name="change_fs_err">Error changing file system.</string>
 		<string name="theme_ver_err">Custom theme version does not match TWRP version. Using stock theme.</string>
 		<string name="up_a_level">(Up A Level)</string>
-		<string name="install_reboot">Rebooting in 5 seconds</string>
+		<string name="install_reboot" version="2">Rebooting in %tw_sleep% second(s)</string>
 		<string name="adbbackup_error">Error with ADB Backup. Quitting..."</string>
 		<string name="adbbackup_control_error">Cannot write to adb control channel</string>
 		<string name="twrp_adbbu_option">--twrp option is required to enable twrp adb backup</string>
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/portrait.xml b/gui/theme/common/portrait.xml
index c3fe9ad..507f384 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/portrait.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/portrait.xml
@@ -530,6 +530,66 @@
 					<action function="page">clear_vars</action>
+			<action>
+				<conditions>
+					<condition var1="tw_install_reboot" var2="1"/>
+					<condition var1="tw_operation_status" var2="0"/>
+					<condition var1="tw_reboot_system" var2="1"/>
+				</conditions>
+				<actions>
+					<action function="set">tw_sleep=%tw_sleep_total%</action>
+					<action function="page">flash_sleep_and_reboot</action>
+				</actions>
+			</action>
+		</page>
+		<page name="flash_sleep_and_reboot">
+			<template name="page"/>
+			<text style="text_l">
+				<placement x="%col1_x_header%" y="%row3_header_y%"/>
+				<text>{@install_zip_hdr=Install Zip}</text>
+			</text>
+			<text style="text_m">
+				<placement x="%col1_x_header%" y="%row4_header_y%"/>
+				<text>{@install_reboot=Rebooting in %tw_sleep% second(s)}</text>
+			</text>
+			<template name="console"/>
+			<template name="progress_bar"/>
+			<button style="main_button_half_height">
+				<condition var1="tw_sleep" op="&gt;" var2="0"/>
+				<placement x="%center_x%" y="%row21a_y%"/>
+				<text>{@cancel_btn=Cancel}</text>
+				<actions>
+					<action function="set">tw_install_reboot=0</action>
+					<action function="page">flash_done</action>
+				</actions>
+			</button>
+			<action>
+				<conditions>
+					<condition var1="tw_sleep" var2="tw_sleep_total"/>
+					<condition var1="tw_install_reboot" var2="1"/>
+				</conditions>
+				<action function="sleepcounter">%tw_sleep_total%</action>
+			</action>
+			<action>
+				<conditions>
+					<condition var1="tw_sleep" var2="0"/>
+					<condition var1="tw_install_reboot" var2="1"/>
+				</conditions>
+				<actions>
+					<action function="sleep">50000</action>
+					<action function="set">tw_back=main2</action>
+					<action function="page">reboot_system_routine</action>
+				</actions>
+			</action>
 		<page name="flashimage_confirm">
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/watch.xml b/gui/theme/common/watch.xml
index fd60487..d7bba84 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/watch.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/watch.xml
@@ -734,6 +734,63 @@
 					<action function="page">clear_vars</action>
+			<action>
+				<conditions>
+					<condition var1="tw_install_reboot" var2="1"/>
+					<condition var1="tw_operation_status" var2="0"/>
+					<condition var1="tw_reboot_system" var2="1"/>
+				</conditions>
+				<actions>
+					<action function="set">tw_sleep=%tw_sleep_total%</action>
+					<action function="page">flash_sleep_and_reboot</action>
+				</actions>
+			</action>
+		</page>
+		<page name="flash_sleep_and_reboot">
+			<template name="page"/>
+			<template name="statusbar"/>
+			<text style="text_m">
+				<placement x="%col1_x_left%" y="%row1_header_y%"/>
+				<text>{@install_reboot=Rebooting in %tw_sleep% second(s)}</text>
+			</text>
+			<template name="console"/>
+			<template name="progress_bar"/>
+			<button style="main_button_half_height">
+				<condition var1="tw_sleep" op="&gt;" var2="0"/>
+				<placement x="%col1_x_right%" y="%row13_y%"/>
+				<text>{@cancel_btn=Cancel}</text>
+				<actions>
+					<action function="set">tw_install_reboot=0</action>
+					<action function="page">flash_done</action>
+				</actions>
+			</button>
+			<action>
+				<conditions>
+					<condition var1="tw_sleep" var2="tw_sleep_total"/>
+					<condition var1="tw_install_reboot" var2="1"/>
+				</conditions>
+				<action function="sleepcounter">%tw_sleep_total%</action>
+			</action>
+			<action>
+				<conditions>
+					<condition var1="tw_sleep" var2="0"/>
+					<condition var1="tw_install_reboot" var2="1"/>
+				</conditions>
+				<actions>
+					<action function="sleep">50000</action>
+					<action function="set">tw_back=main2</action>
+					<action function="page">reboot_system_routine</action>
+				</actions>
+			</action>
 		<page name="flashimage_type">