Handle XML files format properly

In A12 format of XML files changed to Android Binary XML
TWRP uses RapidXML to parse XMLs, but it don't support ABX format
So before parse check format of XML format and if it is in ABX, just ignore it for now

Change-Id: Ie40f5b3534db50143999984be22ade1d1af162e7
3 files changed
tree: 4b56f7f38919a72521541655da94b505aaf6fae1
  1. .github/
  2. adbbu/
  3. applypatch/
  4. attr/
  5. bmlutils/
  6. bootloader_message/
  7. crypto/
  8. dosfstools/
  9. edify/
  10. etc/
  11. exfat/
  12. fastboot/
  13. fb2png/
  14. flashutils/
  15. fonts/
  16. fuse/
  17. fuse_sideload/
  18. gpt/
  19. gui/
  20. htcdumlock/
  21. injecttwrp/
  22. install/
  23. libblkid/
  24. libcrecovery/
  25. libmincrypt/
  26. libpixelflinger/
  27. libtar/
  28. minadbd/
  29. minui/
  30. minuitwrp/
  31. minzip/
  32. mmcutils/
  33. mtdutils/
  34. mtp/
  35. openaes/
  36. orscmd/
  37. otafault/
  38. otautil/
  39. ozip_decrypt/
  40. pigz/
  41. prebuilt/
  42. recovery_ui/
  43. recovery_utils/
  44. res/
  45. res-hdpi/
  46. res-mdpi/
  47. res-xhdpi/
  48. res-xxhdpi/
  49. res-xxxhdpi/
  50. scripts/
  51. sepolicy/
  52. simg2img/
  53. soong/
  54. tests/
  55. tools/
  56. twrpDigest/
  57. twrpinstall/
  58. twrpTarMain/
  59. uncrypt/
  60. update_verifier/
  61. updater/
  62. updater_sample/
  63. .clang-format
  64. .gitignore
  65. Android.bp
  66. Android.mk
  67. BasePartition.cpp
  68. bootloader.h
  69. CleanSpec.mk
  70. data.cpp
  71. data.hpp
  72. exclude.cpp
  73. exclude.hpp
  74. find_file.cpp
  75. find_file.hpp
  76. fixContexts.cpp
  77. fixContexts.hpp
  78. fuse.h
  79. infomanager.cpp
  80. infomanager.hpp
  81. interlace-frames.py
  82. kernel_module_loader.cpp
  83. kernel_module_loader.hpp
  84. legacy_properties.h
  85. libaosprecovery_defaults.go
  86. mounts.c
  87. NOTICE
  88. openrecoveryscript.cpp
  89. openrecoveryscript.hpp
  90. OWNERS
  91. partition.cpp
  92. partitionmanager.cpp
  93. partitions.hpp
  94. PREUPLOAD.cfg
  95. progresstracking.cpp
  96. progresstracking.hpp
  97. README.md
  98. recovery-persist.cpp
  99. recovery-persist.rc
  100. recovery-refresh.cpp
  101. recovery-refresh.rc
  102. recovery.cpp
  103. recovery.h
  104. recovery_main.cpp
  105. recovery_ui.h
  106. startupArgs.cpp
  107. startupArgs.hpp
  108. tarWrite.c
  109. tarWrite.h
  111. twcommon.h
  112. twrp-functions.cpp
  113. twrp-functions.hpp
  114. twrp.cpp
  115. twrpAdbBuFifo.cpp
  116. twrpAdbBuFifo.hpp
  117. twrpApex.cpp
  118. twrpApex.hpp
  119. twrpDigestDriver.cpp
  120. twrpDigestDriver.hpp
  121. twrpRepacker.cpp
  122. twrpRepacker.hpp
  123. twrpTar.cpp
  124. twrpTar.h
  125. twrpTar.hpp
  126. variables.h