auto import from //branches/cupcake/...@130745
diff --git a/common.h b/common.h
index 76d5747..e17f76a 100644
--- a/common.h
+++ b/common.h
@@ -26,12 +26,24 @@
 int ui_wait_key();            // waits for a key/button press, returns the code
 int ui_key_pressed(int key);  // returns >0 if the code is currently pressed
 int ui_text_visible();        // returns >0 if text log is currently visible
+void ui_clear_key_queue();
 // Write a message to the on-screen log shown with Alt-L (also to stderr).
 // The screen is small, and users may need to report these messages to support,
 // so keep the output short and not too cryptic.
 void ui_print(const char *fmt, ...);
+// Display some header text followed by a menu of items, which appears
+// at the top of the screen (in place of any scrolling ui_print()
+// output, if necessary).
+void ui_start_menu(char** headers, char** items);
+// Set the menu highlight to the given index, and return it (capped to
+// the range [0..numitems).
+int ui_menu_select(int sel);
+// End menu mode, resetting the text overlay so that ui_print()
+// statements will be displayed.
+void ui_end_menu();
 // Set the icon (normally the only thing visible besides the progress bar).
 enum {