gui: fix Enter key in terminal

Translating CR to LF was an old hack that breaks Enter in nano.

Change-Id: If259e8b133f2f56f4126a1fb68856bf014a2daae
diff --git a/gui/terminal.cpp b/gui/terminal.cpp
index 2b2671c..b4194d0 100644
--- a/gui/terminal.cpp
+++ b/gui/terminal.cpp
@@ -425,8 +425,6 @@
 	bool inputChar(int ch)
 		debug_printf("inputChar: %d\n", ch);
-		if (ch == 13)
-			ch = 10;
 		initPty();	// reinit just in case it died before
 		// encode the char as UTF-8 and send it to the pty
 		std::string c;