Support both old and new mkfs.f2fs

Easiest way I could find to determine if we have the old or the
new mkfs.f2fs version is to pipe the usage output to grep and
grep the output for "reserved" and redirect the output to a file.
If the file has any data in it, then we must have the old
mkfs.f2fs that uses -r.

Change-Id: I7f1ed88b577a3f9827a98f0868d8f82e4e4886ac
diff --git a/partition.cpp b/partition.cpp
index b421598..c278fa9 100644
--- a/partition.cpp
+++ b/partition.cpp
@@ -2275,17 +2275,45 @@
 			NeedPreserveFooter = false;
-		unsigned long long dev_sz = TWFunc::IOCTL_Get_Block_Size(Actual_Block_Device.c_str());
-		if (!dev_sz)
-			return false;
-		if (NeedPreserveFooter)
-			Length < 0 ? dev_sz += Length : dev_sz -= CRYPT_FOOTER_OFFSET;
 		gui_msg(Msg("formatting_using=Formatting {1} using {2}...")(Display_Name)("mkfs.f2fs"));
-		command = "mkfs.f2fs -d1 -f -O encrypt -O quota -O verity -w 4096 " + Actual_Block_Device + " " + to_string(dev_sz / 4096);
-		if (TWFunc::Path_Exists("/sbin/sload.f2fs")) {
-			command += " && sload.f2fs -t /data " + Actual_Block_Device;
+		// First determine if we have the old mkfs.f2fs that uses "-r reserved_bytes"
+		// or the new mkfs.f2fs that expects the number of sectors as the optional last argument
+		// Note: some 7.1 trees have the old and some have the new.
+		command = "mkfs.f2fs | grep \"reserved\" > /tmp/f2fsversiontest";
+		TWFunc::Exec_Cmd(command, false); // no help argument so printing usage exits with an error code
+		if (!TWFunc::Path_Exists("/tmp/f2fsversiontest")) {
+			LOGINFO("Error determining mkfs.f2fs version\n");
+			return false;
+		}
+		if (TWFunc::Get_File_Size("/tmp/f2fsversiontest") <= 0) {
+			LOGINFO("Using newer mkfs.f2fs\n");
+			unsigned long long dev_sz = TWFunc::IOCTL_Get_Block_Size(Actual_Block_Device.c_str());
+			if (!dev_sz)
+				return false;
+			if (NeedPreserveFooter)
+				Length < 0 ? dev_sz += Length : dev_sz -= CRYPT_FOOTER_OFFSET;
+			char dev_sz_str[48];
+			sprintf(dev_sz_str, "%llu", (dev_sz / 4096));
+			command = "mkfs.f2fs -d1 -f -O encrypt -O quota -O verity -w 4096 " + Actual_Block_Device + " " + dev_sz_str;
+			if (TWFunc::Path_Exists("/sbin/sload.f2fs")) {
+				command += " && sload.f2fs -t /data " + Actual_Block_Device;
+			}
+		} else {
+			LOGINFO("Using older mkfs.f2fs\n");
+			command = "mkfs.f2fs -t 0";
+			if (NeedPreserveFooter) {
+				// Only use length if we're not decrypted
+				char len[32];
+				int mod_length = Length;
+				if (Length < 0)
+					mod_length *= -1;
+				sprintf(len, "%i", mod_length);
+				command += " -r ";
+				command += len;
+			}
+			command += " " + Actual_Block_Device;
 		LOGINFO("mkfs.f2fs command: %s\n", command.c_str());
 		if (TWFunc::Exec_Cmd(command) == 0) {