twrpRepacker: avoid code duplication
Change-Id: I75712f32ef8804774418bb425040dc2b8f2d4e00
diff --git a/twrpRepacker.cpp b/twrpRepacker.cpp
index 5a59fc6..6ac2ce9 100755
--- a/twrpRepacker.cpp
+++ b/twrpRepacker.cpp
@@ -208,56 +208,53 @@
TWFunc::removeDir(REPACK_ORIG_DIR, false);
- if (part->Is_SlotSelect()) { if (Repack_Options.Type == REPLACE_RAMDISK || Repack_Options.Type == REPLACE_RAMDISK_UNPACKED) {
- LOGINFO("Switching slots to flash ramdisk to both partitions\n");
- string Current_Slot = PartitionManager.Get_Active_Slot_Display();
- if (Current_Slot == "A")
- PartitionManager.Override_Active_Slot("B");
- else
- PartitionManager.Override_Active_Slot("A");
- DataManager::SetProgress(.25);
- if (!Backup_Image_For_Repack(part, REPACK_ORIG_DIR, Repack_Options.Backup_First, gui_lookup("repack", "Repack")))
- return false;
- if (TWFunc::copy_file(REPACK_NEW_DIR "ramdisk.cpio", REPACK_ORIG_DIR "ramdisk.cpio", 0644)) {
- LOGERR("Failed to copy ramdisk\n");
- return false;
- }
- std::string command = "cd " + path + " && /system/bin/magiskboot repack ";
+ if (part->Is_SlotSelect()) {
+ if (Repack_Options.Type == REPLACE_RAMDISK || Repack_Options.Type == REPLACE_RAMDISK_UNPACKED) {
+ LOGINFO("Switching slots to flash ramdisk to both partitions\n");
+ string Current_Slot = PartitionManager.Get_Active_Slot_Display();
+ if (Current_Slot == "A")
+ PartitionManager.Override_Active_Slot("B");
+ else
+ PartitionManager.Override_Active_Slot("A");
+ DataManager::SetProgress(.25);
+ if (!Backup_Image_For_Repack(part, REPACK_ORIG_DIR, Repack_Options.Backup_First, gui_lookup("repack", "Repack")))
+ return false;
+ if (TWFunc::copy_file(REPACK_NEW_DIR "ramdisk.cpio", REPACK_ORIG_DIR "ramdisk.cpio", 0644)) {
+ LOGERR("Failed to copy ramdisk\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::string command = "cd " + path + " && /system/bin/magiskboot repack ";
- if (original_ramdisk_format != image_ramdisk_format) {
- recompress = true;
- }
- command += path + "boot.img";
+ if (original_ramdisk_format != image_ramdisk_format) {
+ recompress = true;
+ }
+ command += path + "boot.img";
- if (recompress) {
- std::string decompress_cmd = "/system/bin/magiskboot decompress " + orig_compressed_image + " " + copy_compressed_image;
- if (TWFunc::Exec_Cmd(decompress_cmd) != 0) {
+ if (recompress) {
+ std::string decompress_cmd = "/system/bin/magiskboot decompress " + orig_compressed_image + " " + copy_compressed_image;
+ if (TWFunc::Exec_Cmd(decompress_cmd) != 0) {
+ gui_msg(Msg(msg::kError, "repack_error=Error repacking image."));
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::rename(copy_compressed_image.c_str(), orig_compressed_image.c_str());
+ }
+ if (TWFunc::Exec_Cmd(command) != 0) {
gui_msg(Msg(msg::kError, "repack_error=Error repacking image."));
return false;
- std::rename(copy_compressed_image.c_str(), orig_compressed_image.c_str());
+ DataManager::SetProgress(.75);
+ std::string file = "new-boot.img";
+ DataManager::SetValue("tw_flash_partition", "/boot;");
+ if (!PartitionManager.Flash_Image(path, file)) {
+ LOGINFO("Error flashing new image\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ DataManager::SetProgress(1);
+ TWFunc::removeDir(REPACK_ORIG_DIR, false);
- if (TWFunc::Exec_Cmd(command) != 0) {
- gui_msg(Msg(msg::kError, "repack_error=Error repacking image."));
- return false;
- }
- if (TWFunc::Exec_Cmd(command) != 0) {
- gui_msg(Msg(msg::kError, "repack_error=Error repacking image."));
- return false;
- }
- DataManager::SetProgress(.75);
- std::string file = "new-boot.img";
- DataManager::SetValue("tw_flash_partition", "/boot;");
- if (!PartitionManager.Flash_Image(path, file)) {
- LOGINFO("Error flashing new image\n");
- return false;
- }
- DataManager::SetProgress(1);
- TWFunc::removeDir(REPACK_ORIG_DIR, false);
- }}
+ }
TWFunc::removeDir(REPACK_NEW_DIR, false);
gui_msg(Msg(msg::kWarning, "repack_overwrite_warning=If device was previously rooted, then root has been overwritten and will need to be reinstalled."));
string Current_Slot = PartitionManager.Get_Active_Slot_Display();