MD5 verification sanity

We can use switches and enums to make things more understandable
and work with results in a more sensible manner.

PS2: Move file MD5 verification and error handling into
     a separate function to reduce code.

PS3: Default to false in Check_Restore_File_MD5 function

Change-Id: Id3ee0bb444cf13be67bb5dec2c43f7c26a86b954
(cherry picked from commit 5c3950716e5c7c6279efd5f3f338d6d22e5215e2)
diff --git a/gui/theme/common/languages/it.xml b/gui/theme/common/languages/it.xml
index 30ba8bb..24c8ba0 100644
--- a/gui/theme/common/languages/it.xml
+++ b/gui/theme/common/languages/it.xml
@@ -572,6 +572,7 @@
 		<string name="unable_resize">Impossibile ridimensionare {1}.</string>
 		<string name="no_md5_found">Nessun MD5 trovato per '{1}'. Deseleziona "Abilita verifica MD5" per procedere con il ripristino.</string>
 		<string name="md5_fail_match">Il valore MD5 non corrisponde per '{1}'.</string>
+		<string name="md5_matched">MD5 matched for '{1}'.</string>
 		<string name="fail_decrypt_tar">Decriptazione fallita per il file Tar '{1}'</string>
 		<string name="format_data_msg">Potresti dover riavviare la Recovery per accedere nuovamente a Data.</string>
 		<string name="format_data_err">Impossibile formattare al fine di rimuovere la crittografia.</string>