Set LOCAL_SDK_VERSION where possible.

This change sets LOCAL_SDK_VERSION for all packages where
this is possible without breaking the build, and

Setting one of these two will be made required soon, and this
is a change in preparation for that. Not setting LOCAL_SDK_VERSION
makes the app implicitly depend on the bootclasspath, which is
often not required. This change effectively makes depending on
private apis opt-in rather than opt-out.

Test: make relevant packages
Bug: 73535841
Change-Id: I82fee834c5d92e699e9571933faded11c6d4596e
diff --git a/tools/recovery_l10n/ b/tools/recovery_l10n/
index 937abd1..7197c5c 100644
--- a/tools/recovery_l10n/
+++ b/tools/recovery_l10n/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := RecoveryLocalizer
 LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)