Disable alpha blending for non-transparent bitmaps

* The difference isn't as big as there are not many big non-transparent
  bitmaps in TWRP, on install screen on flo it is about 5-10ms better.
  Only place where the difference is noticable is keyboard, which is
  pretty big non-transparent bitmap, where it speeds up the render
  by ~40ms on flo.

Signed-off-by: Vojtech Bocek <vbocek@gmail.com>

Change-Id: I4c51ef957ae2a1829ada4eb566e9964f708efcf0
diff --git a/minuitwrp/graphics.c b/minuitwrp/graphics.c
index 99f5841..ddff571 100644
--- a/minuitwrp/graphics.c
+++ b/minuitwrp/graphics.c
@@ -483,13 +483,21 @@
     GGLContext *gl = gr_context;
-    gl->bindTexture(gl, (GGLSurface*) source);
+    GGLSurface *surface = (GGLSurface*)source;
+    if(surface->format == GGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888)
+        gl->disable(gl, GGL_BLEND);
+    gl->bindTexture(gl, surface);
     gl->texGeni(gl, GGL_S, GGL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, GGL_ONE_TO_ONE);
     gl->texGeni(gl, GGL_T, GGL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, GGL_ONE_TO_ONE);
     gl->enable(gl, GGL_TEXTURE_2D);
     gl->texCoord2i(gl, sx - dx, sy - dy);
     gl->recti(gl, dx, dy, dx + w, dy + h);
+    if(surface->format == GGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888)
+        gl->enable(gl, GGL_BLEND);
 unsigned int gr_get_width(gr_surface surface) {