Merge tag 'android-11.0.0_r16' into android-10.0

Android 11.0.0 release 16 - twrp bringup patch
diff --git a/libpixelflinger/include/pixelflinger/pixelflinger.h b/libpixelflinger/include/pixelflinger/pixelflinger.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a2b442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpixelflinger/include/pixelflinger/pixelflinger.h
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <pixelflinger/format.h>
+// GGL types
+typedef int8_t			GGLbyte;		// b
+typedef int16_t			GGLshort;		// s
+typedef int32_t			GGLint;			// i
+typedef ssize_t			GGLsizei;		// i
+typedef int32_t			GGLfixed;		// x
+typedef int32_t			GGLclampx;		// x
+typedef float			GGLfloat;		// f
+typedef float			GGLclampf;		// f
+typedef double			GGLdouble;		// d
+typedef double			GGLclampd;		// d
+typedef uint8_t			GGLubyte;		// ub
+typedef uint8_t			GGLboolean;		// ub
+typedef uint16_t		GGLushort;		// us
+typedef uint32_t		GGLuint;		// ui
+typedef unsigned int	GGLenum;		// ui
+typedef unsigned int	GGLbitfield;	// ui
+typedef void			GGLvoid;
+typedef int32_t         GGLfixed32;
+typedef	int32_t         GGLcolor;
+typedef int32_t         GGLcoord;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define GGL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS           4096
+#define GGL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE            4096
+#define GGL_MAX_SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE       2048
+#define GGL_MAX_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH       2048
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// All these names are compatible with their OpenGL equivalents
+// some of them are listed only for completeness
+enum GGLNames {
+	GGL_FALSE						= 0,
+	GGL_TRUE						= 1,
+	// enable/disable
+    GGL_SCISSOR_TEST                = 0x0C11,
+	GGL_TEXTURE_2D					= 0x0DE1,
+	GGL_ALPHA_TEST					= 0x0BC0,
+	GGL_BLEND						= 0x0BE2,
+	GGL_DITHER						= 0x0BD0,
+	GGL_STENCIL_TEST				= 0x0B90,
+	GGL_DEPTH_TEST					= 0x0B71,
+    GGL_AA                          = 0x80000001,
+    GGL_W_LERP                      = 0x80000004,
+    GGL_POINT_SMOOTH_NICE           = 0x80000005,
+    // buffers, pixel drawing/reading
+    GGL_COLOR                       = 0x1800,
+    // fog
+    GGL_FOG                         = 0x0B60,
+	// shade model
+	GGL_FLAT						= 0x1D00,
+	GGL_SMOOTH						= 0x1D01,
+	// Texture parameter name
+	GGL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S				= 0x2802,
+	GGL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T				= 0x2803,
+	GGL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R				= 0x2804,
+	// Texture Filter	
+	GGL_NEAREST						= 0x2600,
+	GGL_LINEAR						= 0x2601,
+	// Texture Wrap Mode
+	GGL_CLAMP						= 0x2900,
+	GGL_REPEAT						= 0x2901,
+    GGL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE               = 0x812F,
+	// Texture Env Mode
+	GGL_REPLACE						= 0x1E01,
+	GGL_MODULATE					= 0x2100,
+	GGL_DECAL						= 0x2101,
+	GGL_ADD							= 0x0104,
+	// Texture Env Parameter
+	GGL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE			= 0x2200,
+	// Texture Env Target
+	GGL_TEXTURE_ENV					= 0x2300,
+    // Texture coord generation
+    GGL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE            = 0x2500,
+    GGL_S                           = 0x2000,
+    GGL_T                           = 0x2001,
+    GGL_R                           = 0x2002,
+    GGL_Q                           = 0x2003,
+    GGL_ONE_TO_ONE                  = 0x80000002,
+    GGL_AUTOMATIC                   = 0x80000003,
+    // AlphaFunction
+    GGL_NEVER                       = 0x0200,
+    GGL_LESS                        = 0x0201,
+    GGL_EQUAL                       = 0x0202,
+    GGL_LEQUAL                      = 0x0203,
+    GGL_GREATER                     = 0x0204,
+    GGL_NOTEQUAL                    = 0x0205,
+    GGL_GEQUAL                      = 0x0206,
+    GGL_ALWAYS                      = 0x0207,
+    // LogicOp
+    GGL_CLEAR                       = 0x1500,   // 0
+    GGL_AND                         = 0x1501,   // s & d
+    GGL_AND_REVERSE                 = 0x1502,   // s & ~d
+    GGL_COPY                        = 0x1503,   // s
+    GGL_AND_INVERTED                = 0x1504,   // ~s & d
+    GGL_NOOP                        = 0x1505,   // d
+    GGL_XOR                         = 0x1506,   // s ^ d
+    GGL_OR                          = 0x1507,   // s | d
+    GGL_NOR                         = 0x1508,   // ~(s | d)
+    GGL_EQUIV                       = 0x1509,   // ~(s ^ d)
+    GGL_INVERT                      = 0x150A,   // ~d
+    GGL_OR_REVERSE                  = 0x150B,   // s | ~d
+    GGL_COPY_INVERTED               = 0x150C,   // ~s 
+    GGL_OR_INVERTED                 = 0x150D,   // ~s | d
+    GGL_NAND                        = 0x150E,   // ~(s & d)
+    GGL_SET                         = 0x150F,   // 1
+	// blending equation & function
+	GGL_ZERO                        = 0,		// SD
+	GGL_ONE                         = 1,		// SD
+	GGL_SRC_COLOR                   = 0x0300,	//  D
+	GGL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR         = 0x0301,	//	D
+	GGL_SRC_ALPHA                   = 0x0302,	// SD
+	GGL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA			= 0x0303,	// SD
+	GGL_DST_ALPHA					= 0x0304,	// SD
+	GGL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA			= 0x0305,	// SD
+	GGL_DST_COLOR					= 0x0306,	// S
+	GGL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR			= 0x0307,	// S
+	GGL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE			= 0x0308,	// S
+    // clear bits
+    GGL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT            = 0x00000100,
+    GGL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT          = 0x00000400,
+    GGL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT            = 0x00004000,
+    // errors
+    GGL_NO_ERROR                    = 0,
+    GGL_INVALID_ENUM                = 0x0500,
+    GGL_INVALID_VALUE               = 0x0501,
+    GGL_INVALID_OPERATION           = 0x0502,
+    GGL_STACK_OVERFLOW              = 0x0503,
+    GGL_STACK_UNDERFLOW             = 0x0504,
+    GGL_OUT_OF_MEMORY               = 0x0505
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+typedef struct {
+    GGLsizei    version;    // always set to sizeof(GGLSurface)
+    GGLuint     width;      // width in pixels
+    GGLuint     height;     // height in pixels
+    GGLint      stride;     // stride in pixels
+    GGLubyte*   data;       // pointer to the bits
+    GGLubyte    format;     // pixel format
+    GGLubyte    rfu[3];     // must be zero
+    // these values are dependent on the used format
+    union {
+        GGLint  compressedFormat;
+        GGLint  vstride;
+    };
+    void*       reserved;
+} GGLSurface;
+typedef struct {
+    // immediate rendering
+    void (*pointx)(void *con, const GGLcoord* v, GGLcoord r);
+    void (*linex)(void *con, 
+            const GGLcoord* v0, const GGLcoord* v1, GGLcoord width);
+    void (*recti)(void* c, GGLint l, GGLint t, GGLint r, GGLint b); 
+    void (*trianglex)(void* c,
+            GGLcoord const* v0, GGLcoord const* v1, GGLcoord const* v2);
+    // scissor
+    void (*scissor)(void* c, GGLint x, GGLint y, GGLsizei width, GGLsizei height);
+    // Set the textures and color buffers
+    void (*activeTexture)(void* c, GGLuint tmu);
+    void (*bindTexture)(void* c, const GGLSurface* surface);
+    void (*colorBuffer)(void* c, const GGLSurface* surface);
+    void (*readBuffer)(void* c, const GGLSurface* surface);
+    void (*depthBuffer)(void* c, const GGLSurface* surface);
+    void (*bindTextureLod)(void* c, GGLuint tmu, const GGLSurface* surface);
+    // enable/disable features
+    void (*enable)(void* c, GGLenum name);
+    void (*disable)(void* c, GGLenum name);
+    void (*enableDisable)(void* c, GGLenum name, GGLboolean en);
+    // specify the fragment's color
+    void (*shadeModel)(void* c, GGLenum mode);
+    void (*color4xv)(void* c, const GGLclampx* color);
+    // specify color iterators (16.16)
+    void (*colorGrad12xv)(void* c, const GGLcolor* grad);
+    // specify Z coordinate iterators (0.32)
+    void (*zGrad3xv)(void* c, const GGLfixed32* grad);
+    // specify W coordinate iterators (16.16)
+    void (*wGrad3xv)(void* c, const GGLfixed* grad);
+    // specify fog iterator & color (16.16)
+    void (*fogGrad3xv)(void* c, const GGLfixed* grad);
+    void (*fogColor3xv)(void* c, const GGLclampx* color);
+    // specify blending parameters
+    void (*blendFunc)(void* c, GGLenum src, GGLenum dst);
+    void (*blendFuncSeparate)(void* c,  GGLenum src, GGLenum dst,
+                                        GGLenum srcAlpha, GGLenum dstAplha);
+    // texture environnement (REPLACE / MODULATE / DECAL / BLEND)
+    void (*texEnvi)(void* c,    GGLenum target,
+                                GGLenum pname,
+                                GGLint param);
+    void (*texEnvxv)(void* c, GGLenum target,
+            GGLenum pname, const GGLfixed* params);
+    // texture parameters (Wrapping, filter)
+    void (*texParameteri)(void* c,  GGLenum target,
+                                    GGLenum pname,
+                                    GGLint param);
+    // texture iterators (16.16)
+    void (*texCoord2i)(void* c, GGLint s, GGLint t);
+    void (*texCoord2x)(void* c, GGLfixed s, GGLfixed t);
+    // s, dsdx, dsdy, scale, t, dtdx, dtdy, tscale
+    // This api uses block floating-point for S and T texture coordinates.
+    // All values are given in 16.16, scaled by 'scale'. In other words,
+    // set scale to 0, for 16.16 values.
+    void (*texCoordGradScale8xv)(void* c, GGLint tmu, const int32_t* grad8);
+    void (*texGeni)(void* c, GGLenum coord, GGLenum pname, GGLint param);
+    // masking
+    void (*colorMask)(void* c,  GGLboolean red,
+                                GGLboolean green,
+                                GGLboolean blue,
+                                GGLboolean alpha);
+    void (*depthMask)(void* c, GGLboolean flag);
+    void (*stencilMask)(void* c, GGLuint mask);
+    // alpha func
+    void (*alphaFuncx)(void* c, GGLenum func, GGLclampx ref);
+    // depth func
+    void (*depthFunc)(void* c, GGLenum func);
+    // logic op
+    void (*logicOp)(void* c, GGLenum opcode); 
+    // clear
+    void (*clear)(void* c, GGLbitfield mask);
+    void (*clearColorx)(void* c,
+            GGLclampx r, GGLclampx g, GGLclampx b, GGLclampx a);
+    void (*clearDepthx)(void* c, GGLclampx depth);
+    void (*clearStencil)(void* c, GGLint s);
+    // framebuffer operations
+    void (*copyPixels)(void* c, GGLint x, GGLint y,
+            GGLsizei width, GGLsizei height, GGLenum type);
+    void (*rasterPos2x)(void* c, GGLfixed x, GGLfixed y);
+    void (*rasterPos2i)(void* c, GGLint x, GGLint y);
+} GGLContext;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+// construct / destroy the context
+ssize_t gglInit(GGLContext** context);
+ssize_t gglUninit(GGLContext* context);
+GGLint gglBitBlit(
+        GGLContext* c,
+        int tmu,
+        GGLint crop[4],
+        GGLint where[4]);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------